God does exist.

When God created us, He created us for one purpouse.
What purpose would that be?

As He knows us 100%, He can be 100% sure of what we will do, because He knows us with 100% of accuracy. By this reason, He is able to discern the actions we will make by our soul: thoughts, will and emotions.





Its already CONFIRMED......Xelios, Frencheneez, Cris, and those who still maintains that knowing something means "establishing something" are all mentally challenged. Those who maintains that we dont have freewill (Frencheneez) and "knowledge" means "controlling and doing something" are alll mentally challenged, in other words "retarded" and "delusional", (Victims of the master of delusion and father of lies, Satan himself).EITHER that or they are REAL GOOD ACTORS, very impressive, they fooled me thats for sure.
wow.. whatsupyall is wrong... how incredibly.... shocking.. :rolleyes:

On a side note, whatever happened to tony1?
Xelios and others,

If he knows 100% what we will do, then he already knows every choice we will make in our lives. Our free will is simply an illusion, since no matter what we decide God will always know our choice before hand. He knows even before we were born whether we will end up in heaven or hell. If this is the case, what's the point of this life?

No. The consequence of His knowledge being 100% of how we ARE is that He can know with 100% of what we will do. You are turning the other way around, all of you. What I'm saying is that His knowledge of us and His omnipresence in each of our actions prevents Him from not knowing what we will do. He is watching us everytime. He know how we react to every situation. Therefore, if you have 100% of knowledge on something or someone, you predestinate what will going to happen with taking away the choice.

For example, if our services of metereology were really good (what it is not), we would be able to predestinate the changes in the wheater with 100% of assurance. The reason why the system cannot do that is because the system cannot see the weather everywhere all at the same time (as the weather of one region affects the weather in another, exactly what happen in human relationships). The Global Warming thing is a very good example of that. The climate changes in Antartica, or Europe or whatever can affect many other parts of the Globe. Since God is allways everywhere, complete knowledge is possible.

Another good example is with the Global economy nowdays. Whatever happens in the economy of one country may affect others. As my mom is used to say (correct me if I'm wrong mom... :D):

"If a jerk farts up there, we are screwed down here."

I LOVE my mom.... :D:D
Actually... the actual quote is:

"Shit, If a jerk farts up there we are screwed down here..."

Hehehe... Mommy...:D:D:D:D:D:D
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What purpose would that be?

Follow His will... :D:D
No... I'm kidding...

The purpose of our life is to glorify Him. How? By loving one another. You see... God is Love, so when we love one another we glorify Him, Love. That's the purpose of our lifes.
Why does god need us to glorify him? Can't he do that himself...

And inspector, were you the one with the abberant definition of freewill (that we follow our will, but have no choice)?

Remember that God is Love and the way that God, Love, is glorified is by loving one another...
"And inspector, were you the one with the abberant definition of freewill (that we follow our will, but have no choice)?"

Nope. I have not discussed free will on this site.........yet. ;-)

Hello people,

If "God" is everything as many theists claim then how can "God" be Love? That may be one of the many components that make up "God" but to say "God" is Love means I can equally say "God" is Hate. Remember when Jehovah wasn't too proud of his creation. There has been a few accounts were "he" acted on this emotion and displayed "his" hatred towards mankind.
God cannot be only love, if he were many things would simply not make sense. A being that knows nothing but love could not murder almost all his creations in a huge flood. That would require at least some bit of anger or resentment. To say God is all love would directly contradict this and other things mentioned in the Bible.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
I don’t personally think thought can change anything, without being backed up by action. ...
Essentially, I agree. Desire and all emotions are difficult to manage and keep under control. But I still find that thought plays a tremendous role in managing emotion and desire.

The people who do manage to beat the habit, do so through strong will power, the power to overcome their urges and desires. They first have to admit to themselves that they have a problem, and the only way to be rid of it, is to stop it, period. They then seek out people who are qualified to help them, they surrender themselves to such authorities by doing exactly what they say, regardless of their own ideas and concepts, in other words they put their faith in the relevant authorities.
No 'authority' or assistance can make you stop such behavior without the willing participation of the individual. It is the individual who must make the changes within their own mind. Others may help and guide but it is the individual who does the work... primarily the mental effort of controlling their addicted desires.

What is the concept of God?
According to whom?

Because you are looking outwardly. You can know about the concept of love, but unless you love you will never really know what it is, because it is a “personal experience.”
To develop knowledge of God, we need knowledge of ourselves, from that position it becomes clearer.
No, I have and continue to look inward as well. I have rather well developed sense of self-awareness. Those things inside myself that some people call God I attribute to other factors which I find to be more accurate predictors and indicators of my own behavior. You keep assuming there is something I do not know or have not tried. I believe I understand quite well those factors people attribute to God and I believe there are better explanations.

I once asked you if there is somebody you loved, and you replied, yes. I then asked you to prove your claim to me, and you couldn’t, did you re-evaluate the love you thought you had, or do you still love that someone? If so can you prove it to me yet?
That is not quite what happened. Love is a nebulous concept containing a tremendous variety of factors and definitions. What I did was ask you to define what love was. But no definition was proffered that lent itself to proof or disproof. One cannot test or prove an undefined hypothesis. Still, I believe that I did and can give evidence of love: 1) My first-hand account of my own emotions. 2) The fact that I tell the people I love that I love them. 3) The history of my actions which demonstrate "loving" behavior. 4) The opinion of those people who have first-hand experience to my words and behavior.

This is what I mean about self-understanding, self-realisation, the answers to your questions lie within your heart, but first you must be honest with yourself.
I always try to be...

I can understand that, but it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist. You will never find God by trying to see Him with your eyes, because your eyes are imperfect.
All of our senses are imperfect. Nothing about us is perfect. Which begs the question of why we would need to be perfect to "see" God.

When we work, generally it means we want something in return for our labour, the doctrines i.e. the ten commandments, is not meant to be hard labour.
Bad example, if they were natural behaviors they would not be commandments they would be instincts. Fact is, most religion seeks to constrain aspects of our instinctual behavior that are disruptive to the society in which we live. Religion is primarily used to govern. However, there are aspects of religion that go far beyond this simple authoritative use of religion... there are some primal truths contained within. Those truths are the things most worthy of study.

Maybe so, but that may be due to their understanding of Christ, as I said, because you say you believe in God, doesn’t mean you do. It is how we act that determines whether we are theist or atheist, not what we think. In fact thinking on its own determines nought.
But thought is intrinsic to meaningful action. Action based purely upon desire is bestial.

Work, work, work, you should chill out.
I enjoy work. I enjoy and value those things that I accomplish through effort. I think you just have a very negative perception of work.

Good, good, we agree on something at least, so we will take it from there, forget, for the moment about life coming from spirit. Our next question must be what is “life.”
At it's primary level, life is a pattern of organization that replicates, adapts, and grows.

I don’t want to go into the Pascals wager thing, but by your own admision you are not sure as to whether a God exists.

Now if God exists, you are blaspheming, right?
No. Actually, I find blasphemy to be one of the more absurd religious notions. A purely authoritative and human accretion.

When you blaspheme, you sin, when you sin, you become responsible for your own actions, you create re-actions...
I do not believe in blasphemy nor in sin but I do agree that we cannot escape the consequences of our actions; we are always responsible. It is this truth that I believe lies at the heart of the concept of sin but sin is an authoritative expression of it.

When we blaspheme, it is one of the worst sins, for the reactions of such actions are truly magnaminous.
Why I said you were foolish, was because you have no idea as to the scale of your offense, if you don’t believe God exists, then whose face are you going to tell it to, and if He exists then you have blasphemed and unless you can somehow come to your senses, you have to face up to your offense.
Any concept of God that I find worthy of admiration and respect and even the title of 'God' would not be offended by honest actions, thoughts, and expressions even if they were wrong.

What would you look for?
Whatever you've got. The more I learn the more likely I am to be correct in the judgments I make.

"If "God" is everything as many theists claim then how can "God" be Love? That may be one of the many components that make up "God" but to say "God" is Love means I can equally say "God" is Hate. Remember when Jehovah wasn't too proud of his creation. There has been a few accounts were "he" acted on this emotion and displayed "his" hatred towards mankind."

God both loves and hates. His nature is love (1 John 4:8), but He is also righteous (Psalm 7:9) and holy (Isaiah 6:3). The very fact that He does not incinerate all of humanity for its sin against Him is due to his loving kindness. God doesn't owe anyone anything. We are sinners and as such, we have offended Him because we have broken His laws -- and His laws are a reflection of His character. But, God in His great mercy, sent His Son to die for our sins so that we might have eternal life by receiving Christ as Savior (John 1:12; Rom. 10:9-10). Does God hate? Yes. Does God love? Yes. This is not a contradiction. This is simply the truth.

The very fact that He does not incinerate all of humanity for its sin against Him is due to his loving kindness.

Are you kidding me with this? How about the fact that he drowned many humans maybe even millions? Or that he decinagraded a whole city? Actually nevermind about that...How about the fact that he knew this all was going to happen and the fact that he allowed Satan in the Garden to tempt us in the first place.

It's like if you had a baby and she/he didn't listen to you, would you banish it from your house? Maybe keep the baby out in the shed. Someday he/she will have a chance to make up for it's mistake/sins by glorifying her/his father(the same person that put the baby in this position to begin with)

And don't bother reciting Bible verses. I can give you plenty that reject the idea that Jesus is God.
Originally posted by Raithere
No 'authority' or assistance can make you stop such behavior without the willing participation of the individual.

I said; “do so through strong will power, the power,” we agree on this.

According to whom?

To you of course. :)

Those things inside myself that some people call God I attribute to other factors

What things do you mean?

You keep assuming there is something I do not know or have not tried

Its not that, its that you don’t seemed relaxed with yourself, you seem to search for answers outside of your experience, this shows lack of confidence.

I believe I understand quite well those factors people attribute to God and I believe there are better explanations.

There are better explanations for everything if you get the right person to explain it, but explanations means squat, unless you can relate them to your own self experience, and when you can, you can see through bogus explanations very easily.

Love is a nebulous concept containing a tremendous variety of factors and definitions.

That is a strange description, do you mean love is sort of gaseus?

But no definition was proffered that lent itself to proof or disproof.

That is because one cannot define love in a general sense, it is a personal feeling. All we can do is say what love is to us as individuals, and compare our definitions. Like love, God can only be proven satisfactorily to ourselves.

One cannot test or prove an undefined hypothesis.

Love is not a hypothesis, theory or fact, it is a truth, you can only experience it when it is a part of you.

Still, I believe that I did and can give evidence of love: 1) My first-hand account of my own emotions. 2) The fact that I tell the people I love that I love them. 3) The history of my actions which demonstrate "loving" behavior. 4) The opinion of those people who have first-hand experience to my words and behavior.

But I cannot experience those things you tell me of. People tell people they love them all the time, it doesn’t mean its true, only they know if its true.

What is a loving behaviour?

Those people may have first hand experience of your words and behaviour, and express their opinion, but it still does not prove what love is to me, but you say you love. It is not different from me telling you what God means to me, do you get my point?

Which begs the question of why we would need to be perfect to "see" God.

Because He is perfect.
Try and imagine what a perfect person is.

Bad example, if they were natural behaviors they would not be commandments they would be instincts.

They are instincts, but our natural instincts have become perverted due to societal pressure.

Fact is, most religion seeks to constrain aspects of our instinctual behavior that are disruptive to the society in which we live.

Take a look at society today, is it any wonder?

But thought is intrinsic to meaningful action. Action based purely upon desire is bestial.

I agree totally with the first part, but the second part is too general, it depends what the desire is. It all boils down to whether our mind is our friend or enemy.

I enjoy work. I enjoy and value those things that I accomplish through effort.

I can apreciate that, but some things don’t require work, it actually requires calm, relaxation and enjoyment. When we work, we tend to focus the mind on the job at hand, when we relax we can focus on our mind.

I think you just have a very negative perception of work.

No, I realise that we have to work in this life, that is integral to our survival, my point is though, outside of that, why do we work so hard?

At it's primary level, life is a pattern of organization that replicates, adapts, and grows.

Just for now, forget what life is at its primary level, just tell what you think it is from your own perspective, now, as you read this. I know you must have one, because you are alive and therefore have firsthand experience of life. ;)

No. Actually, I find blasphemy to be one of the more absurd religious notions.

But for now that is what we have to go on, right? It says in all major religions that blaspheme is a sin, and your present stance is based on religions, so whether you accept it or not, that is the standard. If you change the religion, then it is no longer religion, and we have no subject matter.

I do not believe in blasphemy nor in sin but I do agree that we cannot escape the consequences of our actions;

You do not believe in God either, but we are discussing Him in light of religion, sin is explained in all religion, so you must accept (at least for purpose of discussion), the descriptions as laid out.
I do not agree that abiogenisis took place, but I cannot change the explanations as put forward by the authorities, to suit my whims.

It is this truth that I believe lies at the heart of the concept of sin but sin is an authoritative expression of it.

That make a lot of sense to someone who doesn’t believe in God, I know you don’t believe in God, but at least accept what religion is.

Any concept of God that I find worthy of admiration and respect and even the title of 'God' would not be offended by honest actions, thoughts, and expressions even if they were wrong.

You’re right, God would not be offended, but that is not what I implied, sin implies that you offend yourself, see it as a form of self-abuse. God is only offended when his devoted lovers are offended, then you really piss Him off. :D This is why Jesus said; “Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.”


Jan Ardena.
"And don't bother reciting Bible verses. I can give you plenty that reject the idea that Jesus is God."

In other words, don't give you any evidence to support the fact that God is just, so as not to confuse your presuppositions? BTW, you cannot, as you claim, give me biblical verses which 'reject the idea that Jesus is God'. There are none. You shouldn't be so intimidated by biblical content...........after all, the Bible is just a book, remeber?

In other words, don't give you any evidence to support the fact that God is just, so as not to confuse your presuppositions?

No, I never assume anything. And you will never confuse me :p

BTW, you cannot, as you claim, give me biblical verses which 'reject the idea that Jesus is God'. There are none.

Wow, that is a pretty ignorant statement, would you like me to post some? Just say the word. ;)

You shouldn't be so intimidated by biblical content

What would make you think I am intimidated? I was just giving you fair warning that any quote you provide that has to do with Jesus=God that I can provide many that directly contradict it. Try me :D

after all, the Bible is just a book, remeber?

No, I don't remember. I never said that or thought of that in my entire life. Last I checked the Bible was a gathering of many BOOKS. :cool: Books that lead one to believe that they have been misinterpretated and mistranslated throughout the centuries.

And another thing, Scripture is not evidence. By your logic I can just as well take the Muslim's Holy Book, the Quran, and turn them in as evidence. right?
about the "love" of the christian god

Matthew 10: 34-36

"Don't think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to make this happen:
A son will be against his father, a daughter will be against her mother,
a daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law, A person's enemies will be members of his own family."