Getting a prostitute for your son. Acceptable or no?

Is it acceptable for a father to get his son a prostitute?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
mikenostic said:
...As far as having a problem with that, not in the least.
Anyone who is paying a hooker or having someone pay a hooker to have sex with them, is probably not the least bit concerned about the hooker pretending she likes them. The sex isn't for her benefit (other than monetarily) anyway.
How do you not understand that?

Yeah, no man is thrilled when a hooker tells him he is the biggest and the best she ever had And I do understand it. I understand there are men out there who like it that way. Charlie Sheen comes to mind.

Its not that he doesn't want a relationship, its the fact that he isn't capable. Its all about him.

Do you think his Dad bought him hookers?

I think that would be a bit off the mark. I think he's clearly capable of relationships; it's just that he doesn't seem to have managed one that lasts more then a few years. It seems he's still trying though. And yes, I know he paid many pricey hookers and was brought to court over it. But I would like to believe that, like mike here, he was trying to make the best of a bad situation; he has trouble with the more meaningful relationships, so he went for second best.

Young adults being raised to be in a meaningful relationship and occasionally wanting some no strings attached sex are two very different things.
Let me clear this up. I would have no problem being in a meaningful, exclusive relationship with a woman if I found a compatible one. But that mentality does not prevent me from exercising my right to go have some meaningless sex* here and there if I wanted to.

She's a lucky girl, lucky lucky her. What do you think she would say about being in this exclusive relationship while you exercised your right to have meaningless sex here and there (that you had to pay for)?

Wait wait wait. I think you may have gotten a bit too caught up in this. It seems clear to me that what mike is saying is what I imagine Charlie wants too. They both -want- to be in meaningful relationships but simply haven't found/can't manage one at certain times. If you find yourself in this type of a situation, you have 2 choices; you can spend the years contemplating how to get it right (my choice in general) or you can pay for sex.

*if the situation permitted. Naturally if I was in a committed relationship, I wouldn't be doing stuff like that.


I wouldn't be so dismissive of his claim. Perhaps if he got into a long term relationship he'd get bored and go for something 'on the side', but that is, in my view, speculation. Perhaps some therapist could point out probabilities based on the things he's said, but I'm not a therapist and am not interested in engaging in speculations for which I have nothing more then a hunch one way or the other. In this case, I don't really even have a hunch; I'm just happy that he realizes that meaningless sex is by default a poor second to meaningful sex.
... It seems clear to me that what mike is saying is what I imagine Charlie wants too. They both -want- to be in meaningful relationships but simply haven't found/can't manage one at certain times. If you find yourself in this type of a situation, you have 2 choices; you can spend the years contemplating how to get it right (my choice in general) or you can pay for sex.

I wouldn't be so dismissive of his claim. Perhaps if he got into a long term relationship he'd get bored and go for something 'on the side', but that is, in my view, speculation. Perhaps some therapist could point out probabilities based on the things he's said, but I'm not a therapist and am not interested in engaging in speculations for which I have nothing more then a hunch one way or the other. In this case, I don't really even have a hunch; I'm just happy that he realizes that meaningless sex is by default a poor second to meaningful sex.

Very good observations. Thanks Scott
scott3x said:
I've heard it argued differently and I agree. It doesn't have to be put so bluntly, but this therapist said that it's ok to use sex as a means for leverage. I definitely agree but with one caveat. Let me explain:
if you have a serious enough disagreement with a partner that isn't resolved, you can withhold sex. I'm a guy, but I've done this and my ex girlfriend did it as well. The caveat is that this should never be used for some petty detail; only something serious. The reason for this is that if the issue isn't resolved (and thus, if you're the type of person who sticks to their guns as I generally do), this would frequently mean the break up of a relationship as a sexless relationship isn't something I personally would want to go through.

To me, not having sex has never been about getting what I want. Its about "you bastard, you hurt my feelings and I'm not feeling very romantic"

I would assume that your partner would have to make it up to you (for hurt feelings) before you'd feel romantic again. Isn't that what you want?
lucifers angel said:
i dont see what all the fuss is about prostitutes, so yeah i would buy my son one for his birthday, its better for him to have sex for the first time with a person who wouldn't make the wole expierience rotten for him.

What are the odds of a man's first time being rotten for him?
Guys, how often is sex rotten for you?

Not often. However, it makes me think of my third (kind of) girlfriend. I don't mind suggestions to improve one's sexual performance before or after sex; but to complain about performance -during- sex is.. a definite turn off :p.
Oh, I'm not contesting the fact that they are people. I'm more concerned with the number of diseases those women spread and the lack of medical attention they get particularly in places where prostitution is illegal. That is nasty. In places where it's legal, I've heard it's better supervised and way cleaner for all involved.

Well, here in NZ it is legal, and although it's much better regulated than when it's completely or partially underground, as in most other countries, there is still violence. e.g. there was a murder a few weeks ago in Christchurch, in the South Island, and the police are still hunting her killer. They found her little black book a few days ago and they're going through it name by name, interviewing all her clients.
LadyMidnight said:
Oh, I'm not contesting the fact that they are people. I'm more concerned with the number of diseases those women spread and the lack of medical attention they get particularly in places where prostitution is illegal. That is nasty. In places where it's legal, I've heard it's better supervised and way cleaner for all involved.

Well, here in NZ it is legal, and although it's much better regulated than when it's completely or partially underground, as in most other countries, there is still violence. e.g. there was a murder a few weeks ago in Christchurch, in the South Island, and the police are still hunting her killer. They found her little black book a few days ago and they're going through it name by name, interviewing all her clients.

Non prostitutes are killed too. Making it legal isn't going to end violence against prostitutes or violence in general for that matter. There may be certain societal views at work in regards to prostitutes that can't be changed by simply legalizing prostitution. However, I believe that legalizing it is a good start.
Good Grief....I kinda skimmed through this thread, but there is so much to read and frankly the whole topic doesn't really interest me. I will say what comes to mind for me. For starters having 2 sons I couldn't even imagine offering such a present and if their father did I would be livid. I see a problem right off the bat with this whole thing especially if it is the kids first sexual experience. I am not exactly an expert on hookers but I gather they will do almost anything as long as they are getting paid for it. So what if this kid meets a nice a girl who isn't exactly as kinky or uninhibited as the prostitute was. He might think that all women should perform like his first experience? Could now future experiences be a let down? Could he be unsatisfied that the next girl (future girlfriend) is not built like the pinup sex toy that his father hired for him? When he can't find a woman later on, will he start thinking the only way he will is if he pays for one? I The whole thing brings a lot of questions to mind for me.
I understand that some ppl want to have sex with no strings attached, more men then women I would guess. I think things should happen naturally though, and they decide who they are going to have sex with and when. The thought of knowing that someone wants to have sex with you is completely different then knowing the reason they are having sex with you is because they are getting paid. To me sex is something you have with someone that you have become close with, not someone that you just met in a bar.
I want my boys to have respect for women and not be out there just trying to get laid every friday night. Considering the girls are all over them already, I am sure I have got trouble ahead of me when they actually are old enough to start dating.
I guess we're going to have to disagree on this one.

Good Grief....I kinda skimmed through this thread, but there is so much to read and frankly the whole topic doesn't really interest me. I will say what comes to mind for me. For starters having 2 sons I couldn't even imagine offering such a present and if their father did I would be livid. I see a problem right off the bat with this whole thing especially if it is the kids first sexual experience. I am not exactly an expert on hookers but I gather they will do almost anything as long as they are getting paid for it.
If both of them were 18, there really wouldn't be much you could do about it other than give the dad an empty, unjustified lecture.
If the dad merely offered, yet the boys happily, eagerly and openly accepted it, then I guess you'd have to yell at the boys too huh?

So what if this kid meets a nice a girl who isn't exactly as kinky or uninhibited as the prostitute was. He might think that all women should perform like his first experience? Could now future experiences be a let down? Could he be unsatisfied that the next girl (future girlfriend) is not built like the pinup sex toy that his father hired for him?
Uhhh, I'm pretty sure that by the time the kid gets that old, he will most likely have already seen a porn movie, where the girls are doing things just as nasty.
And honestly, give the kids some credit. Even when I was a teenager and watched porn, I understood that most of those sluts get paid handsomely to do some of those degrading things. When I dated girls at that time, I never expected them to do some of the things that porn stars do.
To make a comparison, guys watch races all the time. Doesn't mean that he's going to go out, buy a performance car and expect to drive it on the street exactly like the race car drivers do on the track (although some try. haha). Guys watch action movies all the time. Doesn't mean they will go out, buy some explosives and go start a war on the street corner.

When he can't find a woman later on, will he start thinking the only way he will is if he pays for one? I The whole thing brings a lot of questions to mind for me.
I understand that some ppl want to have sex with no strings attached, more men then women I would guess. I think things should happen naturally though, and they decide who they are going to have sex with and when.
Jesus, Shorty. How many times do I have to explain this before you and Orly soak it in???
There are guys out there, otherwise very eligible bachelors that could probably have their pick of suitors, yet they are known to get a prostitute every now and then.
My friend Jason is a programmer. He makes about 120K a year. He looks like Charlie Sheen so his looks aren't an issue. He's told me about hookers that he has gotten before. He is currently engaged to one of the coolest women I've ever met. Now that he's in a relationship, he wouldnt' even thing about getting a hooker.

The thought of knowing that someone wants to have sex with you is completely different then knowing the reason they are having sex with you is because they are getting paid. To me sex is something you have with someone that you have become close with, not someone that you just met in a bar.
Once again, let's rehash what has already been explained (which you apparently missed).
The vast majority of times that a man gets a prostitute, he is not getting one for her satisfaction. The sex is not for her. It's for him. So I'm pretty sure he's not going to worry about whether or not she wants to.

I want my boys to have respect for women and not be out there just trying to get laid every friday night. Considering the girls are all over them already, I am sure I have got trouble ahead of me when they actually are old enough to start dating.
They are boys. How are you going to stop that? You are fighting 100+ thousand years of human male evolution.
They are going to think about getting laid constantly regardless of what else is going on. There will be times that they will want some unattached sex, and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. The best thing you can do is to teach them the difference. Would you rather them go to a hooker for that, or would you rather them dupe a decent girl for it?

While part of this mentality is my personal opinion, a lot of it is objective (meaning that some of this is just the way things are/happen).
...If both of them were 18, there really wouldn't be much you could do about it other than give the dad an empty, unjustified lecture.
If the dad merely offered, yet the boys happily, eagerly and openly accepted it, then I guess you'd have to yell at the boys too huh?

YES! My husband would be getting a lecture. He has no business buying sex for our son or daughter. We don't live in NV or RI. Even if we lived in those states, its still creepy. And again, our son would be mortified that he had to have sex bought for him. Seriously, how pathetic do you have to be to have a parent pay to get you laid?

....Even when I was a teenager and watched porn, I understood that most of those sluts (interesting, what are teh men then? lucky bastards!?" :rolleyes:) )get paid handsomely to do some of those degrading things...

....There are guys out there, otherwise very eligible bachelors that could probably have their pick of suitors, yet they are known to get a prostitute every now and then. (from their parents?!)...

Once again, let's rehash what has already been explained (which you apparently missed).
The vast majority of times that a man gets a prostitute, he is not getting one for her satisfaction. The sex is not for her. It's for him. So I'm pretty sure he's not going to worry about whether or not she wants to. (ah, that was a very enlightening stance)

....Would you rather them go to a hooker for that, or would you rather them dupe a decent girl for it?

I asked my husband about this 'duping an innocent girl' theory of yours. He said if a guy wants fast easy sex, he picks up a woman at the bar at closing time. Those girls know there isn't going to be a relationship. They know its just sex and they are ok with it. Its why they go home with a guy they just met.

While part of this mentality is my personal opinion, a lot of it is objective (meaning that some of this is just the way things are/happen).

umm, yeah. I think I understand your stance now.
mikenostic said:
...If both of them were 18, there really wouldn't be much you could do about it other than give the dad an empty, unjustified lecture.
If the dad merely offered, yet the boys happily, eagerly and openly accepted it, then I guess you'd have to yell at the boys too huh?

YES! My husband would be getting a lecture. He has no business buying sex for our son or daughter. We don't live in NV or RI. Even if we lived in those states, its still creepy. And again, our son would be mortified that he had to have sex bought for him. Seriously, how pathetic do you have to be to have a parent pay to get you laid?

No parent was involved when I paid for my 'first time', but I don't think that really changes much in regards to your argument. In answer, I don't think I was 'pathetic'; I'm sure some guys have picked up chicks with ease before leaving high school, but we're not all romeos and I dislike the idea that that makes us pathetic.

....Even when I was a teenager and watched porn, I understood that most of those sluts

interesting, what are the men then? lucky bastards!?"

Personally I dislike this whole 'slut/bastard' way of describing certain people...

...get paid handsomely to do some of those degrading things...

....There are guys out there, otherwise very eligible bachelors that could probably have their pick of suitors, yet they are known to get a prostitute every now and then.

from their parents?!...

If they're very eligible bachelors, something tells me that they wouldn't need the money of a parent. In any case, I think there is definitely something flawed in mike's reasoning here. Yes, Charlie Sheen -could- be seen as one of those 'very eligible bachelors', but if memory serves, he's not proud of what he did.

Once again, let's rehash what has already been explained (which you apparently missed).
The vast majority of times that a man gets a prostitute, he is not getting one for her satisfaction. The sex is not for her. It's for him. So I'm pretty sure he's not going to worry about whether or not she wants to.

ah, that was a very enlightening stance

I agree that mike is not helping himself here.

....Would you rather them go to a hooker for that, or would you rather them dupe a decent girl for it?

I asked my husband about this 'duping an innocent girl' theory of yours. He said if a guy wants fast easy sex, he picks up a woman at the bar at closing time. Those girls know there isn't going to be a relationship. They know its just sex and they are ok with it. Its why they go home with a guy they just met.

Wouldn't have worked for my first time, I believe. Even though I really wanted to try sex, I doubt anything other then the woman persuading me would have done the trick.
umm, yeah. I think I understand your stance now.
No you don't.

Personally I dislike this whole 'slut/bastard' way of describing certain people...
Your opinion is duely noted. Thank you.

If they're very eligible bachelors, something tells me that they wouldn't need the money of a parent. In any case, I think there is definitely something flawed in mike's reasoning here. Yes, Charlie Sheen -could- be seen as one of those 'very eligible bachelors', but if memory serves, he's not proud of what he did.
Are both of you really that narrow minded?

I feel like I'm trying to explain something to a pair of kindergarteners.
Where on earth did you get the idea that the dad HAS to get a prostitute for his son, for the mere fact that he can't get it on his own???
The way I perceived it, is that this would be an OFFER, a GIFT from the dad to the son. It's not much different than a dad getting a son a motorcycle for a gift/present.
How do either of you not see that? Orly, you asked why I have to be so condescending? Well, I answered because you refuse to see things from others' perspectives, just like you are doing now. It's hard to have patience with people who are like that.
That said, I understand fully why you and shorty have the stances on this that you do.
While I won't agree or disagree with you, the way I'm presenting this is very objective. It's the way things are. Most 18 year old straight guys like sex with women. Unless there were just some extenuating circumstances, all of those guys are going to accept dad's offer to get them a hooker.
Often times I would assume that if that happens, it is not mentioned to any other family members...especially the mom.
The son does not have to accept it, but I know of very few 18 year old boys that would turn down a gift like that.

I asked my husband about this 'duping an innocent girl' theory of yours. He said if a guy wants fast easy sex, he picks up a woman at the bar at closing time. Those girls know there isn't going to be a relationship. They know its just sex and they are ok with it. Its why they go home with a guy they just met.

If a guy wants fast sex, and he is willing to put forth the effort, then yeah, go find some bar slut and try to take her home. The thing is, a man's pass at a woman at a bar does not guarantee that she will go home with him. Showing money up front to a prostitute does. Nor is there any guarantee (or much less of one) that the woman the guy picks up at the bar won't go psycho on him and start to stalk him.
I thought we had established that this is the main reason that guys get hookers, to eliminate as much red tape as possible.
So if I had the money, and the choice between what your husband said, and just going to pick up a hooker, I'd take the hooker.

OK, before we go any further, what part of this statement below do either of you not understand? You can knock my mentality on this all you want, but this statement isn't just my personal view, it's the way things are.
The vast majority of times that a man gets a prostitute, he is not getting one for her satisfaction. The sex is not for her. It's for him. So I'm pretty sure he's not going to worry about whether or not she wants to.
Orly, see if you can come up with a response more descriptive than:
umm, yeah. I think I understand your stance now.
Are both of you really that narrow minded?

I feel like I'm trying to explain something to a pair of kindergarteners.
Where on earth did you get the idea that the dad HAS to get a prostitute for his son, for the mere fact that he can't get it on his own???
The way I perceived it, is that this would be an OFFER, a GIFT from the dad to the son. It's not much different than a dad getting a son a motorcycle for a gift/present.
How do either of you not see that? Orly, you asked why I have to be so condescending? Well, I answered because you refuse to see things from others' perspectives, just like you are doing now. It's hard to have patience with people who are like that.
That said, I understand fully why you and shorty have the stances on this that you do.
While I won't agree or disagree with you, the way I'm presenting this is very objective. It's the way things are. Most 18 year old straight guys like sex with women. Unless there were just some extenuating circumstances, all of those guys are going to accept dad's offer to get them a hooker.
Often times I would assume that if that happens, it is not mentioned to any other family members...especially the mom.
The son does not have to accept it, but I know of very few 18 year old boys that would turn down a gift like that.

If a guy wants fast sex, and he is willing to put forth the effort, then yeah, go find some bar slut and try to take her home. The thing is, a man's pass at a woman at a bar does not guarantee that she will go home with him. Showing money up front to a prostitute does. Nor is there any guarantee (or much less of one) that the woman the guy picks up at the bar won't go psycho on him and start to stalk him.
I thought we had established that this is the main reason that guys get hookers, to eliminate as much red tape as possible.
So if I had the money, and the choice between what your husband said, and just going to pick up a hooker, I'd take the hooker.

OK, before we go any further, what part of this statement below do either of you not understand? You can knock my mentality on this all you want, but this statement isn't just my personal view, it's the way things are.

Orly, see if you can come up with a response more descriptive than:

Your opinion is duely noted. Thank you.
scott3x said:
Personally I dislike this whole 'slut/bastard' way of describing certain people...

Your opinion is duely noted. Thank you.

Does that mean you:
a- disagree
b- are pondering the truth of it
c- agree
d- other

mike said:
scott3x said:
If they're very eligible bachelors, something tells me that they wouldn't need the money of a parent. In any case, I think there is definitely something flawed in mike's reasoning here. Yes, Charlie Sheen -could- be seen as one of those 'very eligible bachelors', but if memory serves, he's not proud of what he did.

Are both of you really that narrow minded?

I feel like I'm trying to explain something to a pair of kindergarteners. Where on earth did you get the idea that the dad HAS to get a prostitute for his son, for the mere fact that he can't get it on his own???

The hypothetical dad never 'has' to get a prostitute for his son, even if the son can't afford one. When given situations, hypothetical or otherwise, many variables can be unknown. I personally tend to fill them in with the variables in my own life. Based on my personal view, hiring a prostitute is a fairly personal matter; if one has the money for it, one would get it oneself. I would also be leery of getting it for my (hypothetical) legal age child. The reason is that if they're not prepared to spend their own money on it, they probably won't appreciate it. I'd like to point out, however, that one's own money can include things such as allowances, as far as I'm concerned.

In point of fact I -did- ask my own father if he'd buy me the services of one before I actually got one, but he did one of his classic switching topics which with him generally is his way of politely saying no. One day when off in Cozumel, me and my friend wanted to go out and one of my parents (perhaps my father) gave me 20$; I had 50 pesos as well, probably from some other allowance. Me and my friend didn't know what to do; first we went to a dance club but I was just too shy to mingle. So then we decided on the idea of going to a strip club. When we got there, we found out that the main business wasn't stripping, as I detailed in another post.

The way I perceived it, is that this would be an OFFER, a GIFT from the dad to the son.

Sure. It doesn't mean that the son could have afforded it, however. Then again, it doesn't explictly state that he couldn't have. Thus is life at times; filled with possibilities.

How do either of you not see that? Orly, you asked why I have to be so condescending? Well, I answered because you refuse to see things from others' perspectives, just like you are doing now. It's hard to have patience with people who are like that.
That said, I understand fully why you and shorty have the stances on this that you do.
While I won't agree or disagree with you, the way I'm presenting this is very objective. It's the way things are. Most 18 year old straight guys like sex with women. Unless there were just some extenuating circumstances, all of those guys are going to accept dad's offer to get them a hooker.

Perhaps many 18 year old guys would (I probably would have; as I mentioned I once even asked my father myself). However, whether the average 18 year old guy would want it as a gift is one thing. Whether an 18 year old guy should actually -get- it as a gift is another matter entirely.

I asked my husband about this 'duping an innocent girl' theory of yours. He said if a guy wants fast easy sex, he picks up a woman at the bar at closing time. Those girls know there isn't going to be a relationship. They know its just sex and they are ok with it. Its why they go home with a guy they just met.

If a guy wants fast sex, and he is willing to put forth the effort, then yeah, go find some bar slut and try to take her home. The thing is, a man's pass at a woman at a bar does not guarantee that she will go home with him.

It can also be humiliating if the woman makes it clear she doesn't even want to chat. I've never actually done the bar scene, but I've had my share of humiliation and am not keen on more.

Showing money up front to a prostitute does.

Well, it's not a 100% guarantee, but it's as close as you can get as far as I'm concerned. And if the prostitute is trying to persuade a virgin male... I personally found the pros outweighed the cons anyway.

Nor is there any guarantee (or much less of one) that the woman the guy picks up at the bar won't go psycho on him and start to stalk him.

Technically, a prostitute could do this as well, but I certainly do believe that the odds are much lower.

I thought we had established that this is the main reason that guys get hookers, to eliminate as much red tape as possible.
So if I had the money, and the choice between what your husband said, and just going to pick up a hooker, I'd take the hooker.

If I had the money, I'd probably spend it on groceries (I frequently have). I personally have found that the first time's the charm but my appetite for another just hasn't been there.

mike said:
OK, before we go any further, what part of this statement below do either of you not understand? You can knock my mentality on this all you want, but this statement isn't just my personal view, it's the way things are.

mike said:
The vast majority of times that a man gets a prostitute, he is not getting one for her satisfaction. The sex is not for her. It's for him. So I'm pretty sure he's not going to worry about whether or not she wants to.

It may be true, but, if so, the truth sucks.

Orly, see if you can come up with a response more descriptive than:

Orleander said:
umm, yeah. I think I understand your stance now.

She said many other things. I personally would have focused on the rest of her post...
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I guess we're going to have to disagree on this one.

Yup...looks that way. I am not even going to argue with you about it because I know there is no way in hell we are going to see eye to eye on this one.

As for your questions..YES I sure would lay into my husband if he offered that up as a present. I would not yell at my boys since they are not the ones that asked for it. My guess is at that age they would have just asked for either money, a new cell phone or the latest gaming system. What next is the father going to ask him if he wants a bag of cocaine to sample out in the garage. :rolleyes:

As for them duping an innocent girl for sex theory, If they were just looking to get laid and picked up a girl and she was willing to have sex with them the same night, I wouldn't call her an innocent victim.
Anybody who goes home with a stranger and has sex with them makes me wonder how many times they do that. Are they hanging out at the bar every weekend just looking to get laid ? and how
many ppl have they been sleeping with. I personally don't really have a lot of respect for those kind of people, but to each his own. I get the fact that young teenage boys are probably horny all the time
and have sex on the brain and that will never change. That doesn't mean that a parent should be offering up hookers. Personally I am not going to be teaching my boys that having random sex with strangers and one night stands are a good idea. I will bring up the fact that STDS are at record highs and that being a teenager father would ruin their lives, so they better be careful. I will be talking to them about dating and being in relationships when they are old enough. It doesn't mean that they will listen but at least I will put in my 2 cents as their mother. So this whole getting them a prostitute as a gift goes against everything that I believe.

What if it was your daughter? Would you take the same stance and think it was okay if your wife wanted to get her a male prostitute for her Birthday? How would you like to visual your daughter getting pounded by some male prostitute that has been god knows where?

Don't get offended here but I get the impression from you that you have been really hurt by women in your life. I just get the feeling from the multiple posts over the yrs regarding women and dating, marriage etc. I get the feeling that you have been burned a lot, I could be wrong.

Btw: Hey Scott, another fellow Canadian? :)
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How would you like to visual your daughter getting pounded by some male prostitute that has been god knows where?

Aren't prostitutes screened for diseases? There must be some sort of health standards imposed on sex workers.

As for pregnancy, don't prostitutes use birth control? Although that does bring up the question: What happens if a prostitute falls pregnant?
I wonder if there are males that it would be traumatic for. A gay son, a son with Down Syndrome, a son with Asperger syndrome, etc.

Seems like those would be the kind of son father's would want a hooker for.
I wonder if there are males that it would be traumatic for. A gay son, a son with Down Syndrome, a son with Asperger syndrome, etc.

Seems like those would be the kind of son father's would want a hooker for.

I think a good rule of thumb would be, try to see what the son wants, not what the parent wants. If the son clearly -wants- to be with a woman in 'that way' but has some sort of disability when it comes to appproaching women, however, one might say that they could spend their allowance on it or something. In a place where it's legal anyway. Where it's not, perhaps a vacation in Mexico; if one can afford the trip there it really is quite economical there ;). I'm half mexican myself, but there's no denying that many services are just cheaper down there.