God is a crutch for the weak minded

Religion makes good people do bad things.
M*W: That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.
M*W: That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

I suppose this is an example of the "secular humanism" of atheists.
Religion makes good people do bad things.

Not at all. What about the saints? They were good people. What about Jesus Christ himself? He gave to the poor, he was tolerant, etc

Religon CAN make good people do bad things, but so can anything. Any sort of belief, any ideal, any ideology, any faction, any anything. It's irrelevant.
I suppose this is an example of the "secular humanism" of atheists.
M*W: S.A.M., you don't have the least of ideas about what "secular humanism" is. As far as I am concerned, you are a radical terrorist. You don't deserve to be represented on this forum. When will the PTB realize what you are up to?
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Not at all. What about the saints? They were good people. What about Jesus Christ himself? He gave to the poor, he was tolerant, etc

While making direct comparisons of human beings to fairy tale entities, you run the risk of believing barnyard animals can talk, and begin worshiping Mother Goose.

Religon CAN make good people do bad things, but so can anything. Any sort of belief, any ideal, any ideology, any faction, any anything. It's irrelevant.

So, it's irrelevant that people do bad things for a variety of reasons? There's no need whatsoever to find the cause of those things and do something about it? Just let it keep happening, as far as you're concerned?
While making direct comparisons of human beings to fairy tale entities, you run the risk of believing barnyard animals can talk, and begin worshiping Mother Goose.
Rofl. Wonderful demonstration of ignorance. Are you saying there has never been a single good person who was religious?

So, it's irrelevant that people do bad things for a variety of reasons? There's no need whatsoever to find the cause of those things and do something about it? Just let it keep happening, as far as you're concerned?

It's not irrelevant, but it's pointless, because people will always have beliefs, whether political, religious, national, personal, and whatever else
Well Medicine Woman,
You said
M*W: Please describe my set of beliefs. I'd like to know.
I did this in post #116 which you have not acknowledged.
Let's look at one of your beliefs:
Religious people are religious to offset fear. (This belief of yours is put forward in a number of the quotes in post #116. In these quotes this idea is put forward without qualification and is a full generalization)

Your belief assumes that religion is to take away certain unpleasant feelings: feelings of abandonment and a set of fears you presented earlier.
This would mean that every religious person who makes 'positive' claims about what attracts them to or that they love about their religion is wrong or lying.

For example: Someone is attracted to the dance of the Sufis and tries it out and finds ecstatic experiences and positive emotional, physical and spiritual experiences through this. They describe these not as the removal of fears, but rather in terms of experiences they enjoy, love and have deep meaning for them. You, somehow, know that this person actually is simply a participant in their religion because it helps them hide from fear.

Another example: a number of religions focus on love: certain Christian groups, certain practices in the Hindu traditions that focus on love, etc. Those religious people who report feeling their hearts open up, or that they were more able to express love and feel loved after joining
are wrong or lying. Really, you believe, their desire to participate is ONLY about allaying a set of fears. You 'know' this.

Your generalized claims in this thread are essentially a claim on your part to be both psychic AND an expert psychologist. You claim to know the real motivations and needs and experiences of religious people IN GENERAL. You also know what these are not, so you know that their own claims about their own experiences and motivations are misunderstandings or lies.
Well Medicine Woman, You said

I did this in post #116 which you have not acknowledged.
Let's look at one of your beliefs: Religious people are religious to offset fear. (This belief of yours is put forward in a number of the quotes in post #116. In these quotes this idea is put forward without qualification and is a full generalization)

Your belief assumes that religion is to take away certain unpleasant feelings: feelings of abandonment and a set of fears you presented earlier. This would mean that every religious person who makes 'positive' claims about what attracts them to or that they love about their religion is wrong or lying.

For example: Someone is attracted to the dance of the Sufis and tries it out and finds ecstatic experiences and positive emotional, physical and spiritual experiences through this. They describe these not as the removal of fears, but rather in terms of experiences they enjoy, love and have deep meaning for them. You, somehow, know that this person actually is simply a participant in their religion because it helps them hide from fear.

Another example: a number of religions focus on love: certain Christian groups, certain practices in the Hindu traditions that focus on love, etc. Those religious people who report feeling their hearts open up, or that they were more able to express love and feel loved after joining
are wrong or lying. Really, you believe, their desire to participate is ONLY about allaying a set of fears. You 'know' this.

Your generalized claims in this thread are essentially a claim on your part to be both psychic AND an expert psychologist. You claim to know the real motivations and needs and experiences of religious people IN GENERAL. You also know what these are not, so you know that their own claims about their own experiences and motivations are misunderstandings or lies.
M*W: Lies beget lies. You heard if from the horse's mouth, S.A.M., Muslims believe in lying. I don't know what to believe anymore. I am saddened that Muslims live a lie. I just cannot imagine that their religion is based on lies!
Rofl. Wonderful demonstration of ignorance. Are you saying there has never been a single good person who was religious?

That's an entirely new and different question, yet you call me ignorant. Tafftard. :)

It's not irrelevant, but it's pointless, because people will always have beliefs, whether political, religious, national, personal, and whatever else

It's not pointless, either. People may always have beliefs, but if the beliefs are delusions and are causing them to do bad things, it needs to be analyzed more closely as to the root cause of those delusions. As I said, religion offers wide open invitations for just that kind of behavior.
Well Medicine Woman,
You said I did this in post #116 which you have not acknowledged. Let's look at one of your beliefs: Religious people are religious to offset fear. (This belief of yours is put forward in a number of the quotes in post #116. In these quotes this idea is put forward without qualification and is a full generalization).

Your belief assumes that religion is to take away certain unpleasant feelings: feelings of abandonment and a set of fears you presented earlier. This would mean that every religious person who makes 'positive' claims about what attracts them to or that they love about their religion is wrong or lying.

For example: Someone is attracted to the dance of the Sufis and tries it out and finds ecstatic experiences and positive emotional, physical and spiritual experiences through this. They describe these not as the removal of fears, but rather in terms of experiences they enjoy, love and have deep meaning for them. You, somehow, know that this person actually is simply a participant in their religion because it helps them hide from fear.

Another example: a number of religions focus on love: certain Christian groups, certain practices in the Hindu traditions that focus on love, etc. Those religious people who report feeling their hearts open up, or that they were more able to express love and feel loved after joining are wrong or lying.Really, you believe, their desire to participate is ONLY about allaying a set of fears. You 'know' this.

Your generalized claims in this thread are essentially a claim on your part to be both psychic AND an expert psychologist. You claim to know the real motivations and needs and experiences of religious people IN GENERAL. You also know what these are not, so you know that their own claims about their own experiences and motivations are misunderstandings or lies.
M*W: I am not one to avoid a confrontation. It doesn't matter what the dictates occur. All I am saying is that S.A.M. has issues far beyond the relevance of iniquity. She/he doesn't have the fortitude to reach realty. This saddens me, but I can deal with it.

There are choices and there are options. Nevertheless, due process reigns. If you can't deal with the logical, then you are dealing with fantasy. I'm afraid that S.A.M. is living in a fantasy world. She is totally pathetic. Why does she continue to parade through these forums as a liar and get away with it? I am heart broken now that I have realized S.A.M. is a terrible resemblence of Islam. Maybe her lying will fool others, but her lying will not fool me.

Mods, the PTB, please eliminate S.A.M. from the destructive inclination she offers this forum.
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I'm glad you understand that..


What about the Church of England?

How does the church of england make my life any worse?.

Really? Are you sure about there being no conflict?

If you are talking about the war and london bombings, the conflict is not rooted in simple religious differences. Conflict over money I see, npot over religious beliefs in england.

They may not be "laws" but certainly the list of pervasive 'beliefs' into society is huge, from tax-exempt churches and temples to forcing sharia law in our legal systems

Society has laws based on ethics and morals, mostly aimed towards making money and taking in revenue. Tax exempt churches are a problem I agree, We do not live by sharia law here but I oppose churches making profit that does not go to charity and is tax free. I do not support money making organized religion and or cultist movements, But I think believing in god is a good thing.

M*W: Lies beget lies. You heard if from the horse's mouth, S.A.M., Muslims believe in lying. I don't know what to believe anymore. I am saddened that Muslims live a lie. I just cannot imagine that their religion is based on lies!

I have no idea what relevence this has to my post.
M*W: I am not one to avoid a confrontation. It doesn't matter what the dictates occur. All I am saying is that S.A.M. has issues far beyond the relevance of iniquity. She/he doesn't have the fortitude to reach realty. This saddens me, but I can deal with it.

There are choices and there are options. Nevertheless, due process reigns. If you can't deal with the logical, then you are dealing with fantasy. I'm afraid that S.A.M. is living in a fantasy world. She is totally pathetic. Why does she continue to parade through these forums as a liar and get away with it? I am heart broken now that I have realized S.A.M. is a terrible resemblence of Islam. Maybe her lying will fool others, but her lying will not fool me.

Mods, the PTB, please eliminate S.A.M. from the destructive inclination she offers this forum.

I have no idea why you are talking to me about SAM.
You can't destroy religious beliefs and wipe them off the face of the earth, war on religion won't work and hate towards belief in god is not healthy.

Where do children get the mental capacity to come to conclusions as to what faith they should follow?
Her children are adults. Some of them are Christians. She has stated that all followers of the Abrahamic religions are evil. I have to say...
my question seems like an obvious one to ask.

post 123, in response to you is where she makes her claim about 'anyone' etc.

It seems you had no problem with her assertion. Or?
Where do children get the mental capacity to come to conclusions as to what faith they should follow?

It would be better if people were brought up being shown all the different ways of life, then letting them choose which way is for them when they are old enough to decide.
