God does exist.

What's the Pro?

"GOD HAS NO LIMITS, God is always all powerfull, all knowing, and all good"

Then he can't change his mind and repent dip****. This is what I was arguing. **** MAN! USE YOUR BRAIN FIRST!

Change His mind and... repent? Why can't he change his mind? God says He'll return one day: What if He decided on tuesday and then changed his mind to thursday? You are saying that He would know that He was going to change his mind and that goes on to infinity. But He did change His mind. So what's the problem?

Sin resulted in man being separated from God.

Originally posted by (Q)

I cannot say that when I meet an alien species our method of explaining our surroundings - logic - will be the same as theirs.

Why not ? One plus one will still equal two. A measurement of distance or quantity will be the same. Gravity will influence them as it influences us. Why should anything be any different aside from the obvious advances in technologies ?

If logic was perfect we would know everything there is to know about the universe and our cosmogony. We obviously do not

We may have accomplished a great deal more by now, however, in the past, the theists have done everything in their power to suppress the sciences. If they would just keep their noses out of the business of science, in time, we might know everything there is to know about the universe.

Yeah 1+1 = 2; 2! = 2; 2[(cosx)^2+(sinx)^2)=2; 2/1 = 2; Log100 = 2.

Try to see those equations above as different systems of logic which explain the same thing. I just saw this post on page 45 - sorry I took so long. Do you get my drift. Things happen in the universe we use our numbers to explain them. Will aliens have numbers? I get what you are getting at. But I disagree. Do you see what I am getting at. You just DON'T know what to expect with an alien species. You are using the WHOLE system we invented as a stereotype.
Originally posted by Frencheneesz
Yes, where the car is the universe. The universe contains humans. If the car (in the example) has no freewill, than neither do humans.

I take it, when you argue that God cannot be omniscient, you are using the examples as set by religion, as to the description of God. (If not, then please state your reference point).

Now, as the Bible is the most common reference book, on this forum, i shall take an extract from it, which shows, basically, what man is.

2:7 The Lord God formed the man from the soil of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Here you can see that God has complete control over the material universe, He simply (from His perspective) forms the body of a man out of the dust. This means, the body is in tact, He then "breathes" life into the already formed nostrils of the man (body), the man becomes alive.
So here we can see from the description in the scripture, that the life force is separate to the material body, we can see that, the body, without the life force, is nothing but dust, ashes or stool.
You may not agree with this account, but that is not the point. The point is if you are going to argue about Gods omniscience, technically, you can only argue from the point of veiw of the scripture, otherwise it is just mental speculation.

God would be the "person" in control of the car in this example.

In essence, yes, but that portion of God that is primarily in control of the car, is separate from Him insofar as it has an individual personality, and therefore can reject God if he so chooses.
This is why we are ignorant of certain things, we do not know the origin of our selves, and therefore act accordingly, we accept that we "are" the physical body. The fact that we act in this way, signifies we have a free will

I think you have said that god does not control the universe, therefore I think you would argue againts god being the car's controller here.

I have not said that, just by that one biblical verse i cited earlier, you can see that God is clearly in control of the material universe. From our perspective the human body is so complex, i don't think, with all the brilliant scientific minds that are and have been present, we will ever be able to create one, but God forms one, simply out of the dust, with everything in tact.

Now, i am not interested whether you believe in God or not, we are arguing about Gods omniscience as described in the scripture and should therefore stick to the descriptions as layed out in said documents.

Think about this:

1. If god knows the future PERFECTLY, then there is only one way that the universe can happen.

No, there are two ways, as told in scripture;

The wages of sin is death
The gift of God is eternal life.

I'm sure you can agree that freewill cannot exist IF IF IF there is no possibility for choices, right?

Read read read above.

....or are you being sarcastic?

I was being sarcastic.

What is your definition of "knowlege"?

To "know."

I see what you are saying, but it is metephorical.

Read, then study the biblical verse, at the top of this post, it will become simple.

I've noticed that you talk in metephors A LOT!

I can apreciate that it sounds metaphoric to you, but the simultaneously one and different thing is not a metaphor.
As i said, read the text then get back to me.

it just confuses the matter and give a vauge statement. It would be nice if you wound't make metephorical statements.

Confuses what matter?

and even though I know what you are trying to say, it remains vauge about what you actually think.

What am I "trying" to say, as you put it?


Jan Ardena.
Re: Non capisce!

Originally posted by Raithere
In a purely mechanistic/deterministic Universe everything is strictly a matter of cause and effect.


Our minds, in a deterministic universe, are simply computers... input/output systems.

What computer can create music or poetry by itself, dance or instantly change its mind without the inference of a living being?

Did the first computer create itself, or was it created by a living being?

Do you get my point?

We have no freedom of choice in such a situation as our decisions would simply be a matter of cause and effect.

You have contradicted yourself because cause and effect are not fixed actions, they are the consequences of actions, but the actions performed by the human, is various, creating different sequences of cause and effect. Every action, according to God, eventually ends up in two ways;

The wages of sin is DEATH.
The gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE.

So we have a choice, this is what is meant by “freewill.”
The fact that we are arguing about whether God is omniscient or not, is due to free will.

Freewill \Free"will`\, a. Of or pertaining to free will; voluntary; spontaneous; as, a freewill offering.
adj : done of your own accord; "a freewill offering"

Seems to me that when you don't understand you simply become abusive.

What I said was not meant as an insult, if you are insulted, then I apologise, as that is not my intention. My use of the term “blockhead” describes your state of mind. You keep asking for physical evidence of God, who is not regarded as physical in any sense.
If I ask you to prove what love is, you would point me in the direction of “observe the effects,” which is not wrong, as love, although has physical effects, itself cannot be detected by our eyes. The same applies to God, “everything”we see physically (according to scripture), is an effect, but He cannot be known physically as He is not physical.
That means you are not prepared to understand the scriptures, as it says; God can only be perceived through our intelligence, in rather the same way “love” can only be perceived.
But you choose not to co-operate with the scriptures to satisfy your curiosity, instead you purposely ask me to do something you know I can’t do, and claim that there is no God.

In this particular instance, I said;

We are working to achieve our desires, our desires have already been decided by us. God knows our desires, because a part of Him dwells in the heart of every living being. Affairs of the heart, are our desires.

Now you know we can change our desires, because I’m sure you change your desires as does everybody, to suit your particular condition. Ie, if you are rich you may want to live in a fabulous house, and if you are poor you can still live as nicely.

You said,

I would ask if we cannot change our desires but according to what you said above we have no free will so there's no point in asking.

This is why I said,

If you decide to remain blockheaded, why bother reply?

My question still stands. :)

you'd be able to formulate a reasonable response.

Please point out an “unreasonable” response, which I have made on this subject.

If you attempted to understand what I'm saying rather than simply denying my argument in a knee-jerk reaction perhaps you'd be able to formulate a reasonable response.

I understand perfectly what you are saying, it’s quite simple, if God knows every move we make in advance of our decision, then there is no such thing as freewill, as all movement is pre-destined. Yeah?

But it is you who doesn’t understand what I’m saying, before you make a decision, nothing can be known because nothing is there, i.e. no decision has been made. When you do make a decision, then your choice is limited to your particular condition, i.e we live according to our means.
The condition is the material world, and our particular field of activity, the body. We are forced to act for at least our survival and most for our comfort, pleasure and salvation, and everything in between. Our conditioning, within our particular body, limits us to certain activities, but within these limitations there are choices, i.e. I can make something of my life, or I can waste it. This is free will. God knows perfectly the limitations of the material world, therefore he knows, what choices are available, but the choice is yours.

Your manner is that of most fanatics.

That is nothing more than a low down statement. We can understand that the people who masterminded the 9/11 attacks were “fanatics”, be they religious, political, or home spun (although only religious connections are officially spun) and you are labelling me in that context, this is very dangerous slander in light of the current international, political climate.

Why do you label me? (rhetorical)

Because, through study and experience among other things, I have come to the conclusion that God does exist, and I involve myself in discussion and argument regarding this topic.

As soon as the word “fanatic” is mentioned, immediately, most people, especially in the western world, relate it to “terrorism” whether we like it or not. The term “terrorist” when mentioned, brings instantly “Islamic fundamentalist” which brings to mind “religion.” It remains only a matter of time, at this rate of inference, before being religious is seen as “terrorist activity.”

There are plenty of people who have chosen not to drink... and died. There are thousands of coma patients who do not drink... but are instead hydrated intravenously.

That is due to their condition, when someone is of sound mind, they are forced to drink water, for their own survival, that is part of the material conditioning. To say otherwise is just......................wellll.... plain silly. :rolleyes:

With free-choice there is no "have to"...

You “have to” take care of the body, or soon you won’t have any choices. :p

You assume that they will willingly drink some liquid for this purpose but that is not the same as knowing that they will do so.

Your just confusing yourself, I know that everybody on this forum, as long as they are alive, will have a drink at some stage in their future, unless they are in a situation where water cannot be obtained, then they will die.

Omniscience means knowing everything... each and every fragment of the past and the future, precisely and exactly, every single detail down past the subatomic level.

You won’t get no argument from me.

Not only would an omniscient god know that humans need to maintain hydration but he would know exactly when, what, where I would take my next drink.

How could he know, if you don’t know?
If you don’t know when your next drink is, then there is nothing to know.
If you desire a drink, then he knows you desire a drink, when you decide, right I’m going to get a drink now, He knows, but where there is nothing to know, what is there for anybody to know.

Where are you getting these concepts from, are they from religious documents?

He would know, down to the exact number of molecules, how much water I consumed, which molecules evaporated from my lips, which ones traveled to each specific liver cell and which ones traveled to each specific brain cell.

Yes, He is the greatest scientist and mathematician.

Then how is it that our thoughts can affect our desires?

Do you have any examples?

If desires come first and thoughts serve desire then how can my thoughts affect my desires which preexisted them?

How would you know that your thoughts pre-existed your desires, is there a way of discriminating?

The convincing kind of evidence. Something aside from hearsay. Something repeatable, testable, and otherwise inexplicable. The kind of evidence that necessitates God. Hell, I'll even take a valid logical argument into consideration. What kind of evidence do you have? I'm happy to consider any of it.

You don’t know what kind of evidence you require, do you? :(
That is why you are trying to pass off this waffle, as a response to my question.

If and when you have something concrete, please feel free to put foreward your request. :)


Jan Ardena.
You know what Jan, what Frenchy, Cris, and all the other atheist are realy trying to say is....

"To me, I think all knowing means "ALL DOING", after all the only way to know things IS TO DO THINGS. That is MY interpretation of "all knowing" so that it will contradict, and when it contradicts, then at the end of my sentence I can say "Omniscience and freewill cannot Co-exist" because Im an atheist and I donot want to accept God's mercy, so I will ignore every facts and logic as much as I can.."- By the atheists...

Listen kids, the word "knowing" means "knowing", not "doing" ok? And you can know things without doing them or "influencing them".
God created everything in this world as a gift, a pillow is designed for sleep, now u can use it to kill someone. U can use a blanket to choke another man, any gift can be used imporperly. The world, and everything else is a gift, and if u abused it, then thats the decision u made....
We have freewill and God cannot take that away from us. If u were to do bad, why should God stop u from doing what u want to do? Then that will mean You are not free, and God might as well make u into a robot or turn you into a vegetable. You are designed to be free, not designed to be a robot.
And no, there isnt 1 way that we can follow things, there is two, but as an atheists u like to lie and take things out of context.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal.
God knows ahead of time knows that Adam and Eve was going to use their freewill to disrespect Him, so God punished them for their act (justice) but God also knows ahead of time that ADAM AND EVE WILL ASK FOR FORGIVENESS SO GOD GAVE THEM FORGIVENESS AND REPENTANCE, SO THEY CAN INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE...If u take one out, then you will say "God is bad" because he punished man for their crime, then if u take the other one out, then you will say "GOD IS GOOD BECAUSE HE GAVE THEM ETERNAL LIFE EVEN THOUGH THE MAN DISOBEYED HIM", but which one of them is right? Is God good, or God evil?
AND HOW CAN GOD SIN? THE WORD SIN MEANS "SEPARATION FROM GOD", HOW CAN GOD SEPARATE HIMSELF FROM HIS OWN? "Where there is no law there is no sin'. Laws are what gives "offense" and sin, but the laws wasnt made for God, but for you, none of the 10 commandments are aplied to God. One of the commandment said "Thou shall not covet they neighbors good", how can God break this WHEN HE OWNS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE? This laws isnt applied for Him, God cannot sin. God is perfect, no errors affect Him, HE ISNT SUBJECT TO US, WE ARE SUBJECT TO HIM...
If the bible said "Thou shall not kill", How can this be applied to God? He is the judge, "there s only one judge who can build and destroy"- James....
Thats why God came down on earth and lived the life we should live, HE CAME DOWN IN A FORM OF A FLESH, JESUS CHRIST, AND OBEYED EVERY SINGLE LAW, SO YOU CANNOT SAY GOD IS A HIPOCRITE, BECAUSE HE HAS DONE IT, IN FACT HE DOESNT HAVE TO DO THIS, PLUS HE DIED FOR YOU, what more can you ask? Accepting Christ is so close to taking away your freedom and become a slave of God (if thats what u want).


It is just the matter of what is good to you and what is evil to you. Some may think the devil is good because the devil allowed them to have sex all they want, be perverted, kill those they hate, doesnt have to follow rules their parents give, so to some, the Devil is all good. And to them, God is all evil, because He doesnt want them to be a pervert, wants them to follow rules, wants them to forgive their enemies, etc..
But to us, the devil is bad, because behind those pleasurable act is an eternity in Hell. And God is all good, because he allowed us to respect our parents, wants us to live in a civilized matter, care for one another, and forgive those who wronged you, and along with these labor, is eternal life, so GOD IS ALL GOOD...
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What computer can create music or poetry by itself, dance or instantly change its mind without the inference of a living being?

Actually, my friend has a computer that he has programed to help him write music. It doesn't do all the work, but it sees what he plays on his guitar, and helps write the rest. Not quite the same, but almost like the computer is writing music.

So we have a choice, this is what is meant by “freewill.”
But does God know which one we will chose before we do it? If he does, and he is omniescent, then we have no freewill. This is because if he knows before hand, HE CAN'T BE WRONG (that's omniescent). If he is wrong, then he isn't omniescent, and therefore not all powerful. If he isn't wrong, then we have no freewill, as it has been predetermined.
what Frenchy, Cris, and all the other atheist are realy trying to say is....
Apparently, God isn't the only one who thinks he know everything . . . Hey WAAAHHHHHZZZZUUUUPPPP!!!, let's try another trick. I'm thinking of a number. . . .

Seriously, I am well aware of the fact that knowing doesn't mean doing. However, I am not omniescent. I can theorize that you will respond to my post, but I don't know wether you will or not. However, if I am omniescent, I KNOW you will respond. If you don't, I am not omniescent. I don't have to DO anything to know what the outcome is.

How could he know, if you don’t know?
Becuase he is omniescent, and you aren't.

I'm sure there is other stuff on here I could respond to, but I need to get to class. More later :)
What is Atheism?

From all the posts I've read on this forum I have come to the conclusion that Atheism does not have any validity. Reading all the posts just made me realise that the atheists have no stance; no valid reason to deny God's existence.
What's the Pro?

But does God know which one we will chose before we do it?
Yes. Not patronising. That doesn't elliminate that fact that we made a choice.
If he does, and he is omniescent, then we have no freewill. This is because if he knows before hand, HE CAN'T BE WRONG (that's omniescent).
He is never wrong. We have choices to make. He knows the choices we have to make. He knows the choices we are going to make. We make the choice.
If he is wrong, then he isn't omniescent, and therefore not all powerful. If he isn't wrong, then we have no freewill, as it has been predetermined.
He is never wrong. We have the choices to make. God knows the choices we are going to make. We make the choices. We are predestined because we make those choices. I just can't see the problem.
From all the posts I've read on this forum I have come to the conclusion that Atheism does not have any validity. Reading all the posts just made me realise that the atheists have no stance; no valid reason to deny God's existence.

You're quite right. There is no good reason to deny the existence of ANY extraordinary, supernatural being that we haven't seen. Generally you don't believe in something until you find a reason not to. You not believe in something until you find a reason to believe.

Having said that, there are reasons not believe:

- the incoherence of the God idea

- parsimony.

However, as sciforumians have shown there is no real reason to believe or disbelieve in any God. Proofs from philosophy and archaeology fail miserably things like the problem of evil are quite unconvincing.

Most people are atheists, some just believe in one less God.

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
before you make a decision, nothing can be known because nothing is there, i.e. no decision has been made. When you do make a decision, then your choice is limited to your particular condition.
This is perfectly acceptable. But it does mean that God is not omniscient in the sense of knowing the future.

As soon as the word “fanatic” is mentioned, immediately, most people, especially in the western world, relate it to “terrorism” whether we like it or not.
I definitely did not mean it in the sense you indicate and I find the suggestion to be somewhat absurd. A fanatic is someone who is overzealous and unreasonable.

You “have to” take care of the body, or soon you won’t have any choices.
Not the same thing at all. Yes, we must consume fluids or we will die. This is not the same as not having a choice whether to consume fluids or not. One may choose, instead, to die.

How would you know that your thoughts pre-existed your desires, is there a way of discriminating?
Do you have any examples?
Certainly. One might desire to eat chocolate cake. But upon considering this one might realize that chocolate cake has lots of calories and fat and is therefore unhealthy. Thus, after consideration, one no longer desires chocolate cake. Or perhaps one enjoys the taste of veal. However after finding out how veal calves are treated one no longer desires it. Thus thoughts affect desires.

You don’t know what kind of evidence you require, do you?
I'd accept any evidence. The problem is, what you probably consider to be evidence I probably do not. All reputed evidence for God that I've seen has had some critical flaw that causes me to refuse it as grounds for a belief in God. All the logical arguments I've seen have either involved a critical fallacy or are based upon what I consider to be faulty premises. All the physical 'evidence' that I have considered has had a better or simpler explanation that did not involve God. All the rest has been anecdotal.

So what do you consider to be evidence of God? Previously you have argued from the observation that all life comes from life... yet this line of reasoning does not support a conclusion of a supernatural cause, much less necessitate God. Physical life comes from physical life... there is nothing observable that suggests something supernatural is involved in any way.

So, what else do you consider evidence for God? I'm happy to analyze whatever evidence or argument you provide.

"Proofs from philosophy and archaeology fail miserably"

Ahhhhhh, the blanketed dismissal with no supporting commentary. Predictable AND consistent.

"I'm happy to analyze whatever evidence or argument you provide."

Raithere, you have not sufficiently addressed the Tell El Amarna tablets I presented earlier. This is yet another ploy by humanists: acknowledge the evidence, explain it away with undocumented jargon or unsubstantiated naturalistic dogma, and quickly move on to another subject. I have hundreds more archaeological evidences that support the validity of the Bible AND it's contents. As an atheist, it is YOUR responsibility to attempt to disprove these artifacts as evidence. Simply saying that archaeological discoveries are not considered evidence is simply not true, and therefore, invalid. It is time for the Truth to be told on these threads. Go to your source of misinformation, infidels.org, and get prepared, as there is much more evidence coming your way.

Some Christians rely heavily on antiquated documents as evidence supporting the Bible, and ultimately, God.

Even if you prove all aspects of the bible are true and that all the miracles happened, this does not logically prove the existence of God. It is equally valid proof for Satan or super-intelligent aliens or a minor God with a sense of humour.

I have, on numerous occasions, presented this type of evidence, such as eyewitness testimonies corroborated by New Testament writers, to the bevy of atheists here on this site. However, I am consistently greeted with the typical knee-jerk responses by most.

The same fallacy will generally invoke quite typical responses. When you cite Corinthians as proof of 500 eyewitnesses to the ressurection, people will inevitably point out that this is hearsay since we rely on Paul's truthfulness. He wasn't even at the location that he didn't mention to count the unnamed people that he didn't see.

There are over 800 known NON-BIBLICAL documents in existence that are both historically accurate and archaeologically consistent with biblical narratives. Yet, each time I present this fact, it is predictably dismissed with the rubber stamp response of ‘that is not sufficient proof’ by most atheists here on this site.

This merely proves the historicity of certain aspects of the bible, which most atheists acknowledge. Other parts aren't confirmed at all, eg Exodux, Patriarchs. This is hardly indubitable proof of the Christian God.

If you say that this is not valid, then we must analyze your criteria and methodology of examination to see if it is objective and reasonable.

Someone's methodology should be examined, sure.

For those willing to listen, I am willing to teach the Truth.

Feel free to start anytime.
"Even if you prove all aspects of the bible are true and that all the miracles happened, this does not logically prove the existence of God. It is equally valid proof for Satan or super-intelligent aliens or a minor God with a sense of humour."

This is your presupposition talking............and humanists say that I am being insincere, when one says 'prove to me this or that and I will believe', and I correct them that they will not change their beliefs. This is a classic example. BTW, Satan exists, also.

"When you cite Corinthians as proof of 500 eyewitnesses to the ressurection, people will inevitably point out that this is hearsay since we rely on Paul's truthfulness."

Go to Merriam-Webster.com and review the differences between 'eyewitness evidence' and 'hearsay evidence'. The key search word to use when you get there is 'evidence'.

"This merely proves the historicity of certain aspects of the bible, which most atheists acknowledge. Other parts aren't confirmed at all, eg Exodux, Patriarchs. This is hardly indubitable proof of the Christian God."
Most atheists? I may have met one. Two counting you. Regarding your term 'indubitable proof', I have never claimed to have proof, only evidence.

"Someone's methodology should be examined, sure."

This does not warrant comment.

"Feel free to start anytime."

I have.

I have presented, and will continue to present, evidence supporting the validity of the Bible. If you acknowledge that the Bible is valid (and it is), then you, through logic, must accept the possibility of the existence of God. Period.

From all the posts I've read on this forum I have come to the conclusion that Atheism does not have any validity.

...so, because I have questions about God and religion, my arguments are invalid?

Because of my questions, people label me an atheist (or agnostic...depends on how you interpret it). I did not pick this label.

In case you haven't noticed, there is a thread somewhat similar to this one. You should check it out:

It is not as long as this one yet, so you should be able to read through the whole thread in about the time it takes to read through one of Jan Ardena's posts here :D

By the way MarcAC, have you checked your PM's recently? Say, the past two days or so? Just wondering... ;)
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This is your presupposition talking............and humanists say that I am being insincere, when one says 'prove to me this or that and I will believe', and I correct them that they will not change their beliefs. This is a classic example. BTW, Satan exists, also.

I agree, this would be hypocritical, hence my agnosticism. This does not impinge upon the validity of the counterargument, however. A super-intelligent alien is an equally good explanation. In fact, Ockham and I prefer it because it doesn't require the existence of a superflous entity: the supernatural.
By Satan I mean a malevolent spirit that likes deception.

Go to Merriam-Webster.com and review the differences between 'eyewitness evidence' and 'hearsay evidence'. The key search word to use when you get there is 'evidence'.

Eh? Whats your point.

Most atheists? I may have met one. Two counting you. Regarding your term 'indubitable proof', I have never claimed to have proof, only evidence.

I'm sure you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't think one event in the bible was a historical occurance. 'Indubitable proof' is hyperbolic(kind of). I mean the evidence is crappy.

This does not warrant comment.

Which is an unwarranted comment, then.
Originally posted by inspector
Raithere, you have not sufficiently addressed the Tell El Amarna tablets I presented earlier.
What about them?

"In reply to these arguments for the identification of the Habiri with the Hebrews under Joshua, it may be noted that, although the letters which speak of the Habiri are all from Central or Southern Palestine, they belong to very nearly the same time as the very numerous letters concerning the extensive wars in the North. The distinct separation of the one set of letters from the other is rather arbitrary and so creates an appearance which has little or no existence in fact." - http://www.searchgodsword.org/enc/isb/view.cgi?number=T8649

"Against the view that the Habiri were the Hebrews of the Bible may be cited not only these discrepancies in the evidence presented for that view (compare (1), above), but also the very strong evidence from Egypt that the Exodus took place in the Ramesside dynasties, thus not earlier than the XIXth Dynasty and probably under Merenptah, the successor of Rameses II. The name Rameses for one of the store cities could hardly have occurred before the Ramesside kings. The positive declaration of Rameses II:" - http://www.searchgodsword.org/enc/isb/view.cgi?number=T8649

This is yet another ploy by humanists: acknowledge the evidence, explain it away with undocumented jargon or unsubstantiated naturalistic dogma, and quickly move on to another subject. I have hundreds more archaeological evidences that support the validity of the Bible AND it's contents.
Not at all. I view the Bible for what it is. A somewhat accurate history of the Jews gilded with mythology, fabrication, and religion. Many of the things referenced in the Bible are based upon historical facts. This does not mean the rest is truth. The movie "Saving Private Ryan" is based upon historical fact. This does not mean that the story is entirely true.

As an atheist, it is YOUR responsibility to attempt to disprove these artifacts as evidence.
Hardly. It is up to the archaeologists and historians to determine the veracity and meaning of these artifacts. I, in turn, examine the experts and consider the strength of their arguments. Sorry, but just because you find Gomorra referenced in a non-Biblical text does not validate the Bibles story of that city. Fact is, not a single supernatural event is referenced outside of the Bible. If you want the exodus to be identified with the expulsion of the Hyksos (The exodus is to be identified with the explusion of the Hyksos from Egypt by Ahmose (1570-50 B.C.; Frerichs and Lesko, 1997, 82, 96).) fine by me. But wouldn't you think the Red Sea swallowing the entire Egyptian army would go noticed in some reference other than the Bible? Sure there is some historical truth there... but the important parts (religiously speaking), the parts that indicate that there is a God and he's hanging around to help us poor mortals out, are fabrications.

Simply saying that archaeological discoveries are not considered evidence is simply not true, and therefore, invalid.
I never have. Talk about telling the truth... you can't even tell the truth about this conversation.

It is time for the Truth to be told on these threads. Go to your source of misinformation, infidels.org, and get prepared, as there is much more evidence coming your way.
Don't aim it my way. I'm not going to argue every item of archeological evidence available and what it's meaning is. Neither of us is qualified for that anyway. But if you can provide non-Biblical evidence of a miracle I'd be happy to address it.


Actually, my friend has a computer that he has programed to help him write music. It doesn't do all the work, but it sees what he plays on his guitar, and helps write the rest. Not quite the same, but almost like the computer is writing music.

I believe he was talking about creative power, the power to create original things. Computers don't have this power; they only know what we put in there. They can't learn neither create something new...

Voodoo Child,

Even if you prove all aspects of the bible are true and that all the miracles happened, this does not logically prove the existence of God. It is equally valid proof for Satan or super-intelligent aliens or a minor God with a sense of humour.

That's not true. The Bible speaks the Word of God and It speaks about God Himself.The Bible says that He is the one who do miracles. If you say that the Bible is true, then you are also saying that God is the one who do the miracles.

I believe he was talking about creative power, the power to create original things. Computers don't have this power; they only know what we put in there. They can't learn neither create something new...
Not quite. There are numerous programs available now that can produce their own music. Some years ago in Europe an entire concert was held with nothing on the stage but a computer, which composed and played original music in front of a live audience.

It is true that computers only do what we tell them, but for many years now we have been developing programs that can also learn. In 1985 I witnessed a demonstration of a neural network based program solve simple arithmetic problems, having been given only simple examples of what the equations look like. The program had to first learn before it could solve the problems. After the demonstration the programmers admitted they didn’t really know how it had solved the problems. That was 17 years ago and AI based programs have now become far more complex and can certainly learn for themselves and produce their own creations.

Throughout the world most universities who have advanced AI disciplines compete regularly in robotic soccer contests. Two teams of robots play soccer and the better teams learn the tactics of their opponents, adapt their own techniques, and create their own unique strategies.

The computing power in these machines is still relatively simple compared to the human brain but the technology is advancing at a geometric rate. Not only can machines already learn, adapt, and create uniqueness, but also the rate of progress indicates that they will inevitably rival and surpass humans within most likely the next decade.

It is true that computers only do what we tell them, but for many years now we have been developing programs that can also learn. In 1985 I witnessed a demonstration of a neural network based program solve simple arithmetic problems, having been given only simple examples of what the equations look like. The program had to first learn before it could solve the problems. After the demonstration the programmers admitted they didn? really know how it had solved the problems. That was 17 years ago and AI based programs have now become far more complex and can certainly learn for themselves and produce their own creations.

Well... certainly not the AI of Transport Tycoon Deluxe...! :D:D

The computing power in these machines is still relatively simple compared to the human brain but the technology is advancing at a geometric rate. Not only can machines already learn, adapt, and create uniqueness, but also the rate of progress indicates that they will inevitably rival and surpass humans within most likely the next decade.

Will they ever eat us alive!?!? :bugeye: :eek: