Getting Tired of Fundamentalists

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Valued Senior Member
Now, I live in the mid-west, heart of the bible belt. Quite frankly I am getting sick and tired of the fundamentalist Christian organizations around here. I can't go anywhere without someone practically shoving Jesus in my face. Seriously... here are some examples from just the past 2 days...

A bilboard went up earlier this month. All is says is "JESUS" in HUGE white letters on a green background. Today I noticed a brand new bilboard about 100ft away from it that says. "Feeling Down? Turn to Jesus". That one was a church advertisement for teh Church of Latter Day Saints. There are many more like that around here. Not too mention that when watching local TV, you cannot go one time through a commercial break without seeing an advertisement for some church. Mostly, they advertise how much they love children, which quite frankly, is not the best message to be sending now-a-days. lol

Last night, two kids from that same church came-a-knockin on my door. Usually they ask if they can have a minute of my time... not this time. They just started rattling off questions without even introducing themselves. Being the courteous individual that I try to be, I listen to them and answered thier questions politely. Heres some of the questions... and my answers.

1) "Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior?"
"Honestly, no. I believe he was a good man, but I do not consider him an idol of worship in my personal views. I believe that he had good morals but was no more or less than any other human being."

2) "Do you attend church on a regular basis? If so which one, and why that one?"
"I do not go to church because I do not share the same beliefs as most do and do not feel that one must go to church in order to be closer to a higher power."

3) "Well, because you don't attend a church, how is your family life? Have you experience much unstableness in your home?"
"No, my family and I are quite happy, thank you."

4) "Have you felt depress lately?"
"No, again, we are very happy as we are."

5) "Do you believe in an afterlife and that those who do not worship our lord Jesus Christ will suffer in an eternity in a realm of fire?"
"Um... I do believe in the possibility of an afterlife. I do not believe in Jesus as a savior, but I do believe in a higher power. As for heaven and hell, I choose not to believe in such things."

6) "Would you be interested if I told you that our church has a real-life prophet in our midst and that these days are the end-days recalled from Revalations and that judgement is upon us, and that this prophet has been sent directly from God to save the souls of you and your family as well as others?"

7) "Ok.... Well would you like to take this pamphlet that covers in detail what I've discussed this evening? It also discusses our church and why we think you would fit in and make some great friends along the way. And if you do register with our church you will recieve a free bible from the Church of Latter Day Saints."
"No thank you. Again, I am happy where I stand."

They seemed almost shocked and then shook my hand and thanked me for my time etc etc.

Now, the first few questions were fine. But I started to get a bit irritated by the third question. When someone starts poking at my personal life, I tend to get a bit... angry. Then by the 5th question, it just started getting rediculous.

Here is another example...

The other day I was driving toward the mall when I see about 200-300 people from a local church standing on the side of the road holding signs that said things like...
"God hates dead babies"
"Abortion is Murder"
"Gays = Sin = Hell"
And my oh so favorite ones...
"God Hates Liberals"
"Homosexuality is a Disease"

They got a nice finger as I drove past.

I have no problem with people believing WHATEVER they want to believe in, but I do have a major problem when people shove thier beliefs in my face unwantedly.

We are planning to move within the next year. Our goal is to be completely out of here by October of 2008.
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Now, I live in the mid-west, heart of the bible belt. Quite frankly I am getting sick and tired of the fundamentalist Christian organizations around here. I can't go anywhere without someone practically shoving Jesus in my face. Seriously... here are some examples from just the past 2 days...

[Edit: Removed over-quoted material. Original post is on this page]

dude i live in the deep south trust you have it easy i moved from the midwest
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but I do have a major problem when people shove thier beliefs in my face unwantedly.

Perhaps I just don't see your problem. You say they are "shoving" it in your face by seeing a billboard (you can always stay inside your home and not see it until you leave so that can't be such a big deal),

people protesting peacefully (which people anywhere can do by law and I'm certain they are not protesting everyday of every week and if so you could just go another way around them I'm sure),

people knocking on your door (which you didn't have to answer BTW),

watching TV commercials (which I use a remote and switch it to another channel when a commercial comes on of any type)

and answetring questions that someone asks you ( again which you didn't have to do unless you choose to do so).

So it would seem that the problems you have are mostly you not being able to handle day to day living that well where you live. In that case you are correct in moving but not because others are doing what they want to do but because they are not doing what you want them to do.
Thankfully my annoyance with fundamentalists is based on less direct contact (although I'm still disturbed by their influence in national politics).

The only proselytizing I've seen in my neighborhood recently is from Sukyo Mahikari (a Japanese cult who's prophet was a Col. who oversaw the Rape of Nanking & who believe in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and they were only handing out business cards in a very polite manner.
Perhaps I just don't see your problem. You say they are "shoving" it in your face by seeing a billboard (you can always stay inside your home and not see it until you leave so that can't be such a big deal),

A billboard must be passed by your local government. That alone implies it is an imposition on the community at large.

people protesting peacefully (which people anywhere can do by law and I'm certain they are not protesting everyday of every week and if so you could just go another way around them I'm sure),

Again, this peaceful protest must be authorized (here it's by the Commissioner of Police...not sure who does in the US). However, this again implies that the activity will be an imposition with the potential for violence.

people knocking on your door (which you didn't have to answer BTW),

Well, once in a while may not be annoying, but I've come across some very persistent Jehovah's Witnesses. At the point where my house was not quite finished (actually the house was done, the fence was not)...the JWs stood at the edge of the driveway and caterwalled for an answer. Of course, like you said, I refused to answer and continued watching "The Nanny".

They had the gall to walk up my driveway, cross the lawn and knock on THE BAY WINDOW for me to answer...

Side point, but I was just illustrating that sometimes a knock can be very annoying and inconvenient.

watching TV commercials (which I use a remote and switch it to another channel when a commercial comes on of any type)

Promote carpal tunnel why don't you :)

Seriously, we all know how annoying commercials are. Side point...since when do churches have enough money to afford TV time? Are their congregations giving them enough of their salaries you think?

and answetring questions that someone asks you ( again which you didn't have to do unless you choose to do so).

THIS one I agree with, in my earlier example I simply sent the JWs on their way.

So it would seem that the problems you have are mostly you not being able to handle day to day living that well where you live.

Catalyzed by the behaviour of others.

In that case you are correct in moving but not because others are doing what they want to do but because they are not doing what you want them to do.

Yes, that's usually the way to defeat a sheeple collective. Avoidance.

I think you're just being difficult here. There is a point when the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. And sometimes that point is called 'stupid'. Which is what the US' bible belt is all about.
I think you're just being difficult here. There is a point when the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. And sometimes that point is called 'stupid'. Which is what the US' bible belt is all about.

Then why did you move there or were you born there? It would seem that if you knew the problem existed then why move to a place where you wouldn't want to be? I'm not trying to be difficult but only pointing out ways that you can avoid the problems that you encounter. I did't realize that a billboard had to be approved by the government. Is it that the actuall billboard has to be approved or just what is put on it for display needed approval?
When my wife and I are driving through parts of the States we have a game of pointing out Jesus stuff.... churches, signs, roadside markers...anything. Sometimes we'll turn on the radio and listen to the rants of Hate mongering Christans getting off on how God drowned babies in a flood, is roasting folks in Hell and similar sadistic practices. They even boast about raising the dead and zombie armies fighting for Satan. I've always like movies and books about zombies....they can't walk that fast but their determination makes up for other character flaws like flesh eating. God might smote a zombie like he kills millions of women and children but the zombie gets back up and keeps on ticking.
Then why did you move there or were you born there? It would seem that if you knew the problem existed then why move to a place where you wouldn't want to be? I'm not trying to be difficult but only pointing out ways that you can avoid the problems that you encounter.

Move where? I'm not in the bible belt; actually, i'm not in the US at all :)...My area isn't plagued by much mobile evangelism. But like the US, much of the population is entombed in some sort of theist belief or the other.

I did't realize that a billboard had to be approved by the government. Is it that the actuall billboard has to be approved or just what is put on it for display needed approval?

Any billboard. All billboards are an "inconvenience" and have environmental impacts...that's why they are regulated. People actually pay licensing for billboards. The content of the billboard is almost a formality, just censored for the obvious (minority slurs, treasonous content etc).

And they have to be approved by local government (Mayor's office etc). Your Federal government won't be mired in such minutiae.
Thankfully my annoyance with fundamentalists is based on less direct contact (although I'm still disturbed by their influence in national politics).

The only proselytizing I've seen in my neighborhood recently is from Sukyo Mahikari (a Japanese cult who's prophet was a Col. who oversaw the Rape of Nanking & who believe in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and they were only handing out business cards in a very polite manner.

Non-believers can run but they can not hide. We're out here in droves. God wants you back and He's sending people to get you. Ignore them all you want. Hopefully you'll get it before you die so you don't have to burn in hell. :xctd:
If no one's holding a knife to my throat, it doesn't bother me. I have to put up with all kinds of roadside ads anyway for that much crasser philosophy, capitalism. 'Nuff said.
Non-believers can run but they can not hide. We're out here in droves. God wants you back and He's sending people to get you. Ignore them all you want. Hopefully you'll get it before you die so you don't have to burn in hell. :xctd:

She's back! Lol who knew...
...A bilboard went up earlier this month. ....when watching local TV, you cannot go one time through a commercial break without seeing an advertisement for some church. ....

I understand them coming to your door can be annoying, but commercials and billboards? (I think I'm more tired of all the weight loss ones.) They have to get people to come to church somehow. And if they don't use signs/commercials, they are gonna come to your house in person.

If you wanted, couldn't you go get a billboard and commercial for yourself?

Non-believers can run but they can not hide. We're out here in droves. God wants you back and He's sending people to get you. Ignore them all you want. Hopefully you'll get it before you die so you don't have to burn in hell.
Ahh an excellent example of a terrorist organization - do what we say or we will torture you for eternity.

I seem to recall that somewhere in that seething mess known as Christianity there was a subtle and attractive message - love your neighbor. It seems to have been lost.
Nope. Not even close. You get to choose God or hell. We don't torture you when you go to hell. You get to burn with your chosen father, satan. :eek:

Love your neighbor is fine but it's not enough. You have to be "saved" if you want to go to Heaven. That's where God's kids will be. satan's kids will be with him in hell. :eek:
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