George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

@ Quinnsong,

I think I would find metal teeth scary on any big man.


How does race enter into that?

Gee equating Trayvon's teeth and size with the pic above to make your point smacks of delusion, especially because many young African Americans wear them as a fashion statement and they certainly do not look like that. So in your eyes Trayvon was this BIG METALTOOTHED MONSTER, no wonder you side with George.

Maybe because I think metal colouring is an eccentric choice to begin with in an age where tooth colours can be matched or improved upon.
Again,see above!

What are my true colours? Are you also going to label me a racist in this thread? This time because I think metal teeth are demented.
No because you think black men with metal teeth are scary and you used a picture of a Hollywood villian to make your point.

The fact was Treyvon and Zimmerman were in a knock down brawl at the time of the shooting. If a gun is going to make you fearless, then why bother with fighting? Your comments are again ridiculous.
George. being the pussy that he is would have never stepped foot out of his truck if not for the great equalizer in his holster. Can you imagine him facing down that demented METALTOOTHED MONSTER w/o it! PFFT!

I'll give you credit for at least briefly sounding more intelligent than you did in your previous post.

Go live in the South for a few years and either you will be one of the yuk yuks or you will open your eyes and realize that old school racism is alive and well and a real not an imagined problem. The way that you present your argument sounds just like many of my relatives and guess what, they are racists and damn proud of it.
Birch didn't say Zimmerman started the fight, he said Zimmerman "initiated the events." It is a carefully chosen wording that indicates Birch knows Martin started the fight, but wants to evade that issue -- the only issue that really matters.

so, now we're arguing with stupidity and outright dishonesty. the physical fight is not all that matters as well as you don't know who started the physical fight. you don't grasp that someone putting their hands on you to detain you in any way is also cause to physically fight back. you don't know what zimmerman did first physically nor martin. there are also a handful of inconsistencies in zimmerman's account such as claiming martin put his hands over his mouth yet there is no blood on his hands etc.

it's clear you are extremely biased and your posts have no relevance but to blindly and adamantly ignore anything that puts zimmerman in question.
all one has to do is intimidate another into a fight or flight response, kill and claim self-defense under syg law. it's hard to believe people would defend this law. fortunately, there are many who realize this is an irresponsible and bad law.
@ Birch,
The entire point is that nobody knows what transpired during the fight. You can fabricate a hands on detention in your fantasy world, but that is not exactly a fair way to judge a situation is it. Would you want your family judged by imagined evidence? The only person who knows what occurred is GZ, and a Jury agreed to his version.

BTW, GZ did not use the Stand Your Ground defense. They could have, but opted for a Jury instead.

@ Quinnsong,
Gee equating Trayvon's teeth and size with the pic above to make your point smacks of delusion, especially because many young African Americans wear them as a fashion statement and they certainly do not look like that. So in your eyes Trayvon was this BIG METALTOOTHED MONSTER, no wonder you side with George.

I live in a city where there are more Black and Hispanics than White People and I have never seen anyone with a mouth full of metal. I have seen the odd Gold tooth, but never a mouth full of them, and I am very social.

I do view Treyvon as a Monster. We now know he was involved in beating people up, drugs and selling guns to kids (see his phone texts). He was repeatedly kicked out of school and even his own mother did not want him (see his phone texts published repeatedly in this thread) which is why he was staying at his dads home. I would think anybody is a maniac if they sold guns to kids no matter what their colour is.

You seem to misunderstand the nature of a Free Country. Your idiotic racist relatives who wallow in their ignorance are actually allowed to be racist. Racism is simply stupid and is prevalent among morons. It is not illegal. Proud racists are just highly uneducated with limited exposure to those they condemn.

because you think black men with metal teeth are scary
When did I say Black men? Are you putting words in my mouth. I said any big man with metal teeth. Trayvon even thought "DA GOLDS" made him look tougher (see phone transcripts). Yes. I think I will always assume anybody wanting to disfigure their body is a wackjob whether it be with Tattoos or Metal teeth. I am allowed to an opinion. I would view people equally nutty with tattoos and Metal Teeth no matter what their skin colour or nationality. Getting Tattoos is also trendy, but that does not mean I cannot dislike the people who do it to any great extent. One gold tooth is fun, but a mouthful of metal is psycho in my opinion. A cute tattoo is fun, but a body full of them is psycho in my opinion. So what? How does this relate to the argument. If a white guy flashed a mouthful of metal at me I would
think he is a nutcase and probably would keep tabs on him while he is in the neighborhood. You seem to think this equates with racism. You lack reasoning abilities.

GZ is allowed to prance around Treyvon like a faerie on drugs shouting racist slurs at the top of his lungs and Treyvon would not be allowed to hit him. People generally do not behave this way because it is simply wrong, and people can sue people harassing them or causing them to be scared. Had Treyvon called the police on GZ he would have had grounds for a harassment lawsuit.

I do not perceive racism as an imagined problem. I see it as a problem that is lessening with time; kept alive by the zealots who argue this case from the depths of their ignorance ignoring facts or misconstruing them as they see fit.

This incident has inspired crazies like Tiassa (who has admitted to using weapons against people, Throwing Molotov Cocktails, and burning several buildings to the ground / Sciforums Moderator ) to give "The Talk" to his own children. Nothing like fighting racism by instilling more racism. It seems a bit screwy.

There can be no doubt that racism is not as strong as it was 100 years ago, and it can also be shown to lessen every year to some degree. I hear Black people can even attend the same schools as whites and are even allowed to use the same drinking fountains. What's up with that (Sarcasm here)?

I do not believe racism is as prevalent as you seem to. GZ had phoned in complaints to police of white people misbehaving in his neighborhood also.
Last edited:
@ Quinnsong,

I live in a city where there are more Black and Hispanics than White People and I have never seen anyone with a mouth full of metal. I have seen the odd Gold tooth, but never a mouth full of them, and I am very social.

You live in Canada not in the DEEP SOUTH. I have seen many young African American men and women with grills, it is a hip hop thing. Get over it.

I do view Treyvon as a Monster. We now know he was involved in beating people up, drugs and selling guns to kids (see his phone texts). He was repeatedly kicked out of school and even his own mother did not want him (see his phone texts published repeatedly in this thread) which is why he was staying at his dads home.

Trayvon was a troubled teen, not a METALTOOTHED MONSTER as you would like us to believe. In a civilized society one would hope that we would give troubled teens from broken families second and third chances, whether black or white.

You seem to misunderstand the nature of a Free Country. Your idiotic racist relatives who wallow in their ignorance are actually allowed to be racist. Racism is simply stupid and is prevalent among morons. It is not illegal. Proud racists are just highly uneducated with limited exposure to those they condemn.

Many of my relatives that are racists are educated some highly educated, sooooo. An example, I have a cousin whose father was a lawyer and politician in Alabama and he followed in his footsteps, he became a lawyer and is now an appointed judge in Alabama and you guessed it, he is a racist. Racism is taught in the homes and surrounding communities in the South. Are things getting better?. Sure, but at a much slower pace than the rest of the country.

Another example, an Uncle of mine by marriage had a son who had a drug problem and was caught several times with cocaine and got off with a slap on the wrist, had he been black caught with crack, well we know the story. To be fair his dad, my uncle, was a judge in Florida at this time, so it had to do with connections and class, as well. My point, George did not even need to be a racist our whole justice system is, because it sees Trayvon exactly as you do. No great loss, right?

There can be no doubt that racism is not as strong as it was 100 years ago, and it can also be shown to lessen every year to some degree. I hear Black people can even attend the same schools as whites and are even allowed to use the same drinking fountains. What's up with that (Sarcasm here)?

I do not believe racism is as prevalent as you seem to. GZ had phoned in complaints to police of white people misbehaving in his neighborhood also.

Again, please make it your duty to live in the Deep South for a few years and then come talk to me. I have lived in other states and cities in America and the South is way behind the bell curve when it comes to race as well as other issues that require tolerance. No sarcasm here, buddy.
@ IceAura,
In the eyes of neighborhood watch any stranger is suspicious. If Treyvon had been wearing a three piece suit it is true he might have been perceived as less of a neighborhood threat, but a white teen stranger standing on a neighbors lawn (That had previously had a break in) wearing a hoodie would likely be looked at with equal suspicion. It appears a Jury decided GZ did NOT start the fight with Treyvon. Are you claiming to be psychic here?

Well the jury certainly think they were psychic, that they could read Zimmermans mind and tell that we was not lying, All they had was Zimmermans word that Tryvong attacked him. And that another place where racism is injected for they see a black teenager and very well may have assumed the he look threatening enough to have done all that. Here you are in fact verifying this that, you keep posting pictures of the victim (or pictures of black teenage boys) and suggest they are menacing ergo it alight to shot them dead.
Well the jury certainly think they were psychic, that they could read Zimmermans mind and tell that we was not lying, All they had was Zimmermans word that Tryvong attacked him. And that another place where racism is injected for they see a black teenager and very well may have assumed the he look threatening enough to have done all that. Here you are in fact verifying this that, you keep posting pictures of the victim (or pictures of black teenage boys) and suggest they are menacing ergo it alight to shot them dead.

I do not care or know if George is a racist,I was talking about racism in relation to the South and the American Justice system. I was mainly criticizing Kwillborn"s portrayal of Trayvon Martin as a big metal-toothed monster as opposed to just a troubled teen.

What I have said throughout this thread is that George Zimmerman is a coward and cried self-defense when he stalked and then murdered Trayvon, if that would not have flown, he then could have cried SYG. Florida is the NRA's wet dream.

Are we clear? I do not believe George is guilty because he is a racist but because he murdered a teenager.
kwhilborn said:
Anybody living in a city is going to see craziness. In the United States you will see lots of crazy people with guns. You are not allowed to beat them up. Anybody here who thinks GZ provoked the attack would not survive in a city, and should stay on their farms.
When a crazy person with a gun attempts to physically assault you, or draw their weapon on you, to use physical force to stop them is your lawful right. If the crazy person ends up shooting and killing you in response to your defensive action, they have no right to claim self defense.
@ Birch,
The entire point is that nobody knows what transpired during the fight. You can fabricate a hands on detention in your fantasy world, but that is not exactly a fair way to judge a situation is it. Would you want your family judged by imagined evidence? The only person who knows what occurred is GZ, and a Jury agreed to his version.

BTW, GZ did not use the Stand Your Ground defense. They could have, but opted for a Jury instead.

I think that is pretty fine hair you are trying to split. The instructions that were read to the jury included the Stand Your Ground defense. And if you listen to some of the jurors, especially the ones who thought and still think Zimmerman was guilty of wrong doing, the reason they didn’t convict him was because of the Stand Your Ground law. One former Zimmerman juror is out actively campaigning to get the Stand Your Ground Law changed.
I do not care or know if George is a racist,I was talking about racism in relation to the South and the American Justice system. I was mainly criticizing Kwillborn"s portrayal of Trayvon Martin as a big metal-toothed monster as opposed to just a troubled teen.

What I have said throughout this thread is that George Zimmerman is a coward and cried self-defense when he stalked and then murdered Trayvon, if that would not have flown, he then could have cried SYG. Florida is the NRA's wet dream.

Are we clear? I do not believe George is guilty because he is a racist but because he murdered a teenager.

I don't know if Martin was a troubled teen or not. The righties have thrown so much crap at him and given the propensity of right wingers to make stuff up, manufacture "evidence" and to almost always be less than honest, I just don't know what to believe with respect to Martin. But one thing is for sure, Zimmerman's story just doesn't make sense. To go from extreme fright to extreme calm in a matter of seconds just doesn't make sense. As a former first responder who has seen many fearful people, I have never seen anyone make that transition from extreme fear to extreme calm so quickly.
@ Birch,
The entire point is that nobody knows what transpired during the fight. You can fabricate a hands on detention in your fantasy world, but that is not exactly a fair way to judge a situation is it. Would you want your family judged by imagined evidence? The only person who knows what occurred is GZ, and a Jury agreed to his version.

BTW, GZ did not use the Stand Your Ground defense. They could have, but opted for a Jury instead.

@ Quinnsong,

I live in a city where there are more Black and Hispanics than White People and I have never seen anyone with a mouth full of metal. I have seen the odd Gold tooth, but never a mouth full of them, and I am very social.

I do view Treyvon as a Monster. We now know he was involved in beating people up, drugs and selling guns to kids (see his phone texts). He was repeatedly kicked out of school and even his own mother did not want him (see his phone texts published repeatedly in this thread) which is why he was staying at his dads home. I would think anybody is a maniac if they sold guns to kids no matter what their colour is.

You seem to misunderstand the nature of a Free Country. Your idiotic racist relatives who wallow in their ignorance are actually allowed to be racist. Racism is simply stupid and is prevalent among morons. It is not illegal. Proud racists are just highly uneducated with limited exposure to those they condemn.

When did I say Black men? Are you putting words in my mouth. I said any big man with metal teeth. Trayvon even thought "DA GOLDS" made him look tougher (see phone transcripts). Yes. I think I will always assume anybody wanting to disfigure their body is a wackjob whether it be with Tattoos or Metal teeth. I am allowed to an opinion. I would view people equally nutty with tattoos and Metal Teeth no matter what their skin colour or nationality. Getting Tattoos is also trendy, but that does not mean I cannot dislike the people who do it to any great extent. One gold tooth is fun, but a mouthful of metal is psycho in my opinion. A cute tattoo is fun, but a body full of them is psycho in my opinion. So what? How does this relate to the argument. If a white guy flashed a mouthful of metal at me I would
think he is a nutcase and probably would keep tabs on him while he is in the neighborhood. You seem to think this equates with racism. You lack reasoning abilities.

GZ is allowed to prance around Treyvon like a faerie on drugs shouting racist slurs at the top of his lungs and Treyvon would not be allowed to hit him. People generally do not behave this way because it is simply wrong, and people can sue people harassing them or causing them to be scared. Had Treyvon called the police on GZ he would have had grounds for a harassment lawsuit.

I do not perceive racism as an imagined problem. I see it as a problem that is lessening with time; kept alive by the zealots who argue this case from the depths of their ignorance ignoring facts or misconstruing them as they see fit.

This incident has inspired crazies like Tiassa (who has admitted to using weapons against people, Throwing Molotov Cocktails, and burning several buildings to the ground / Sciforums Moderator ) to give "The Talk" to his own children. Nothing like fighting racism by instilling more racism. It seems a bit screwy.

There can be no doubt that racism is not as strong as it was 100 years ago, and it can also be shown to lessen every year to some degree. I hear Black people can even attend the same schools as whites and are even allowed to use the same drinking fountains. What's up with that (Sarcasm here)?

I do not believe racism is as prevalent as you seem to. GZ had phoned in complaints to police of white people misbehaving in his neighborhood also.

Oh, that's right. You were the one who said he was guilty of crimes he had never been charged with or arrested and then made stuff up about his stealing items and even went so far as to make up stuff about how those items were from a nearby home and making up that he was selling guns to kids... And then carried on about how you weren't racist because there were blacks in Canada or something? That was you, wasn't it?

Did you not learn from the last time that making stuff up and gross misrepresentations which resulted in your being moderated?
@ Bells,
Oh, that's right. You were the one who said he was guilty of crimes he had never been charged with or arrested and then made stuff up about his stealing items and even went so far as to make up stuff about how those items were from a nearby home and making up that he was selling guns to kids... And then carried on about how you weren't racist because there were blacks in Canada or something? That was you, wasn't it?

No. Dealing guns is a crime. It is obvious from his phone transcripts he was
a) buying and selling illegal guns to kids (NOTE: THIS IS WHY I VIEW HIM AS MONSTER NOT METAL TEETH).
The phone transcripts were quite clear and included gun types, pricing, meeting locations. I do not care if he was never arrested for these things. It just appears I am smart enough to recognize a gun deal when I see one. If this is just a "troubled teen" then the US in in for a lot of trouble because guns kill.
Among juveniles (minors under the age of 16, 17, or 18, depending on legal jurisdiction) serving in correctional facilities, 86% had owned a gun, with 66% acquiring their first gun by age 14.
In 2010 there were 358 murders involving rifles. Murders involving the use of handguns in the US that same year totaled 6,009, with another 1,939 murders with the firearm type unreported.
b) Fighting and desire to see more blood on the snitch he had recently beaten up.
c) Drug use

About the burglary ...


It is an undisputed fact that Trayvon Martin was caught writing "What The Fuck" on School Walls, and when he had his bag searched burglary tools were found along with jewelry. I could care less if he was guilty of burglary as the only thing that matters is if he started the fight, but he does exemplify brazen criminal behavior in what we do see.

On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477.

However, there was ONE big issue. SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report, nor opened a criminal investigation, surrounding the stolen jewelry. Instead, and as a result of pressure from M-DSPD Chief Hurley to avoid criminal reports for black male students, Dunn wrote up the jewelry as “found items”, and transferred them, along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf unassigned to anyone for investigation.

A separate report of “criminal Mischief” (T-08809) was filed for the additional issue of writing “WTF” on a school locker. [It was the search for the marker used to write the graffiti that led to the backpack search].

The school discipline, “suspension”, was attached to the graffiti and not the stolen jewelry.

@ Bells,

Just because no charges were laid does not mean integent people seeing the facts in front of them cannot formulate an accurate opinion.


These leaked police reports were reported in many articles in newspapers and Online. Mainly: Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012

This is a map showing the location of the Burglarized home.

@ Bells,
and then made stuff up about his stealing items and even went so far as to make up stuff about how those items were from a nearby home and making up that he was selling guns to kids

Weird, because anyone smart enough to use google or READ will notice that I never made up any accusations about Treyvon being a thief. I have only shown what was widely reported.

I think it was you who was too stupid to recognize the phone transcripts linked and pasted many times were real. The phone transcripts are common knowledge but you still say they are fake. Anybody with an IQ above 75 should be able to find accurate transcripts online.

So it does appear Treyvon had stolen items in his possession/backpack.

I AM NOT GOING TO READ THEM FOR YOU, but anyone UNAWARE OF THE PHONE TRANSCRIPTS despite they have been discussed repeatedly in here and clearly show illegal gun negotiations. THE TRANSCRIPTS CAN BE FOUND HERE ...

@ Bells,
Did you not learn from the last time that making stuff up and gross misrepresentations which resulted in your being moderated?

So What did I make up?

Did you not learn from the last time that making stuff up and gross misrepresentations which resulted in your being moderated?
I did receive my third ban in over a decade on this thread because the Tiassa the Racist Moderator (has called me Whitey, etc.) lacked the intelligence to comprehend what square brackets meant when I altered a quote to inform that the stolen goods (Jewelry) were returned to above mentioned Theft victim.

Tiassa admits to being in a Race Riot in 1991 at a Jesuit school and claims to have thrown Molotov Cocktails and used a weapon on someone (does this mean stabbed or shot?). This moderator has also set more buildings (plural) on fire. I think the Moderator needs to be reported to the FBI. The ban was ridiculous, but this Tiassa guy might be guilty of serious offences.

Tiassa - Somewhere in this world, I'm on videotape throwing a Molotov cocktail. Flashing a weapon? I used it.


(Someone throwing a Molotov Cocktail as our Racist Moderator claims to have thrown in 1991 at a Jesuit school)

Maybe we can help them put a name to a face. Jesuit School in 1991 I believe you suggested? That should help them narrow it down.

Tiassa - I ramble on because, really, this whole trip through nostalgia, that doesn't include the time I actually did set other buildings on fire

Did you intentionally write buildings as plural. WTF! Who sets more than one building on fire? I think one is a lifetime limit although most sane people try to set ZERO buildings on fire.

Tiassa - I smoked pot

Yes. Fine example for us all apparently.

Tiassa - when I was a teenager even as they sat there listening to me explain how I wanted to literally cut out a specific person's heart. [...] But at that age, there couldn't have been enough blood; he didn't have enough in his body. He didn't have enough bones to break. He didn't have enough souls to devour. He could only die once.

So. Tell us about your childhood. EEK!

Back to Trayvons Phone Extractions.. READ YOURSELF
Taken From Extraction Report #1

Trayvon: I gotta bill right na for sum fire
read: You want a 22 revolver
read repeating: You want a 22 revolver
Trayvon:Wat shoota??
read : dat me u ass u dnt know how ur chick look
Trayvon: Can fool meet me at da gym??
Trayvon :Bru om here
Trayvon: tell fool I got 80 for him right na
(NOTE: It seems he is buying a 22 caliber revolver according to above).

read: You know somebody with some 38
Trayvon: Yea 150
read: You like other stuff too
read : You got suin for the 80 or 90
Trayvon: That's how much U got??
Trayvon: U Wanna share a .380 w/(name blacked out)
read: wat with da money I gave you
Trayvon yeah nd he gon put in
read :How ima gt da fire
Trayvon yall gon split it
read: it's gne b at my crib
(NOTE: It seems he is selling a .38 caliber handgun here, and trying to talk person into "Sharing" a gun).
read:You want 150 4 the 38
Trayvon: Naw Im finna get it 2 late
From Extraction report # 5
Trayvon: U Wanna share a .380 w/(name blacked out)
read: wat with da money I gave you
Trayvon yeah nd he gon put in
read :How ima gt da fire
Trayvon yall gon split it
read: it's gne b at my crib
Trayvon: U wanna shar it w/(name blacked out again)
read: Na am finna cop a 38 4 a face
Taken from Extraction report # 8
read: You want a .22 revolver
Trayvon : yoo

NOTE: SOME IDIOTS ON THIS THREAD HAVE SUGGESTED MAYBE THESE WERE LEGAL GUN TRANSACTIONS. It is not legal for people to SHARE OWNERSHIP of a .38 handgun as Trayvon suggests above. (Smacks Morons in Face.) :wtf:

Taken From Extraction report # 1
Trayvon: Yea cause he got mo hits cause da 1st round he had me on the ground nd i couldn't do ntn.
Trayvon: naw my ol g say she dont want me home cause she think ima get in mo trouble *
Trayvon continued: fighting
Trayvon: : Fightn
Taken from Extraction report # 3
Read: When you gonna teach me how to fight?
(NOTE: Somebody is seeking Trayvon for fight training. This shows Trayvon is respected a bit as fighter by at least someone).
Taken From Extraction Report # 6
Trayvon: Tired and sore
read: mee too, but wat happen tah yuhh??
Trayvon : Fight
read: Y!?
Trayvon: Cause Man dat nigga snitched on me
[NOTE: He is claiming here to beat up a snitch]
read: Bae y yum always fightingg man, ya got suspended?
Trayvon:Naw we thumped afta school in a duckd off spot
read: Ohh Well Damee
Trayvon: I lost da 1st round but I won da 2nd and 3rd .....
read: Ohh so it was 3 rounds ? *Dames well at least yu won lol but yuu needa stop fightingg but forreal
Trayvon: Naw im not done wit fool..... ge gone have 2 see me a again
read: No Bae stop, yuu aint gonna bee satisfied till yuh suspended again huh?
Trayvon:Naw but he aint breed nuff 4 me, only his n
ose.... but afta dat im done
(NOTE: Notice Trayvon was not satisfied with a little blood. He wanted more blood).
3. DRUG ABUSE, on his own phone texts.

Taken From extraction Report # 1
read: Oh you smoke?
Trayvon : Yea do u??
Trayvon: y'all had smoked da rest.
Trayvon: Thats worse than smokin cause addiction to alcohol is worse than addiction to weed
read: U better be high talking a lot dat shit
Trayvon: Naw i aint smok 2day u just wanna act a ass
Trayvon: Can we smoke 1 last time??
Taken from Extraction Report # 2
friend: WAT U DID 2DAY
Trayvon: smoke and sleep
and also:
Was he kicked out of his own moms home?

Taken from Extraction Record # 1

Trayvon: my mom just told me i gotta move with my dad. she just kicked me out

NOTE: Some may think all the Smoke talk is about cigarettes. He had THC in his system when he died as well. He does say weed in sms messages.

I could care less if Trayvon was on trial. These phone records are of illegal activities and I believe what I see.

If you see someone litter in front of you are they still a litterbug whether they got a ticket or not?

This seems like the rationale being used here a lot.

I AM NOT SAYING HE DESERVED TO DIE (although anyone dealing in illegal handguns I have no sympathy for as over 15000 kids die here every year because of guns).




Try looking up "Presumption of Innocence", often rephrased as "Innocent until Proven Guilty". It is you and your cronies here stomping on this cornerstone of Justice that dates back to even Roman times (although called something different).

GZ has been found not guilty and you are still trying to hang him, and most of the facts you are using are fantasies in your head because nobody knows what happened that night.


None of this matters. Everyone arguing for Treyvon is guessing he did not start a fight. GZ is allowed by law to run around Treyvon like a drunken monkey if he wanted to. EVERY STRANGER should be deemed suspicious to neighborhood watch, and GZ had reported suspicious White Males in his neighborhood watch duties. In call to police he first identified himself as neighborhood watch. GZ KNEW the police were coming. Starting a fight while armed is not sane. If you are armed it is customary to distance yourself from the target until they are lying down. You guess. I guess. We all Guess. Sounds like fair justice for GZ to me you wackos.
@ Bells,

No. Dealing guns is a crime. It is obvious from his phone transcripts he was
a) buying and selling illegal guns to kids (NOTE: THIS IS WHY I VIEW HIM AS MONSTER NOT METAL TEETH).
The phone transcripts were quite clear and included gun types, pricing, meeting locations. I do not care if he was never arrested for these things. It just appears I am smart enough to recognize a gun deal when I see one. If this is just a "troubled teen" then the US in in for a lot of trouble because guns kill.

b) Fighting and desire to see more blood on the snitch he had recently beaten up.

About the burglary ...


It is an undisputed fact that Trayvon Martin was caught writing "What The Fuck" on School Walls, and when he had his bag searched burglary tools were found along with jewelry. I could care less if he was guilty of burglary as the only thing that matters is if he started the fight, but he does exemplify brazen criminal behavior in what we do see.

@ Bells,

Just because no charges were laid does not mean integent people seeing the facts in front of them cannot formulate an accurate opinion.


These leaked police reports were reported in many articles in newspapers and Online. Mainly: Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012

This is a map showing the location of the Burglarized home.

@ Bells,

Weird, because anyone smart enough to use google or READ will notice that I never made up any accusations about Treyvon being a thief. I have only shown what was widely reported.

I think it was you who was too stupid to recognize the phone transcripts linked and pasted many times were real. The phone transcripts are common knowledge but you still say they are fake. Anybody with an IQ above 75 should be able to find accurate transcripts online.

So it does appear Treyvon had stolen items in his possession/backpack.

I AM NOT GOING TO READ THEM FOR YOU, but anyone UNAWARE OF THE PHONE TRANSCRIPTS despite they have been discussed repeatedly in here and clearly show illegal gun negotiations. THE TRANSCRIPTS CAN BE FOUND HERE ...

@ Bells,

So What did I make up?

I did receive my third ban in over a decade on this thread because the Tiassa the Racist Moderator (has called me Whitey, etc.) lacked the intelligence to comprehend what square brackets meant when I altered a quote to inform that the stolen goods (Jewelry) were returned to above mentioned Theft victim.

Tiassa admits to being in a Race Riot in 1991 at a Jesuit school and claims to have thrown Molotov Cocktails and used a weapon on someone (does this mean stabbed or shot?). This moderator has also set more buildings (plural) on fire. I think the Moderator needs to be reported to the FBI. The ban was ridiculous, but this Tiassa guy might be guilty of serious offences.


(Someone throwing a Molotov Cocktail as our Racist Moderator claims to have thrown in 1991 at a Jesuit school)

Maybe we can help them put a name to a face. Jesuit School in 1991 I believe you suggested? That should help them narrow it down.

Did you intentionally write buildings as plural. WTF! Who sets more than one building on fire? I think one is a lifetime limit although most sane people try to set ZERO buildings on fire.

Yes. Fine example for us all apparently.

So. Tell us about your childhood. EEK!

Back to Trayvons Phone Extractions.. READ YOURSELF
Taken From Extraction Report #1

From Extraction report # 5

NOTE: SOME IDIOTS ON THIS THREAD HAVE SUGGESTED MAYBE THESE WERE LEGAL GUN TRANSACTIONS. It is not legal for people to SHARE OWNERSHIP of a .38 handgun as Trayvon suggests above. (Smacks Morons in Face.) :wtf:

Taken From Extraction report # 1

3. DRUG ABUSE, on his own phone texts.

Taken From extraction Report # 1

Taken from Extraction Report # 2

and also:
Was he kicked out of his own moms home?

Taken from Extraction Record # 1

Trayvon: my mom just told me i gotta move with my dad. she just kicked me out

NOTE: Some may think all the Smoke talk is about cigarettes. He had THC in his system when he died as well. He does say weed in sms messages.

I could care less if Trayvon was on trial. These phone records are of illegal activities and I believe what I see.

If you see someone litter in front of you are they still a litterbug whether they got a ticket or not?

This seems like the rationale being used here a lot.

I AM NOT SAYING HE DESERVED TO DIE (although anyone dealing in illegal handguns I have no sympathy for as over 15000 kids die here every year because of guns).




Try looking up "Presumption of Innocence", often rephrased as "Innocent until Proven Guilty". It is you and your cronies here stomping on this cornerstone of Justice that dates back to even Roman times (although called something different).

GZ has been found not guilty and you are still trying to hang him, and most of the facts you are using are fantasies in your head because nobody knows what happened that night.


None of this matters. Everyone arguing for Treyvon is guessing he did not start a fight. GZ is allowed by law to run around Treyvon like a drunken monkey if he wanted to. EVERY STRANGER should be deemed suspicious to neighborhood watch, and GZ had reported suspicious White Males in his neighborhood watch duties. In call to police he first identified himself as neighborhood watch. GZ KNEW the police were coming. Starting a fight while armed is not sane. If you are armed it is customary to distance yourself from the target until they are lying down. You guess. I guess. We all Guess. Sounds like fair justice for GZ to me you wackos.

Sensationalize much! None of what you have posted makes me see Trayvon as a monster nor in need of murder. A troubled teen yes, not a monster.

Regarding smoking pot, big fucking deal! Are you trying to make him out to be a drug addict for smoking pot, really? I got some right here that I got in Washington State from a dispensary, gonna smoke it right now and blow some at my computer. Maybe you can get a contact high, be careful though having THC in your bloodstream will make you a thug. :rolleyes:

Guns? Blame America's gun culture and the NRA for that not Trayvon.

The truth is we do not have George Z texts and interactions when he was a teen to sensationalize his behavior, do we? But hey, we do know that George broke the law on more than one occasion and he deserves to die, right?
@ Quinnsong,

The point is not whether he deserved to die. The point is maybe this was a man, and not the 12 year old boy you see pictures of daily. The point is maybe this man who admittedly likes seeing his opponents BLEED (funny you only focus on his pot use) was brave enough to START the fight with GZ as claimed by the only witness.

Remember how he beat up a snitch.
Trayvon: Naw im not done wit fool..... ge gone have 2 see me a again
read: No Bae stop, yuu aint gonna bee satisfied till yuh suspended again huh?
Trayvon:Naw but he aint breed nuff 4 me, only his nose.... but afta dat im done
(NOTE: Notice Trayvon was not satisfied with a little blood. He wanted more blood).

Be sure to remember that it is Americas Gun Culture to blame next time a child or baby is shot in your city, and the "Shoota" and the guy who sold him the "Fire" have nothing to do with it. These seem to be your sentiments based on your excuses for his violence and gun trafficking (shown clearly in his phone records above).

So you can whine all you like over as many posts as you like, and it will never change the fact that NOBODY knows what happened.

A "just society" and myself might say GZ is innocent until proven guilty. Especially after being proven innocent.

Your armchair justice is not moral and stinks of racism in itself.
Have you seen the news recently, kwhilborn? GZ threatened his wife with a gun, as they are separated. He claims she came to the house unannounced to pick up some of her things. Ok, fine, he has a right to be upset, they are estranged. But, he threatened her with his gun, actually what I've read is he taunted her...hmmm...sound familiar? Makes me wonder now (the missing puzzle piece with the Treyvon Martin murder) if he taunted Martin and then Martin assaulted him. GZ needs to be in jail, sorry. He will kill someone else again, mark my words. He is dangerous, and shouldn't be permitted to have a gun license. My thought to people like GZ, is while it seems they are 'getting away' with things, he won't for long. People like him end up back in the court system soon enough. It goes to show, he doesn't act with prudence. He has a gun on him at all times, and threatens whoever he sees fit. So, it's only a matter of time before he kills again.
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@ Wegs,

I do not like GZ. I have also described him as an insane busybody always getting into neighbors business. I also think it is insaner he should have owned a gun based on his prior behavior. I have said that.

However he did legally own a gun and I think it was plausible Treyvon was beating the crap out of him. Treyvon was a reputable fighter.

Remember his friend wanted fight training from Treyvon,
Taken from Extraction report # 3
Read: When you gonna teach me how to fight?

Although I think it insane, he did legally own a gun. Treyvon was no wimpy kid and GZ was beaten up pretty good.

It is nice of you to convict people without proof/evidence though. Maybe we can do away with Justice systems entirely and just ask you lot.
@ Quinnsong,

The point is not whether he deserved to die. The point is maybe this was a man, and not the 12 year old boy you see pictures of daily. The point is maybe this man who admittedly likes seeing his opponents BLEED (funny you only focus on his pot use) was brave enough to START the fight with GZ as claimed by the only witness.

Be sure to remember that it is Americas Gun Culture to blame next time a child or baby is shot in your city, and the "Shoota" and the guy who sold him the "Fire" have nothing to do with it. These seem to be your sentiments based on your excuses for his violence and gun trafficking (shown clearly in his phone records above).

So you can whine all you like over as many posts as you like, and it will never change the fact that NOBODY knows what happened.

A "just society" and myself might say GZ is innocent until proven guilty. Especially after being proven innocent.

Your armchair justice is not moral and stinks of racism in itself.

You feel the need to demonize Trayvon to justify his murder and I am calling you on it!

Oh yes indeed, I do blame our gun culture and the NRA for gun violence as well as accidental shootings. Since NOBODY knows what happened why are you trying to justify George's behavior by demonizing Trayvon? I find your sensationalizing immoral and wreaks of ignorance because the American Justice system is not just, especially when meting out justice as it pertains to race and class.
with quote below, so deleted this post...
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It is nice of you to convict people without proof/evidence though. Maybe we can do away with Justice systems entirely and just ask you lot.

It's nice that we can acquit guilty people, when the other person is dead and can't tell his side of the story.

But, you're right. You're always right, kwhilborn. ;)
@ Wegs,
If You want to live in a country where people are automatically guilty until they can prove their innocence why not try communist Russia. The Justice system applies to all murders, and every murder has someone that cannot tell their side.

You now say I am acquitting someone guilty. First; in a society with fair justice he was never "PRESUMED GUILTY" except by you. Then a Jury found him innocent and you still are presuming him guilty.

You're always right, kwhilborn.

Yes. We can agree on that.

@ Quinnsong,
I find your sensationalizing immoral and wreaks of ignorance because the American Justice system is not just,

Duh! It was obvious from your first post here that you prefer the Sensationalizing and Judgments of the Media over actual facts and fairness.

You feel the need to demonize Trayvon to justify his murder and I am calling you on it!

The "Gangsta" (What he called himself) was foolish enough to bring his fists to a gunfight. He thought he was a tough guy and it got him killed in self defense. Zimmerman should get a medal. Now Trayvon cannot go around beating up snitches, neighborhood, watch or selling illegal guns to people. The world is a better place now.

Everyone thinks Trayvon was a sweet 12 year old kid walking home from the store and who was gunned down wearing a hoodie. Ask anyone what occurred and this is what most people can tell you. The fact is he was 5 years older than that photo and was violent enough to attack and beat up GZ as is described by witnesses. The average person does not know Treyvon was a bloodthirsty (wanted more blood in fight) Criminal who dealt in violence and guns as a way of life.

The average person might think Treyvon was too weak or wimpy to have fought GZ. He is portrayed as a meek kid, and not a violent 6'2" predator that he was.


Treyvons GF and Brother (link below) both say Treyvon got home and then went back to get Zimmerman

'I just told him to run,' Rachel told the court, adding that she heard a 'hard-breathing man' in the background.
The pair then got cut off and when she called him back he told her he was back at his father's fiancee's house and he thought he had lost the man.

The above quote from Treyvons GF said he arrived home. So did his brother. The fight occurred about 100 yards North of the home.



a) GZ go to Treyvonns home and drag him North to the scene of the witnessed fight?


b) Treyvon went back looking for trouble?

is there a third option if these witnesses were telling truth?

Three witnesses say Treyvon made it home and then must have left to prey upon GZ. The Fool!
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