Hate crimes against Muslims in U.S. on rise !

Proud Muslim wrote:

"Also, you need to ask yourself why hundreds of thousands of westerners live and work in many muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia ?"

Ummm.....because these Muslim countries don't have workers with the necessary skills and have to get them from the more educated West?

By the way, US students have been National Geographics Geography Champions for eight of the last ten years. Guess how many students from Muslim countries have won?
Paula said:
Proud Muslim wrote:

"Also, you need to ask yourself why hundreds of thousands of westerners live and work in many muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia ?"

Ummm.....because these Muslim countries don't have workers with the necessary skills and have to get them from the more educated West?

And for the same reasons muslims go to the west because these western countries dont have workers with the necessary skills and have to get them from the more skilled orient.

By the way, US students have been National Geographics Geography Champions for eight of the last ten years. Guess how many students from Muslim countries have won?

What a Joke !!! try another joke ! :p
Proud_Muslim said:
Nah !! you said most muslim countries are illetrate so I posted the link for you to refute your claim and it was refuted.

No one disputed the fact that the west is better educated, I am disputing the fact that Muslim nations are the least educated, perhaps you should look at RAPE STATESTICS, the WEST IS FRONT RUNNER !! :rolleyes:

Map & Graph: Crime: Rapes (per capita) (Top 100 Countries)


Here you go PM this could have something to do with it
I was gang raped by three people I knew, and I couldn't say anything, because in my culture, your family is dishonored if you lose your virginity."
From here
or maybe from Here

Sexual Assault Facts in the USA:

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses indicate citations

One out of every three american women will be raped in her lifetime. (6,13, 17)

( I tell ya, very civilized indeed ) !! :rolleyes:

According to the Surgeon General, violence is the leading cause of injury to women age 15-44. (8)

One out of four girls and one out of six boys are sexually abused before age 18. (11)

84% of rapes go unreported; 46% of survivors of acquaintance rape and 27% of stranger rape survivors never tell anyone. (9, 14, 15)

77% of rape survivors know their attacker. These include rapes committed by relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and boyfriends. 57% of rapes occur on a date. (10, 15)

90% of children under the age of 12 knew their assailants. (18)

51-60% of college men report they would rape a woman if they were certain that they would get away with it. One out of twelve college men surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape; 84% of these men said what they did was DEFINITELY not rape. (12, 15, 16)

Alchohol may act for the assailant as a disinhibitor, as an excuse following the assault, or as a strategy to reduce victim resistance. At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the assault. (20)

One in every seven married women will be sexually assaulted by her husband. (6, 12)

Of women who are killed, 55% are killed by a relative, spouse, or other intimate partner. Of men who are killed, only 20% are killed by a relative, spouse, or other intimate partner. (3)

71% of rapes are planned in advance. (10)

98% of all sexual assault survivors will never see their attacker caught, tried and imprisoned. Of the rape cases brought to prosecution, over one half will be dismissed before trial or acquitted. One half of convicted rapists serve less than one year in prison. (9, 18)

A survivor of sexual assault is nine times more likely to attempt suicide than a person not assaulted. (16)

39% of women in state prisons report being sexually abused prior to being in jail. (21)

67% of women who were raped and/or physically assaulted since age 18 were assaulted by a current or former husband, cohabitating partner or date. (19)

Survivors of sexual assault have higher rates of drug and alcohol consumption and related problems (10):

- Survivors are 5.3 times more likely than non-survivors to use prescription drugs for non-medical purposes
- 3.4 times more likely to use marijuana
- 6.4 times more likely to use cocaine
- Ten times more likely to use hard drugs other than cocaine
- 79% of survivors who drink alcohol became intoxicated for the first time after the assault
- 89% of survivors who use cocaine used it for the first time after the assault.

More than 80% of women who are raped try to physically resist (5).

Studies show that women whose response to an assault is to kick, hit, scream, scratch or run away are half as likely to be raped as those who do not - and are not injured more often. Conversely, begging, pleading and reasoning are related to a greater severity of sexual abuse (1, 13).

50-85% of women in the U.S. can expect to be sexually harrassed during their academic or working life (7).

90% of people who encounter sexual harrassment are unwilling to report for two primary reasons: fear of retaliation and fear of loss of privacy (4, 16).

Sexual harrassment costs the government approximately $100 million a year in actual and productivity costs (4, 16).



1. Brink, S., 1993. The Case for Fighting off a Rapist. U.S. News and World Report, December, 74-75.

2. Burgess, A.W., 1991. Rape and Sexual Assault III New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc.

3. Colburn, D., 1994. When Violence Begins at Home: AMA Conference Addresses "Problem of Shocking Dimension." Washington Post, Health, March 15.

4. Fitzgerald, L.F., 1993. Sexual Harassment: Violence Against Women in the Workplace. American Psychologist, 48 (10), 1070-1076.

5. Koss, M.P., 1992. Date Rape: Victimization By Acquaintance. The Harvard Mental Health Letter 9 (3), 5-6.

6. Koss, M.P. & Harvey, M.R., 1991. The Rape Victim New York, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.

7. Langelan, M.J., 1993. Back Off! How to Confront and Stop Sexual Harassment and Harassers New York: Simon and Schuster.

8. Majority Staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 1992. Violence Against Women: A Week in the Life of America.

9. Majority Staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 1993. The Response to Rape: Detours on the Road to Equal Justice.

10. Kilpatrick DJ, Edmunds CN, Seymour A, 1992. Rape in America: a Report to the Nation, Arlington, VA: National Victim Center.

11. Staff, August 24, 1984. 22% In Survey Were Child Abuse Victims. Los Angeles Times p.1.

12. Tavris, C. & Wade, C., 1984. The Longest War: Sex Differences in Perspective, Second Edition San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers.

13. Ullman, S.E. & Knight, R.A., 1992. Fighting Back: Women's Resistance to Rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 7 (1) , 31-42.

14. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, 1992. Women in Jail 1989.

15. Warshaw, R., 1994. I Never Called it Rape: The Ms. Report On Recognizing, Fighting and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.

16. Women's Action Coalition (no date given) WAC Stats: The Facts About Women New York: WAC.

17. Randall, Melanie and Haskell, Lori, 1995. “Sexual Violence in Women’s Lives: Findings from the Women’s Safety Project, A Community-Based Survey.” Violence Against Women 1 (2): 6-31.

18. Greenfield, Lawrence, 1997. Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

19. Tjaden, Patricia and Thoennes, Nancy, November 1998. Prevalence, Incident, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, Office of the Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

20. U.S. Department of Justice, 1994. Violence Against Women. Rockville, Maryland: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.

21. Wolf, Harlow, C., 1999. Prior Abuse Reported by Inmates. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.
Proud_Muslim said:
Also, you need to ask yourself why hundreds of thousands of westerners live and work in many muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia ?

You need to ask yourself why the wealthy of the Middle East come to the US for collegiate education.

Proud_Muslim said:
Why are hundreds of thousands from the west working and living in places such as SAUDI ARABIA ?? come on man !!

They're busily exploiting the 'race horses' of the Middle East, pumping your culture dry of its life blood, the black gold, while also stealing commercial postions that natives should be occupying.

Those 'Westerners' are a sign of the weakness of Saudi Arabia, its complete dependence on foreign muscle, its general lack of an educated and specialized populace.

Meanwhile, the elite of your culture flocks to the Evil West to receive its education and training.

Indeed, but the difference is that the 200 ibs man fat is you in this case ! ;)

Do you have any comprehension of the English language... at all?

You just agreed with Buffys, the one you called registered Loser.

Proud_Muslim said:
I already said no one is disputing the fact that the west is leading in literacy rates comparing with the muslim world, but let us look at RAPE statistics...

What the fuck is wrong with you, man?

You certainly were disputing something there, and then, suddenly...

HEY! Let's talk about something else!

Rappaccini: WHAT THE HELL?

Do you think your miserable, shitty tactics are impressive in even the least degree imaginable?

Are you trying to deceive yourself into believing that the Middle East is in the same league as the 'West'?

Let me guess... now you're going to blame this sad, squalid state of affairs on Alexander the Great, right?

No, wait!
You're going to quote Nixon and Lord Byron, or has your magical wallet of quotations gumshoed its way back to Hermes' hand?

Proud_Muslim said:
84% of rapes go unreported; 46% of survivors of acquaintance rape and 27% of stranger rape survivors never tell anyone. (9, 14, 15)

I don't think I need even explain the problem with this.
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Paula said:
By the way, US students have been National Geographics Geography Champions for eight of the last ten years. Guess how many students from Muslim countries have won?
Proud_Muslim said:
What a Joke !!! try another joke ! :p
I just confirmed it, Paula is right except, it's not eight of the last ten years according to National Geographics, there has only been 6 competitions, it started in 1993, and the next one is going to be in 2005. the source did not mention the winner of the first contest, the winner in 1995: Australian students; 1997: Canadian students; 1999: USA students; 2001: USA students, 2003: USA students
So there you go, PM, it's definitely not a joke
Here it is:
2003 National Geographic World Championship
American Team Captures the Gold
Beating teams from 17 other countries, the United States captured the gold medal at the sixth National Geographic World Championship. The German team took the silver medals, and the French took the bronze medals. Alex Trebek, host of the U.S. television quiz show Jeopardy!, moderated the finals. The next World Championship is planned for 2005 with many more countries represented.
FROM: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geographybee/2003_final.html

Thanks for correcting my figures. I knew I just read that a week or two ago and I found it interesting as I had no idea there even was such a competition. It's interesting to note that when we do lose, it's to Westerners. Appreciate it.
Two Questions.

1.) Proud Muslim.. why are you so anti-America?
2.) What does any of this have to do with religion?
LOL, im a bit late, but ill still say this

Amusing jokes about dumb Americans not knowing stuff bout geo PM, i wouldnt be too surprised if half of them were made up by me :p, u dont seriously belive any of that shit do you???

now a question for you PM, what brand is your computer???

is it American??? look at your operating system, was it made in America???

the Muslims were the smarter of the religions when the West was in the dark ages, but when the Rennaissance came the Muslims fell behind
Paula said:
Thanks for correcting my figures. I knew I just read that a week or two ago and I found it interesting as I had no idea there even was such a competition. It's interesting to note that when we do lose, it's to Westerners. Appreciate it.
yeah no problem, PM needs to realize that the West is undoubtedly the frontiers for development & research, and education
the best professors from all around the world are joined at the best universities in Europe and North America, this is true and undisputed
Furthermore, the important landmarks in the history of science and technology were all set by European or American scientists, PM you just have to admit that. without Edison, we may still be using candles. without Alexander Graham Bell, we may still not have telephone. and I can't even imagine what the world would be like without computers and Internet, and certainly they were not first invented and developed by a Muslim (no offense).

alain said:
the Muslims were the smarter of the religions when the West was in the dark ages, but when the Rennaissance came the Muslims fell behind
yeahh, the Renaissance was like one of the most brilliant times in the history of human civilization...

Proud_Muslim said:
Also, you need to ask yourself why hundreds of thousands of westerners live and work in many muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia ?
it's the global economy, man!
unfortunately, the natural resources on Earth are limited, many engineers and developers go over there is because of their rich supply of oil, they are only there to use the oil and make more money, not because of the skills or whatever

Marshall said:
Two Questions.

1.) Proud Muslim.. why are you so anti-America?
2.) What does any of this have to do with religion?

1- I am not anti American, I am anti idiots, anti war, my land is being invaded by the barbaric americans, do you expect me to love them ? :rolleyes:

2- I agree, it has nothing to do with religion, this is what the islamophobes do all the time, divert the issues.
"it has nothing to do with religion, this is what the islamophobes do all the time, divert the issues."

PM, in one sentance, you managed to say it wasnt to do with religion, and then use the word Islam. Islam IS a religion

"Also, you need to ask yourself why hundreds of thousands of westerners live and work in many muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia ?"

PM, maybe you should read the forums that you start. according to your "test your knowledge of Islam" forum, there are 11 million Muslims in America

11 000 000 is more then 100 000's

PS, poor paula gets ignored by PM when he/she brought up the geography competition point :p
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eddymrsci said:
yeah no problem, PM needs to realize that the West is undoubtedly the frontiers for development & research, and education
the best professors from all around the world are joined at the best universities in Europe and North America,

You and your ilk need also to realize that the west is '' undoubtedly'' the front runner in RAPE, VIOLENT CRIMES, DRUG ABUSE, ALCOHOLIMS, CHILDERN BORN OUTSIDE WEDLOCK, SOCIAL AND FAMILY BREAK DOWN !

Back to the states, perhaps you and your ilk can explain why if you are so prosperous as you say, we have these figures ?

In any one year:

27,000 Americans commit suicide. ( Why they committ suicide, I thought the west was paradise !! )

5,000 attempt suicide; some estimates are higher.

26,000 die from fatal accidents in the home.
23,000 are murdered. ( very civilized !! I am telling ya :rolleyes: )
85,000 are wounded by firearms.
38,000 of these die, including 2,600 children.
13,000,000 are victims of crimes including assault, rape, armed robbery, burglary, larceny, and arson.
135,000 children take guns to school. ( why the hell your childern need guns in schools ????? AMAZING !! :rolleyes: )

5,500,000 people are arrested for all offenses (not including traffic violations).
125,000 die prematurely of alcohol abuse.

473,000 die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses; 53,000 of these are nonsmokers.

6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis. ( no wonder you guys always speak rubbish ! )

5,000+ die from illicit drug use. Thousands suffer serious debilitations.
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen sink. About 20 percent of all eighth-graders have "huffed" toxic substances. Thousands suffer permanent neurological damage.
31,450,000 use marijuana; 3,000,000 of whom are heavy usuers.
37,000,000, or one out of every six Americans, regularly use emotion controlling medical drugs. The users are mostly women. The pushers are doctors; the suppliers are pharmaceutical companies; the profits are stupendous.
2,000,000 nonhospitalized persons are given powerful mind-control drugs, sometimes described as "chemical straitjackets."
5,000 die from psychoactive drug treatments.
200,000 are subjected to electric shock treatments that are injurious to the brain and nervous system.

600 to 1,000 are lobotomized, mostly women. ( they stoped doing that ages ago in other western countries !! )

25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, seek help from psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional problems, at a cost of over $4 billion annually. '

6,800,000 turn to nonmedical services, such as ministers, welfare agencies, and social counselors for help with emotional troubles. In all, some 80,000,000 have sought some kind of psychological counseling in their lifetimes.
1,300,000 suffer some kind of injury related to treatment at hospitals.
2,000,000 undergo unnecessary surgical operations; 10,000 of whom die from the surgery.
180,000 die from adverse reactions to all medical treatments, more than are killed by airline and automobile accidents combined.
14,000+ die from overdoses of legal prescription drugs.
45,000 are killed in auto accidents. Yet more cars and highways are being built while funding for safer forms of mass transportation is reduced.
1,800,000 sustain nonfatal injuries from auto accidents; but 150,000 of these auto injury victims suffer permanent impairments.
126,000 children are born with a major birth defect, mostly due to insufficient prenatal care, nutritional deficiency, environmental toxicity, or maternal drug addiction.

2,900,000 children are reportedly subjected to serious neglect or abuse, including physical torture and deliberate starvation. ( very caring people !! )

5,000 children are killed by parents or grandparents. ( very passionate ! )

30,000 or more children are left permanently physically disabled from abuse and neglect. Child abuse in the United States afflicts more children each year than leukemia, automobile accidents, and infectious diseases combined. With growing unemployment, incidents of abuse by jobless parents is increasing dramatically.

1,000,000 children run away from home, mostly because of abusive treatment, including sexual abuse, from parents and other adults. Of the many sexually abused children among runaways, 83 percent come from white families.

150,000 children are reported missing.

50,000 of these simply vanish. Their ages range from one year to mid-teens. According to the New York Times, "Some of these are dead, perhaps half of the John and Jane Does annually buried in this country are unidentified kids."
900,000 children, some as young as seven years old, are engaged in child labor in the United States, serving as underpaid farm hands, dishwashers, laundry workers, and domestics for as long as ten hours a day in violation of child labor laws.

2,000,000 to 4,000,00 women are battered. Domestic violence is the single largest cause of injury and second largest cause of death to U.S. women.

700,000 women are raped, one every 45 seconds. ( BREATH TAKING )

5,000,000 workers are injured on the job; 150,000 of whom suffer permanent work-related disabilities, including maiming, paralysis, impaired vision, damaged hearing, and sterility.
100,000 become seriously ill from work-related diseases, including black lung, brown lung, cancer, and tuberculosis.
14,000 are killed on the job; about 90 percent are men.
100,000 die prematurely from work-related diseases.
60,000 are killed by toxic environmental pollutants or contaminants in food, water, or air.

4,000 die from eating contaminated meat.

20,000 others suffer from poisoning by E.coli 0157-H7, the mutant bacteria found in contaminated meat that generally leads to lifelong physical and mental health problems. A more thorough meat inspection with new technologies could eliminate most instances of contamination--so would vegetarianism.

At present:

5,100,000 are behind bars or on probation or parole; 2,700,000 of these are either locked up in county, state or federal prisons or under legal supervision. ( I wont be willing to live in such POLICE STATE ! )

Each week 1,600 more people go to jail than leave. ( Soon, most Americans will be behind bars, it seems!! )

The prison population has skyrocketed over 200 percent since 1980. Over 40 percent of inmates are jailed on nonviolent drug related crimes.

African Americans constitute 13 percent of drug users but 35 percent of drug arrests, 55 percent of drug convictions and 74 percent of prison sentences. ( what a FAIR racism-free society is that ? )

For nondrug offenses, African Americans get prison terms that average about 10 percent longer than Caucasians for similar crimes.

15,000+ have tuberculosis, with the numbers growing rapidly; 10,000,000 or more carry the tuberculosis bacilli, with large numbers among the economically deprived or addicted.
10,000,000 people have serious drinking problems; alcoholism is on the rise.
16,000,000 have diabetes, up from 11,000,000 in 1983 as Americans get more sedentary and sugar addicted. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.
160,000 will die from diabetes this year.
280,000 are institutionalized for mental illness or mental retardation. Many of these are forced into taking heavy doses of mind control drugs.
255,000 mentally ill or retarded have been summarily released in recent years. Many of the "deinstitutionalized" are now in flophouses or wandering the streets.
3,000,000 or more suffer cerebral and physical handicaps including paralysis, deafness, blindness, and lesser disabilities. A disproportionate number of them are poor. Many of these disabilities could have been corrected with early treatment or prevented with better living conditions.
2,400,000 million suffer from some variety of seriously incapacitating chronic fatigue syndrome.
10,000,000+ suffer from symptomatic asthma, an increase of 145 percent from 1990 to 1995, largely due to the increasingly polluted quality of the air we breathe.
40,000,000 or more are without health insurance or protection from catastrophic illness.
1,800,000 elderly who live with their families are subjected to serious abuse such as forced confinement, underfeeding, and beatings. The mistreatment of elderly people by their children and other close relatives grows dramatically as economic conditions worsen.
1,126,000 of the elderly live in nursing homes. A large but undetermined number endure conditions of extreme neglect, filth, and abuse in homes that are run with an eye to extracting the highest possible profit.

1,000,000 or more children are kept in orphanages, reformatories, and adult prisons. Most have been arrested for minor transgressions or have committed no crime at all and are jailed without due process. Most are from impoverished backgrounds. Many are subjected to beatings, sexual assault, prolonged solitary confinement, mind control drugs, and in some cases psychosurgery. ( you wont find this in ANY muslim nation EVER ! )

1,000,000 are estimated to have AIDS as of 1996; over 250,000 have died of that disease.
950,000 school children are treated with powerful mind control drugs for "hyperactivity" every year--with side effects like weight loss, growth retardation and acute psychosis.
4,000,000 children are growing up with unattended learning disabilities.
4,500,000+ children, or more than half of the 9,000,000 children on welfare, suffer from malnutrition. Many of these suffer brain damage caused by prenatal and infant malnourishment.
40,000,000 persons, or one of every four women and more than one of every ten men, are estimated to have been sexually molested as children, most often between the ages of 9 and 12, usually by close relatives or family acquaintances. Such abuse almost always extends into their early teens and is a part of their continual memory and not a product of memory retrieval in therapy.
7,000,000 to 12,000,000 are unemployed; numbers vary with the business cycle. Increasing numbers of the chronically unemployed show signs of stress and emotional depression.
6,000,000 are in "contingent" jobs, or jobs structured to last only temporarily. About 60 percent of these would prefer permanent employment.
15,000,000 or more are part-time or reduced-time "contract" workers who need full-time jobs and who work without benefits.
3,000,000 additional workers are unemployed but uncounted because their unemployment benefits have run out, or they never qualified for benefits, or they have given up looking for work, or they joined the armed forces because they were unable to find work.
80,000,000 live on incomes estimated by the U.S. Department of Labor as below a "comfortable adequacy"; 35,000,000 of these live below the poverty level.

12,000,000 of those at poverty's rock bottom suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition. The majority of the people living at or below the poverty level experience hunger during some portion of the year. ( CHRONIC HUNGER IN AMERICA !!!! MANNNNNNN, THIS IS BREATH TAKING ! ) Muslims should start collecting some aid and food from around the mosques after friday prayers and send them to your HUNGRY POOR PEOPLE !!

2,000,000 or more are homeless, forced to live on the streets or in makeshift shelters.

160,000,000+ are members of households that are in debt, a sharp increase from the 100 million of less than a decade ago. A majority indicate they have borrowed money not for luxuries but for necessities. Mounting debts threaten a financial crack-up in more and more families.


Reading the above, I came to the conclusion that the US is the most civilized nation on earth, I am telling ya !! :rolleyes:
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Proud_Muslim said:
You and your ilk need also to realize that the west is '' undoubtedly'' the front runner in RAPE, VIOLENT CRIMES, DRUG ABUSE, ALCOHOLIMS, CHILDERN BORN OUTSIDE WEDLOCK, SOCIAL AND FAMILY BREAK DOWN !
Ah here we go. If he can't beat you in an argument, if he realises he's losing (as only a loser can), he brings forth the rape and violent crimes in the West. It never fails does it PM? That's your only weapon? Wanker.
BELLS, how dare you call him a wanker

theres nothing wrong with wanking :p

anywho, im gonna reply to PM on some of that long post

"27,000 Americans commit suicide. ( Why they committ suicide, I thought the west was paradise !! )"
America never claimed to be paradise, all we're saying is that it is a technologically advanced country, where people are free to say what they want

"6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis. ( no wonder you guys always speak rubbish ! )"
thats very close to racism, and also a personal attack, i wont report it tho, yur lucky

"1,300,000 suffer some kind of injury related to treatment at hospitals.
2,000,000 undergo unnecessary surgical operations; 10,000 of whom die from the surgery.
180,000 die from adverse reactions to all medical treatments, more than are killed by airline and automobile accidents combined.
14,000+ die from overdoses of legal prescription drugs."
hehe, you seriously belive that that is an argument??
Modern medicine helps ALOT more then it hurts

Chronic hunger exists in ALL countries, not just America
alain said:
BELLS, how dare you call him a wanker

theres nothing wrong with wanking :p

Dont worry about bells, this is how low people speak !!

anywho, im gonna reply to PM on some of that long post

"27,000 Americans commit suicide. ( Why they committ suicide, I thought the west was paradise !! )"
America never claimed to be paradise, all we're saying is that it is a technologically advanced country, where people are free to say what they want

Not true according to Micheal Moore new film, it was shown all over the world apart from America !!

"6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis. ( no wonder you guys always speak rubbish ! )"
thats very close to racism, and also a personal attack, i wont report it tho, yur lucky

Oh !! how kind of you !! :rolleyes:

"CHRONIC HUNGER IN AMERICA !!!! MANNNNNNN, THIS IS BREATH TAKING ! "Chronic hunger exists in ALL countries, not just America

Nonesense, it does not exist in Scandinavia, it does not exist in my own MUSLIM country, Syria !

The point is this: America is the richets nation on earth and yet they have AFRICAN STYLE hunger !! this is very puzzling !! :confused:
"Dont worry about bells, this is how low people speak !!"
actually, i was joking, oh well

"Oh !! how kind of you !!"
and dont you forget it

"Nonesense, it does not exist in Scandinavia, it does not exist in my own MUSLIM country, Syria !"
LOL, the only system of govt that could possibly eradicate hunger is communism, and it would have to be a very fair and efficient type of communism

"Not true according to Micheal Moore new film, it was shown all over the world apart from America !!"
alright PM, ill make you a deal, you go to the middle of the capitol city in syria and shout out "kill all muslims" and ill go to washington DC and shout out "kill all Christians, and well see who gets tortued/killed and who gets into almost no trouble
Proud_Muslim said:
Dont worry about bells, this is how low people speak !!
And you would know PM.

Nonesense, it does not exist in Scandinavia, it does not exist in my own MUSLIM country, Syria !
So you're telling me that in a country that has 15 to 25% of the population living below the poverty line, hunger does not exist? You're either fooling yourself or you haven't driven through the poverty stricken areas to see for yourself.

And before you start putting up the drug offences in the West, I would like to remind you of something about where Syria stands in regards to the drug problem:
Illicit drugs: a transit point for opiates and hashish bound for regional and Western markets
That's right PM. Syria is named as being one of the transit points for the drugs that people in the West are overdosing on.

alain said:
"Dont worry about bells, this is how low people speak !!"
actually, i was joking, oh well

She was not joking, this is how low class street people speak.

"Nonesense, it does not exist in Scandinavia, it does not exist in my own MUSLIM country, Syria !"
LOL, the only system of govt that could possibly eradicate hunger is communism, and it would have to be a very fair and efficient type of communism

Another topic.

"Not true according to Micheal Moore new film, it was shown all over the world apart from America !!"
alright PM, ill make you a deal, you go to the middle of the capitol city in syria and shout out "kill all muslims" and ill go to washington DC and shout out "kill all Christians, and well see who gets tortued/killed and who gets into almost no trouble

You got it wrong, you should come to Syria and shout kill all muslims and I should go to Washington DC and shout kill all christians and let us see what will happen !! :rolleyes:
im not going to syria and shouting out 'kill all muslims'

you know why?

syria is a country which only allows one religion, one type of thinking, one way of life - the muslim one. If i were to do that, i would be treated brutally

"Another topic."
look, there is starvation in Syria, even if you are too naive to see it, k?

"She was not joking, this is how low class street people speak."
so, you moving on to capitalism now PM?
ie "she is a lower class, therefore she is unimportant???)
btw, a total guess, but id say shes a much higher class then you PM, so ur talkin out of yur ass now