group sex, is it rape?

is this rape

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most musicians are serious about their art and would rather have an intelligent discussion about that than a blowjob.

Its not an either/or situation you know. With good timing you can each take turns with the conversation and it cuts down on interrupting each other! ;)
Ok I see what you are pointing out. Let me try to clarify myself, damn it’s getting late.
What I was saying is although what might be slutty to one person might not necessarily be slutty to others there is still a basic line of what almost all people consider “slutty” and when a woman wears something that is universally considered slutty by stereo type then she shouldn’t be surprised when some calls her on it. How is that?

Oh what do I mean by slutty? Use your imagination or I will have to link pictures.

I think that's a terrible definition that has more loopholes than a lion jumps through at a circus. Most people, to include my grandmother, agree that clothing is based on context. I don't wear my bikini to a funeral, but I almost always do when I wash my car.

This outfit was deemed too immodest to fly:


Honestly, for an 18 year old girl, I think this is a perfectly acceptable outfit. I wouldn't wear it because I think the outfit's a little young for me, but it's a cute outfit.

I also go out wearing things like this on a nicer date:


While it's showing a fair amount of skin, I would hardly call it slutty.

I'd call THIS dark blue dress slutty:


However, any asshole who asks if this obviously young girl at the prom if she's a whore is far more classless than the dress itself. This girl isn't goading rape; she's making herself a laughing stock. The latter is heartily earned. The former? That can't be earned.

I am. I just like my partner to be too!

Uh, let President TJ clarify that statement. She's DANDY with lustful animals. But she does not like being accosted by strangers. Sex is based off mutual respect and desire, but it's not why I talk to musicians and it's never been any key to success in meeting interesting people.

Its not an either/or situation you know. With good timing you can each take turns with the conversation and it cuts down on interrupting each other!

Ja wohl!!! Tu es terrible!
Dressing nicely for your husband of boyfriends is one thing but dressing like a slut or looking like one is something entirely different.

It is not how people dress that is an issue.

It is that you think like a slut and blame other's dress which is the problem.
oiram said:
Dressing nicely for your husband of boyfriends is one thing but dressing like a slut or looking like one is something entirely different.

It is not how people dress that is an issue.

It is that you think like a slut and blame other's dress which is the problem.

I think it's more that oiram has more 'conservative values'. I have found that Orleander is essentially right; it seems that in general, the older generations seem more conservative as to dress then the new ones. And the way people dress is ofcourse not the only issue.

There is one thing that I think should be looked at; when people wear less clothes, most people find them more sexually appealing. The least clothing, ofcourse, is none, which is what nudist beaches and camps are all about. Now where things get tricky is, is it 'ok' to be aroused by the less and less clothing?

I think so, but then if it's ok to be aroused then.. well basically you can certainly get into some very complicated territory with all of this.

Anyway, I'm with swarm- I see nothing wrong with musicians (or anyone else) having great conversations and also liking sex a lot. I guess in the ending it all comes down to responsibility; there is, I believe, one very legitimate reason for being careful with who one has sex with; stds and pregnancies, ofcourse, but feelings are also generally an issue as well.

I just finished watching "La Vida Que te Espera" ("The life that awaits you", translated from spanish). Here's a good summary of it by IMDB:

It certainly deals with sexuality as well as darker themes. I liked it very much.
I can't interpret the expression on the face of the guy by the plate glass window. What is he feeling?
This outfit was deemed too immodest to fly

This oufit has potential in its cut, but its not really her size and the white and pastel blue/green doesn't work with her skin tone and hair.

Never wear something that developes horizontal lines like that. Its too tight and/or its not taylored correctly. Tight clothes are fine but they have to be taylored so the tight is uniform or it looks bad like that.

I also go out wearing things like this on a nicer date:

This is definately a nice out fit for her, but she needs a necklace or neck tie to balence it out. She looks bottom heavey as is with that big bow.

I'd call THIS dark blue dress slutty ... she's making herself a laughing stock.

Ok, that's just plane stupid. Who ever designed it should just be shot. Its not even good enough to be slutty.


Slutty is harder to pull off than most appreciate. Usually people just end up trashy. This is more like it. I feel the leather and garders help bring it together for her and the lace cuffs are a nice touch.

But she does not like being accosted by strangers.

That's why I always introduce myself first. ;)
And was she so traumatized for 7 years not to say anything...

She went to the police within a week of the incident, having not seen any psychiatrist between the incident and the police report. So...

...or did the shrinks get to her and fill her head with delusional thoughts...

No. Clearly not.
That's why I always introduce myself first. ;)

Love your fashion reviews. ;)

And yes, introductions are ALWAYS best before accosting someone.

It's okay to be a little over the line sometimes, but it seems to me a lot of men/women with sexually conservative values are epic failures at the game, the sorts where the opposite sex gets offended at a, "You look nice today."

And it seems like an unfair double standard, but it is very real. Unfortunate.
I couldn’t get your first image to open but this image below,


This outfit is very nice, nothing slutty about it at all; it’s very conservative and youthful, and classy all at the same time.

The girl in the blue dress, you just have to feel sorry for her, but she was attending a prom and was trying to look elegantly sexy but miserably failed.


I am sure you saw this dress (If you could call it that) and one which makes her look better if she was just simply nude.

This woman is dressing like a slut and it say it all!

The other woman's clearly in a beach town/at the beach. If you think wearing a bikini in town to grab something at a convenience store when you live near a waterfront is slutty, you're going to think a lot of women are sluts.
I don’t see any water here, but even if there was she still looks like a slut and if someone was to ask her how much she charges I would chime in and say “not enough to buy a decent outfit”
Again, that looks a lot like downtown Miami to me. *Shrug* I don't think that's appropriate clothing *I'd* wear out shopping, and she shouldn't be surprised if someone says, "Nice ass!" Assuming she's a whore is a bit much. Doesn't look like a whore I've seen.
And so what if they are sluts. Don't sluts also deserve love and respect? I guess the underlying issues are that guys can't trust sluts to be faithful to them if they were in a relationship with sluts and women can't trust their guys to be faithful to them if sluts want some attention from the women's men.

On the fashion front, to my tastes the three outfits takandjive showed all strike me as chaotic, to busy. I think the blue dress photo is something like before a prom and the dress is probably not appropriate. The white dress behind is nice but I think the handkerchief like thing dangling down the front is a minor negative and adds anything to the dress. On leather girl, I never could see the sex appeal of garters.

Red dress thing young woman's outfit together with the expression on her face looks enticing to me. The photo looks like that photo was taken in a photographer's studio probably for her guy. It is tastefully sexy. I agree with oiram that she probably looks better like that then she would nude.

I would not peg torn jeans woman as a prostitute. Is it safe to assume that torn jeans women does want some attention paid to her body?

If slutty clothes become normal what will the prostitutes have to do; wear signs?