Getting a prostitute for your son. Acceptable or no?

Is it acceptable for a father to get his son a prostitute?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Dear God in heaven.. I am actually agreeing with shorty..:eek:

I too have two son's and if I ever found out that their father had paid for or got them a prostitute, I would flay the skin off my husband's back, rip out his eyes and stuff them up his nostrils. I would prefer to teach my son's about respecting people and paying a woman or man for sex per hour/minutes/whatever, does not amount to respect. I would prefer that my children not engage in casual or dangerous sexual practices and while we can talk to them about the bad side of casual sex, we can't force them to listen. It is my role as a mother to ensure that my children are given the best advice they can get and to then go on and think for themselves and hopefully, do the right thing... That does not include paying for them to have sex with a prostitute.
Dear God in heaven.. I am actually agreeing with shorty..:eek:

I too have two son's and if I ever found out that their father had paid for or got them a prostitute, I would flay the skin off my husband's back, rip out his eyes and stuff them up his nostrils.

Somehow I think that would be somewhat worse then what your son's father would have (hypothetically) done :D

I would prefer to teach my son's about respecting people and paying a woman or man for sex per hour/minutes/whatever, does not amount to respect.

I think that it's not really the transfer of money that can be a problem but rather what that transfer of money can mean for some.

I would prefer that my children not engage in casual or dangerous sexual practices and while we can talk to them about the bad side of casual sex, we can't force them to listen.

I agree, not into casual sex and certainly not dangerous sex. However, being with a prostitute doesn't have to be a casual affair (it certainly wasn't for me) and if it's legal where you're at and protection is used, it doesn't have to be dangerous either.

It is my role as a mother to ensure that my children are given the best advice they can get and to then go on and think for themselves and hopefully, do the right thing... That does not include paying for them to have sex with a prostitute.

Personally, I think it depends on context. Ideally I would agree. Then again, ideally everyone would be able to have sex when they want (and they'd be ready for it too) and prostitution wouldn't even exist, because we'd follow the old maxim of 'from each according to ability, to each according to need'; not because we're forced to do it, but because we'd want to.
To murder or fuck?
Getting your son a prostitute to fuck for his birthday is just sleazy and lame.
Ha! The Dr. is Back in full

What I am curious about here from the replies are how many of those
that are for the prostitute as a gift for the son actually have kids of their own?

Mike I am still curious about how you would feel if it was your daughter getting a male
hooker from your wife?
I wonder if there are males that it would be traumatic for. A gay son, a son with Down Syndrome, a son with Asperger syndrome, etc.

Seems like those would be the kind of son father's would want a hooker for.

Buy a male hooker for your gay son ?:eek:
no, a female hooker for the son that acts like a sissy. To make a man outta him.

Don't like the term 'sissy', but I myself was pretty shy (still am but I think not as much now) and definitely think it was a good thing to hire a prostitute for my first time. As mentioned before, no parents were involved in my particular case, but, so long as a child treats the issue with respect, I think it could work out well enough.
Do you have any evidence to back up your claim in all circumstances?
Actually yes, they did a study in switzerland where they tested the hypothesis that getting a prostitute for your son for his birthday was sleazy and lame in all circumstances, they tested every possible scenario, as well as did a control where they gave a son a video game for his birthday.
They would then test the rooms where the son had received and used his gift with a sleazeandlame-o-meter, which was especially designed for the study.
In every case large amounts of sleaze and lame were detected on the bed, in the carpet, on the curtains and in the air of the rooms where prostitutes were received, but with the control only small traces of lame were detected on the couch.
Here's a link to the study;
[personal insult removed]
Just wondering what you all think. If your son is over 18, and has a birthday, would you say it is acceptable/ethical to get him a prostitute? Please explain your thinking.

I wouldn't get me a prostitute, why would I get one for my son?
scott3x said:
Dr Lou Natic said:
Getting your son a prostitute to fuck for his birthday is just sleazy and lame.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claim in all circumstances?

Actually yes, they did a study in switzerland where they tested the hypothesis that getting a prostitute for your son for his birthday was sleazy and lame in all circumstances, they tested every possible scenario, as well as did a control where they gave a son a video game for his birthday. They would then test the rooms where the son had received and used his gift with a sleazeandlame-o-meter, which was especially designed for the study. In every case large amounts of sleaze and lame were detected on the bed, in the carpet, on the curtains and in the air of the rooms where prostitutes were received, but with the control only small traces of lame were detected on the couch. Here's a link to the study;
[personal insult removed]

God you had me laughing there ;-). But your tongue in cheek commentary would in fact suggest that you do not, in fact, have any evidence at all. Do you even -know- anyone who's had sex for the first time with a hooker? I speak from first hand experience myself and from that first hand experience, I will say that I did not find it to be sleazy or lame. Do I wish it could have been with someone who would have done it because they loved me? Sure. But if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
skaught said:
Just wondering what you all think. If your son is over 18, and has a birthday, would you say it is acceptable/ethical to get him a prostitute? Please explain your thinking.

I wouldn't get me a prostitute, why would I get one for my son?

The fact that you have a son makes it clear you've already had sex. Some people have a hard time finding a partner for a while, however. At 20, I had an opportunity to try it for the first time with a hooker. After some hesitation, I took it. If my (hypothetical) son had the same problem and if I felt that he would be respectful of the interaction, I don't see the problem with buying the service of a hooker for said son, so long as it was legal where I was at (a trip to Mexico perhaps). In all honesty, I would -hope- that it wouldn't come to it; that he -would- be successful in romantic liasons with women and 'make love' instead, as someone in this thread said, but life isn't perfect.
no, a female hooker for the son that acts like a sissy. To make a man outta him.

Might not work.
They might just sit around together moaning about boyfriends.
And then the hubby might think
"Hmm. I've paid for a prostitute and here's one going to waste"...................................
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The fact that you have a son makes it clear you've already had sex. Some people have a hard time finding a partner for a while, however.

You have a hand and a spare don't you?

At 20, I had an opportunity to try it for the first time with a hooker. After some hesitation, I took it.

Every one has their moments of lame. That doesn't mean one should knowingly inflict it on their kids. Its bad enough to think you have to buy a hooker to get laid. How lame would your son think he was if you needed to buy him one?
scott3x said:
The fact that you have a son makes it clear you've already had sex. Some people have a hard time finding a partner for a while, however.

You have a hand and a spare don't you?

It's not the same thing.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
At 20, I had an opportunity to try it for the first time with a hooker. After some hesitation, I took it.

Every one has their moments of lame.

You included, ofcourse :p.

That doesn't mean one should knowingly inflict it on their kids.

Since you've failed to provide any evidence that my experience with the hooker was a 'moment of lame', this second assertion is equally baseless.

Its bad enough to think you have to buy a hooker to get laid.

Bad even if it's true? I've found that knowing the truth is generally a good thing, personally.

How lame would your son think he was if you needed to buy him one?

A person isn't defined by how good they are at getting a woman in bed alone, you know. It's only one aspect of many. I believe that my monetary transaction in exchange for my first experience of sexual intercourse was a good choice in a not exactly ideal world. Based on that logic, I see no reason why the same couldn't hold true for someone else.
But your tongue in cheek commentary would in fact suggest that you do not, in fact, have any evidence at all.
Someone (jamesr or tiassa) took my link down, that's not my problem, the evidence is out there.

Do you even -know- anyone who's had sex for the first time with a hooker?
Yes, my best friend, it's a source of great shame and self loathing.
scott3x said:
But your tongue in cheek commentary would in fact suggest that you do not, in fact, have any evidence at all.

Someone (jamesr or tiassa) took my link down, that's not my problem, the evidence is out there.

God I'm laughing :p.

Dr Lou Natic said:
scott3x said:
Do you even -know- anyone who's had sex for the first time with a hooker?

Yes, my best friend, it's a source of great shame and self loathing.

Laugh :). Well I don't think it should be.
It's not the same thing.
It passes the time.

You included, ofcourse
without a doubt.

Since you've failed to provide any evidence that my experience with the hooker was a 'moment of lame'

Your moment with a hooker was, without a doubt, a moment of lame and doubly so because it was your first time.

Its time you admit it and get on with your life.

No one worthy of respect is going to give you respect for buying your first lay. You won't get misty eye'd as you get older looking back on it and your son isn't going to say "gee dad, that was cool."

On the scale of lame things to do, its certainly not irrevocably lame. But don't pile on more lame trying to defend it. Just say mea culpa, learn from the mistake and drive on.

Bad even if it's true? I've found that knowing the truth is generally a good thing, personally.

You are trying to weasel around this one and it ain't working. Yes it is bad that it is true you had to buy a hooker. No its not bad that you can be honest about it. Yes it is bad that you are trying to defend it.

A person isn't defined by how good they are at getting a woman in bed alone, you know.

No, there is certainly more to it than that, but if you are doing the other things then the "in bed" will arrive on her own two legs willingly and eager for repeat performances.

Its called a long term romantic relationship.

Buying a hooker is saying "I'm a total loser at relationships and instead of fixing that I'm just going to buy some ass because I don't care about the relationship anyway."

I believe that my monetary transaction in exchange for my first experience of sexual intercourse was a good choice in a not exactly ideal world. Based on that logic, I see no reason why the same couldn't hold true for someone else.

I'm glad I'm here to help set you straight then.

It was not a good choice and without serious extenuating circumstances it is never a good choice. Buying a hooker is intrinsically lame.

Look women want to get laid. If you are nice, reasonably clean, and just ask around a bit you will get laid, even if you aren't the "world's greatest catch." Buying a hooker is a complete cop out and a bit fat zero in self confidence.

If there is one universal aphrodisiac for women, it is a guy with genuine self confidence.
Hey Skaught, where the hell are you?

Was this a hypothetical question or do you know someone that planned on doing this?