Have you investigated Gnostic Christianity?

Sorcerer said that GIA went too far, and that is all my quote of him was meant to convey. Members are not privy to anyone's infraction history, so while a member may feel any one mod action is "harsh", they are not taking into account a documented pattern of behavior not the warning/infraction pattern dictated by forum policy.

Listen, and listen carefully, because I'm not going to repeat it: You do not change or truncate someones post, regardless of anything, because it may change what the person meant, which is unacceptable. This is the law from every internet forum in the ether. It doesn't matter what you thought or what you intended, don't do it. If you weren't a mod you would have got warned for that, and rightly so.
Listen, and listen carefully, because I'm not going to repeat it: You do not change or truncate someones post, regardless of anything, because it may change what the person meant, which is unacceptable. This is the law from every internet forum in the ether. It doesn't matter what you thought or what you intended, don't do it. If you weren't a mod you would have got warned for that, and rightly so.

I will not say anything to this particular discussion. Anything I say would be bias.

So a non-partisan statement for both and all.

I agree here with Sorcerer.

Let me give you an example of why.

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

It happens that most translation have taken out the word pleasure and by doing so, it changes the concept of creating evil dramatically to the reader.


I have also had some posters misquote me in their signatures to try to discredit me. Not quoting properly is a nasty process.

Again. This is not in any way speaking to the ongoing discussion.


Sorcerer. Our friend and I have a history of sorts. He is as much of a slave to his bias as we all are. He has been wrong before.:bawl:
I hardly truncated anything regarding the number of pages... implying I have done so is a BOLD FACED LIE and I demand an immediate apology:

As proof of my claim that Syne is lying:

You will notice all that blank space? Yeah? Okay, the link to other pages of infractions would be directly below the last visible infraction (typically it would show five infractions, then have the arrows to navigate)

So, shall the LIES continue, Syne, as you try to weasel your way out of this latest faux pas?

You are right. I apologize. I assumed more pages based solely on his unmoderated history in the absence of an active moderator. My mistake.
Listen, and listen carefully, because I'm not going to repeat it: You do not change or truncate someones post, regardless of anything, because it may change what the person meant, which is unacceptable. This is the law from every internet forum in the ether. It doesn't matter what you thought or what you intended, don't do it. If you weren't a mod you would have got warned for that, and rightly so.

There was no intention to change the meaning AND everyone who has told me their take on your original meaning has confirmed exactly what that quote was intended to convey. But perhaps someone should cite the SciForum guidelines. This is all I find:

Replying to posts
9. Provide context in your replies. If you’re responding to a particular post, quote enough of the post to put your reply in context – but don’t overquote (e.g. do not quote an entire lengthy post only to add a one-line comment at the bottom). If you’re replying to a specific person, make sure you make that clear in your reply, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.​

The only point I was making is that someone else did feel GIA's post "went too far". I did not comment on the severity of the response in any way, so that bit was superfluous.
There was no intention to change the meaning AND everyone who has told me their take on your original meaning has confirmed exactly what that quote was intended to convey. But perhaps someone should cite the SciForum guidelines. This is all I find:

Replying to posts
9. Provide context in your replies. If you’re responding to a particular post, quote enough of the post to put your reply in context – but don’t overquote (e.g. do not quote an entire lengthy post only to add a one-line comment at the bottom). If you’re replying to a specific person, make sure you make that clear in your reply, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.​

The only point I was making is that someone else did feel GIA's post "went too far". I did not comment on the severity of the response in any way, so that bit was superfluous.

My bold. Provide context. It was a short sentence and should have been quoted in full. My comments stand and the fact that you are trying to justify your actions speak volumes.
No, it demonstrated your opinion of the content.
Which you took completely out of context and misrepresented what he actually said.

In what sense do you assume I meant, and how, exactly, does that conflict with what you assume he meant?
That you were too heavy handed in asserting your moral authority in banning him for that OP when a polite warning would have sufficed.

Thread closed (at the advice of Kittamaru) for off-topic posts, preaching, and propaganda.

EDIT: Thread reopened. As I have said, I take member feedback about closing threads seriously. Sorry I had to close this one temporarily to prove a point (that Kittamaru would not stand behind his own advice to close it, as he has already hypocritically criticized me behind the scenes for heeding his own advice).
It might behoove you to not use this sub-forum as your personal fiefdom and certainly not close threads to try to win an argument with another moderator or to prove a point to said moderator.

And you are still misrepresenting what people say.

Yeah, Kittamaru, I think we all get that you have some serious issues with me. First, I do not think it is right to post, verbatim, the posts of others from the private mod forum (but it is your prerogative with your own posts, as you have done). Second, I think it is a violation of what a member would normally consider private information to post a screen shot of their infraction page (although I notice you truncated where is shows just how many pages of infraction there are, which is a little more than a bit hypocritical of you).
You didn't want him to post it because it clearly shows how much you misrepresented what he said.

The irony is that you are happy to discuss what is being said in the backroom and misrepresent it to support your argument, but you complain when he corrects you.

If you didn't want him to post what he said in the backroom, then perhaps you should refrain from mentioning and misrepresenting it in the public forum to prove whatever point it is you are trying to prove in the first place.
There was no intention to change the meaning AND everyone who has told me their take on your original meaning has confirmed exactly what that quote was intended to convey. But perhaps someone should cite the SciForum guidelines. This is all I find:

Replying to posts
9. Provide context in your replies. If you’re responding to a particular post, quote enough of the post to put your reply in context – but don’t overquote (e.g. do not quote an entire lengthy post only to add a one-line comment at the bottom). If you’re replying to a specific person, make sure you make that clear in your reply, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.​

The only point I was making is that someone else did feel GIA's post "went too far". I did not comment on the severity of the response in any way, so that bit was superfluous.

You did comment both indirectly and directly when you banned me and continue to do so by derailing here instead of taking all this personal B S to P.M.

A quick note of support to show position is welcomed by all posters and I thank those here. But the, eh, drudgery of listening to the personal opinions on character, which can have a place in this place, generally belongs in the P M.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

The religion forum dies a painful and humiliating death, and the admins do nothing.

They help like here with misdirection instead of working to insure the pertinence of the content.

They add personal B. S. instead of taking it out.

It may be all planned by the owners to create drama. Hard to say how much manipulation is in play.

Gnostic Christianity is Universalist and see women and gays as equals.

Interesting. Which Gnostic texts make these statements? (They're all online in English).

Gnosticism was no one thing. It consisted of creating an artificial mix of pop-paganism and Christianity, and the precise flavour of the mix varied quite a bit. Each major gnostic teacher tended to follow one or another of the philosophers (see Tertullian, De praescriptione haereticorum 6 for a list). It perished, of course, as the Roman world grew too unpleasant for such a self-serving creed to mean much.

The term "heresy" in ancient times does not have the same meaning as in modern. It is, in fact, a pre-Christian term. It refers to how ancient philosophy worked. Each philosopher would find something original to say, and then charge pupils to listen to him. In this way they made a living; but of course they all had to innovate in some way. The "school" of such a philosopher - students sharing more or less the broad stream of ideas, although each with their own take on it (necessarily so) - was the "haeresis" or heresy.

The reason the early Christians adopted the term to refer to those who started mixing pagan ideas into their religion was that these were doing just the same as the philosophers did, and making up their own religion. The heresy of Valentinus naturally encompassed his followers (all of whom, as usual, introduce their own innovations). But the Christian teaching was NOT to add extra elements, but to transmit what Christ taught. This was the fundamental difference in approach; innovation versus tradition; and this is why talk of a gnostic teaching going back to the apostles must be nonsense. Gnosticism, by its very nature, could not transmit teaching unchanged.

Do be sceptical. :)

All the best,

Roger Pearse
Hmm, are you saying that all Christians have not co-opted pagan ideas into their ideology? You would be wrong then sir, it was one of the tactics used to convert different cultures down through history.
Interesting. Which Gnostic texts make these statements? (They're all online in English).

Gnosticism was no one thing. It consisted of creating an artificial mix of pop-paganism and Christianity, and the precise flavour of the mix varied quite a bit. Each major gnostic teacher tended to follow one or another of the philosophers (see Tertullian, De praescriptione haereticorum 6 for a list). It perished, of course, as the Roman world grew too unpleasant for such a self-serving creed to mean much.

The term "heresy" in ancient times does not have the same meaning as in modern. It is, in fact, a pre-Christian term. It refers to how ancient philosophy worked. Each philosopher would find something original to say, and then charge pupils to listen to him. In this way they made a living; but of course they all had to innovate in some way. The "school" of such a philosopher - students sharing more or less the broad stream of ideas, although each with their own take on it (necessarily so) - was the "haeresis" or heresy.

The reason the early Christians adopted the term to refer to those who started mixing pagan ideas into their religion was that these were doing just the same as the philosophers did, and making up their own religion. The heresy of Valentinus naturally encompassed his followers (all of whom, as usual, introduce their own innovations). But the Christian teaching was NOT to add extra elements, but to transmit what Christ taught. This was the fundamental difference in approach; innovation versus tradition; and this is why talk of a gnostic teaching going back to the apostles must be nonsense. Gnosticism, by its very nature, could not transmit teaching unchanged.

Do be sceptical. :)

All the best,

Roger Pearse

Well put.

All teachings from 2 or 3 thousand years back should change. That view and change is likely why Gnostic Christians were killed off by Constantine's church. They wanted literalists to conform to Rome's idea of what a Christian should be and what he should believe.

Karen Armstrong has pointed out that in that day, Jews and Gnostics Christians used to even change wording or add to scriptures just to spice up the conversation. We believe in perpetual seeking after God lest we land on one and turn into idol worshipers the way Christians and Muslims have.

As to where we write of equality for all people. We connect it to righteousness.


On Righteousness

The righteousness of God is a kind of sharing along with equality. There is equality in the heaven which is stretched out in all directions and contains the entire earth in its circle. The night reveals all the stars equally.


Hmm, are you saying that all Christians have not co-opted pagan ideas into their ideology? You would be wrong then sir, it was one of the tactics used to convert different cultures down through history.

I agree. It is obvious.

Christians will not agree though. Intellectual dissonance is in their blood.

I agree. It is obvious.

Christians will not agree though. Intellectual dissonance is in their blood.


GIA, I take offense to that mate - I am a Christian (granted, modified Christian) and I can see the Pagan influence... heck, my wife (professional massage therapist) and I have even dabbled with integrating Reiki and other energy manipulation into her massages with great success. The signs of Pagan influence are scattered throughout "Christian Tradition".
GIA, I take offense to that mate - I am a Christian (granted, modified Christian) and I can see the Pagan influence... heck, my wife (professional massage therapist) and I have even dabbled with integrating Reiki and other energy manipulation into her massages with great success. The signs of Pagan influence are scattered throughout "Christian Tradition".

Oops. A left wing Christian. Apologies my friend. There are not enough of you guys around in these places and I sometimes forget myself.

I still say that most Christians will not admit to their pagan roots. Mind you, it is mostly because they have not bothered to look and just go with their dogma and tradition. They tend not to know much of their own theology let alone where it came from. Right wingers are idol worshipers and do not seek any information. They might find something and cause them to doubt and thus fear any information.

I hope the Gnostic Christian view of equality for all prompts you to interest in that religion. You might be a decent fit as you seem to have thoughts.

Oops. A left wing Christian. Apologies my friend. There are not enough of you guys around in these places and I sometimes forget myself.

I still say that most Christians will not admit to their pagan roots. Mind you, it is mostly because they have not bothered to look and just go with their dogma and tradition. They tend not to know much of their own theology let alone where it came from. Right wingers are idol worshipers and do not seek any information. They might find something and cause them to doubt and thus fear any information.

I hope the Gnostic Christian view of equality for all prompts you to interest in that religion. You might be a decent fit as you seem to have thoughts.


Heh, fair 'nuff - "christians" unwilling to acknowledge their own faults or history is why I left my first church... you talk about a closed minded bunch of bigot whew... you could almost SMELL the disdain coming off of them every time a newcomer entered the church! My wife and I are both members of Crosspoint United Methodist Church now... it's a very welcoming and very accepting church, not to mention having done a lot to help my wife and I through some tough times a few months back.
Heh, fair 'nuff - "christians" unwilling to acknowledge their own faults or history is why I left my first church... you talk about a closed minded bunch of bigot whew... you could almost SMELL the disdain coming off of them every time a newcomer entered the church! My wife and I are both members of Crosspoint United Methodist Church now... it's a very welcoming and very accepting church, not to mention having done a lot to help my wife and I through some tough times a few months back.

Churches can be a Godsend, if I can use that word.

I tend to hate the way churches teach, or fail to teach of God but I do recognize that at the local level, they do a lot of socially worthy work.

At the same time I recognize that as large corporations they consume a lot of our resources and produce nothing tangible.

We should learn to do better. Their first mandate was to look to the poor but they have forgotten their raison d'être and duty to humanity.

Churches can be a Godsend, if I can use that word.

I tend to hate the way churches teach, or fail to teach of God but I do recognize that at the local level, they do a lot of socially worthy work.

At the same time I recognize that as large corporations they consume a lot of our resources and produce nothing tangible.

We should learn to do better. Their first mandate was to look to the poor but they have forgotten their raison d'être and duty to humanity.


Indeed... I dare say many churches don't deserve the "tax free" status they have *cough* West-borough Baptist* cough*
Indeed... I dare say many churches don't deserve the "tax free" status they have *cough* West-borough Baptist* cough*

Perhaps. But consider the alternative: a state body which awards special status to bodies they approve of, and refuses it to those they disapprove of.

I believe the term for this policy is "established church" :)

Far better to leave the whole can of worms alone. It was opened, here in the UK, entirely out of political spite, and with no good consequences.