Gay Couples want to be recognized as LEGALLY MARRIED...

  • I'm SUPPORTIVE of it

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • I'm OPPOSED to it

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I feel INDIFFERENTLY towards it

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by okinrus
Jesus was speaking in aramaic so I would not
take that chance. "Anyone who hates his brother
does not have Him within him."
Ah but at least I have vision.
Those who walk in the dark will stumble.
Ok, so you haven't brought up any good points, and now are just resorting to religious dogma. I'm done with you.
Originally posted by okinrus
The reality is that its sacrilege to allow
a homosexual marriage be performed in a
Catholic church.
In my opinion, the Catholic Church has absolutly no
business saying anything about sexual morality.
Originally posted by okinrus
Ah but at least I have vision.
Those who walk in the dark will stumble.

A lot of people with vision are considered legally blind. They all stumble.

If you had a clue, you'd realize that constricting your perspective to be interpreted through a silly book basically makes you legally blind. You're bound to stumble.

Tell us WHY it is wrong. If you say "because I read it" or "because jesus said" or "because it's christian" or "it's against nature" then you've only demonstrated the inferiority of your cranial capabilities.
Originally posted by okinrus
God says 'anyone who says "you fool" is liable for hell'.
"But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire." -Matthew 5:22 (KJV)
A lot of people with vision are considered legally blind. They all stumble.

If you had a clue, you'd realize that constricting your perspective to be interpreted through a silly book basically makes you legally blind. You're bound to stumble.

Tell us WHY it is wrong. If you say "because I read it" or "because jesus said" or "because it's christian" or "it's against nature" then you've only demonstrated the inferiority of your cranial capabilities.
I'm joking with you. Obviously your too prideful and have
lost everything for your so called rational thinking. You cannot
even explain in simple terms why "truth" is good. Nor
can you even define good so how would I dare try to prove
something morally wrong . "I have put a stumbling block for the house of Judah".
Originally posted by okinrus
Obviously your too prideful and have lost everything for your so called rational thinking.
I can say for sure that you don't have a clue what you're talking about. YOU ARE A FOOL to make such retarded assertions of someone you don't know.

(what I HAVE is a big fat juicy brain ready to pounce on dumbasses promoting bullshit as truth)
Originally posted by okinrus

You cannot even explain in simple terms why "truth" is good.
I'm simply flabergasted that you could say that without having first looked for evidence to support it. You sir, are captain dumbass. (look on the bright side, at least you get to wear an eyepatch.. chicks dig that kind of thing.. :D )
Originally posted by okinrus

Nor can you even define good so how would I dare try to prove
something morally wrong.
If it's not morally wrong then what are you complaining about captain?
Originally posted by okinrus

"I have put a stumbling block for the house of Judah".

And then you tripped over it yourself didn't you dumbass?
Until you can prove that truth exist
I will continue to believe in my "false" God.
See I know you cannot prove that truth exist
since any prove must done using logical truths.
Your basis that truth exist is apparently as wrong
and baseless as God exists. Until then I will
continue to believe that all truth is in God and from God.

I can say for sure that you don't have a clue what you're talking about. YOU ARE A FOOL to make such retarded assertions of someone you don't know.

(what I HAVE is a big fat juicy brain ready to pounce on dumbasses promoting bullshit as truth)
Fine I will retract it but most agree that the human race is inherently selfish.
Originally posted by okinrus
Until you can prove that truth exist
I will continue to believe in my "false" God.
See I know you cannot prove that truth exist
since any prove must done using logical truths.
Your basis that truth exist is apparently as wrong
and baseless as God exists. Until then I will
continue to believe that all truth is in God and from God.

Believe whatever the hell you want. I don't care. I start caring when you start telling me what it "wrong" or "right" and then justifying it with some "false" god bullshit. If you're gonna tell me what is "wrong" or "right" you should be able to provide a compelling argument for your conclusion. Regarding this issue, you've failed to do so.

Originally posted by okinrus

Fine I will retract it but most agree that the human race is inherently selfish.

I'd say that's a damn good thing, though it's out of control in many cases. Ultimately though, it is pure selfishness that serves the species best.
Hmmm ....

Ultimately though, it is pure selfishness that serves the species best.
So which Nobel Prize do we nominate Saddam Hussein for? (Sorry, it's the obvious joke.)

Although I do see the merit of such a statement in the abstract, similar to the merit I see in the Law of Thelema.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Xev
Mystech, I'll sell you my soul for a six pack of Corona and 20 bucks, what do you say?

Is it worth even that? I'll give you a half full bottle of water (cuz that's what I have on me, by god), throw in your guilt of origional sin (you are a woman after all) and I'll see if I can't throw in a little bag of chips or something.
Originally posted by okinrus
There will not be riots but it will increase attacks on

Haha, again is this a warning or a threat? Don't worry about my wellbeing, I told you I'll be taken care of, my boyfriends, Smith & Wesson take good care of me.

Originally posted by okinrus
There are signifiant other avenues for heterosexual
males to meet woman but to meet another homosexual
it's almost impossible. The odds are against it.
Those who go out guessing end up embarrassing themselves.

You know, I've never met a guy at a gay bar or a club, and I know quite a few, and none of them tend to hang out at clubs or bars either. Not that hanging around these places is bad, we're just a more relaxed quiet bunch. I fail to see how going to these places would be a bad thing, but for those of us who don't like the atmosphere it's a good thing that you're dead wrong here, okinrus.

Originally posted by okinrus
Well they should be able to get married I guess. As long
as they do not force a private organization to marry them, then
I guess it's ok.

Oh, thank you daddy I'm glad I have your permission, after all, God is on your side, I mean you told yourself that all on your own, and seeing how as god is on your side you can't be wrong about it, right?
Believe whatever the hell you want. I don't care. I start caring when you start telling me what it "wrong" or "right" and then justifying it with some "false" god bullshit.
I have not used any bibical quotes to show that
homosexuality was against God. I'm suprised that you take great
offense at someone stating what is "wrong" or "right".
Bibical quotes have to be used in discussion
because most of society is christian. It's like
wearing a visible crucifix in a muslim city. Is it
"wrong" no. Does offend everyone but you, "yes". Thereby
it's wrong.
Originally posted by okinrus
I'm suprised that you take great
offense at someone stating what is "wrong" or "right".
Bibical quotes have to be used in discussion
because most of society is christian.
Correction, most of your society is christian. The world (and the internet) are not.

Also, just because society says it is right... doesn't mean it is. If you were in a muslim city, would you assist in the stoning of an individual?
Originally posted by okinrus
Ah but at least I have vision.
Those who walk in the dark will stumble.

Yes persol walks in the darkness of social progressiveness, and justice. Shame on him, I hope he enjoys burning in hell.
Correction, most of your society is christian. The world (and the internet) are not.

Also, just because society says it is right... doesn't mean it is. If you were in a muslim city, would you assist in the stoning of an individual?
People have to do everything in there moral limits
not to offend someone while being truthfull. I've
tried to do that here...

I would not because stoning goes against the new testament. However Paul says that when your invited to stay in a house to
eat whatever is sent before you in good concience. However
if there is a sin envolved, for example eating food sacraficed to idols then don't.
Originally posted by okinrus
Until you can prove that truth exist
I will continue to believe in my "false" God.
See I know you cannot prove that truth exist
since any prove must done using logical truths.
Your basis that truth exist is apparently as wrong
and baseless as God exists. Until then I will
continue to believe that all truth is in God and from God.

haha, wait a minuet, are you a christian or a nihilist? This is sad! "oh yeah well umm Uhhh no one can ever know anything, really! And so that's why I know god is right"

Ok, whatever, guy.
Originally posted by okinrus
I have not used any bibical quotes to show that
homosexuality was against God.

Didn't say you did. You've referenced your religion and jesus or whatever though. That's "justifying it with some "false" god bullshit" IMO.
Originally posted by okinrus

I'm suprised that you take great offense at someone stating what is "wrong" or "right".
You don't get it man, I don't take "great offense" to anything besides death threats, questions of my character, or intended harm toward my wife and children. I'm not at all offended by your comments, I'm just refuting them as vacuous.
Originally posted by okinrus

Bibical quotes have to be used in discussion because most of society is christian.

Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make the bible relevant.
Originally posted by okinrus

It's like wearing a visible crucifix in a muslim city. Is it "wrong" no. Does offend everyone but you, "yes". Thereby
it's wrong.

That's not wrong, it's rude. It's not "wrong" to be "rude". What is "wrong" IMO, is assuming that religious considerations have any bearing on what is right or wrong. :p :)
first off does the pole say agree with the artical or agree with gay marrages?:p

second if i make a religion saying "gays are the chosen ones for they dont crowd the world, people should love one anyother and u should all worship ME" and all gays belive that what difference between jews marrying jews in there church and gays marrying in mine?

jews are legal marriges and you surport that so you MUST surport gays then
Originally posted by okinrus
Well they should be able to get married I guess. As long
as they do not force a private organization to marry them, then
I guess it's ok.

i met my ex BF through a female friend

how did you meet your last GF?
jews are legal marriges and you surport that so you MUST surport gays then
I cannot support what I consider sinful. Though
having same-sex marriage by law does not really
matter because they are going to get married anyways.
Therefore I remain indifferent.