God is a crutch for the weak minded

I am not belligerent, I do not lie, and I have no faith in order to want to beat people up
M*W: It's already been proven... Muslims lie. What a legacy you people have! Look at S.A.M., you all must be really proud of her!
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God and Religion

I strongly assume that god and religion were designed by our ancients for a pupose .When humans everywhere started forming in to socities back then,coexistance and stress relief became important factors .In most of the cases the primary cause of the problem is Ego and relativity .
In order to surpass it and see the big picture one must get out of the brain(egg shell). They surely may not have meant one shouldnt use it :) but to use it like any other sense ,without getting trapped .
So a beleif in a higher power or universal energy makes it easier and practical to acheive this goal .Religions may have been formed initially for the purpose of propogating this truth or observation but eventually lost the charm(not all of it) over the ages falling prey to selfishness and power craving which are common pitfalls for any kind of organisation . So it is tragic to note that religions once that once stood for social unity and peace are today being used to differentiate people and societies and the cause of conflicts. Religions only have different names because people have different languages at different places.
So I dont see anything odd in you thinking its all crap and a trap.But its important to notice the inner truth .Religions everwhere carry with them immence amount of practical wisdom if only we see it in the right way.
Or just arrive at an organision like UNO for religions
Or just leave the world as it is and wipe my spectacles first so our neighbour starts to do the same thing instead of finding faults with me .
After all the important thing is to be at peace be it with a religion or without :)
MW, I'm an agnostic atheist. I do not believe in God, but I don't believe that God does not exist.

I think there is a rather good chance that He does. And regardless, I find religion very valuable
Agreed, but that would mean the complete abolition of indoctrinating children into ways of life in which they have not made a choice.

The Amish are a good example of that.

Yes, dont dominate and control/shape there minds any certain way. Personaly I think it would lead to greater accomplishments, acceptance levels of differences would drop, people would be more open minded and possibly more adaptable thinkers. I believe it would be a step forward, show people everything without bias to your own personal logic and ways.

I thought the Amish had a set of beliefs, they negate everything electirical and modern and have some form of worship dont they?.

I thought the Amish had a set of beliefs, they negate everything electirical and modern and have some form of worship dont they?.

The Amish take the bible literally. They remove their children from schools at certain ages before they become too educated, for example, to make sure their community and their lifestyles remain unchanged.

It's quite interesting for the rest of us to observe seventeenth century living, but unfortunately, the children of the Amish are who "pay" for that ongoing lifestyle, whether they like it or not.
The Amish take the bible literally. They remove their children from schools at certain ages before they become too educated, for example, to make sure their community and their lifestyles remain unchanged.

It's quite interesting for the rest of us to observe seventeenth century living, but unfortunately, the children of the Amish are who "pay" for that ongoing lifestyle, whether they like it or not.

It sounds wierd, I have never seen n Amish family isnt it illegal to not educate your children there?.

It sounds wierd, I have never seen n Amish family isnt it illegal to not educate your children there?.

Children are allowed to be home schooled. The Amish do have their own schools in some communities, as well. Where it's necessary, some of their children attend high schools, and it is there these children would get taken out if their parents suspected they were getting too "educated." It's not illegal to drop out of school.
The Amish take the bible literally. They remove their children from schools at certain ages before they become too educated, for example, to make sure their community and their lifestyles remain unchanged.

It's quite interesting for the rest of us to observe seventeenth century living, but unfortunately, the children of the Amish are who "pay" for that ongoing lifestyle, whether they like it or not.
i'm not fond of many aspects of their culture. One thing I do like is
Rumspringa is the term for Amish teenagers' period of experimentation and freedom from religious rules, when they are able to live on their own, drive cars, drink, and experiment with other aspects of mainstream American culture without worrying about consequences from their elders. The term rumspringa is a literal translation of the Pennsylvania German expression, "running around."
They are actually allowed to sin and to see if the 'sinful' lifestyle and the modern technological lifestyle is the one they want.
They remove their children from schools at certain ages before they become too educated, for example, to make sure their community and their lifestyles remain unchanged.

Maybe they do it to prevent their daughters from becoming whores and their sons from becoming crooks.

The most peaceful eras in human history seemed to have been marked by people living quiet, unchanging lives.
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You need proof to back up a positive claim.

1. Not really with concerns to statements to the non-existence of something. I'm sure many times in your life you have made such statements: "santa claus does not exist" without ever being under the impression that there is some onus on you to 'prove' that he doesn't. It only works the other way around - a positive claim to the existence of something. For example: "santa claus does exist". Interestingly, this applies to any unobserved, claimed existing entity.

2. It comes down to statement types. Consider the following:

- all swans are white

- there is a black swan in London

As you can see, the first statement is falsifiable, (show one non-white swan and it's falsified) but it isn't verifiable, (regardless to how much you search you could have missed a non-white swan).

The second statement is the opposite - it is verifiable, (you see the black swan) but not falsifiable, (if you don't see it that's because it flew somewhere else etc).

'god/leprechaun/fairy exists' statements are of the second type - they are verifiable, (show a god, leprechaun etc), but are not falsifiable, (if you don't see one it's because it's invisible etc) - hence the onus can only be upon the claimant to the existence of.

Now, along with fairies, dragons, demons, sasquatch and el chupacbra I can quite happily state that a god "doesn't exist" and go about my merry way until such time when you have evidence to show that this entity does exist. There is simply no reason to take the claims of theists as credible. If they contend otherwise I give them ample opportunity to make their case. Alas it typically ends up with, "it says in this book.." which is utterly pathetic.