God IS Everything

Yo Turduckin,

Touche brother and thanks for your response. Rightly you point out my inflated ego in my post. This is O.K. I am human, and I am comfortable in my manifestation of human traits including ego. Of this I am aware, and were it not for a reasonable amount of ego, I would not have survived the food chain thus far.

The point of view from the quantum level is profound to say the least, and therefore very valid. It brings us and everything around us to the same level playing field. Including the concept or reality of the supernatural. In fact, events on the quantum level help convince me of a power greater than ourselves. The very complexity, apparent chaos and underlying order of matter say much in support of a creative force.

Quote Turduckin:
"Jesus put a human face on a transcendent God. God was so perfectly expressed in Jesus that distinguishing between created and creator became problematic – the source of much controversy. Therefore the difference between me and Jesus is that Jesus had the relationship with God right, while I do not. And somehow, through a choice which I do not understand but am very grateful for, Jesus was able to open up this possibility of purification and relationship to anyone who truly seeks to be a more perfect expression of the Creator."

Regarding being stuck in the detail, please accept that in my opinion only, I find you selling yourself short in your relationship with god. In my opinion your relationship with god is perfect if you are truly honest in your intentions. By humanising god with human traits like "Jesus had the relationship with God right, while I do not" you sell yourself short. if Jesus is god, how can he get the relationship wrong? You on the other hand, not being god, can only do your best. And that is O.K.

For myself, the moment I stopped intellectualising over my god, I found my higher power, or rather he found me. The differrence between myself and you, is only that I will never presume to call my god "Jesus" or any other name, as in my view the whole concept of god is way beyond the human scale. I have enough faith in my god to accept that all is as it should be, including my so called sinfull and egotistical nature. The man made doctrine and dogma of organised religion seems in my view a insult to the creator of all. Yet in my own very nature I can see and feel glimpses of that which comforts and sustains me.

Quote Turduckin:
"So I am not only glad to be alive, but I am glad to be alive in a universe that contains an intelligence and a love that is inconceivably larger than I am. Far from being a ego booster, it is for me a humbling experience. It seems to be your own personal bias that presupposes I have a God who puts man ahead of everything else. The God I believe in would have me be a servant to all other things."

I dig this brother, but why on earth would god want you to be a servant? It is O.K. just to be.
