Hate crimes against Muslims in U.S. on rise !


Not true according to Micheal Moore new film, it was shown all over the world apart from America !!

Um, then why is it going to theaters? And don't say that it's censoring. The US Government has done nothing to the film, but Disney (A Corporation) is blocking it from being distributed. Which, it looks like right now, that it is being distributed. So why is a censored film that proves America has no free speech being released in US theaters?

Damn, and the film has only shown at the Cannes Film Festivel, it hasn't been shown here (Yet), or in britain. Right now it's in limited released until they distribute the fucker.
Proud_Muslim said:
She was not joking, this is how low class street people speak.
Ah "low class street people speak"? So you know how they speak because of...? Should I start calling you a capitalist now? And you claim that Syria has no hunger. Of course you wouldn't know if they had hunger would you? You probably drive past in your nice airconditioned car and wrinkle your nose at the street people.

And yes PM. I'm a street bum. I plug my laptop into the internet using the public phone box and every 3 minutes I get up from my cardboard box and put some coins in the phone to keep my connection open. :rolleyes:

Pssst PM, can you spare some change? I need a new blanket for my box to make it all homey like. ;)
you want to know how to stop the violance and hate in the world... there are 2 options... KILL everyone over the age of 10.... beside some care takers that have been trained to raise them like tree hugging hippys then after all the kids are above 18 have the car takers kill them selfs and make sure to burn everthing that has to do with the history of the world... problem solved hate is gone... for at least a few years...
or option 2 take the german root kill everyone thats diffent form you... but really that never stops... kill all the muslems/christians/ what ever else...
well now we got racism around so kill all the blacks/browns/yellows/green/whites.... here is a idea lets just all get geneticly modifed so that we are are all purple....

then they would say humm fat people just have to go..... then oooo brown hair..... black hair.... red hair... we all know we want to be blond....

then the stupid people.... then the weak people..... then the gays... then the hippys... then the old people.... tell all we have left is some wacked out purple people pissed off that there is no one else to get rid of constanly looking for a diffence...
Proud_Muslim said:
You and your ilk
what's with this? just because I agree with Paula, doesn't mean you can simply classify her as my "ilk", can't you just say "you and Paula should realize", what's with the name calling, for some reason you like to make up names like "monkey", this is really unethical and immature here, calling names is the kind of behaviour I expect to see among first graders, you are not a first-grader, are you? plus none of us called you names, at least I didn't, I hope I didn't offend you by trying to discuss an issue here
Proud_Muslim said:
no wonder you guys always speak rubbish !
Don't you think this is a little unreasonable and offensive? do you have any reason to say this? Have I offended you by disagreeing with you?
we should call that "hate" too, I didn't offend you just by telling that Europe and North America are better at education and research, did I? and were you going to have something to counter that claim? are you admitting that you were wrong about the education and research in the West?
Proud_Muslim said:
Why they committ suicide, I thought the west was paradise !!
I didn't say USA was a paradise (note that West is composed of Europe and North America, not just USA), and these suicides are caused by various reasons
Proud_Muslim said:
600 to 1,000 are lobotomized, mostly women
Lobotomy is necessary for some people who suffer from epilepsy, if this surgical operation is not performed, the victim may die

By the way, PM, I thought we were talking about education, but oh well
Let's compare some statistics of USA and Iran (a country from the Middle East) (FROM: MS ENCARTA 2004)
Total Life Expectancy: 77.1 years (2003 estimate)
Population per physician 465 people (1999)
Total Literacy Rate: 99.5 percent (1995)
Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S.$) $10.1 trillion (2001)
GDP per capita (U.S.$) $35,280 (2001)
Unemployment rate 5.8 percent (2002)
Share urban 77 percent (2001 estimate)
Share rural 23 percent (2001 estimate)

Total Life Expectancy: 69.3 years (2003 estimate)
Population per physician 1,176 people (1996)
Total Literacy Rate: 79.4 percent (2003 estimate)
Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S.$) $114.1 billion (2001)
GDP per capita (U.S.$) $1,770 (2001)
Unemployment rate: Not available
Share urban 65 percent (2001 estimate)
Share rural 35 percent (2001 estimate)

the U.S. is not the only country in the West
Here are some statistics from other countries in the West: (FROM: STATISTICS CANADA)

Suicide rate per 100,000 population in Canada in 1997: 12.3
this rate declined from 1981: 14.0 per 100,000 population
IN 2002, rate per 100,000 population:
Homicide: 1.8
Attempted Murder: 2.1
Sexual Assault: 34.0
Other Sexual Offences: 3.0
Theft over $5,000: 8.5
The above rates have all declined from 1998

(I have no hatred against Islam or Middle East countries, I am simply trying to discuss)
Proud Muslim fails to realize that since Americans, Canadians and Australians come from all areas of the world and most other Western nations are very welcoming to high numbers of immigrants, the success of the West is proof that all humans everywhere have the ability to thrive and contribute positively to society if given the appropriate circumstances. Plenty of Middle Easterners move to the US, practice their religion freely, get degrees and open businesses or get great jobs and rise through the ranks of a company.

Theocracy has shown itself to be a system which fails every time. Islam may have succeeded in comparison to other theocracies but once theocracy was put aside, free enterprise and democracy were what truly unleashed human potential.

Proud Muslim, since the UN and Interpol have complained repeatedly that predominately Muslim countries will not release crime statistics to them, you cannot even make a compelling case about crime in Muslim countries vs crime in the West since the statistics are not wholly valid. Also, things are considered crimes here which are not in Muslim countries, such as a woman being raped by her husband. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen in Muslim countries, it means Muslim countries don't consider it criminal.

Your statistics are incorrect, as usual.

To take one example, the number of people in prison in the United States is about one sixth of the number you quote.

Clearly, when the stats are that far out, we must regard the whole lot as worthless.