God's authorship self evident???

Is God's authorship self evident???

  • Hell Yes, we're talking GOD! He da man!

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Frack no, humans are idiots!

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • what's the pretty Chinese mean?

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters
You are yet missing the point.
If 1 WANTS something & has the power to accomplish it, it will be done.
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it OBVIOUSLY does not want me to know it exists. Plain&simple. No ifs, ands or buts.
There are people around me in my life who I could 'educate'. It is within my power. Via legal, illegal means, whatever. I could do it. But I often, in fact generally, don't. I would love at least some of them to 'get it' whatever the 'it' in question is. Nevertheless....

You seem to see things as very digital. I don't. Especially when it has to do with life forms and especially complicated ones.

You look at one want and make a syllogism with ominipotence - something not all theists agree God has - and draw a conclusion. Like everything should happen now, instantly. Like you can imagine all the desires of a God and how they might work out over the long term.
There are people around me in my life who I could 'educate'. It is within my power. Via legal, illegal means, whatever. I could do it. But I often, in fact generally, don't. I would love at least some of them to 'get it' ...

Ok, I'd put that at a 9 on the unintentionally "hot" scale. May be you should reconsider "don't." ;)
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You are yet missing the point.
If 1 WANTS something & has the power to accomplish it, it will be done.
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it OBVIOUSLY does not want me to know it exists. Plain&simple. No ifs, ands or buts. ”

There are people around me in my life who I could 'educate'. It is within my power. Via legal, illegal means, whatever. I could do it. But I often, in fact generally, don't. I would love at least some of them to 'get it' whatever the 'it' in question is. Nevertheless....

You seem to see things as very digital. I don't. Especially when it has to do with life forms and especially complicated ones.

You look at one want and make a syllogism with ominipotence - something not all theists agree God has - and draw a conclusion. Like everything should happen now, instantly. Like you can imagine all the desires of a God and how they might work out over the long term.

So there could be a god who wants me to know it exists yet is unable to accomplish all its wants so it chooses to focus on other wants???
Yah, I never understood the point of the guessing game either, until I realized its just an artfully constructed lie.

Certain lies are designed so that the victum can't effectively refute them on the surface, like prayer or invisible gods.

If you pray and get it, god says yes.
If you pray and don't get it god said no or "maybe later."

If you aren't smart enough to note that this is just a rhetorical ploy and it is presented slowly overtime when you are too young to think rationally, there is a strong viceral feeling that somethig is really happening entirely without the least direct evidence because it is structured so the happenstance of life gets credited to a rhetorical god who can't lose.

But if represent it in a form where there is more familiarity like "heads I win, tails you loose" most people can understand why this is a ploy. Then, one hopes, they will realize that any name could replace "god."

If you pray and get it, dog says yes.
If you pray and don't get it dog said no or "maybe later."
Anyway, do you think that if God wrote a book, his authorship would be self-evident to at least 80% or more of humanity?

80% of people wouldn't read it, and if they did read it they wouldn't understand it.

So my answer is technically no.

At the same time the fact that the bible is so crusty and quibbly and awkward has always suggested to my mind that it was less likely to be divine as compared perhaps to works in other traditions.
So there could be a god who wants me to know it exists yet is unable to accomplish all its wants so it chooses to focus on other wants???
That is not what I was suggesting please read it again. There could be other wants involved such that God does not MAKE you learn, right now. Must you have gotten it already?
If God's authorship was self-evident then there should only be one version. There is no way a Muslim should ever be self-evident of God's authorship for any bible other than the Quran. Same goes for any theistic religion that has a bible.
that is not what i was suggesting please read it again. There could be other wants involved such that god does not make you learn, right now. Must you have gotten it already?

you are yet missing the point.
If 1 wants something & has the power to accomplish it, it will be done.
If there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it obviously does not want me to know it exists. Plain&simple. No ifs, ands or buts.

=================== === ===
i've finally understood in a flash of genius what stranger means when he kept repeating that..

but first:
So there could be a god who wants me to know it exists yet is unable to accomplish all its wants so it chooses to focus on other wants???
more or less, yes.
god created hell and created the humans he will put in it with that end in mind.
but he wanted us all to go to heaven.

so as you can see, there's the "order" want, and there's the "what's gonna happen" want.

“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You are yet missing the point.
If 1 WANTS something & has the power to accomplish it, it will be done.
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it OBVIOUSLY does not want me to know it exists. Plain&simple. No ifs, ands or buts. ”


If there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it obviously wants me to think it does not exist.
if you end up not believing in him, then yes that's what he wanted you all along to do:D

but you don't know what he wants, so you can pretend to do what you want, if you're smart enough you'd make your delusional "want" the same as his ordered "want".

so the ones god wanted to go to hell aren't excused by god's will of them to do so because they didn't know that that's god's will to them in the first place.

understood stranger?
so the ones god wanted to go to hell aren't excused by god's will of them to do so because they didn't know that that's god's will to them in the first place.

Doesn't matter. If they are constrained by god's will that they go to hell then it is god who is responcible. It hardly matters if a puppet know you are pulling the strings or doesn't know. You still are the one pulling the strings.

Also by willing that certain people go to hell, god is inherantly evil.