God IS Everything

dadubose said:
Water is water whether isn't in the toilet or in the Atlantic Ocean. God is God whether He's in you or in Jesus. The different is in the expression.
The question then becomes, "How do you transform the water in the toilet bowl into something you can drink?" Polluted water is polluted, and therefore is useless for sustaining life. I'm utilitarian by nature: if the idea has no practical transformational application, then what good is it? "God is me and I am the chair" etc, may give me a buzz - or an internal sense that "WHOA DUDE! - I UNDERSTAND". But even if that understanding is truth, if it doesn't transform - if it doesn't heal, then it's worthless. The guru has to get off the mountain and share God - but without some way of purifying the water, all that is being shared is toilet water... no thanks.

As far as worshipping creation: I love creation, I respect creation, I learn from creation, I will fight for creation. But my worship is reserved for that which created creation.
Turduckin said:
The question then becomes, "How do you transform the water in the toilet bowl into something you can drink?" Polluted water is polluted, and therefore is useless for sustaining life. I'm utilitarian by nature: if the idea has no practical transformational application, then what good is it? "God is me and I am the chair" etc, may give me a buzz - or an internal sense that "WHOA DUDE! - I UNDERSTAND". But even if that understanding is truth, if it doesn't transform - if it doesn't heal, then it's worthless. The guru has to get off the mountain and share God - but without some way of purifying the water, all that is being shared is toilet water... no thanks.
That has been one of the hardest issues God has had... :rolleyes:
Too bad we are too dumb to understand... :D

As far as worshipping creation: I love creation, I respect creation, I learn from creation, I will fight for creation. But my worship is reserved for that which created creation.
That's sure. That's what I've been talking about anyways... ;)
..."How do you transform the water in the toilet bowl into something you can drink?" Polluted water is polluted, and therefore is useless for sustaining life.

Gee, that's funny. In my toilet bowl grows all kinds of life, unless I clean it out every now and again. And the ocean is a giant toilet. Especially the bottom of it.
I am god.
Everthing is god.
Your mother is god.
The mother-son relationship is the strongest bond of any.
Female needs to give birth to a male to reproduce.
Mother was the first. Mother duplicates.
Male and female have the palace.
The rooms get full.
People move away.
People forget.
Turduckin said:
The question then becomes, "How do you transform the water in the toilet bowl into something you can drink?" Polluted water is polluted, and therefore is useless for sustaining life. I'm utilitarian by nature: if the idea has no practical transformational application, then what good is it? "God is me and I am the chair" etc, may give me a buzz - or an internal sense that "WHOA DUDE! - I UNDERSTAND". But even if that understanding is truth, if it doesn't transform - if it doesn't heal, then it's worthless. The guru has to get off the mountain and share God - but without some way of purifying the water, all that is being shared is toilet water... no thanks..

Turduckin said:
Polluted water is polluted, and therefore is useless for sustaining life.

As we live life that polluted water in the toilet is very useful. Literally it takes waste to it's proper place. There's no need for purified water in that useful situation in life and i see great value in it. What you think about that Turduckin?
bigal said:
I am god.
Everthing is god.
Your mother is god.
The mother-son relationship is the strongest bond of any.
Female needs to give birth to a male to reproduce.
Mother was the first. Mother duplicates.
Male and female have the palace.
The rooms get full.
People move away.
People forget.[/QUOTE
M*W: bigal, I like your thinking
Medicine woman, it is the only way.
As everyday goes by it becomes clearer and clearer.
bigal said:
So hey Sis, how long have you known?
M*W: Since about 1978, my brother, when I was in the Vatican. The truth was revealed to me through many images, visions and dreams. There is no salvation by Jesus. Jesus was a figment of reality. We replaced Jesus in salvation. We are the "son" or child or creation of God. There is no salvation apart from humanity!
dadubose said:
As we live life that polluted water in the toilet is very useful. Literally it takes waste to it's proper place. There's no need for purified water in that useful situation in life and i see great value in it. What you think about that Turduckin?
Sorry about the late response - I missed this one. This is what I think about that:

As long as the polluted water remains in the toilet bowl, we agree. But that is not what I understood you to mean when you stated:
dadubose said:
Water is water whether isn't in the toilet or in the Atlantic Ocean. God is God whether He's in you or in Jesus. The different is in the expression.
We're really talking about transcendence vs. immanence here. If God is completely and equally expressed in everything (totally immanent) there is no distinguishing between me and Jesus or, for the sake of argument, the torturer and the victim. Either God becomes unknowable because God is the sum total of everything and I can’t know everything, or God becomes the god of shards, as I peer into each fractured ‘expression’ of God in an attempt to know God.

To me, God is transcendent-becoming-immanent. God created the universe but was not part of the universe at its inception. This circumstance created a space for ‘BEING’ apart from God’s being and ‘WILL’ apart from God’s will. Among other things, this separation allows for the possibility of a relationship between creator and created, because God is an entity, a consistency and constancy, apart from me or this changing universe. This also allows for the idea of perfection, (holiness, sanctification,) and all that the terms imply, because God is and must be separate from darkness and evil (a difficult distinction to make within the concept of immanence). It was specifically this quality I was thinking about with the water metaphor and my remark about ‘Transformation’. I may not be able to know everything, but I have access to that which does. I may not be pure, but I have access to that which is. Through connecting to that which is pure, I have the hope to be purified. Through the process of purification, I can become a space where the transcendent can become immanent, where God can enter creation.

Jesus put a human face on a transcendent God. God was so perfectly expressed in Jesus that distinguishing between created and creator became problematic – the source of much controversy. Therefore the difference between me and Jesus is that Jesus had the relationship with God right, while I do not. And somehow, through a choice which I do not understand but am very grateful for, Jesus was able to open up this possibility of purification and relationship to anyone who truly seeks to be a more perfect expression of the Creator.
Yo my fellow building blocks...

On the quantum level, the universe, including ourselves, is composed of the same fundamental particles. So from this angle we are all part of "everything". Is it not all a matter of perspective? We are really infinitely tiny in the context of the Universe at large, yet our egos inflate us to such an extent that we can presuppose a god who would put us ahead of everything else? Does that mean "ego" is a survival tool?

Having said that, how can we get stuck in this type of detail below?:

Quote Turduckin:
"Jesus put a human face on a transcendent God. God was so perfectly expressed in Jesus that distinguishing between created and creator became problematic – the source of much controversy. Therefore the difference between me and Jesus is that Jesus had the relationship with God right, while I do not. And somehow, through a choice which I do not understand but am very grateful for, Jesus was able to open up this possibility of purification and relationship to anyone who truly seeks to be a more perfect expression of the Creator."

I am gratefull to be alive. Period.

stretched said:
Yo my fellow building blocks...

On the quantum level, the universe, including ourselves, is composed of the same fundamental particles. So from this angle we are all part of "everything". Is it not all a matter of perspective? We are really infinitely tiny in the context of the Universe at large, yet our egos inflate us to such an extent that we can presuppose a god who would put us ahead of everything else? Does that mean "ego" is a survival tool?

Thank you for an interesting comment. So, a point of view solely from the quantum perspective is broader and therefore more valid? Your statement proves itself by being generated by the same inflated ego that gets hung up on "a single detail", namely - we're the same because we're composed of the same stuff. If you did that intentionally, then bravo - I'm impressed with your construction and your intellectual honesty! However, since the fundamental building blocks can be arranged to produce both a hug and a rape, I don't see the value of this perspective against my previous statement, unless you have a larger point that you didn't make.

I will adopt your use of the egoistically inclusive 'we' in my reply, even though I was trying hard to own every bit of my belief as just that - my belief. As you aptly point out, humans have the ability to vary their perspective. We can can focus on the micro, the macro or the vistas in between. We can also have moments where we try to take in as much as we can. It is usually in these integrative moments of broad perspective that some of us experience a 'transcendent event', something that briefly takes us out of ourselves and moves us to a state of awe, only to be snapped back into what is by comparison the mundane. But some of us have the deep and cumplusive desire to process that experience and come to an understanding about what happened. So we digest and integrate it as best we can. I think we fail as sentient beings when we fail to vary our perspective and instead focus continually on a single world view, like the Quantum view, or the Biologic view, or the Religious view, etc. The intellectually honest among us realize and remember that we are indeed insignificant and limited in our awareness, and most liable to be innaccurate and wrong. But some of us also realize that certain of the insignificant ideas we hold can have more value than others, and some ideas can actually bring harm.

I have discovered through digesting and integrating my own personal experiences that there is much more value in thinking of God as a being that is real and external to me, who that wishes to come into me, love me and transform me. And lately I have come to the conviction that, despite all the crimes and outrages perpetrated by religion and it's adherents today and thoughout history, I have been healed and transformed because I have Christ in me, who had God in him as he was in God.

So I am not only glad to be alive, but I am glad to be alive in a universe that contains an intelligence and a love that is inconceivably larger than I am. Far from being a ego booster, it is for me a humbling experience. It seems to be your own personal bias that presupposes I have a God who puts man ahead of everything else. The God I believe in would have me be a servant to all other things.
Turduckin said:
So I am not only glad to be alive, but I am glad to be alive in a universe that contains an intelligence and a love that is inconceivably larger than I am. Far from being a ego booster, it is for me a humbling experience. It seems to be your own personal bias that presupposes I have a God who puts man ahead of everything else. The God I believe in would have me be a servant to all other things.
Just to extend on that.... God also would like us to be just like Him... ;)
Medicine Woman said:
TruthSeeker said:
Just to extend on that.... God also would like us to be just like Him...
M*W: That's the whole idea... and we are!
Ahhhh... no, we are not there yet. God is perfect and we are definetely not perfect. And lots of people in the world... seriously... they are really far from Him. I think we still have quite a long way to get there. It can happen faster if people accept each other's differences...
bigal said:
Med woman, when time of year where you at the Vatican in 1978?
M*W: That's an easy one. It was my son's birthday on the train, so that would be October 22.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Since about 1978, my brother, when I was in the Vatican. The truth was revealed to me through many images, visions and dreams. There is no salvation by Jesus. Jesus was a figment of reality. We replaced Jesus in salvation. We are the "son" or child or creation of God. There is no salvation apart from humanity!

There is no salvation by God. Humanity is salvation?

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7
A Tree and Its Fruit

15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

These are the words of the Lamb of God, you false prophets who come in sheep's clothing, for inside, you are ravenous wolves.
Great....you've defined God as the universe. Why not just call the universe, "the universe" !?? Ohh right, you wanted all of the happy connotations that go along with the word. You've abused the word "God" so that you could promote a "we're all one, let's be happy" sort of unity theme, and to top it all off, it doesn't even make any sense. The hippies would be proud.