Getting Tired of Fundamentalists

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A lady told me "God bless you" to which I responded, "God bless you, thank you."

She then asked where I was going to church, and I responded that I have been attending Buddhist Temple and I am very happy, thank you.

"Buddhism is a cult."

I then informed her that my temple cooperates with a local Christian church and internationally with the Roman Catholic Church (moreso under John Paul II).

"Have you researched the Catholics and what they do?"

"Yes, I have. The Church at large is not perfect, and I was disappointed in the selection of Paul II's successor, but I am also aware that the International Catholic mission efforts are among the largest and most successful in the world."

"Well, look into the Baptist mission work!"

"I have, and I respect them as well, but they, like the RCC, are not perfect."

It's this simple: fundamentalists are stupid, ignorant or both.

...oh before I go, she also told me the Earth is 3,000 years old.
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