George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

I'm not seeing it. Please, specifically cite the threat. What did he say or do exactly that was the threat? Examples:
"I'm going to kill you."
"I'm going to shoot you."
"See my gun? I'm going to use it on you."

Did he say any of those things or did he just announce that he had a gun? Announcing you have a gun is announcing you have a gun. Again, absurdly basic but I still sense the need to make it clear. An announcement of possession of a gun is not a threat to use a gun, much less an actual use of a gun.

If I missed it I apologize: please post and cite the quote where he said such a thing.

you know what's really disgusting is how you take things out of context to the point of sterility to absolute non-meaning to events to absolve zimmerman. are you seriously a dufus or just autistic??

you have the audacity to be condescending to others on this thread who are not only more intelligent than you but actually more honest as well. all you are good at is manipulating with the guise of innocence and truth.

you refuse to grasp that even if 'suggesting' to use the gun is not a threat. his wife stated that he threatened her family with the 'firearm'. whether he actually did, we just know his violent past and she was obviously afraid on the phone. if he did that is a threat. yes, even if he just suggested it by putting his hands on the firearm in a heated situation. anyone with common sense knows that is imminent danger. hello?? if you were in that situation and knowing his background and temperament, if you didn't take his threat seriously or at least felt fear, then you truly are an idiot or possibly you may have autism and can't read tone, suggestions, threats, body language etc or even the entire scenario as you did with the trayvon case. but that would just make your argument here just ignorant, not guilty on your part. but i think it's the latter and you know you are using cognitive dissonance and that makes it even worse. it's easy what you are doing, you need to wait until he actually kills again for you to get it. but i suppose to your dishonest mind, it's no red flag and dismissable he was fired from his job for violence, assaulted a police officer, obviously has a history of domestic violence and impulse control issues. neither does the accusation of years of molesting his cousin and others. this is not questionable in the least but trayvon martin with some juvenile problems and teenage antics is more so. lmao
russ said:
"Putting a hand on your gun while in a fight with people is "using" that gun."
I'm not sure you understand what guns are for.
They are used to threaten people, such as bad guys who would otherwise rob you. How do I know that? Because that is what gun rights advocates, organizations of gun owners such as the NRA, and anyone with a brain in their head, as well as my own common observations and experiences, tell me they are used for.

That's what the response is to the gun ban advocates, who claim that guns are almost never used in self defense and point to the stats on deaths by firearm: guns properly used in self defense are not usually even fired, let alone used to kill anyone, and the defensive virtues of possessing firearms lie mostly in the threat they pose and the risks they impose on criminals. That's something you want to be able to say, right?

russ said:
Please, specifically cite the threat. What did he say or do exactly that was the threat?
He brought a gun into a fight, and visibly put his hand on it. In the mythical Wild West and the quite real State of Florida merely moving his hand towards his visible gun in the middle of a fight begins the "fast draw", and justifies someone shooting him - actually putting his hand on it was a direct threat of violence.

russ said:
Ok, I guess no one here understands what guns are/are for. Let me explain:

Guns, also known as firearms, are projectile weapons that when activated launch projectiles using a pyrotechnic charge. That projectile is intended to hit a person and cause serious injury or death. So "using a gun" means firing a gun.
Now you're being silly. In Florida, in particular, where the definition of "using a gun" is a critical legal matter, actually firing a gun is not the only "use" recognized even legally:

When people are sentenced in Florida court for using a gun in the commission of a felony, the fact that they did not actually fire the gun does not prevent the extra years being tacked unto their sentence. If you rob a bank in Florida by handing the teller a note and opening your coat to flash your gun in its shoulder holster, without even touching the weapon with your hand, you are guilty of using a gun to rob a bank. Everybody knows that.
you know what's really disgusting is how you take things out of context to the point of sterility to absolute non-meaning to events to absolve zimmerman. are you seriously a dufus or just autistic??
No, I'm just a typical logical engineer. You're probably reacting to your perception that autistic people are stereo-typically highly logical to a fault and so when you compare your extremely illogical approach to my highly logical one, mine probably looks abnormal to you. So thanks for the unintended compliment.
They are used to threaten people, such as bad guys who would otherwise rob you.....
Yes, but "use" and "use to threaten" are two different things....
Now you're being silly. In Florida, in particular, where the definition of "using a gun" is a critical legal matter, actually firing a gun is not the only "use" recognized even legally:

When people are sentenced in Florida court for using a gun in the commission of a felony, the fact that they did not actually fire the gun does not prevent the extra years being tacked unto their sentence. If you rob a bank in Florida by handing the teller a note and opening your coat to flash your gun in its shoulder holster, without even touching the weapon with your hand, you are guilty of using a gun to rob a bank. Everybody knows that.
You - and the reporter who wrote the article - should read the statute because you are misusing the word "use":
775.087 Possession or use of weapon; aggravated battery; felony reclassification; minimum sentence.—
(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, whenever a person is charged with a felony, except a felony in which the use of a weapon or firearm is an essential element, and during the commission of such felony the defendant carries, displays, uses, threatens to use, or attempts to use any weapon or firearm, or during the commission of such felony the defendant commits an aggravated battery, the felony for which the person is charged shall be reclassified as follows:
(a) In the case of a felony of the first degree, to a life felony.
(b) In the case of a felony of the second degree, to a felony of the first degree.
(c) In the case of a felony of the third degree, to a felony of the second degree.
Clearly, "using a gun" is firing the gun. Threatening to use or attempting to use are threatening or attempting to fire.

So in the Martin case, Zimmerman "used" his gun. In this case, his wife says he threatened to use his gun. But the police apparently disagree and/or don't see whatever he said/did as a crime because they didn't even arrest him.

Now you'll probably call that "use" vs "threaten to use" stuff hairsplitting, but you have to remember how this started:
Joe said:
But the family fight as reported by the media did not justify the use of a handgun. The use of handguns is only justified when someone’s life is in jeopardy.
That reference "use of handguns is only justified when someone's life is in jeopardy" is true and a clear reference to firing a gun as stated in rules of engagement for using deadly force.
What does neighborhood watch do?

Here is just a random description of what they do from link above.
watching the property of other neighbors. This has several advantages, including the fact that your neighbors know who you are, what type of car you drive, and who belongs, as a rule, at your residence. A patrol officer driving by your home might not recognize someone as a stranger in your yard. However, an alert neighbor would recognize the person as a stranger. They could then call 9-1-1 to alert police of the suspicious activity.

According to this website simply identifying a stranger in someones yard is deemed suspicion enough to warrant a call to police.

Neighborhood watch and Block Parents have been around for Forty Years now. They are well known to reduce crime.

As a teenager my friend was sitting in a parked car waiting for his girlfriend to arrive home with her parents. A lady walked past his car and yelled that the neighborhood had neighborhood watch and gave some visual clues that she was keeping an eye on him.

First; this action by the lady was fairly brazen, but I know my share of nutty women and know the lady he was discussing. She did not follow him with a gun that we know of and he continued to wait in his car.

Now this story shows how this lady might have profiled my friend because of his race. Maybe neighborhood watch is a glorified KKK going around just watching black people. Keeping an eye on the neighborhood is sort of the entire point of neighborhood watch.

A have a secret here though. My friend was white. It appeared that at least in one single incident occurring thirty years ago that a white person was actually watched by the "Neighborhood Watch" for doing nothing but sitting in a parked car.

Had my friend been black however he would likely still be crying as loud as Tiassa about "How the man oppressed him", and would likely have given his son (My friend only had daughter though) "The Talk".

What we get from this story is that it is only Okay to watch Strangers in your neighborhoods if they are white (even if they are on a neighbors lawn). If (Heaven Forbid) you keep an eye on a Negro who subsequently dies when he attacks you, then anti racist organizations will call upon a nation of uninformed masses to have you hung, or the criminally insane may even heave Molotov Cocktails at you.

Tell me GZ does not now live in fear of his life. When I first heartd the Trayvon Martin story I thought GZ was a possessed monster. We do not see Whoopi Goldberg on the view saying "Oh Maybe Treyvon attacked GZ?". We see the picture of Treyvon when he was twelve years old and were told just one side of the story.


Notice Trayvons GIANT 12 year old photo front and center.

Now be honest....


Try hard ...

To be honest ...

Do you believe George Zimmerman has never followed or suspected a white teenager?

If you think he followed a WHITE MALE even ONE time then all the racist arguments are bogus.

George Zimmerman had contacted police more than FORTY times as his role in The neighborhood watch. He reported disputes, potholes, speeding, aggressive driving, potholes, reporting neighborhood parties, 9 year old walking alone, Garage doors being left open by accident, and yes; some suspicious people. He does sound like a pestering busybody.

Turn to page 27 of the above link. Zimmerman was spying on a White Male wearing a black button down shirt and Jeans while reporting a loud argument to the police. Oh My God! The damn racist also reports white folk.. What the Hell?

Page 43 is also a report against a White Male. Dang.


George Zimmerman called police at the drop of a hat, and likely would report his own grandmother for Jaywalking by the looks of things. What behavior warrants watching by neighborhood watch? Almost any behaviour seems to attract GZ, and he even phoned police more than once for kids PLAYING in the street. PLAYING..... Treyvon Martin should ignore busybodies like this, but instead it looks like (according to jury) he attacked GZ.

It amazes me how some here who claim intelligence simply cannot grasp simple common sense. They are pathetic.


Many organizations are being flooded with donations to help stop this racism.


Cry like Tiassa.

Since he has also reported white folk in his community for NOTHING, then anybody reading this KNOWS their racist arguments are best left in the shitter.

Nobody KNOWS if Trayvon attacked GZ. Even if we did not know about Treyvons violent lifestyle, we could only guess at the truth.

The Guilty here are the ones who rush to judgement without facts. That is moronic.

Here is a great reason for his wife to leave him and women often say whatever will be believed when getting a 911 divorce.

Why should she be at risk? You want to see Vigilantes, here they are. They should arrest these people just for the threats of confinement.
Last edited:
What does neighborhood watch do?

Here is just a random description of what they do from link above.

According to this website simply identifying a stranger in someones yard is deemed suspicion enough to warrant a call to police.

Neighborhood watch and Block Parents have been around for Forty Years now. They are well known to reduce crime.

As a teenager my friend was sitting in a parked car waiting for his girlfriend to arrive home with her parents. A lady walked past his car and yelled that the neighborhood had neighborhood watch and gave some visual clues that she was keeping an eye on him.

First; this action by the lady was fairly brazen, but I know my share of nutty women and know the lady he was discussing. She did not follow him with a gun that we know of and he continued to wait in his car.

Now this story shows how this lady might have profiled my friend because of his race. Maybe neighborhood watch is a glorified KKK going around just watching black people. Keeping an eye on the neighborhood is sort of the entire point of neighborhood watch.

A have a secret here though. My friend was white. It appeared that at least in one single incident occurring thirty years ago that a white person was actually watched by the "Neighborhood Watch" for doing nothing but sitting in a parked car.

Had my friend been black however he would likely still be crying as loud as Tiassa about "How the man oppressed him", and would likely have given his son (My friend only had daughter though) "The Talk".

What we get from this story is that it is only Okay to watch Strangers in your neighborhoods if they are white (even if they are on a neighbors lawn). If (Heaven Forbid) you keep an eye on a Negro who subsequently dies when he attacks you, then anti racist organizations will call upon a nation of uninformed masses to have you hung, or the criminally insane may even heave Molotov Cocktails at you.

Tell me GZ does not now live in fear of his life. When I first heartd the Trayvon Martin story I thought GZ was a possessed monster. We do not see Whoopi Goldberg on the view saying "Oh Maybe Treyvon attacked GZ?". We see the picture of Treyvon when he was twelve years old and were told just one side of the story.


Notice Trayvons GIANT 12 year old photo front and center.

Now be honest....


Try hard ...

To be honest ...

Do you believe George Zimmerman has never followed or suspected a white teenager?

If you think he followed a WHITE MALE even ONE time then all the racist arguments are bogus.

George Zimmerman had contacted police more than FORTY times as his role in The neighborhood watch. He reported disputes, potholes, speeding, aggressive driving, potholes, reporting neighborhood parties, 9 year old walking alone, Garage doors being left open by accident, and yes; some suspicious people. He does sound like a pestering busybody.

Turn to page 27 of the above link. Zimmerman was spying on a White Male wearing a black button down shirt and Jeans while reporting a loud argument to the police. Oh My God! The damn racist also reports white folk.. What the Hell?

Page 43 is also a report against a White Male. Dang.


George Zimmerman called police at the drop of a hat, and likely would report his own grandmother for Jaywalking by the looks of things. What behavior warrants watching by neighborhood watch? Almost any behaviour seems to attract GZ, and he even phoned police more than once for kids PLAYING in the street. PLAYING..... Treyvon Martin should ignore busybodies like this, but instead it looks like (according to jury) he attacked GZ.

It amazes me how some here who claim intelligence simply cannot grasp simple common sense. They are pathetic.


Many organizations are being flooded with donations to help stop this racism.


Cry like Tiassa.

Since he has also reported white folk in his community for NOTHING, then anybody reading this KNOWS their racist arguments are best left in the shitter.

Nobody KNOWS if Trayvon attacked GZ. Even if we did not know about Treyvons violent lifestyle, we could only guess at the truth.

The Guilty here are the ones who rush to judgement without facts. That is moronic.

Here is a great reason for his wife to leave him and women often say whatever will be believed when getting a 911 divorce.

Why should she be at risk? You want to see Vigilantes, here they are. They should arrest these people just for the threats of confinement.

Look buddy I am a goddamn southerner and racism is alive and fucking well down there. I would not be surprised if George is not patted on the back by more than a few people. Hell they may even wink and nod knowingly and say way to go buddy, yuk yuk!

Why do you think organizations like the Black Panthers even exist? What could possibly be the reason for their anger? Is it somehow misplaced?

BTW the great reason for his wife leaving him, was not the reason she gave. I have three words to describe George Zimmerman, fat fucking PUSSY! Now where is my soap.
Look buddy I am a goddamn southerner and racism is alive and fucking well down there. I would not be surprised if George is not patted on the back by more than a few people. Hell they may even wink and nod knowingly and say way to go buddy, yuk yuk!

Why do you think organizations like the Black Panthers even exist? What could possibly be the reason for their anger? Is it somehow misplaced?

BTW the great reason for his wife leaving him, was not the reason she gave. I have three words to describe George Zimmerman, fat fucking PUSSY! Now where is my soap.

you go, girlie! :thumbsup:
yep, I agree with you...

Looks like he's back in the news yet again...


I've redacted the rest of your post because the entire spiel is based on this premise, which is false.
russ said:
Yes, but "use" and "use to threaten" are two different things....
Well, you got me - I can't parody that.

whenever a person is charged with a felony, except a felony in which the use of a weapon or firearm is an essential element, and during the commission of such felony the defendant carries, displays, uses, threatens to use, or attempts to use any weapon or firearm,
Reads to me like somebody has met guys like Russ and wants to nail the issue to the wall - first the added-in category of felonies in which "use" (just that word) of a firearm is not an essential element already and so not already covered in the crime itself, and then a list of the behaviors formerly covered by the crimes themselves in the old category - and referred to by the single word "use".

Carrying a firearm while on parole for armed robbery conviction, for example, is one of those crimes already covered by the older laws, and the word "use" applied to it.
kwhilborn said:
What does neighborhood watch do?
Zimmerman was not a member of a neighborhood watch. If he had been, he would have received training and instruction in appropriate behavior, which would have specifically forbidden him to chase after people while carrying a firearm unless he had observed them committing a crime. Getting out of his truck and going after somebody with a loaded gun (safety off) ready to hand, after following someone down the street at night in the rain, might very well have got him expelled from his neighborhood watch program whether he shot anybody or not.

kwhilborn said:
Do you believe George Zimmerman has never followed or suspected a white teenager?

If you think he followed a WHITE MALE even ONE time then all the racist arguments are bogus.
There is no record of GZ ever following a white male down the street, day or night, rain or shine, with or (as with Martin) without cause, let alone getting out of his truck with a gun to chase him down when he ran.

All - or rather both - the records for GZ reporting white males as possible problems show cause - loud arguments that looked bad and were disturbing, that kind of thing. You've been asked before, and the matter is still hanging: what do you think was the cause, in Martin's case? The unusual factor that motivated GZ's taking his loaded gun and following on foot? We don't have one reported, so you will have to do some guessing.
kwhilborn said:

No it doesn't, that does not take way from the fact the blacks in America are overly watched, searched and arrest, ever killed for no cause, then whites. If Zimmerman choose to hunt him down because he is black or not does not change the fact that blacks are usually hunted down for that very reason. Zimmerman could very well have been overzealous and certainly present evidence is growing that the man is chronically violent, but the case of Travyon opens up a deep pain that blacks must face in the states of being prejudiced against even for simply walking the streets.
@ IceAura,

GZ neighborhood may not have belonged to the official neighborhood watch organization, but they were organized as a neighborhood watch. I'm used to morons arguing for facts they make up though, so go ahead and let your mind wander through fantasy land. There was even some recent police connection (Sgt Hubert) with regards to training a neighborhood watch. This is true but please continue to make up your own facts.

There is no record of GZ ever following a white male down the street,

No because the incidents (PLURAL) in which he phoned the police to report White suspects (I listed calls in last post), the white suspects were stationary and their location was known. Since he had already told the police about the suspects, it is plausible he might want to keep tabs on their location for when police arrived. Yes; GZ seemed like a wannabe cop and general neighborhood pest. I agree he seems a bit overzealous and should never have been allowed a gun. I also believe he would have followed a White Grey Haired Granny down a path if he had called the police on her.


@ Trippy,

I know we do not see eye to eye on many issues, but if you honestly do not see that GZ was watching everyone in his neighborhood from tiny kids to dogs, speeders to aggressive drivers, and almost anyone talking above a whisper then I will add another layer of stupidity to my perception of you.

The entire premise of this being a racial profiling because of a black male wearing a hoodie needs to be tossed aside if it is also true he would follow just about anyone in his neighborhood. I think this is common sense to anyone knowing the facts. The mass media hype does not show these facts so although you are arguing on a side of popular opinion, it is still stupid.


@ Electric Fetus,

In the eyes of neighborhood watch any stranger is suspicious. If Treyvon had been wearing a three piece suit it is true he might have been perceived as less of a neighborhood threat, but a white teen stranger standing on a neighbors lawn (That had previously had a break in) wearing a hoodie would likely be looked at with equal suspicion. It appears a Jury decided GZ did NOT start the fight with Treyvon. Are you claiming to be psychic here?

@ quinnsong,
Look buddy I am a goddamn southerner and racism is alive and fucking well down there.

Well that is a shame. So GZ is automatically guilty now because racism exists. I have houseplants that are likely too smart to make an argument like that. I think all racists are complete idiots, and if racism gives you some sense of national pride then I'll happily group you in with the lot of them.

George Zimmerman is a complete idiot. He is the whiny neighbor that phones the police every time your party extends past 10 pm. He was watching his neighborhood. He was not after super ridiculous suspicious behavior, he was suspicious of everyone white, black, big and small. I can imagine him following dog walkers with a video camera to catch owners who don't pick up the poop. He was a bit crazy in my opinion.

Now Treyvon did not like being followed by the crazy man and when he reached his dads home he told his GF that he was walking back towards the guy.

It appears from the evidence that Treyvon started beating up GZ and was shot. This is what a JURY believed.

Now maybe GZ did start the fight, but look at the considerations he faced.

a) in over 40 previous calls whining to police did he ever use his gun or violence to hold a suspect.
b) Treyvon was a very muscular 6 foot 2 inch man with gold teeth.


I know many people would at least think twice before attacking someone that big, and we know Treyvon had a history of fighting in which he liked to see his opponents bleed, as he had wanted a beat up the snitch who got him kicked from school again. (This is from phone records, and if you are unaware of those then why are you even on this thread).

Nobody knows what occurred. You can make stuff up till the cows come home, but it will only be your imaginations.

Come back to reality.
b) Treyvon was a very muscular 6 foot 2 inch man with gold teeth.


I know many people would at least think twice before attacking someone that big, and we know Treyvon had a history of fighting in which he liked to see his opponents bleed, as he had wanted a beat up the snitch who got him kicked from school again. (This is from phone records, and if you are unaware of those then why are you even on this thread).

Nobody knows what occurred. You can make stuff up till the cows come home, but it will only be your imaginations.

Come back to reality.

I see your true colors shining through. Gold teeth are scary? Tall and muscular maybe, but when ya gotta gun not so much!
@ Quinnsong,
Gold teeth are scary? Tall and muscular maybe,

I think I would find metal teeth scary on any big man.


How does race enter into that?

Maybe because I think metal colouring is an eccentric choice to begin with in an age where tooth colours can be matched or improved upon.

I see your true colors shining through.

What are my true colours? Are you also going to label me a racist in this thread? This time because I think metal teeth are demented.

The fact was Treyvon and Zimmerman were in a knock down brawl at the time of the shooting. If a gun is going to make you fearless, then why bother with fighting? Your comments are again ridiculous.

I'll give you credit for at least briefly sounding more intelligent than you did in your previous post.
No, I'm just a typical logical engineer. You're probably reacting to your perception that autistic people are stereo-typically highly logical to a fault and so when you compare your extremely illogical approach to my highly logical one, mine probably looks abnormal to you. So thanks for the unintended compliment.

what a hoot!! your approach is akin to saying a robot is intelligent. you get credit for lazy approach which you confuse with highly intelligent. you are actually using a one trick pony logic and limited as well as misplaced methodology here. it's not just a simple math problem or some binary code. anyone can disregard context, human behavior, and meaning to events if they chose to, but that would be stupid. lmao

Did he say any of those things or did he just announce that he had a gun? Announcing you have a gun is announcing you have a gun. Again, absurdly basic but I still sense the need to make it clear.

when i read this, i thought he must be pulling everyone's leg, right? this is one out of many examples of your 'approach'. you strip context and meaning out of actions and words so you audaciously claim that someone just announces they have a gun for no reason at all and that could not be a threat in a heated situation. that is inability or dishonesty. inability would absolve you just because you truly don't understand but dishonesty is even worse because you know better but it's a disingenuous tactic to justify an agenda. you are right though that you just focus on the 'absurdly basic' devoid of understanding anything around or within the situation/context and how they connect.
The fact was Treyvon and Zimmerman were in a knock down brawl at the time of the shooting. If a gun is going to make you fearless, then why bother with fighting? Your comments are again ridiculous.

the comment is ridiculous. he didn't fight back or was out-classed in that ability but zimmerman was relatively fearless going in because he had the gun. what other weapon is so easily deadly than a hidden gun in a confrontation? none. it's obvious zimmerman wasn't on defensive mode but offensive as he initiated the events and his intention was to exercise some authority over martin.
@ Birch,
Glad you are another psychic detective. A jury and the only witness disagree with you however and say it was Treyvon who started the fight. It is a free country and if I follow you around your neighborhood making fun of your race/religion/IQ it is permitted by law. I could follow your family and say they smell like monkey butts and that is allowed by law. The Jury and only witness say Treyvon started the fight. You can use your psychic powers to refute this, or simply make up colourful stories as is prevalent here, but nobody can ever know what transpired (aside from you I mean).

Treyvon had a reputation as a fighter and had friends asking him to train them to fight. I think you would be a fool to think GZ had a chance in a physical (fist only) confrontation. Treyvon sold illegal guns on the street, he was not some wimpy kid.

Despite all the witnesses present after the fight/shooting I suppose you're going to argue GZ self inflicted his wounds when nobody was looking prior to the shooting. That would match the stupidity of many arguments here.



So when did he get these injuries? It could not have been AFTER the fight as there were people watching before and after the gunshot.

Here is the picture of Treyvon Martin the media used. He is 12 in the very old photo.

Zimmerman was wearing prison suit and earrings.

Glad you are another psychic detective. A jury and the only witness disagree with you however and say it was Treyvon who started the fight.
Birch didn't say Zimmerman started the fight, he said Zimmerman "initiated the events." It is a carefully chosen wording that indicates Birch knows Martin started the fight, but wants to evade that issue -- the only issue that really matters.
@ Russ,
Birch didn't say Zimmerman started the fight, he said Zimmerman "initiated the events."

Yes. I had addressed the entire "Events" that were possible.

First by clarifying,
It is a free country and if I follow you around your neighborhood making fun of your race/religion/IQ it is permitted by law. I could follow your family and say they smell like monkey butts and that is allowed by law.

From that statement I meant it was perfectly legal to follow Treyvon. If Treyvon did not like it he should have approached a "Block Parent","Phoned the Police", or ignored the crazy guy.

Then by saying the only part of the event that actually mattered.
The Jury and only witness say Treyvon started the fight.

In my neighborhood there is a crazy old man who will go into neighbors yards and steal Bikes, Lawnmowers, Etc. His Adult Son who owns the house promptly returns all the items. Nobody calls the police on him because we have an understanding that he is crazy. If I caught this guy driving down the street on my lawnmower and had my kids bike I could not legally touch him (on my property is another story).

Anybody living in a city is going to see craziness. In the United States you will see lots of crazy people with guns. You are not allowed to beat them up. Anybody here who thinks GZ provoked the attack would not survive in a city, and should stay on their farms.