He was busy... doing nothing.

So God created atheists then ?
he created separated parts and parcels of himself (although created isn't the right word - contingent would be better) ... which necessitates a degree of independence

Why? So he can throw them into the flames of hell, so he would never have to be bored again ?
one explanation is that for god to be truly omnipotent he must exhibit the inferior potencies as well as the superior ones - hence, smaller than the atom is ....

sūkṣmāṇām apy ahaḿ jīvo
"amongst minute things I am the living entity"

Question: How can it be that a complex being such as God just always was ?
what to speak of god always being, we also exist eternally - its the nature of consciousness (as distinct from matter)
I guess you all noticed i have a problem with the notion of God always having existed. I havent been able to express myself about it but now i found this and it reflects my ideas about the matter exactly:

"a deity capable of engineering all the organised complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, . . . must already have been vastly complex in the first place . . ."
Richard Dawkins calls this "postulating organised complexity without offering an explanation"
from The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

Any thoughts ?
I guess you all noticed i have a problem with the notion of God always having existed. I havent been able to express myself about it but now i found this and it reflects my ideas about the matter exactly:

"a deity capable of engineering all the organised complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, . . . must already have been vastly complex in the first place . . ."
Richard Dawkins calls this "postulating organised complexity without offering an explanation"
from The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

Any thoughts ?

for as long as abiogenesis remains unevidenced, there are problems with postulating organized simplicity too