Gay Couples want to be recognized as LEGALLY MARRIED...

  • I'm SUPPORTIVE of it

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • I'm OPPOSED to it

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I feel INDIFFERENTLY towards it

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Asguard

jews are legal marriges and you surport that so you MUST surport gays then

Well I can't really agree with you on this one, being that there are major differenses between what a jew is and what a homosexual is, and it's based on points of those difference that I believe some people have a problem with, it's not really the same thing at all.
Originally posted by okinrus
I cannot support what I consider sinful. Though
having same-sex marriage by law does not really
matter because they are going to get married anyways.
Therefore I remain indifferent.

You know one of the real beauties of the christian religion is that in principal people should be able to do what the hell ever they like in life, and in death their punishment or reward is arbitrated.

The problem is in the practice of trying to carry out God's will in life, if you feel people are hell bound or immoral for reasons of sin then just leave them the hell alone and let your God take care of 'em in the afterlife. That's what he's there for, right?
it was more a point that jews are a group of people who may get married with legal rights ect in the jewish faith and more important RATIFIED by the legal system

so if we make up a new religion (and i know of several which do "rainbow wedings") why would he not surport the state ratifying that like he does jewish weddings?

hell you dont even NEED to be married in a church at all, the state will do it directly

and from my memory to be married in a catholic church BOTH people need to be confirmed catholics anyway, if you havent done confermation and have the certificate you have to ask the anglicans or something to do it even if you belive in the catholic faith

so saying "because then my church would have to do it" is a load of crap