God does exist.

11-24- 02 07:36 PM
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11-24- 02 08:03 PM
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Oh Cthulhu, that is just, just beautiful. :)
OH come on Xev, you can't block truthseeker! Hes trying, he understands reason. Yet he also has a window into a Theists mind. Just because we don't understand it does not mean we should dismiss it!

I have blocked whatsupall, because he is the bigest fucking dumbass ever, he believes that he is the only one who is right and everyone else is wrong. He only serves to insult us and miunderstand our posts. But truthseeker has not even once insulted us and all of his post is constructive.

even though I have blocked you, Ill still respond to you one more time. If you can't give me straight answers, I'm just going to have to ignore everything you write. SO if you want me to read your posts, don't be such an asshole.


Yes damnit. Did you give me one. NO. Yet again you fail to give me a straith answer. You peice of crap. You did say "no", but then you followed it up with context of A DIFFERENT QUESTION, one that noone has asked but you wish to use in place of mine.

Ill ask you again WITH CAN, AND ONLY SAY "yes" OR "no", K? Don't give me any more of your "don't say can" bullshit. If you think the question is irrelevant, don't answer it, and Ill continue to ignore you.

If you KNOW 100% that your nephew will take the controller, CAN he still CHOOSE NOT to take the controller?
OH come on Xev, you can't block truthseeker! Hes trying, he understands reason. Yet he also has a window into a Theists mind. Just because we don't understand it does not mean we should dismiss it!

Oh yes I can. I just did.
And until he says something semi-intelligent, he's staying that way. I deal with enough Nelsons and whatsupyall's at work.

This is my vacation.

You work with people like W and T? And you still appear fairly sane. I am very impressed.

Or Satan is everything God didn't create?

Maybe is that. I have to researche on that first... I never heard from my pastor how Satan was "created".

If he is a fallen angel indeed, then he does exist and was created by God, but he was also given a free will and rebelled against God. That would explain why Satan is the opposite of what God is, because Satan is rebelled against God.

I don't know how Satan was created or if he was created indeed. The things that I've told here are much more of my own philosophy instead of what is written in the Bible. The Bible talks about light and darkness but I still didn't find any passage explaining about Satan. So... I'll get in touch with my pastor and see what he can teach me about that.


OH come on Xev, you can't block truthseeker! Hes trying, he understands reason. Yet he also has a window into a Theists mind. Just because we don't understand it does not mean we should dismiss it!

I believe she is just teasing me... :D

I have blocked whatsupall

What have you been talking with him that seems to have no end??? :confused:


And until he says something semi-intelligent, he's staying that way.

Is that enough? :D:D:D

I have to agree with Tyler. According to your words Satan cannot exist.

Either Satan is a being of some type or he does not exist. If God created everything then he must have created Satan, that is, if Satan is to exist in any comprehensible meaning of the word 'exist'.

Please try again. I think you have a point to make but you are not making it in a way that anyone can understand. Either that or concede that Satan does not exist or God does not exist. It would appear from the paradoxes that you are creating for yourself that you can't have both.

Just saw your last post. Ok sounds good. Let us know what you find.
Originally posted by Frencheneesz

If you KNOW 100% that your nephew will take the controller, CAN he still CHOOSE NOT to take the controller?

Yes, he can choose NOT to take the controller.

But because I know HE WILL NOT, therefore HE WONT........................... HE CAN, BUT HE WONT, GET IT?

HE CAN CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE THE CONTROLLER, BUT HE "WILL" NOT; because my knowledge of his act is 100% absolute..AND THATS PROVEN A FACT...FREE-------WILL....MY NEPHEW HAVE "FREEWILL"...
French and all the atheist. Just becarefull what lurks within your mind, satan is the father of lies..He whispers nothing but lies within you. He can manipulate, delude you, and he dont care...
Atheism is a delusion and have no evidence, Christianity have plenty of evidence, but Satan will make it seem like atheism has plenty of evidence, and christianity is a delusion, the evil spirit is very alive AS YOU CAN SEE HIS WORKS CONCERNING THE TOPIC WE POSTED..
"French and all the atheist. Just becarefull what lurks within your mind, satan is the father of lies..He whispers nothing but lies within you. He can manipulate, delude you, and he dont care...
Atheism is a delusion and have no evidence, Christianity have plenty of evidence, but Satan will make it seem like atheism has plenty of evidence, and christianity is a delusion, the evil spirit is very alive AS YOU CAN SEE HIS WORKS CONCERNING THE TOPIC WE POSTED.."

You know what MM, whatever you say. I guess I'm just one of Satan's pawns. Don't listen to what I have to say because I'm not worth your time. Not to mention I'll only be spouting lies and deceptions right MM? So you know what? Go ahead and keep on acting all high and mighty, keep pretending you're a better person than I if that makes you feel good. Fricken moron.

And Satan is a proper name, capitalize it.

"I understand what whatsupyall is saying..."

Of course you do, he's on your side.

"Yes, he can choose NOT to take the controller.

But because I know HE WILL NOT, therefore HE WONT........................... HE CAN, BUT HE WONT, GET IT?

HE CAN CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE THE CONTROLLER, BUT HE "WILL" NOT; because my knowledge of his act is 100% absolute..AND THATS PROVEN A FACT...FREE-------WILL....MY NEPHEW HAVE "FREEWILL"..."

No, this is wrong. He does not have a choice. If he did choose not to take your controller your knowlege would no longer be 100% absolute. Since you knowlege must be 100% absolute for this whole arguement to work, it is impossible for him to choose not to take the controller.

Lets set this up as a law. Your knowlege is 100% absolute, that fact cannot change. Got it? Now, if you know he will take the controller, he has no other choice. He could not choose not to take it because if he did it would violate this law. One or the other, you can't have both. Either he has a choice, and you do not know with 100% certainty what he will choose, or you know 100% he will choose to take the controller and he has no choice in the matter.

I think you're the one being deluded by Satan, not me. Either that or your grasp on the concept of logic is not very strong.
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" I understand what whatsupyall is saying... "

So what is he saying? Can you put it into words that are not metephorical -- words that we can take litterally?


"Yes, he can choose NOT to take the controller. "

Well, if he can choose not to take the controller, then he has freewill. Yet, if he can choose not to take the controller, than you CANNOT know that he won't, it just doesn't work that way.

I forsee that you will disagree with me on this statement, just because you will doesn't mean that you cannot choose to agree with me. I cannot know for 100% that you will diagree.

Since I forsee this, I will put my question into different terms so I can better understand what you mean:

If you KNOW for 100% assurity that your cousin will take the controller, is there the possibility that your nephew could NOT take the controller?

That is the same question with a bit different terms so I may argue something a bit different. Remember this question is another "yes" or "no" question. It needs no context but its own.


You seem to think that the two "WILL"s have the same meaning. They don't. I'll have you know that the top one asscribes an act of doing, while the bottom one has to do with desires and wants. They are different words.



Then God cannot know with 100% certainty what your nephew or anyone else will do. Case closed, you're wrong.
God cannot know with 100% certainty what my nephew or anyone else will do. JUST BECAUSE XELIOS SAYS SO, AND NO EVIDENCE IS PROVIDED WITH THIS CLAIM...

Clearly Xelios is deluded.....


You are a lying cheating scum. You say that you never ignore my posts and that you are open minded.

I asked a new question that is constructed so that you have no room to wiggle in falistic definitions and opinion. SO ANSWER IT:

"If you KNOW for 100% assurity that your cousin will take the controller, is there the possibility that your nephew could NOT take the controller? "



That is some fucked up logic there. You win because you said something? hmm, EGO TRIP extravaganza!

Answer my question before your head explodes.
Look, we know Whatsupyall is incapable of logic and rational thought. It's not that he isn't trying to debate the mattes. it's that he's unable to be rational. Thus yelling and screaming at him and presenting him with logic and facts will achieve as much as giving a blind man a telescope to see a distant object. He's is incapable of logic and rational thought, just as a blind man is incapable of using that telescope. I suggest everyone relax, accept he is an idiot, and move on.
What's the Pro?

Originally posted by Frencheneesz
Yes, there is [need to recall details to have choice]. If you change your mind from watching tv to eating (disregarding that you can do both at the same time), then you have to RECALL or have NEW INPUT that says 'hmm, im hungry".

You could have the idea "hmm, Im bored", so you decide to watch TV. THEN you think "hmm, im hungrier than I am bored", and therein you change your mind BECAUSE you have new information.
Yet it continues. French can you please look at the definition of choice. Did you watch The Matrix [popular scifi movie]? When Keanu Reeves was supposed to choose one of the pills... he either chooses the red one or blue one or something. He didn't know anything about what he was getting into... he just chose a pill - bad example but please don't reply to this - ask one of your atheist buddies about it first. Choice doesn't require recollection of details.

I have to disagree with this. Agnostics have seen the evidence and are undecided about whether it is valid or not. Agnostics are undecided. Athiests have decided that god does not exists for, and only for, the fact that many people have searched for evidence of god, and we are still at ground zero for logical evidence.

The "evidence" you cite is part of that illogical parade. We exist, I can attest to that, YET god is not the only possible way of us getting here. Why MUST there be a god to create us? Your "evidence" implys that there is only one way for this universe to be here: god...

Yup, we can never be 100% certain that god does not exist. Many many people have searched (and allegedly found) evidence of god's existance. Yet any of this so called "evidence" has not been logical enough for us to accept. Im tellin ya, if it was logical we'd accept it! Do you really think all us athiests are evil?
In light of all the above the fact remains. Everyone else keeps their TRAPS shut and say we don't know or can't know or whatever. Atheists flatly deny. Why do you deny? Are you afraid of the fact that God just might exist? Denial. God knows who is evil. I dare not judge.
Ok then we agree. Yet you then go on to make the assumption that god KNOWS what choice we will make. This takes away our uncertainty doesn't it?
Nope. OUR uncertainty still exists. As long as OUR uncertainty exists then OUR choice exists right? Of course! GOD knows perfectly what choice we will make. We don't - thus our uncertainty exists - thus we have a choice.
Obviously not; if my logic were the same as your logic, wed be in agreement. Do you think faith is universal?
No not in that sense French. In other words do you think logic can explain away every single faucet of our existence? As far as I can see logic takes the state of all the sciences right now... totally fragmented - rival theories all over. Hasn't explained away my existence just yet.