Getting Tired of Fundamentalists

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Nope. Not even close. You get to choose God or hell. We don't torture you when you go to hell. You get to burn with your chosen father, satan. :eek:

Maybe I misunderstood biology, but I thought I didn't really have a choice who my dad is.

At any rate...what you've posted is tantamount to your god saying "choose me! what's a little blackmail going to hurt?"

Love your neighbor is fine but it's not enough. You have to be "saved" if you want to go to Heaven. That's where God's kids will be. satan's kids will be with him in hell. :eek:

Saved from what? Earth doesn't appear to be at all bad, except for all the nutty people talking about blackmail and brimstone all over the place.
You get to choose your spiritual father: God/Jesus or satan.

Saved from hell. You think it's funny? You think it's a big party? Nope, it's hell.
Those nutty people are doing His work getting His people back to Him. You want to reject him? Go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you're left behind.:eek::(
You get to choose your spiritual father: God/Jesus or satan.

Saved from hell. You think it's funny? You think it's a big party? Nope, it's hell.
Those nutty people are doing His work getting His people back to Him. You want to reject him? Go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you're left behind.:eek::(

Fred Phelps couldn't have said it better himself.

Good to have you back Sandy ;)
You dont want to be part of the left behind crowd. Actually the right reverend Joel Osteen is a pretty inspiring minister of the gospel. Unfortunately, I think the message of Christ has been to often hijacked by those more interested in financial and political power than the Gospel. The more converts, the more money and political power.
You get to choose your spiritual father: God/Jesus or satan.

Saved from hell. You think it's funny? You think it's a big party? Nope, it's hell.
Those nutty people are doing His work getting His people back to Him. You want to reject him? Go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you're left behind.:eek::(

Operators are standing by, all major credit cards accepted.

Nope. Not even close. You get to choose God or hell.
Clearly Buddhism is superior to Christianity then since one does not have to make such a choice.

We don't torture you when you go to hell. You get to burn with your chosen father, satan.
Ahh so burning for eternity is not torture, hmm OK.

Love your neighbor is fine but it's not enough.
Of course not, that would be a reasonable approach, and after all we are talking religion here.

You have to be "saved" if you want to go to Heaven.
Saved from a design error that God introduced deliberately so that he could kill billions of others because of his love. Obviously quite reasonable for religion.

That's where God's kids will be. satan's kids will be with him in hell.
Christianity is a curious polytheistic religion, with a god who is meant to be good and loving but threatens people with death, and another who welcomes anyone who exercises reason. It’s somewhat confusing to tell who is really the good god or the bad god in your religion.
That's crazy. That's a nine of a possible ten on crazy. Most impressive.
Christianity is a curious polytheistic religion, with a god who is meant to be good and loving but threatens people with death, and another who welcomes anyone who exercises reason. It’s somewhat confusing to tell who is really the good god or the bad god in your religion.

Christianity's God is Reason Incarnate, offering those who are already 'dead' a chance to live...only the unreasonable reject Him and the Life He offers.
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Christianity's God is Reason Incarnate, offering those who are already 'dead' a chance to live...only the unreasonable reject Him and the Life He offers.
Just a few basic problems there -

1. Reason (logic) depends on facts and there are none to support your assertions. You fail at the starting point.

2. No one has yet shown in the entire history of mankind that gods can exist let alone do exist. Without the fact of a god's existence you cannot make any claims to reason.

3. Dead means you no longer exist. There is no fact and no discovery in human history that shows that anyone can or could survive death. Your claim to reason fails yet again.

4. Religion is based on faith and often religions are referred to as faiths. Faith is simply the belief in the certainty of something without evidence or proof. This is the opposite of reason and logic that specifically require facts. You do not again have any support for your claims to reason.

5. If there were any facts to support Christianity why is faith stressed? If there were even the tiniest fact I am certain that the religious leaders would pounce on it as the proof and evidence they so desperately need to support their irrational position.
BTW For those of you that asked, we are moving to San Diego.

And no, I did not choose to live here. I was stationed here by the Air Force, now that I am out of the military, there is nothing holding us here except financial resources, which is why we are waiting for atleast 8-12 months so we can save some change so the move won't be as hard of a hit on our bank accounts.

For John99 who said he doesn't believe me...
Where do YOU live? Please... come visit me here on the IL/MO border. You'll see just how bad it gets.

Keep in mind, I've lived in the south for most of my life, if you concider Houston Texas the south. And the extremist religious groups were not NEARLY this active down there. We concidered moving back to Houston but decided San Diego would be a much better option.

No problems in what I said. Any "problems" are on your end.
Pity that you again are unable to respond in an approrpate reasoned manner and attempt to justify your unsupported assertions.

Pity that you again are unable to respond in an approrpate reasoned manner and attempt to justify your unsupported assertions.

I'm not 'here' to reason with you or to justify my comments.
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