God is a crutch for the weak minded

Yes, I do. He's so ignorant. He's hardly better than many of the theists he accuses of being narrowminded; HE'S narrowminded, lol!
Richard Dawkins is an amusing fool. He really is annoying, though.

I agree! Don't you feel like punching him in the face? He's a huge pussy, man.

Yes, I do. He's so ignorant. He's hardly better than many of the theists he accuses of being narrowminded; HE'S narrowminded, lol!

I just love the sweet, innocent banter of such fine upstanding gentlemen as these.

Let's see now, we have here two very vocal proponents of the 'religion of peace,' always ready to shout 'Racist!' whenever their faith is criticized or questioned, or especially when the nasty bits are exposed.

Yet, here they are ready to gang up and beat the hell out of a biologist. Is it because he is a biologist? No, it's because he points out how the religion of peace is a religion of violence.

And here come a couple of that faiths followers only to happy to demonstrate his point.

So, all I can say is "Bravo!" and "Well Done!" for an excellent demonstration to us all of the hypocrisy of your faith and the propaganda you promote. :bravo: :worship:
As history shows us, the only men worth remembering are the men who believed in God. In fifty years, the name of "Richard Dawkins" will be erased from our memories; the generations to come will be entirely clueless as to his past existence. However, the names of the men most faithful to God, especially Muhammad, will be remembered forever.


Pretty much everybody beleived in God or had to say so throughout most of history. (or were a part of whatever the official religion whatever of the region was). I am afraid this is a kind of dead end argument.
As history shows us, the only men worth remembering are the men who believed in God. In fifty years, the name of "Richard Dawkins" will be erased from our memories; the generations to come will be entirely clueless as to his past existence. However, the names of the men most faithful to God, especially Muhammad, will be remembered forever.


Their atrocities will certinly be remembered.

We still remember Galen, the Greek physician who predated your prophet by some 1500 years. I could mention hundreds of similar cases such as Herodotus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pericles and Lysander just off the top of my head.

You are talking out of ignorance.
Nobody is talking out of ignorance; the fact is, you can be a good or bad person regardless of whether or not you are religious.
Nobody is talking out of ignorance; the fact is, you can be a good or bad person regardless of whether or not you are religious.

Dont be so bloody stupid. Read what he said. He is saying that only men who believe in god will be remembered. Countless individuals who do not fit this category have been and will be remembered. He seems ignorant of this;hence his statement is based on ignorance.

And, as is your custom, you have completely missed the point.
Oh, I wasn't referring to what he said. I'm only saying good people can be good without being religious, or with being religious. IT's irrelevant
Oh, I wasn't referring to what he said. I'm only saying good people can be good without being religious, or with being religious. IT's irrelevant

I said he was " talking out of ignorance" and you replied "nobody talks out of ignorance " which I could only take as a response to my post.
I still cannot see how it was a response to what I was posting.

Do you see MW's thread title and OP as simply a lack of belief?

If so, I am an atheist in relation to your claim that they are. She has beliefs both about God and about theists. A set.

I am illustrating the concept of atheism.
I am illustrating the concept of atheism.
That I understood. Implicit in your scenario is that not believing this person is all that constitutes atheism. I was describing MW's version of atheism which is not a matter of merely not believing. It is a set of beliefs.
That I understood. Implicit in your scenario is that not believing this person is all that constitutes atheism. I was describing MW's version of atheism which is not a matter of merely not believing. It is a set of beliefs.

M*W: Please describe my set of beliefs. I'd like to know.
Entirely wrong. Abraham Lincoln was a deist, and later in life, became a Christian. As for respect, he stated himself that he had respect for the Bible, without believing in it (until his later years)

And as I have shown, being religious has nothing to do with being weak minded. You can name any great person, and chances are, they were religious, except for a handful such as Napoleon
M*W: Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865 and President of the United States of America, stated the following:

"I do the very best I know how -- the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing it until the end."

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession."

"My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures have become clearer and stronger with advancing years, and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them."

~ A. Lincoln
M*W: Please describe my set of beliefs. I'd like to know.

Below is a collection of some of your beliefs. The bulk of them are your beliefs about the psychology and actions of theists and atheists, about the basis of religious people's beliefs - with implicit beliefs about what their beliefs are not based on - beliefs about human psychology in general and, I think, the assumption that there is no God. You also make a couple of philosophical assertions that are, also, beliefs. Directly and indirectly you present beliefs about yourself personally. As a member of the set of atheists and then when you specifically refer to yourself.

For the most part your beliefs are presented in complete generalizations and without qualification.

Please do not explain to me why these beliefs are correct. This would simply bolster my assertion that you have this set of beliefs. You can simply acknowledge that these are your beliefs and they constitute a set.

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own.
Believing in the god of whatever religion one is addicted to, is like the self-medicating druggie who cannot stop his illegal substance abuse.

Religion is an addiction.

God is a crutch for the weak minded

[Atheism is]
It is a belief and non-belief at the same time.

Yet, we are not immortal, and I still question why people need religion
[belief in bold]

Atheism eliminates all that negative mind control.

OTOH, one can only see the light when he decides to climb out of the box.
[the box=religion. Implicit belief=you see the light]

Even though I raised my children as christians, I had to leave them behind spiritually, because they wanted to live in their trite little world of fear, hell and damnation.
[belief about 'where' your children live]

[atheism is] an inner-knowing, an understanding, that the belief in deities is illogical and essentially harmful to the psyche. Religions and their beliefs are also harmful to individuals and societies. IT's like running-in-place. They go through the motions, but they don't learn anything new and, basically, nothing changes.
[there is a range of beliefs in here. Just that last one is a good example. Relgious people 'go through motions, do not learn anything new and nothing changes. A broad generalized belief stated without qualification]
Theists just don't understand this concept and are quick to condemn that which they are not familiar with (atheism) or that which they fear (no deity).
['this concept' is described in post #67]

Religions are based on fear... the fear of god... the fear of death... the fear of punishment in the afterlife... the fear of the unknown... the fear of abandonment.
Mankind's most innate fear from the time of birth is the fear of abandonment.

Religions offer the promise of never being abandoned, even after death
[Buddhism? not looking for an answer, just pointing out that this is a very general belief]

People believe, not because they truly worship a deity, they believe in what they want to believe to relieve them of their fear of abandonment.

[religious people]
They are also misinformed, twiddling their while thumbs waiting on eternity, where they believe they will never be abandoned for all time.

I guess atheists may not have the same depth of fear of abandonment like theists do, because they have an innate understanding that they are not being abandoned after all. An atheist has no need for false doctrines and rituals

atheists do not dwell on superiority over anyone.
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Hitler was an atheist though. He used religion as a propaganda tool, but he didn't actually believe in it.

M*W: But he sure had a close association with the Pope and The Vatican during WWII. How do you explain that?
As history shows us, the only men worth remembering are the men who believed in God. In fifty years, the name of "Richard Dawkins" will be erased from our memories; the generations to come will be entirely clueless as to his past existence. However, the names of the men most faithful to God, especially Muhammad, will be remembered forever.
M*W: Jesus's memory has faded. What makes you think that Muhammad will be remembered? It seems that Muhammad didn't write much of anything himself, because he was illiterate, so what makes you think the world will remember Muhammad anymore than Jesus or Buddha or the Dali Lama?
Richard Dawkins is an amusing fool. He really is annoying, though.
M*W: I've never read anything by Dawkins nor Hitchens. I believe what I don't believe on my own volition. A true atheist doesn't need extracurricular reading to know there is NO god.