God's authorship self evident???

Is God's authorship self evident???

  • Hell Yes, we're talking GOD! He da man!

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Frack no, humans are idiots!

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • what's the pretty Chinese mean?

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters
Life aspects such as laws are taken from common sense, reason and logic . It will be unjust and stupid for a creator to write a book for his humans and makes it hard for them to understand . So I believe from reason that if god writes a book it will be easy for everyone to understand . Look....no one needs to teach us sex....and many other things as they are instincts . God could have made us believe in him in the same manner .
The Catholics call their god father....do you think your father will make your life miserable with a complex book ?. :D .
I have no idea what a God would do. I cannot make rules like you seem to be able to do. I cannot fathom what many people do, let alone what would be an entity I share very little experience with. I have no ideas what notions of justice such a creature would have. You are also assuming the God is omnipotent, which admittedly Christians do. Perhaps that is not the case either.
I have no idea what a God would do. I cannot make rules like you seem to be able to do. I cannot fathom what many people do, let alone what would be an entity I share very little experience with. I have no ideas what notions of justice such a creature would have. You are also assuming the God is omnipotent, which admittedly Christians do. Perhaps that is not the case either.

The last part was not serious at all..... . a little joke went unnoticed about their father .
The other arguments were following reason and logic of course .
I am going to sleep and I hope I will dream some logic too . :D .
yes it is possible, everything is possible for god, it's what the word means.

not all people can read, but if god wanted to create a book to be read by anyone no matter what, again, he can.

and yes, people would KNOW it is from god, why not follow it then? because as i said before, they have choice. why do people smoke?
I didn't say anything about following a book. I am specifically interested in if people KNOW the book authored by God.

The fact is it isn't known. People just think it is authored from God.

As I said before, most people NOW KNOW that smoking is not good for them and less people smoke. IF people KNEW and truly believed they'd die from smoking - even less would smoke. But, again that's not the point.

IF I knew a book was authored from a God. I'd give it a read :) THAT'S STILL not the point! :) And it wouldn't matter if I followed what the book said either :)

See the difference?
I have no idea what a God would do. I cannot make rules like you seem to be able to do. I cannot fathom what many people do, let alone what would be an entity I share very little experience with. I have no ideas what notions of justice such a creature would have. You are also assuming the God is omnipotent, which admittedly Christians do. Perhaps that is not the case either.

ahhh, unbiased words from a fresh wise atheist, hope you can resist the infection more than the rest of us..

I didn't say anything about following a book. I am specifically interested in if people KNOW the book authored by God.
i told you, yes, they should know.
The fact is it isn't known. People just think it is authored from God.
uh, how is that a fact?
As I said before, most people NOW KNOW that smoking is not good for them and less people smoke. IF people KNEW and truly believed they'd die from smoking - even less would smoke. But, again that's not the point.
i think that's exactly the point, and i don't believe anyhow that people now that they know smoking kills are smoking less, they're smoking now as they ever were, and advance in science or whatever IMO will not change that.

IF I knew a book was authored from a God. I'd give it a read

are you seriously honest or are you trying to compromise a bit?

how will you truly know it's the word of god if you didn't read it?

you could follow what people say of course, but truth seekers like us who don't accept the tiniest doubt are not content with what others tell them, are they?
THAT'S STILL not the point! And it wouldn't matter if I followed what the book said either
how does that doesn't matter? if that doesn't matter then what does? what are you trying to accomplish here?

See the difference?
:(i'm afraid not.
how will you truly know it's the word of god if you didn't read it?
As soon as you opened the book and began to read it, the authorship would be self-evident to any and every person who reads it - everyone would KNOW the author was God. That's the thing about being self-evident to all people - it's self evident to all people. And, it IS possible for god to write such a book - as a matter of fact, it would be very very very very simple.

There is no such book in existence.

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It wouldn't matter what language this book was written in. It could be written in Tar-Eltharin (the language of the High Elves). You would open the book and you would know, yup, THIS book has been Authored by God.

It's that simple.

There are no such books in existence - are there?
I was chatting with god the other day and he said he wrote it, but his publisher rejected it.

Go figure.
As soon as you opened the book and began to read it, the authorship would be self-evident to any and every person who reads it - everyone would KNOW the author was God. That's the thing about being self-evident to all people - it's self evident to all people. And, it IS possible for god to write such a book - as a matter of fact, it would be very very very very simple.

There is no such book in existence.

no, not agreed.
the quran is self evident.

does the quran force people into becoming muslims? no it doesn't.

but if you want me to say no, the quran doesn't force the information into the brain of it's reader, then ok, no.

why doesn't it force the information into it's reader's brain? i don't know, i know we all have choice, why didn't god vanquish all doubt, cuz then we'd be forced to believe and would all be in heaven, why didn't that happen? i don't know, but i know what's happening now and how things ARE, not how i think they should be, and am dealing with it.

yes it would be wounderful to be created in hevan to begin with, but i won't disbelieve in god because of that, that's like someone going back into his mothers womb because he was born poor, or maybe back his father's....:D

Bullshit. It's not my god.
you sdould be old enough to know that not everything goes as you please.

It wouldn't matter what language this book was written in. It could be written in Tar-Eltharin (the language of the High Elves). You would open the book and you would know, yup, THIS book has been Authored by God.

It's that simple.

There are no such books in existence - are there?
um, yes there are, surprise!!
ahhh, unbiased words from a fresh wise atheist, hope you can resist the infection more than the rest of us..
It seems most atheists seem to know how a God would necessarily act if there was one. This is as religious a position and as wild a claim to knowledge as any theist's.
the quran is self evident.
no, that is not true. You are fibbing scifes, stop that!
The Qur'an seems to be written by God to YOU. But to most people on Planet Earth - no, it seems to be written by men.

In the exact same way that the Bible seems to be written by God to a Christian. But to most people on Planet Earth - no, it's seems to be written by men.

In the exact same way that the Book of Mormons seems to be written by God to a Mormon. But to most people on Planet Earth - no, it's seems to be written by men.

In the exact same way that the Books of Scientology seems to be written by an Alien Overload to a Scientologist. But to most people on Planet Earth - no, it's seems to be written by man smoking weed or playing a seriously funny joke, that went seriously wrong.

Now, once again, it would not matter what language this book was written in. It could be written in Tar-Eltharin (the language of the High Elves). You would open the book and you would know, yup, THIS book has been Authored by God.

It's that simple.

IS there such a book in existence?
No, there is not.

Do you agree?
Wouldn't you think that IF God wrote a book. Say the most important book on planet Earth, that EVEN if God did so as a ghostwriter, people of ALL cultures, ALL times, ALL walks of life, would recognize it's brilliance?

You know, kind of like 孫子 孫子兵法 and that's just a mortal author and his ideas a couple thousand years ago. SURELY GOD, could do as good?
Or as well.

To say this should be the case presupposes quite a bit of knowledge about how a universe and a God must be. I can barely fathom the thinking of most humans, let alone the qualities and most likely behavior of a deity, which would by definition, be something less like me, I would guess, than other humans.

Once anyone, including obviously atheists, starts saying things like

If there is a God, then this God would act such that _____________

they are metaphysicians of the same degree as theists.
yes, you are correct.

I was thinking along the lines of there are all these religions in the world and if they stopped to realize that they are all the same, well, that would be a good thing. But, that's not going to happen. Maybe the Buddhists can appreciate this line of reasoning. Monotheists? Very unlikely.

How about a appetizer of religious strife, a main serving of Oil wrapped in Crusades with a side of sectarian violence, rounded off with ice cold splash of religious bigotry and snot-nosedness.

religious conflict it is,


There is background to the OP. It didn't simply pop out of his head. It isn't simply if there were A GOD, how would it act.
Theists claim to know how their gods act & that their Holy Babbles ARE OBVIOUSLY written by their gods & they push that "knowledge" on others & condemn them for not accepting it.
Theists persisent claims of what their gods want do not fit what is happening. It all depends on what gods' goals are & childish selfish myopic gods might do inexplicable things. Yet if the claim of a god wanting everyone to know it exists & wanting everyone to live a certain way were accurate, logicly an omnipotent omniscient god would accomplish such.

Neither. You'd assume that creating such a book is in God's interest. That seems roundabout at best. God could just have created humans to innately know all about him, and screw the book.

Your petty conceited childish god prefers to play muddled mindgames.

hey, he's your god too, and he'll put you in hell if you don't play along.

Bullshit. It's not my god.

you sdould be old enough to know that not everything goes as you please.

You are the 1 applying what you please to everything & everyone.
It's 1 thing to state your beliefs & attempt to discuss things in general yet you should be mature enough to not make such specific assertions about me. You cannot even support your general claims. I will not accept such specific statements about me.
You are wrong & it needs to stop.
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There is background to the OP. It didn't simply pop out of his head. It isn't simply if there were A GOD, how would it act.
Yes, I am aware of that. But that is the place to keep the focus. Once you start telling theists that a god should/would/must act in a certain way you are making claims that, in the end, are very hard to back up and be consistant.
Theists claim to know how their gods act & that their Holy Babbles ARE OBVIOUSLY written by their gods & they push that "knowledge" on others & condemn them for not accepting it.
Yes, a great number of theists do this. I am not sure how atheists adding their own assertions about what a God would have to be like if one existed helps this situation.
It certainly doesn't make the atheists' assertions any more supportable.

Theists persisent claims of what their gods want do not fit what is happening. It all depends on what gods' goals are & childish selfish myopic gods might do inexplicable things. Yet if the claim of a god wanting everyone to know it exists & wanting everyone to live a certain way were accurate, logicly an omnipotent omniscient god would accomplish such.
It seems to me that if an omnipotent God wanted us all to do and believe certain things, it could make this happen directly. Though this smacks of the Christian God of the theologists of the Middle Ages, a god that added in complicating factors like free will and a fallen world making it very hard for me to state 'this syllogism must encapsulate God.'

And then there are other versions.
yes, you are correct.

I was thinking along the lines of there are all these religions in the world and if they stopped to realize that they are all the same, well, that would be a good thing. But, that's not going to happen. Maybe the Buddhists can appreciate this line of reasoning. Monotheists? Very unlikely.

How about a appetizer of religious strife, a main serving of Oil wrapped in Crusades with a side of sectarian violence, rounded off with ice cold splash of religious bigotry and snot-nosedness.

religious conflict it is,
Aaaah. Human conflict it is. Theists, atheists, people who never give a shit, they all find ways to go to war, kill, rape and manipulate others to do it.
If you take a math problem and follow it , you will come to a certain solution according to your knowledge and your logic . We have here an issue of IF this is correct what will happen . Of course there is no 100% correct answer since we are dealing with the big IF . However it is healthy to discuss such issues from all points of view .:D .
Yes, I am aware of that. But that is the place to keep the focus. Once you start telling theists that a god should/would/must act in a certain way you are making claims that, in the end, are very hard to back up and be consistant.
Yes, a great number of theists do this. I am not sure how atheists adding their own assertions about what a God would have to be like if one existed helps this situation.
It certainly doesn't make the atheists' assertions any more supportable.

It seems to me that if an omnipotent God wanted us all to do and believe certain things, it could make this happen directly. Though this smacks of the Christian God of the theologists of the Middle Ages, a god that added in complicating factors like free will and a fallen world making it very hard for me to state 'this syllogism must encapsulate God.'

And then there are other versions.

You are yet missing the point.
If 1 WANTS something & has the power to accomplish it, it will be done.
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it OBVIOUSLY does not want me to know it exists. Plain&simple. No ifs, ands or buts.
Aaaah. Human conflict it is. Theists, atheists, people who never give a shit, they all find ways to go to war, kill, rape and manipulate others to do it.
yes we do, but, it's within our grasp to put a stop to it. Or so I hope.
yes we do, but, it's within our grasp to put a stop to it. Or so I hope.
I am not sure you will bring it closer by trying to show over and over that religious people are irrational.

Or is it your experience that this is reducing splits and anger?