God does exist.

Hey, whatsupyall, you are really wasting your time with us blockheads. Go to this forum:


In the religion and philosophy forum, just look for Franko. There you'll find a kindred spirit.


PS: :eek: Gawd, I cant belive I did this! :eek:
whatsupyall: Don't lose hope


I read with interest your unique views on Hinduism, about what it professes and what its theories are. I do understand it is an open religion with lots of freedom, but am sure would not accept babble from the mentally retarded in the same spirit. I pity RCC as you seem to be liking it.

Second, you have hope. Try to vigourously shake your head each night until all the hair on your head flies off. Try this for a month and if it does not help you post with a semblance of sense, take an overdose of sleeping pills, quickly run to a deep pond and jump in. If you survive, there is still hope- take printouts of a few of your posts, read them and finally, try to understand them. That will kill you.

Third, we request your permission to use excerpts from your posts. We wish to use them as material for hardy war criminals, they prefer to tell the truth than read one of the posts

This seems very confused.

What do you mean by – human platform, other lifeforms, instinctual and natural, preference? I looked at for a while but really couldn’t figure out what you had in mind.

Other life forms means life with bodily forms other than human, example, cats and dogs.
“Human platform” is said in the context of karma. The soul transmigrates from one type of body (species) to another, at some point it possesses a human form, hence it comes to the human platform. :)


Jan Ardena.
Re: whatsupyall: Don't lose hope

Originally posted by UltiTruth

I read with interest your unique views on Hinduism, about what it professes and what its theories are. I do understand it is an open religion with lots of freedom, but am sure would not accept babble from the mentally retarded in the same spirit. I pity RCC as you seem to be liking it.

Second, you have hope. Try to vigourously shake your head each night until all the hair on your head flies off. Try this for a month and if it does not help you post with a semblance of sense, take an overdose of sleeping pills, quickly run to a deep pond and jump in. If you survive, there is still hope- take printouts of a few of your posts, read them and finally, try to understand them. That will kill you.

Third, we request your permission to use excerpts from your posts. We wish to use them as material for hardy war criminals, they prefer to tell the truth than read one of the posts

blah blah blah blah, yada yada yada yada, ahhh SHUT UP!...
There has also been scientific proof of angels.........Has there really been scientific proof of angels?
Angels arent humanoid figures who wear white nighties and have wings u know. Why does everyone think this? Anyone can be an angel. U just have to be close enough to god. u read things in the bible like: and an angel came to me and showed me the way. it means (IMO) that someone who was close to god. a person who was close to god. anyone can be an angel. there may be broader things written in the bible though. does anyone know where this image of an angel actually comes from? (the one about them having wings etc)
Pete, angels are beings that existed before us, as we are bioligcally made, angels are a form of energy that we cannot detect, like God. We have a spirits and soul within us (spirit is of God or evil, and soul is our reflection), but we have this biological shell, and when this body dies, our soul departs it and it becomes like a good or evil spirits, the angels of God or angels of the dark, a form of undetectable energy, an INFINITE speed, unlike atoms and subatomic particles , YOU CAN ONLY DETECT ATOMS BY ANOTHER ATOM, BUT YOU CANNOT DETECT A FASTER FORM OF ENERGY BY USING A SLOWER FORM OF ENERGY, thats what spirit is, YOU FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART, BUT YOU CANNOT DETECT IT OUTSIDE OF THAT.
Now the vocabulary thousands of years back is limited. For instance, the word "drawing" has alot of synonyms. You can say sketch, or Draft, or outline. But before, there is only one vocab for all those words, and that is drawing.
Now angels are taught to be "spirits", like energy, gases, which isnt a stop energy but a very strong form of energy that always move, like subatomic particles. Visually speaking, it is described with "wings", not that literally it has, but thats the only vocab at the time they have.
Just like the book of revelation, there were beasts with 7 heads and 10 horns, etc. but at the end, the angel told John that those are symbols for nations, etc.
Since we are created in the image of God, indeed we may physically look like him, the form and all, but then again I wouldnt know because God is Spirit. But then His image for us is the spiritual side, but I cannot also speak for the physical appearance otherwise I will be lying if i say God dont look like us, I havent seen him yet so I wouldnt know. This goes for the physical appearance of angels as well.

EDITED= U might say "And u claim that only a energy as fast as another energy can detect each other, human heart is a stopped energy, how then can the heart detect "spirit" a energy faster than subatomic particles".
Well listen, it is not the heart that can detect that energy (angels), but it is the soul of the human species, our soul is alot like spirits and angels. Science can never detect beyond the speed of 400,999,999 m/s, any electron microscope cannot even ccapture such, no physics or any technology can grasp beyond that, and if it can, you can add another 500,777,999 and so forth, ENERGY IS INFINITE.
Thats why u can never bring a dead person to life, because his spirit left him, his soul left him, the type of energy science or any physics cannot detect, otherwise God will b e visible.
Again, a fast energy detects a fast energy, a slow energy cannot detect a fast energy. Only human species can detect angels or spirits, NO TECHNOLOGY CAN DETECT THE SPEED OF ENERGY OF ANGELS, ONLY OUR SOUL CAN, OUR BODY, THE TEMPLE OF GOD.
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Voodoo is a bad Practice - here it shows.

Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Why has muscleman reincarnated himself? Because he was getting his ass kicked? Or because he didn't want to be seen not responding to others' posts? Because he's too dumb to remember his password? Or is this just an impersonation of him?

Hindus believe in one God in many manifestations. Sound like any religion we know? (Hint: holy spirit, Jesus, big giant head?)


Hindus have over 3000 gods. They have one unknowable God. Brahman or Brahma or something like that. I don't see how you can squeeze all that into one god. If you lived a 'good' life and died you become a god.HUUUGE difference between The Trinity and Hindu gods; they don't fight against each other and they don't contradict each other.

Jesus works in tandem with The Father and the Holy Spirit. Not many people have the full idea of the trinity. None can ever fully grasp God's ultimate true nature.

Gotta run - I'll continue this next time.
Re: Re: whatsupyall: Don't lose hope

Originally posted by whatsupyall
blah blah blah blah, yada yada yada yada, ahhh SHUT UP!...
Well, that is certainly an improvement, a small part of your post can be comprehended!!! Keep trying. :)
And you have begun to understand what people feel reading your chauvinist posts.

(did you attempt to read your own post or what? it seems to be shaking you off towards normalcy!)
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Brahman or Brahma or something like that. I don't see how you can squeeze all that into one god.

As you say God is supposed to be incomprehensible. Brahma is a part of Brahman. It is arguable whether the Gods are in conflict with one and other, except in the heads of the most literally minded people. They are all part of the ultimate reality, can Brahma really oppose Siva?

Of course it is not supposed to be a perfect comparison Brahman is greater than the Christian 3, more like God, more like Satan and the universe all rolled into one, for eg. But both myths involve different, lesser forms of the same thing.

Not many people have the full idea of the trinity.

Originally posted by Voodoo Child
As you say God is supposed to be incomprehensible. Brahma is a part of Brahman. It is arguable whether the Gods are in conflict with one and other, except in the heads of the most literally minded people. They are all part of the ultimate reality, can Brahma really oppose Siva?
The Hindu philosophy is that there is an all powerful and universal power that is called "Maya", which is beyond human understanding.
A part of this maya is divided into the trinity- Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the maintainer) and Siva (the destroyer), who constantly create, run and destroy the objects in the universe, and their time periods are much larger than the human scale.
All living beings are said to have souls, which are an extension of the maya or the supersoul itself. Souls and the supersoul merge with death and demerge with birth. And all good souls are worthy of being equated to God himself.
God comes down in various forms often as needed, (including the Buddha and maybe Jesus) and hence may be worshipped in multiple forms!
K Dark

Firstly the 'my religion is better than yours crap' is unavoidable. That kind of rationale is everywhere.

Sorry, I was very busy...but anyways, back in the argument. Stop babbling, it can be avoided. People just need to learn and open their minds.

Atheists think their beliefs are correct; christians think theirs are; muslims; jews - and the list goes on. Christian doctrine states that all other religions are false in some kind of paraphrase - so it is unavoidable. What do athiests say about religion? - 'I don't believe there is a God crap' right? - and 'Religion is foolish crap' true?

You still have much more to learn. Don't try to lecture me on something you need to study boy. Do you speak for everyone to know everyone believes their beliefs are correct? I, for one, a nondenominational theist do not know I am correct. I can only believe in what my judgement tells me best, doesn't mean it is right, something many others need to know.

So we ALL fall into the trap of 'my WHATEVER - be it religion, race, belief, attire, etc. is better than yours craps'. Hey we all don't like it. It is the root of disagreement. Causes wars and deaths and all manner of abject situations.

*yawns* Already know, hey you're learning something at least.

But one thing you CANNOT do is place this tendency totally on religionists. Everybody does it. Including YOU. It's human.

Oh really? Place it totally on religions? Hmmm...did I specifically say so? No, so don't shove words in my mouth.

We don't know everything so we are bound to have opinions.

I'll agree on that. Question for many to ask, is my opinion right for others?

The only thing that will keep you from going crazy is faith. That's how you know what you say is right. Proof does it too. But we don't always have proof.

Faith, as I said, is foolish without questions. Proof is facts.

Look at Bioethics - then you'll know what I'm getting at. You just have to face reality Dark. Such 'my crap is better than your crap' craps are a fact of life - even if religions didn't exist.

It may be a fact of life, but many need to learn this because it can be very foolish. Understand? It may be applied to many situations, happiness seems to be based upon desiring to be better then others.

Wow. That statement illustrates your ignorance where Christianity is concerned. Christianity is what you call a missionary religion - You go around and tell people about it.

Where did I mention Christianity is a different type of religion related to missionary? I only asked questions and you go on with that ignorance crap? Foolish one.

And hmmm, let's be more specific, which statement? Can you prove it? And uh, please don't attack my questions because that's like attacking vapor. Learn to read better. :rolleyes:

Firstly you know what the message of the Gospels are? - that we should spread them.

Yes, I've studied the Synoptic Gospels dipshit. It is generally to emphasize one how to live for the Kingdom of God. You could say spread.

So I don't see how on earth you're going to spread the gospel if you don't tell people about it. And that is not self glorification - that is exaltation of the Lord and Saviour of ALL Jesus Christ.

Yeah it isn't idiot. You even learn from what I clearly said self-glorification is? Note for you, stop confusing yourself ;)

That statement about self glorification is quite narrow - it has no valid point - I see it as an attack on my person.

What you have said :

Can we prove that God exists.... NO!!!. If it were that easy everybody would be a Christian, noone would lie, everyone would fear God, there would be no atheists, cause everybody would be smart.

My partial reply to it: But I can understand your mistake for specifically mentioning "Christians," after all you are a Christian and that thinking is quite common, as for all other religions.

If you see it as an attack on your person, then so be it. I was quite easy on you, trying to explain then it comes up as an attack. :rolleyes:

What my belief different from yours you going to attack me for it? :p

What other interpretation of God is there?

Too damn many.

And the human interpretation is what is important to humans wouldn't you say Dark?

Yes, because it may give reasons for their religion, a "closer connection" to god, etc. Blah blah, human interpretation is what we humans want to see, not taken as "truth" by me. But some interpretations actually do good, moral teachings etc., until taken too seriously.

See you lata. ;)
Originally posted by Dark Master

Faith, as I said, is foolish without questions. Proof is facts.


Proof is a fact? There is no proof of Quantum physics, there is no proof of King Henry, there is no proof of Shakespeare, there is no proof that the French revolutionary war existed, there is no proof of blackhole, there is no proof of subatomic particles, there is no proof of evolution, and there is no proof of God, according to your requirement of proof..

From Webster.


1 a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact.

1 b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning.


1 : having power to compel or constrain *cogent forces*.

2 a : appealing forcibly to the mind or reason : CONVINCING *cogent evidence*.

2 b : PERTINENT, RELEVANT *a cogent analysis of a problem*
synonyms see VALID.


1 : a thing done: as a obsolete : FEAT.

1 b : CRIME *accessory after the fact* c archaic : ACTION.


3 : the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY *a question of fact hinges on evidence*.

4 a : something that has actual existence *space exploration is now a fact* b : an actual occurrence *prove the fact of damage*.

5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality
–in fact : in truth.


1 a : an outward sign : INDICATION

1 b : something that furnishes proof : TESTIMONY; specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter.

2 : one who bears witness; especially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against his accomplices.

Proof, it seems depends on two essential factors –

1. The compelling nature of evidence in determining fact.
2. Principles of reasoning.

We know Shakespeare existed because we have a trail of documented evidence that is of such significant quality that it compels us to accept such evidence as fact. By using well-established principles of reasoning (logic) and applying them to the available facts we find we have a proof that Shakespeare existed.

Trusted documents are the cornerstone of many proofs. For example, can you prove you were born? Since you weren’t aware of your environment at the time you cannot be a reliable eyewitness. In this case a birth certificate will be accepted as proof that you were born, at least by most people capable of logical reasoning.
Re: Proof

Originally posted by Cris
We know Shakespeare existed because we have a trail of documented evidence that is of such significant quality that it compels us to accept such evidence as fact.

What is the significant quality which compels us to believe that he existed?

How do you know he wasn't a figmant of someones imagination which grew into this fantasy figure of a playwriter etc...

By using well-established principles of reasoning (logic) and applying them to the available facts we find we have a proof that Shakespeare existed.

What kind of reason and logic makes you believe that Shakespeare existed?

Trusted documents are the cornerstone of many proofs. For example, can you prove you were born?

Yes, because i am alive. :eek:

In this case a birth certificate will be accepted as proof that you were born, at least by most people capable of logical reasoning.

Don't need one, i know i was born. :p


Jan Ardena.
and u know this about angels how whatsupyall?!! :( no u dont know this do u.sp please dont talk to me as if im stupid. Personally i think people take the bible too literally. i was going to bring the
Just like the book of revelation, there were beasts with 7 heads and 10 horns, etc. but at the end, the angel told John that those are symbols for nations, etc.
myself but uve got here first. thats right! guess what.Its most likely an analogy (think this is the right word :( ).just like when it says shepherd it may not mean someone who actually keeps goats, has a long white beard and walks through the land with a stick. it could mean someone who guides people (like a shepherd whastupyall!! :( ) thats what they do. You knew this about the book of revelations so what makes u think angels are any different?
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Originally posted by UltiTruth
The Hindu philosophy is that there is an all powerful and universal power that is called "Maya", which is beyond human understanding.
A part of this maya is divided into the trinity- Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the maintainer) and Siva (the destroyer), who constantly create, run and destroy the objects in the universe, and their time periods are much larger than the human scale.
All living beings are said to have souls, which are an extension of the maya or the supersoul itself. Souls and the supersoul merge with death and demerge with birth. And all good souls are worthy of being equated to God himself.
God comes down in various forms often as needed, (including the Buddha and maybe Jesus) and hence may be worshipped in multiple forms!

Wow can you give me a link to this info?:eek:
Landover quiz

Thank you for the Landover church quiz. It's always nice to see how stupid people can be. This might actually be a new low: Christians now telling me what Muslims believe. Oh, wait, Falwell already covered that base, didn't he?

It must be embarrassing to be a Christian in the modern day with all these charlatans making political pabulum out of faith. Rather, I would hope it be embarrassing. I would hate to have to reconstruct my perception of Christianity so severely as if Christians thought such things a worthwhile expression of faith.


Tiassa :cool:
If your god is omniscient then humans can have no free will and such a god is directly responsible for every action and choice you appear to make.

First correction - indirectly responsible.

After I gather my posits I will make further corrections.;)
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
None of the laws are religious based so i think that makes it secular. Technicly though i just found out that Hamurabi said that it was given to him by one of their gods, but that was probaly just to get the people to pay attention to it.

So is it secular or religiously based?

What was the point of ever bringing up Hammurabi's code anyway? It proves nothing.:confused: