God IS Everything

invert_nexus said:
yes. Worship the holy poo!!

Actually, it shouldn't be that strange an idea. That piece of shit was once part of a dog. It's not nice to denigrate feces (or any other ill-looked-upon substance), everything keeps exchanging particles. Some of that piece of crap may one day make up part of your child, or your grandchild. Or may be integrated into you. (How hygienic are you?)

It's not so much pride that's the problem as just having to face facts. Maybe we humans make up some type of bacteria in god's colon. Your view is rather humanocentric. Humans aren't that special. We couldn't exist without everything else. Parts of a whole.

"rather humanocentric"?

How about delusional or just plain weird? :confused:

Whenever you try to discuss something with her and add some humor she flares up at starts the name-calling. So much for a "god", eh? Too bad this god is fashioned by men and is therefore INVALID!

Please go back to the drawing board, the Lord of hosts will see you next MW.
Any god that could be discussed by man would by necessity be created (or, at the least, translated) by man. Therefore, all discussion of god is invalid?
Funny... I always thought 'god' was just a made up entity that people seem to need to search for because they cannot accept reality. Yes, everything is one universal substance that is perfect, but I don't see how you can call it 'god' It just is.
Flawless? How could that be possible? If the translation were flawless, the whole of god fitted down into a neat size little package, could the human brain even handle it? Doubtful.

There is a saying that says that the universe cannot be truly represented by a model of less complexity than itself. Surely god would be even more so.

And who's to say whose translation is flawless. The bible itself is composed of differing accounts that have been welded together. Which is flawless? Which is which? Who are you to judge who's god is right?

Top Mosker,
Even if one does not believe in god, one can still discuss the phenomenon.
For those that don't believe in God I'm sure that you believe in LIFE. Without LIFE what do you have? Death? As a human without the breath of LIFE, without the invisible air that we breathe in and out can we have LIFE? It's funny that God blew air or what i like to say, gave mouth to mouth to MAN in order for Him to have life, life on Earth atleast. That air can easily be interepted as Spirit, the wireless connection to GOD/LIFE. Everything that has LIFE is connected to the LIFE source that many people call God. God is LIFE and LIFE is God. There's no way to life without the spirit, without the air! Penis = Man, Vagina = Woman, LIFE = God. (Obvious Truth in my opinion) :) Just a theory for those that can't see God. GOD is EVERYTHING and Life is the pathway to EVERYTHING expressing itself in it's own unique way. That unique way is not to be judged but respected.

invert_nexus said:
Even if one does not believe in god, one can still discuss the phenomenon.

Yea, but why call it god in the first place?

It's called metaphor. Don't take everything you read as literal.
top mosker said:
Don't take everything you read as literal.

I'm not taking everything that I read literal top mosker, it's all in good spirit! :) Thanks for the insight. Your views are interesting.

If God is everything, then God is also death. There can be no life without death. Life without death is called cancer. If there is God, then it is life/death, light/dark, inner/outer, good/evil, that would be a more accurate representation of everything. So, to carry the analogy further, God is actually Satan too.

Anyway I'll grant you that life exists, but why does that automatically correlate to God existing? I think you have just been conditioned to relate the wonder of life to something other than life.
dadubose said:
For those that don't believe in God I'm sure that you believe in LIFE. Without LIFE what do you have? Death? As a human without the breath of LIFE, without the invisible air that we breathe in and out can we have LIFE? It's funny that God blew air or what i like to say, gave mouth to mouth to MAN in order for Him to have life, life on Earth atleast. That air can easily be interepted as Spirit, the wireless connection to GOD/LIFE. Everything that has LIFE is connected to the LIFE source that many people call God. God is LIFE and LIFE is God. There's no way to life without the spirit, without the air! Penis = Man, Vagina = Woman, LIFE = God. (Obvious Truth in my opinion) :) Just a theory for those that can't see God. GOD is EVERYTHING and Life is the pathway to EVERYTHING expressing itself in it's own unique way. That unique way is not to be judged but respected.

The breath of life = inspiration awakening the One Spirit which is God which is within.

Inspirational awakening = the creative spirit energizing are will to survive.

Survival brings growth, development and evolution of the species.

How far have we spiritually come from that first breath of life from the One Spirit of God?

We have not yet exhaled.

dadubose, your posts inspire me!
§outh§tar said:
Oh yes, "god" had an exception to his own rule and therefore some of him had "personal motivations".

Hahaha! Only your god would have exceptions to a rule about his own being/nature.
M*W: I know you don't understand what I meant. All humanity was created to be the body of our creator on Earth. I'll say it again, my concept of God is a pure force of positive creative energy. Opposite of that is the vacuum of a negative force of destructive energy. The positive and negative energies pull and push upon all creatures and the universe at all times. Sometimes individuals get 'caught up' in that vacuum of evil and do evil things. Others get 'caught up' in the positive energy and do great things. My God is not a separate or unique God from anyone else's God (or the positive creative force of life). There is only ONE CREATOR with many different names and definitions/perceptions. I have given my definition of my perception of God, that's all. There are no exceptions to the rule of God's pure positive being and nature, since God cannot and does not 'change.' (Alpha & Omega, etc.). Only our perceptions of how we imagine God can and all of HUMANITY can be changed. Therein lies the problem. God is an inanimate spirit. It doesn't have 'personal preferences.' It cannot 'make choices.' Only we have that power, depending on which side of the force we are on. This is OUR God-given creative power. Which side are you on?
top mosker said:
Funny... I always thought 'god' was just a made up entity that people seem to need to search for because they cannot accept reality. Yes, everything is one universal substance that is perfect, but I don't see how you can call it 'god' It just is.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums! You have a point! "God" is a name given to the one force of positive energy that created the universe. Most people who believe in a divine creator tend to believe it has a gender, like a 'Father' figure. I don't see it this way. My understanding of God is not a 'being' and it has no 'identity' say like a long white beard and sitting on a cloud striking us with lightning bolts when we sin, etc. We are "one universal substance" as you said. In that, we weren't just "created" by God, we emerged out from "God's image" and were inspired to have life and move upon the face of the Earth. There are not many gods, although humans have "created" such. Therein in the confusion lies. That's why we have problems with humanity. Individuals in humanity have created an image of a devisive god, but this is not the true creator. The "true" creator would have us be as one body, one mind, one spirit, not infighting among the diverse parts of humanity! That is counterproductive to divine creativity.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I know you don't understand what I meant. All humanity was created to be the body of our creator on Earth. I'll say it again, my concept of God is a pure force of positive creative energy. Opposite of that is the vacuum of a negative force of destructive energy. The positive and negative energies pull and push upon all creatures and the universe at all times. Sometimes individuals get 'caught up' in that vacuum of evil and do evil things. Others get 'caught up' in the positive energy and do great things. My God is not a separate or unique God from anyone else's God (or the positive creative force of life). There is only ONE CREATOR with many different names and definitions/perceptions. I have given my definition of my perception of God, that's all. There are no exceptions to the rule of God's pure positive being and nature, since God cannot and does not 'change.' (Alpha & Omega, etc.). Only our perceptions of how we imagine God can and all of HUMANITY can be changed. Therein lies the problem. God is an inanimate spirit. It doesn't have 'personal preferences.' It cannot 'make choices.' Only we have that power, depending on which side of the force we are on. This is OUR God-given creative power. Which side are you on?

How on earth did God tell you all that? :bugeye:

Shouldn't we be basing our, and I quote, "perception" of God on what HE tells us instead of what we postulate?

As for your God not being different from anyone else's God, I must vehemently disagree. What exactly did "God" tell you that a "vacuum of evil" and "positive energy" is?

As your "concept of God is a pure force of positive creative energy", do you mean to say that, as you say, "it" serves no other function than positive creation? And if God is "an inanimate spirit" how exactly was this revealed to you, and why is it not revealed to others? And what exactly did "it" tell you that an "inanimate spirit" is?

"The positive and negative energies pull and push upon all creatures and the universe at all times"
So fate simply belongs to whichever happens to be stronger at a particular moment? What exactly are these "positive and negative energies"? And what do you mean "pull and push"? How does an "inanimate" energy pull and push all of creation?

invert_nexus said:
Flawless? How could that be possible? If the translation were flawless, the whole of god fitted down into a neat size little package, could the human brain even handle it? Doubtful.

There is a saying that says that the universe cannot be truly represented by a model of less complexity than itself. Surely god would be even more so.

And who's to say whose translation is flawless. The bible itself is composed of differing accounts that have been welded together. Which is flawless? Which is which? Who are you to judge who's god is right?

Top Mosker,
Even if one does not believe in god, one can still discuss the phenomenon.

First of all, I NEVER judged "who's god is right"! Secondly I did NOT say a translation of the WHOLE of God, as we could NEVER EVER even possibly comprehend such a vast, great God in even ALL of eternity. Never.

"And who's to say whose translation is flawless."

Hopefully you know that the answer to that question is God without me telling you. Since he reveals all knowledge about Himself, he is obviously the Judge of all accounts and "translations"/"interpretations".
god is everything
not according to diana ross
you are everything
the human being not a deity as it should be
dadubose said:
We try to define God and it's so hard for many because we look right pass Her when we look at the fine young lady sitting at the bar. We look right past Him when a man is begging for money on the street corner. We look right past it when a beautiful flower pops out of the ground.
That's Paganism. Althought it is somewhat corrrect to say that when a man is begging for money we "look right past Him", because Jesus said that "whatever you do to the least of these you do unto me"....
Aaaaand so on...
Circe said:
Why do you say so?
Because Paganism is the "religion" where people worship things like trees, sun, moon, etc... (nature, in this case). That's an old european religion. But there are others that worship things as if they were gods...
Don't people say god is everywhere- omnipresent? Isn't it appropriate to revere the creation if it is inseparable from the creator?
spidergoat said:
Don't people say god is everywhere- omnipresent? Isn't it appropriate to revere the creation if it is inseparable from the creator?
M*W: I said this the other day. We were created out of god's need/want/desire/curiosity? and created in its image. That's how much god supposedly loved us--to make us a part of god to walk the face of Earth as Humanity. Because we were created out of god, I believe we should worship the creation of humanity. That's what makes sense to me, to worship the creation instead of the creator. It's all one and the same anyway.