Have you investigated Gnostic Christianity?

Such insinuations would, of course, be an ad hominem attack (arguing the person instead of the subject)

I agree. It is a cheep tactic and why I ignore such. It is intentional deflection from the issues at hand.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

Friend, whatever gave you the impression that I was arguing?

Fair enough - simply attacking the person it is then, since, per your own admission, you aren't even arguing the claim. Still an ad hominem.
Sorry mate, but I have no real interest in exchanging words with people too bloody lazy to bother whether what they say makes sense even in the most basic terms.

If you aren't interested in exchanging words with GIA, why are you replying? And why are you replying in such a provocative fashion?

What's more, you may have misunderstood GIA's intent. GIA doesn't seem to me to be somebody with a deep Protestant-style drive to base his/her religious thinking on literal readings of ancient religious texts. GIA's looking for inspiration, right here, right now. GIA appears to me to be somebody who has become alienated from the Christian tradition and who is kind of searching around for variants on it that he/she finds more congenial. Some of the present-day varieties of Christianity that call themselves 'gnostic' may (or may not) fill that need. In other words, GIA is looking for something that resonates in his/her heart. That makes sense to me.

Right back at you. Some of us, little man, do know what we are talking about, so don't bother with the bluster.

... he says, in a post that's nothing but bluster.

Thanks for that.

You are correct in that I seek the ideal God. God as described as the ideals in law, theology and philosophy.

Those who say they have found a God are idol worshipers of some Godinabook.

Meanwhile the Abrahamic Gods do not recognize the equality od all people and that is partly why we have had 2,000 years of war.

Christians and Muslims have little respect for their own women and gays so it is foolish to think they will have respect for other belief systems.

Gnostic Christianity breaks that mold and that is likely what got them killed by Constantine's church.

In fact, both Christian and Muslim scriptures say to kill those infidels who are not following their perspective Gods.

Total idiocy and immorality in this day and age. They are a disgrace to humanity.

If I ----


Mod note


Thanks for that.

You are correct in that I seek the ideal God. God as described as the ideals in law, theology and philosophy.

Those who say they have found a God are idol worshipers of some Godinabook.

Meanwhile the Abrahamic Gods do not recognize the equality od all people and that is partly why we have had 2,000 years of war.

Christians and Muslims have little respect for their own women and gays so it is foolish to think they will have respect for other belief systems.

Gnostic Christianity breaks that mold and that is likely what got them killed by Constantine's church.

In fact, both Christian and Muslim scriptures say to kill those infidels who are not following their perspective Gods.

Total idiocy and immorality in this day and age. They are a disgrace to humanity.

If I ----



Greatest I am has been suspended 7 days for propaganda and preaching.
Uhm... preaching? Really? Seems more like he was giving his opinion... hardly comparable to the hate mongering and bigotry that has been running rampant. It is also worthwhile to note he was talking specifically about the thread topic...
For a brief time I investigated the Gnostic Gospels which then spurred me on to study metaphysics and mysticism. Some may think me a fool but I was trying to attain agape love (the highest form of love) and at that particular time in my life it was helpful in making me a calmer and more accepting person. All of the inward contemplation that goes along with Gnosticism/mysticism/metaphysics was fine for a time but then at some point I had to stop contemplating my belly button and get on with what is real or what was real for me, anyway. Volunteerism is what made me love humanity more than all of my mystical experiences combined could ever have, going outward not inward. We have very little time to be human so let us enjoy this miracle of nature. Oh yeah, and may we never stop learning.
Greatest I am has been suspended 7 days for propaganda and preaching.

In reality, this Roger Pearse character was getting his own jollies by trying to beat up on GIA. It went a little over the top in my opinion, devolving into insults and flames. (To his credit, Kittamaru objected to that.) So I stood up for GIA and told Roger that he seemed to me to be misinterpreting what GIA was up to. GIA responded to my post by making a short statement of his own about what his motivations are. (Apparently I wasn't too far off the mark.)

Then you banned GIA for making that statement, calling it "propaganda" and "preaching". I think that characterization of what GIA wrote is both untrue and unfair.

Seriously, I used to like reading your posts Syne. You seemed like one of the more level-headed and thoughtful posters around here. But since you've been named moderator, you seem to have let your newly found god-like powers go to your head or something, and in my opinion have begun to behave arbitrarily at times.
In reality, this Roger Pearse character was getting his own jollies by trying to beat up on GIA. It went a little over the top in my opinion, devolving into insults and flames. (To his credit, Kittamaru objected to that.) So I stood up for GIA and told Roger that he seemed to me to be misinterpreting what GIA was up to. GIA responded to my post by making a short statement of his own about what his motivations are. (Apparently I wasn't too far off the mark.)

Then you banned GIA for making that statement, calling it "propaganda" and "preaching". I think that characterization of what GIA wrote is both untrue and unfair.

Seriously, I used to like reading your posts Syne. You seemed like one of the more level-headed and thoughtful posters around here. But since you've been named moderator, you seem to have let your newly found god-like powers go to your head or something, and in my opinion have begun to behave arbitrarily at times.

Agreed! That is why I posted a direct answer to GIA's OP, I refuse to let Syne derail another thread with his micromanaging. IMO we should just simply carry on with this thread out of protest and try our best to ignore Syne's micromanagement. I think Syne is looking forward to a permaban for GIA. Pretty petty!

I wish that you would show less contempt for the mainstream view of the Abrahamic god because it tends to get you banned. Your search for your ideal god is your own and railing against a dead religion has bore you no fruit, eh? Your religious fervor is not unlike a fire and brimstone preacher at times even though you are professing to be exactly the opposite, and I believe that you are the opposite, that is. Dial back on the passion, maybe, just a tad.

The Abrahamic religions are not worth your angst, my friend!
Sounds like a good plan everyone. I am currently working on GIA's "ban" as it was unwarranted, especially in light of what Roger and Jan have been allowed to get away with posting.
Unreal. Roger Pearse calls homosexuality evil, suggests that gays aren't people, yet he remains unscathed. GIA criticizes religious texts and gets banned? Are you fucking serious?
Firstly, this latest ban and moderation is being looked at and reviewed. Waiting to hear back from others on the matter. And hopefully we can have a resolution to this matter sooner rather than later. If we do not, then it is not something that will be ignored, but it is something that is being discussed...

Secondly, there is the perception of some members being protected and allowed to say certain things (ie homophobic speech seems to be protected while criticism of main stream religion is moderated) while others are being over-moderated and micromanaged if they say certain things. This is also something that is being discussed and a resolution of some sort is as wanted by us as it is by posters who frequent this forum.

Believe me, this is far from an ideal situation. It's actually quite painful. But we are all involved in this, in one way or another, be it members and moderators alike. Let's just hope we come out the other end with all our digits intact as well as our sanity (granted, I've lost some of that in this past week)..
Greatest I am has been suspended 7 days for propaganda and preaching.
That's unfair. The anti-preaching rule has always been about people who come here and spout nothing but quotes from their holy book and don't engage in discussion. Everything we say is propaganda (speech intended to influence someone's opinion). You aren't doing anything to improve this forum. Please go away.
I have already reversed GIA's infractions - unfortunately, I simply lack the access permissions to reverse the ban. I have contacted our supermoderators to request the ban be reversed.