God IS Everything

Medicine Woman said:
That's what makes sense to me, to worship the creation instead of the creator. It's all one and the same anyway.

Medicine Woman I promise you that I was thinking the same thing the other day. I beleive that God wants you to worship all of humanity. Without literally admitting to it we worship humanity all the time. The ultimate form of worship is to totally trust in a thing. We trust in people(flesh), things(cars, money, ect.) more than we trust in God (The laws and principles of the Universe). That's another subject!!! But Religious minds would allow that concept to ever go to there heart because they think that they are seperate from God. Religion only allow you to use your head/brain and not your heart/spirit. The head/brain is connected to the past and the heart/spirit is connected to God/Life. It feels good to worship everything that God created. That gives me joy because Life/God is good all the time! Love, Peace, & Joy is yours for the taking!!!!!

D A DuBose
Don't people say god is everywhere- omnipresent? Isn't it appropriate to revere the creation if it is inseparable from the creator?

Thanks, Spidergoat, that was my point.

Because Paganism is the "religion" where people worship things like trees, sun, moon, etc... (nature, in this case).

TruthSeeker, did it ever occur to you that they may have perceived God as exisiting everywhere, yes, even in the tree bark?
That's far more open- minded than seeing God as residing exclusively in a church.
dadubose said:
Medicine Woman I promise you that I was thinking the same thing the other day. I beleive that God wants you to worship all of humanity. Without literally admitting to it we worship humanity all the time. The ultimate form of worship is to totally trust in a thing. We trust in people(flesh), things(cars, money, ect.) more than we trust in God (The laws and principles of the Universe).

Who is "we"? Be wary of inane generalizations.
spidergoat said:
Don't people say god is everywhere- omnipresent? Isn't it appropriate to revere the creation if it is inseparable from the creator?
There is a huge difference between "God is within us" and "God is us"... ;)
TruthSeeker said:
There is a huge difference between "God is within us" and "God is us"... ;)
M*W: It's really more complex than that, although I understand your point. They are interchangeable. It's perception that causes one to sound submissive and the other one prideful.

If we believe that a god/God/gods/higher power created us in its image, that would mean, more correctly, a spiritual image. My perception of God/One Spirit of God is a pure force of positive energy. From that energy, we/all of humanity, arises. The One Spirit of God is within us innately from the beginning of the universe. Our bodies evolved anthroplogically to be compatible with the Spirit within.

To say that "humanity is God" does not mean we have power and control greater than our Creator. What it means to me is that we have greater power and control over the destiny of our own humanity. Because this concept is slow to be revealed to humanity, or rather, humanity is not ready to accept its greatness, most people rely on traditional beliefs of salvation.

Look how far we've come since we first walked out of the oceans upon land. The Spirit inside us has brought us slithering out of the backwaters and onto the Moon! That's progress, but not enough. Our antiquated belief systems are preventing us from becoming full the One Spirit of God. We are the most special creation in, well, all of creation, but we were not meant to evolve to a stopping point and then veg out. Our evolution goes on, and as our physical characteristics evolve to a more perfect human/humanity, our Spirit becomes the One Spirit of God. Who knows? Be nice to your neighbor. Humanity could be the coming Messiah.
That's good stuff M*W! :) Evolution is so important. We are constantly changing. I went from 6lbs 2 ounces at birth to 6'2" at 30yrs olds. The Evolution process it different for everyone but the point is that God and Creator is ONE and is serving the same purpose. Look at the famous awesome example, the HUMAN BODY. Consciously focus in on how it has many parts but yet operates in Unity to serve a purpose as little as your brain sending a message to your hands telling you the there's a itch somewhere and to serve huge purpose as taking a shit! :D (We need a little humor in this thought process.) But seriously God is Everything and We are all apart of that EVERYTHING.

I AM GOD!!! Keep in mind that God is meek, humble, full of unconditional love, and never holds anger towards anyone. I AM GOD!!!!


D A DuBose
Yeah... I think you guys understood me. Although I said it in only one sentence... :D

Medicine Woman said:
It's really more complex than that, although I understand your point. They are interchangeable. It's perception that causes one to sound submissive and the other one prideful.
Pride is usually not a good thing. Keeping God up in the sky prevents you from falling in the illusion that you are allmighty. It also prevents you from having too much resposability to carry over your shoulder. In the same way, if you distance yourself too much from Him, you might lose sight from Him or become to submissive, even to the point of a martyr. That's not good either.

When everything fails, try balance. ;)

If we believe that a god/God/gods/higher power created us in its image, that would mean, more correctly, a spiritual image. My perception of God/One Spirit of God is a pure force of positive energy. From that energy, we/all of humanity, arises. The One Spirit of God is within us innately from the beginning of the universe. Our bodies evolved anthroplogically to be compatible with the Spirit within.
Sort of. I think at the present moment and in our history, we have been quite far away from Him. Not because of our advancement, but because of the way we treat the environment and one another. The only Law that God gave us is "love one another", and I think we haven't been so successful in carrying that out.

Another thing that one could argue, is that Jesus came so that we may be compatible with God. But that is an entirely different discussion altogether...

To say that "humanity is God" does not mean we have power and control greater than our Creator. What it means to me is that we have greater power and control over the destiny of our own humanity. Because this concept is slow to be revealed to humanity, or rather, humanity is not ready to accept its greatness, most people rely on traditional beliefs of salvation.
The only thing that can "save" humanity is love for one another.

Look how far we've come since we first walked out of the oceans upon land. The Spirit inside us has brought us slithering out of the backwaters and onto the Moon! That's progress, but not enough. Our antiquated belief systems are preventing us from becoming full the One Spirit of God. We are the most special creation in, well, all of creation, but we were not meant to evolve to a stopping point and then veg out. Our evolution goes on, and as our physical characteristics evolve to a more perfect human/humanity, our Spirit becomes the One Spirit of God. Who knows? Be nice to your neighbor. Humanity could be the coming Messiah.
That could be quite true, but I can't really deny or accept your last statement.

I do think that Christians should try to change the world in a better way. Certainly in a non-judgemental way. Many Christians do follow in the trap of judging others, and that is bad. The first step is certainly to love others completely unconditional. Then, we should certainly need to teach each other to love one another. If we could simply love one another, then Jesus would be irrelevant. I think that's why He came, so that He could make our work easier. Let's face it. We are imperfect, and only love can make us perfect, God-like. So... can we really reach that. Certainly one day. But it seems to me that it will take quite a while....
dadubose said:
That's good stuff M*W! Evolution is so important. We are constantly changing. I went from 6lbs 2 ounces at birth to 6'2" at 30yrs olds. The Evolution process it different for everyone but the point is that God and Creator is ONE and is serving the same purpose. Look at the famous awesome example, the HUMAN BODY. Consciously focus in on how it has many parts but yet operates in Unity to serve a purpose as little as your brain sending a message to your hands telling you the there's a itch somewhere and to serve huge purpose as taking a shit! :D (We need a little humor in this thought process.) But seriously God is Everything and We are all apart of that EVERYTHING.

I AM GOD!!! Keep in mind that God is meek, humble, full of unconditional love, and never holds anger towards anyone. I AM GOD!!!!


D A DuBose
Ooooo-k... :D

No, you are not God. But you can certainly become one with Him... ;)
TruthSeeker said:
Ooooo-k... :D

No, you are not God. But you can certainly become one with Him... ;)
M*W: Again, it's all in the perception. I don't say that I am God so I can cast a lightning bolt down on you when you defy me. I say that I am God in a way that I want to get to know you, to see the One Spirit of God that created and lives within both of us and the entirety of humanity. And I want to help you recognize the God in you. God is love. When we recognize that the One Spirit of God lives within all of us, we quit seeing each other as Muslims, Jews, Native Americans, Christians, Buddhists, etc. God cannot be divided. God is one.
dadubose said:
OK TruthSeeker, I am One with HIM or Her or It to be politially correct! ;)
M*W: TS, we should recognize that we are all part of the One Spirit of God. What else is there? God is everything, and we are part of everything, and maybe a little more enlightened than some trees.
dadubose said:
But seriously God is Everything and We are all apart of that EVERYTHING.
we are part of the universe,but why call it God?
,, Keep in mind that God is meek, humble, full of unconditional love, and never holds anger towards anyone.
and hes also jealous,angry vindictive evil god

see www.thewaronfaith.com

and he will send you to hell if you dont worship/obey/accept him according to your book!
thats a lot of conditions He commands,dont you think?
Q25 said:
we are part of the universe,but why call it God?

I call it God/Life and whatever you call it that's cool and OK with me as long as we love and respect each other despite of different outlooks on things. Those things aren't worth fighting over and at the least debating over. I respect everyone that are different than me in thought and in action. It shows the uniqueness in me. That's the big problem in our world, we don't respect the difference in others and everyone is trying to act or be a way thats total not like who they really are because society won't except them if they truly just be themselves.

Q25 said:
and hes also jealous,angry vindictive evil god

"Higher Principles"
There are principles that are higher than overs. LOVE is the most high principle to act on. Yes jealousy, anger and vindictive evil exist but love overpowers that stuff, especially unconditional love. Don't choose to except a God that is jealous, angry and vindictive. Choose a God of Love, Peace and Joy. Free will exist! We have creativity dwelling in our soul. Choose the positive side of the spectrum. The negetive is there so we can know what the positive is. We wouldn't know hot unless we experienced cold. We wouldn't know good without knowing evil, right without wrong, good tasting food without the experience of bad tasting food. OK you get what i'm saying.

Q25 said:
and he will send you to hell if you dont worship/obey/accept him according to your book!
thats a lot of conditions He commands,dont you think?

Also according to that book Jesus came to give abundant life. We can go for days picking and choosing the negative and the positive things out of that book. Personally I think that book isn't 1% important when the shit hits the fan. Let's learn to be ONE with each other because that's what we are. God is Everything and we are apart of the that. GOD/LIFE, if you are breathing the breathe that keeps you connected to Life then you are apart of Life/God!!!


D A DuBose
dadubose said:
I call it God/Life and whatever you call it that's cool and OK with me as long as we love and respect each other despite of different outlooks on things. Those things aren't worth fighting over and at the least debating over. I respect everyone that are different than me in thought and in action. It shows the uniqueness in me. That's the big problem in our world, we don't respect the difference in others and everyone is trying to act or be a way thats total not like who they really are because society won't except them if they truly just be themselves.

"Higher Principles"
There are principles that are higher than overs. LOVE is the most high principle to act on. Yes jealousy, anger and vindictive evil exist but love overpowers that stuff, especially unconditional love. Don't choose to except a God that is jealous, angry and vindictive. Choose a God of Love, Peace and Joy. Free will exist! We have creativity dwelling in our soul. Choose the positive side of the spectrum. The negetive is there so we can know what the positive is. We wouldn't know hot unless we experienced cold. We wouldn't know good without knowing evil, right without wrong, good tasting food without the experience of bad tasting food. OK you get what i'm saying.

Also according to that book Jesus came to give abundant life. We can go for days picking and choosing the negative and the positive things out of that book. Personally I think that book isn't 1% important when the shit hits the fan. Let's learn to be ONE with each other because that's what we are. God is Everything and we are apart of the that. GOD/LIFE, if you are breathing the breathe that keeps you connected to Life then you are apart of Life/God!!!


D A DuBose
M*W: Yes, the humanity of all has a presence. The universe will continue through the anthropological evolution of it's species.
Believe what you want. There is only one Spirit of God.
The universe is all encompassing. The universe evolves into one body. The universe is One. Whatever you believe, the universe is One.
dadubose said:
If God is the First and the Last then everything in between is God to. I'm God you are God, Everything is God expressing Itself in many different forms. The beauty of it all it that everything is connected in some way. We try to define God and it's so hard for many because we look right pass Her when we look at the fine young lady sitting at the bar. We look right past Him when a man is begging for money on the street corner. We look right past it when a beautiful flower pops out of the ground. God is ever present in the World and Earth. Let me hear your thoughts on this. THANKS and PEACE!!!!
Amen, i have been preaching this for years... dont give up. =D

Noone seems to listen...
caffeine_fubar said:
Amen, i have been preaching this for years... dont give up. =D

Noone seems to listen...
M*W: There are a few of us on sciforums that are of like mind.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Again, it's all in the perception. I don't say that I am God so I can cast a lightning bolt down on you when you defy me. I say that I am God in a way that I want to get to know you, to see the One Spirit of God that created and lives within both of us and the entirety of humanity. And I want to help you recognize the God in you. God is love. When we recognize that the One Spirit of God lives within all of us, we quit seeing each other as Muslims, Jews, Native Americans, Christians, Buddhists, etc. God cannot be divided. God is one.
Yes. But there's a little difference between saying God is me and God is united with. On the first, you are God. If you are God, then I'm not God. We can't be both God at the same time. However, if we are united in the Spirit of God, then tha's a whole different sory. God is one, and we are not God, but united with Him and, let's say... a part of Him. It's like the body of Christ. One of us is not the whole body, but all of us is.
TruthSeeker said:
Yes. But there's a little difference between saying God is me and God is united with. On the first, you are God. If you are God, then I'm not God. We can't be both God at the same time. However, if we are united in the Spirit of God, then tha's a whole different sory. God is one, and we are not God, but united with Him and, let's say... a part of Him. It's like the body of Christ. One of us is not the whole body, but all of us is.

I am god you are god. I am human you are human. I am spirit you and spirit. I am in unity with the spirit of god, you are in unity with the spirit of god. My point, we are all saying "in spirit" the samething. TruthSeeker you are on point i believe in your view. Water is water whether isn't in the toilet or in the Atlantic Ocean. God is God whether He's in you or in Jesus. The different is in the expression.