Gay Couples want to be recognized as LEGALLY MARRIED...

  • I'm SUPPORTIVE of it

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • I'm OPPOSED to it

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I feel INDIFFERENTLY towards it

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by okinrus
It's all subversive attack by the devil!
Unfortunatly the devil has checkmated society.
Marriage in our country was always a worldly
institution anyways.

Haha, a little too spiritual to be of any earthly good tonight, aren't we, okinrus? The Devil? Ok I'll admit it, I signed my name in his book and became a wi- er homosexual!
Mystech, I'll sell you my soul for a six pack of Corona and 20 bucks, what do you say?
Is that a warning or a threat? Either way, I'm packin' so don't worry about me. If the religious right wants to riot, good for them, about time they learned that the world doesn't center around 'em.
There will not be riots but it will increase attacks on

As for "hanging out in seedy clubs" That came completely out of nowhere. Ohh my God, you mean that there are gay bars?! Guess what, straight people hang out in bars too, nasty ass bars, and then some straight people don't even drink, and you know what, the same is true of homosexuals! I myself wouldn't be caught dead in a gay bar, and would have to be knocked out and drug to a night club. I suggest you stop painting such ugly generalizations, you're denying people their individuality, and that's a very ugly thing.
There are signifiant other avenues for heterosexual
males to meet woman but to meet another homosexual
it's almost impossible. The odds are against it.
Those who go out guessing end up embarrassing themselves.

I really hate to break it to you but it's already an "oath" between two persons. You see, not the whole world is christian, and yet somehow people still have marriages, they aren't marrying under your God, sometimes under no God at all, and yet somehow the world moves on. Besides, there aint' much to stop a pair of religious homosexuals from marrying under god or whatever so long as they can find someone willing to do the ceremony. As it stands, in America religious marriages are the only kind homosexuals have, seeing how as legal marriage is denied to 'em.
Well they should be able to get married I guess. As long
as they do not force a private organization to marry them, then
I guess it's ok.

Where do you get your information on homosexuals?
It sounds like you are reading it directly off a pro-Christian anti-Homosexual propaganda pamphlet.

How many Homosexuals have you known in your life?

What is your source of information about their lifestyles?
Where do you get your information on homosexuals?
It sounds like you are reading it directly off a pro-Christian anti-Homosexual propaganda pamphlet.
I'm against all sin including homosexual act.
I'm not really going by any information.

How many Homosexuals have you known in your life?

What is your source of information about their lifestyles?
Very smart and very kind. There lifestyle seemed
normal but I do not think that they are typical. There
are some christian homosexuals whom consider promiscuous
homosexuals commiting a sin. Obviously I'm not talking about those who are promiscuous. I'm only speculating on the negative efffects on society. For example, it would be really good if I made 1 million dollars but then there are also negatives to this as well. I'm only presenting the negatives as a source of argument.
In reality I do not really care whether they are allowed
to marry or not.
Originally posted by okinrus
I'm not really going by any information.

Then don't you think it is quite presumptuous (at best) for you to speak as if you are an authority on their lives, where they meet, their promiscuosness or any other aspect of "the lifestyle"?

Even IF you wanted to generalize all these unique individuals into a single group using all their most common traits and behaviors (which is unfair in itself) how could you go about doing that when you admittedly have very little experience, no real first hand knowedge and no source of valid information (hell, no source of any information, even skewed).
Fine if you think it is a sin, and condemn that action.
I think it is closed minded and silly, but hey, our morals are obviously different.

Be that as it may, how can you possibly pass judgement on the lifestyle of people when you admit that you know next to nothing about their lifestyle, and the little tiny bit you DO know is actually positive?
Be that as it may, how can you possibly pass judgement on the lifestyle of people when you admit that you know next to nothing about their lifestyle, and the little tiny bit you DO know is actually positive?
I'm not passing judgement. However this
is an arkward situation. If I say yes then
I have to agree that the my church should
have gay marriages. I cannot do that.
I also believe that the state should not endorse
homosexuality. It is only giving an incentive
to what I believe is really a mental disorder in
most cases. Right now there is no conclusive proof
to whether they are born gay or sexual persuassion
when they were very young.
Originally posted by okinrus
I'm not passing judgement. However this
is an arkward situation.

It is awkward for you to stand up for what you believe if your church tells you that you are wrong?

I think that is sad.
Originally posted by okinrus
If I say yes then I have to agree that the my church should
have gay marriages. I cannot do that.

If you believe that it's a sin fine... but that has no bearing on this discussion. I'm pretty should they could care less if your church likes them. There are plenty that do accept them.

I also believe that the state should not endorse homosexuality. It is only giving an incentive to what I believe is really a mental disorder in most cases.

So based on no evidence, you are willing to see bias against a section of the population... even though you have NO reason to believe that it is 'bad' besides your bible. You can interpret the bible to say the sun goes around the earth, or the earth goes around the sun. Your random interpretation without any knowledge behind it is worth shit.

Right now there is no conclusive proof to whether they are born gay or sexual persuassion when they were very young.

Why the hell does it matter if they were born that way or made a choice? Answer: it doesn't. There is NO good reason for you to be against it, except that you don't want to see your religion be wrong.... which is an incredibly selfish view.
If you believe that it's a sin fine... but that has no bearing on this discussion. I'm pretty should they could care less if your church likes them. There are plenty that do accept them.
Of course we accept them into the church but not
in marriage. If I say they can get married then it's
hypocritical of me to say that they cannot get married
in my church.

So based on no evidence, you are willing to see bias against a section of the population... even though you have NO reason to believe that it is 'bad' besides your bible. You can interpret the bible to say the sun goes around the earth, or the earth goes around the sun. Your random interpretation without any knowledge behind it is worth shit.
Well I hear it all the time from gays. "No one wants
to be gay". The lifestyle is harmful both
emotionally and physical. Until society completely
changes, impossible, it will always
be like this. We cannot say it is "bad" using your moral
system. However we can say that given the choice
between a homosexual lifestyle and heterosexual
one, the odds are that the heterosexual lifestyle
will be medically safer.
Through unprotected sexual intercourse with an HIV infected person. Individuals with multiple sexual partners and homosexuals are at higher risk of getting HIV infection.

Higher risk probably because homosexuals have higher
rates of AIDS in their population.

Higher risk of suicide
Data concerning young homosexuals is somewhat unreliable. It appears that about one in three teen aged suicides is by a gay or lesbian. Since homosexuals represent only about 5% of the population, gays and lesbians are greatly over-represented.
Originally posted by okinrus
Well I hear it all the time from gays. "No one wants
to be gay". The lifestyle is harmful both
emotionally and physical. Until society completely
changes, impossible, it will always
be like this. We cannot say it is "bad" using your moral
system. However we can say that given the choice
between a homosexual lifestyle and heterosexual
one, the odds are that the heterosexual lifestyle
will be medically safer.

Well I hear it all the time from blacks. "No one wants
to be black". The lifestyle is harmful both
emotionally and physical. Until society completely
changes, impossible, it will always
be like this. We cannot say it is "bad" using your moral
system. However we can say that given the choice
between a black lifestyle and white
one, the odds are that the white lifestyle
will be medically safer.

Wow, sounds kinda supid doesn't it. It is also medically safer for you too only eat fruits and vegetables. Yet I am not campaigning or trying to make legislation which influences your eating habits.

Higher risk probably because homosexuals have higher
rates of AIDS in their population.

Higher risk of ignorance because cristians have higher rates of ingnorance in their population.

Data concerning young homosexuals is somewhat unreliable. It appears that about one in three teen aged suicides is by a gay or lesbian. Since homosexuals represent only about 5% of the population, gays and lesbians are greatly over-represented.

So you are a class which society looks down upon. People like you wish to keep them down, and don't want to help progress because you are afraid of being hypocritical. Then you use suicide as evidence it is bad, when it is most likely due to people like you putting them down.

And why the hell do you hit 'enter' after every 5 or so words?
Wow, sounds kinda supid doesn't it. It is also medically safer for you too only eat fruits and vegetables. Yet I am not campaigning or trying to make legislation which influences your eating habits.
We have to wear seat belts. The state should
not endorse it. Besides the more they endorse it,
the more flak they will get from right wingers.

So you are a class which society looks down upon. People like you wish to keep them down, and don't want to help progress because you are afraid of being hypocritical. Then you use suicide as evidence it is bad, when it is most likely due to people like you putting them down.

And why the hell do you hit 'enter' after every 5 or so words?
I do not wish to keep them down. The reality is that
its sacrilege to allow a homosexual marriage be performed
in a Catholic church. So if say that they can get married
by law, doesn't that beg the question as to why they cannot
get married in my church? Also the lines thing is cause I do alot of computer programming where the lines are only 50 or so characters and most are much shorter than that.
Originally posted by okinrus
I do not wish to keep them down. The reality is that
its sacrilege to allow a homosexual marriage be performed
in a Catholic church.

It is also sacrilege to marry a jewish couple in a catholic church. This has nothing to do with jewish marriages being legal.

Also the lines thing is cause I do alot of computer programming where the lines are only 50 or so characters and most are much shorter than that.

Yeah, I program too... you don't just randomly insert carriage returns.
Do you program in c, c++ or java?
#include <stdio.h> 
int main(void) { printf("\n\n"); return 0; }

Yeah, I program too... you don't just randomly insert carriage returns.
Well after every statement or so. Most are fairly

It is also sacrilege to marry a jewish couple in a catholic church. This has nothing to do with jewish marriages being legal.
Yes but marriage in this case would be marriage into
mortal sin. Whether society should give them legal rights
is not my decision.
hey, no one go to crazy trying to argue with okinrus its kind of important to remember in arguements like this that religious arguments arnt about reasons or whats wrong or who it hurts, its about getting to be right ALL the time. They alwayse get to go back to "God says its so" and if you tell 'em that not everyone thinks god says that or that "God says its so" just isnt good enough then they can say you are attacking their beliefs.
Originally posted by okinrus
Do you program in c, c++ or java?
I know c, c#, vb, pascal, php, asp, javascript. You go to the next line in predetrmined places. Not the middle of a damn statement.

Well after every statement or so. Most are fairly

idiot.... would you put a carriage return in the middle of a printf statement? No... then why the hell put one in the middle of a sentence.

Yes but marriage in this case would be marriage into
mortal sin.

Whatever, I disagree and think that is bull.

Whether society should give them legal rights
is not my decision.

Thank you. Now shutup.
hey, no one go to crazy trying to argue with okinrus its kind of important to remember in arguements like this that religious arguments arnt about reasons or whats wrong or who it hurts, its about getting to be right ALL the time. They alwayse get to go back to "God says its so" and if you tell 'em that not everyone thinks god says that or that "God says its so" just isnt good enough then they can say you are attacking their beliefs
God is not someone I'm willing to mess around with.

idiot.... would you put a carriage return in the middle of a printf statement? No... then why the hell put one in the middle of a sentence.
God says 'anyone who says "you fool" is liable for hell'.
Arguing with you gives me a severe case of tunnel vision.
God says 'anyone who says "you fool" is liable for hell'.
I guess I'm lucky I called you an idiot instead:rolleyes:

Arguing with you gives me a severe case of tunnel vision.
Your tunnel vision is the reason we are arguing in the first place. It is not the symptom, it is the cause.
I guess I'm lucky I called you an idiot instead
Jesus was speaking in aramaic so I would not
take that chance. "Anyone who hates his brother
does not have Him within him."

Your tunnel vision is the reason we are arguing in the first place. It is not the symptom, it is the cause.
Ah but at least I have vision.
Those who walk in the dark will stumble.