Genetic Memory

Hmm. I must admit I am not entirely persuaded yet. I'll need to read more. Can you direct me to any recent publication that clarifies this area?
Sorry not really

Most of my reading is from my book collection library (real books)

And chatting with those in the field for the latest info

My books are well out of date

Genetic information as we know it is not as sophisticated as our interpretation of "memory" -- if evidence existed contrary to this it would be a valid question but this is pseudoscience. Let's not make judgments upon what we haven't observed.
Hmm. I must admit I am not entirely persuaded yet. I'll need to read more. Can you direct me to any recent publication that clarifies this area?

I did a bit of digging and came up with

Medical Epigenetics by

T O Tollefsbol

With about 60 contributors

By Academic Press 2016

It's a PDF format book of 901 pages of which I have only read page 3

But I would not put this book in the woo section of a book shop

More in the Academic Medical Reference section

Hope this helps

I did a bit of digging and came up with

Medical Epigenetics by

T O Tollefsbol

With about 60 contributors

By Academic Press 2016

It's a PDF format book of 901 pages of which I have only read page 3

But I would not put this book in the woo section of a book shop

More in the Academic Medical Reference section

Hope this helps

Golly I don't think I'm going to pay for a 900pp tome on this! But thanks for looking.
Golly I don't think I'm going to pay for a 900pp tome on this! But thanks for looking.
Not sure where you are but here the library had a budget for requested books

Some they might get on loan from another library

Others they might buy if they thought it might upgrade the collection or be a suitable addition

Mine I found on line

It looks very very technical and well above my casual interest

However if I do happen to come across any aspects I will post them

The chapter arrangement should make it easy to check anything which might crop up in this thread

If I sniff woo I might be able to check how much is ligit and how deep it has been buried in Cowpat


Genetic information as we know it is not as sophisticated as our interpretation of "memory" -- if evidence existed contrary to this it would be a valid question but this is pseudoscience. Let's not make judgments upon what we haven't observed.

There is some evidence. I think thats why epigenetics. In fact more research on epigenetics could lead to custom memory species without altering the original genetic traits.

Well it is certainly not woo, but pseudo yes it could be, till some more conclusive stuff surfaces.
Well it is certainly not woo, but pseudo yes it could be, till some more conclusive stuff surfaces

If you can find this book I think you would find it a very technical educational academic read which is far from woo

I did a bit of digging and came up with

Medical Epigenetics by

T O Tollefsbol

With about 60 contributors

By Academic Press 2016

It's a PDF format book of 901 pages of which I have only read page 3

But I would not put this book in the woo section of a book shop

More in the Academic Medical Reference section

Hope this helps

My dismissal of much earlier post has to do with the wild leaps of speculation (which is full to the brim of woo covered in Cowpat) and which I still stand by

It is the over the top hype which is woo

There is some evidence. I think thats why epigenetics. In fact more research on epigenetics could lead to custom memory species without altering the original genetic traits.

Well it is certainly not woo, but pseudo yes it could be, till some more conclusive stuff surfaces

There is some evidence. I think thats why epigenetics. In fact more research on epigenetics could lead to custom memory species without altering the original genetic traits.

This is woo

Not going to happen

Well it is certainly not woo, but pseudo yes it could be, till some more conclusive stuff surfaces

Read the book I have referenced and I think you will find it is not pseudo and it details quite extensive research going on

Again it is the hype which is the woo

Michael 345

Where is the hype? And why are you cluttering this thread with extensive use of woo, bunkum and cowpat and what not.

If you have read that book which you referred, then you are free to share the extensive research. It may be of use to others. Do not repeat this woo soo thingie, best for you in such cases is to declare a thread or topic woo and stay away.
Where is the hype?

If you are unable to detect hype I am sorry for you

And why are you cluttering this thread with extensive use of woo, bunkum and cowpat and what not.

I call it as I see it

If you have read that book which you referred, then you are free to share the extensive research.

If you are following the thread you should have noted that the book is in a 901 PDF format of which I stated I have only read page 3

I will read more in any spare time I have but I will also use the book and quote from the book if I think hype is being used to exaggerate the abilities of Epigenetics

I do not think that people here are exaggerating the abilities of Epigenetics. No one here has any stake on Epigenetics as yet.
I do not think that people here are exaggerating the abilities of Epigenetics. No one here has any stake on Epigenetics as yet.

Yourself before epigenetics came up

Is it possible that acquired memory with no restrain can be genetically transferred?

First mention of epigenetics

Are you familiar with process of methylation, acetylation of certain region of the DNA in works of epigenetics , The DNA is not modified from one generation to the next , but the Methyl or acetylene group migth pasess from one generation and the DNA does not get modificated

Questioning if epigenetics can be a mechanism for memory transfer

The God's question, though, was about inheritance of acquired characteristics, for which we have found there can occasionally be a mechanism, in the form of epigenetics. Perhaps this too can operate on inherited brain programming.

Reference to a article which I read at the time

Well I may have misunderstood, but tell me, what do you think this article is saying about epigenetic inheritance:

and my reply was

Many view epigenetics as an annotation or editing of the genome that defines which genes will be silenced in order to streamline protein production or squelch unnecessary redundancy.

That annotation, they say, does not and cannot permanently change the original manuscript (i.e., DNA), but merely access to the manuscript

So the book of DNA remains intact but some pages are unavailable

It also appears those pages can be accessed in offspring and may be other pages locked out

This is in line with how genes are expressed

A long section which starts

A fascinating 2008 study

ending with

remains to be definitively determined

efecively says epigenetics MIGHT be responsible or it could just be because of starvation

Although an organism cannot pass down specific information about its own experiences—the giraffe will not be able to help its offspring reach taller trees just by stretching its own neck—it may give succeeding generations a fighting chance in a difficult environment by offering them a slightly altered arsenal of genetic tools.

Slightly altered arsenal of genetic tools relates to gene expression suitable for the prevailing conditions

Change the conditions and some of the pages of the DNA close and others open

Again there are two aspects here which are not linked epigenetics and learnt memory

a system which works on the expression of a gene (epigenetics)

is being asked to absorb a learnt memory
(learnt memory)

and use the absorbed memory to modify a gene

NOT to modify gene expression which is its job

but change the gene structure which is not its job

PLUS instill into the gene a learnt memory which is an impossibility

There is no evidence supporting the notion that acquired knowledge can be transmitted genetically.

Some Posters have mentioned the migratory behavior of birds as a counter example to the above claim.

Birds were contemporaries of dinosaurs & have been in existence for circa 150 million years. That is more than enough time for the evolution of their migratory behavior, which is a useful & not complex behavior.

Some Posters have mentioned various savants as evidence of the inheritance of acquired knowledge.

Mozart’s musical ability & the mathematical abilities of some so called idiot savants are sometimes mentioned in this context.​

Mozart’s family were musicians.

When Mozart he was circa 3 years old, he was an observer of his sister’s music lessons & experimented with her keyboard instrument (I do not think it was a modern piano). He noticed that certain combinations sounded pleasing while others did not.

It does not take much musical ability to notice that CEG is more pleasing than EFG.

By age 5, Mozart composed some original music. While he surely had an unusual aptitude for music, his early experiences observing his sister’s lessons & his experimentation with a keyboard supports the notion that he learned rather than inheriting musical abilities.

The mathematical savants I remember reading about went through a learning phase rather than showing the abilities suddenly as would be expected of genetic inheritance.

BTW: Infants do show evidence of inherited knowledge of dangerous situations. The most well known has been shown by experiments on a checker board arrangement of transparent & opaque squares. Infants avoid the transparent squares indicating an inherited fear of falling from a potentially dangerous height.

The above seems to be a worthwhile fear with evolutionary survival value.

I wonder about investigations of identical twins raised by different families. I have read about such individuals showing a lot of similar characteristics which would be expected to be inherited.

I have never read about the inheritance of some special ability which was learned by a birth parent.

An unusual aptitude for mathematics seems inheritable. The knowledge of how to do cube roots via successive approximations does not seem inheritable.
So let's get into a somewhat more reasonable.

Genetic acquired memory transfer...we do not know much, that seems to be a refrain.

But can we make a baby learn something while still in womb? Say after brain/baby is sufficiently developed.
So let's get into a somewhat more reasonable.

Genetic acquired memory transfer...we do not know much, that seems to be a refrain.

But can we make a baby learn something while still in womb? Say after brain/baby is sufficiently developed.

Not sure if any scientific studies have been made (and to lazy to search)

I do recall a device being peddled which played classical music (? other types of inputs) though speakers attached to a pregnant abdomen

From memory the idea was to give the child a application of classical music

Can't recall any claims of it working

I suspect even after Say after brain/baby is sufficiently developed there is no awareness or context

Both of which I would contend would be critical to learning anything

I did a bit of digging and came up with

Medical Epigenetics by

T O Tollefsbol

With about 60 contributors

By Academic Press 2016

It's a PDF format book of 901 pages of which I have only read page 3

But I would not put this book in the woo section of a book shop

More in the Academic Medical Reference section

Hope this helps


You would not put this book in the " woo " section ?

How informed of you . Out 901 pgs. You read three and have the opinion of a " woo " section ?

Really ?
You would not put this book in the " woo " section ?

How informed of you . Out 901 pgs. You read three and have the opinion of a " woo " section ?

Really ?

No I would not put it in the woo section

You read three and have the opinion of a " woo " section ?

This part seems to indicate I would???

I wouldn't

I have read up to 3 pages

Have also sampled others

The general tone of the book seems to be research on epigenetics which (my post observation of another post which the poster seem to think it supports genetic memory transfer (which I consider it does not))

epigenetics is an annotation or editing of the genome that defines which genes will be silenced in order to streamline protein production or squelch unnecessary redundancy.

That annotation, they say, does not and cannot permanently change the original manuscript (i.e., DNA), but merely access to the manuscript

So the book of DNA remains intact but some pages are unavailable

It also appears those pages can be accessed in offspring and may be other pages locked out

This is in line with how genes are expressed


I think the book appears to have academic credentials but it might just be 60+ crack pots venting

Sorry I don't have time to critique 900 pages but unscientificly I will go with my gut

Your welcome to read the 900 pages and say it belongs with the woo section and I will accept your finding

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Epigenetics , is about the enviroment in which the genes reside .

Hence it is the enviroment that changes the genes .

The mitochrodria is the engine of the genes , so if the mitochrondia engine is changed so then are the genes .
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Epigenetics , is about the enviroment in which the genes reside .

Hence it is the enviroment that changes the genes .

The mitochrodria is the engine of the genes , so if the mitochrondia engine is changed so then are the genes .

Short answer

More to come

  1. the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.

Stand by for more

Uncertain when

Nyepi day here in Bali and hotel WiFi dodgy and I am missing a code password for my local pocket WiFi
