Gay Couples want to be recognized as LEGALLY MARRIED...

  • I'm SUPPORTIVE of it

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • I'm OPPOSED to it

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I feel INDIFFERENTLY towards it

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters


Ethusiastic bistander
Registered Senior Member
Okay, I was listening to Dr. James Dobson, who is the founder of the Christian Organization "Focus on the Family" on the issue of marriage and his views turned my stomach. He was discussing how displeased he was that gay couples want to be recognized by law as a married couple and, further, Dr. Dobson stated, "If the law allows gay couples to get married, why not a female-female-male marriage, or a male-male-female couple," as response to the issue of gay couples who want to have and raise children within their marriage. The synopsis of the entire discussion was that the law was created by those who have a foundation of God and that God sees homosexuality as an abomination and therefore, the law should too.

Maybe I'm a little too liberal but that type of logic doesn't make sense to me.

How do you feel about this?
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Ahhh losers at work i see. Yes, let's focus on gay problems so we don't have to focus on the actual problems in society. Yes, let's do bother innocent people whose only "mistake" is that they love somebody and let's make their lives miserable when our own families are falling apart. Yes, let's do go after the ones who get any action and bother them because god knows we don't. Dumb fuckers and nothing else.

Isn't it amazing how people cling to god when it is convienient to them but when it gets in their EASY lifestyle they modigy religion to fit their schedules. Well if god looks down on gay couples doesn't he also look down upon sexual intercourse before marrige???? let's stop people from fucking then and make then get married...only then can they get their juices flowing. Pathetic.....US society can really even disgust me sometimes:rolleyes:

Kudos to the chruch who elected the first GAY Father for their church.
Originally posted by wesmorrisbabe
The synopsis of the entire discussion was that the law was created by those who have a foundation of God and that God sees homosexuality as an abomination and therefore, the law should too.

Maybe I'm a little too liberal but that type of logic doesn't make sense to me.

How do you feel about this?

I'm with you on that one. What a scumbag. That is not a logical argument. How applicable is "those who have a foundation in god" when they have been dead for a couple of hundred years? We'd surely want to ask them about it right? It was probably okay to beat the living snot out of gay people at the time. It's not now? Why? Hell if this guy had his way why don't we just all go really retro and get totally puritan?!?!? Oh man, break out your petticoats my bitches, we're all going to shun people for square-dancing!

Wow what a jerk that dude is!
Fact is, marriage is no longer only a religious institution. There are many other facets to, economical, etc. Therefore to deny a group of people based on their lifestyle these rights is extremely discriminative and oppressive.

If it gets people's panties in a least call it a legal union and give it the same rights.
Indeed, the LEGAL institution of marriage is a relic of the religious past, and therefore I propose gays and heterosexuals should get rid of Gods marriage alltogether....
I support the idea of gay marraiges because it just makes sense. Well, it makes as much sense as straight marraiges do anyway. I can only think of three major reasons why someone would be opposed to gay marraiges:
1) because he/she is emotionally against gays(for the record, I'm emotionally opposed to taxes and manditory car insurance, but the government doesn't care),
2) because he/she is religious(separation of church and state),
3) or because he/she has no reasoning besides conforming to mass opinion.

So unless someone here is the inventor of marraige and owns all rights to it, why not just mind ur own marraige. Any laws preventing gay marraige should be removed . There should be no debate on the matter, it just makes sense.
The only counterpoint ....

It's ironic for me that this topic comes up, as I was just reading about the only counterpoint I can find to gay marriages that makes any sense to me: Why Marriage? The tie that binds need not be legal (Free Inquiry)

But as long as we're going to recognize marriage, I don't care about the gender of the partners. Two partners ought to be allowed to marry, period, or else let's get rid of marriage altoghether. What is the point of respecting an institution so greatly while denying it to people in an allegedly-free society?

Tiassa :cool:
Re: The only counterpoint ....

I was arguing that very perspective a week or two ago with Mystech here:

I though there were a few reasonable points as to why Uncle Sam should get involved to a degree. I think limiting it to "any two people" is an important condition though, as otherwise it'd be a quest for the stupidest marriage. :)
Okay, I was listening to Dr. James Dobson, who is the founder of the Christian Organization "Focus on the Family" on the issue of marriage and his views turned my stomach. He was discussing how displeased he was that gay couples want to be recognized by law as a married couple and, further, Dr. Dobson stated, "If the law allows gay couples to get married, why not a female-female-male marriage, or a male-male-female couple," as response to the issue of gay couples who want to have and raise children within their marriage. The synopsis of the entire discussion was that the law was created by those who have a foundation of God and that God sees homosexuality as an abomination and therefore, the law should too.
We consider all sin an abomination but the person we
do not. However if we consider only their property
they should be able whatever they want with it.
I am disgusted that Dr. James Dobson said that. I have lost any respect for him that I had.

I just went to the Focus On the Family website, where 96% of the people who took the poll said they opposed homosexual marraige. My parents get this scumbag's magazine, and they like it!:mad:
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Ahhh losers at work i see. Yes, let's focus on gay problems so we don't have to focus on the actual problems in society. Yes, let's do bother innocent people whose only "mistake" is that they love somebody and let's make their lives miserable when our own families are falling apart. Yes, let's do go after the ones who get any action and bother them because god knows we don't. Dumb fuckers and nothing else.
My thoughts exactly sargantlard. You beat me to saying that. :D

Jeesh, I don't know what people have against gays. They are gay, so what? It's none of our business what someone does in the privacy of their own home under the bedcovers. It's not hurting me or anyone else.
It is sickening when nosy pathetic jerkasses try and condemn behaviour that they find 'disgusting'. I find lots of things disgusting. That doesn't mean I condemn them.
Sure, I think homosexual sex is a bit disgusting. But it's not my business, nor is it anyone elses. I bet that homosexuals would find heterosexual sex disgusting. To the monkey, a dog looks strange. And to a dog, a monkey looks strange.
Nosy little fucks should mind their own business and allow people to live their own lives. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages harm no one. Therefore, they are fine.
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Nosy little fucks should mind their own business and allow people to live their own lives. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages harm no one. Therefore, they are fine.
They harm themselves and they harm traditional marriage
Originally posted by okinrus
They harm themselves and they harm traditional marriage
I think Christians harm themselves and they harm nontraditional marriage values.
what traditional marage value do they harm except the idea that marage should be between a man and a woman?

while we are at it why dont i ask if anyone think its awful and wrong for homosexual couples to adopt. Is it worse for a kid to be raised by adopted parents of the same gender or to be raised in an orphanage? There are more orphans than familys looking to adopt remember so it does come down to this question.
How can you "harm" a value? They are subjective. If you think your values are harmed by the values of another, you are likely the one harming yourself.
Originally posted by okinrus
They harm themselves and they harm traditional marriage

In what way is harming oneself a part of homosexuality? I do not see the effects of this harm, please point ot the spacific symptoms of it to me. I was never aware of this until now.

Also, as wessmoris said, how does one person holding one value harm your own values? Does knowing that homosexuality (or homosexual marriages) exist tempt you to break free of a heterosexual marriage situation? I find that to be very unlikely.
In what way is harming oneself a part of homosexuality? I do not see the effects of this harm, please point ot the spacific symptoms of it to me. I was never aware of this until now.
Beyond the clear religious ones..
Causes psychological associations that basically makes it
impossible for a homosexual to have a normal marriage.

Since society is against homosexual, the stigma
forces the homosexual to have low esteem. Now
against here needs to be qualified. So many people
here will say it's disgusting but it's not my business.
Therefore homosexuals get alot of emotional abuse.

Inforces sexual behavior that is only in fullfillment of
selfish pleasure.

Homosexuals are at higher risk of stds and AIDS.

what traditional marage value do they harm except the idea that marage should be between a man and a woman?
Exactly. Now I have to qualify a same sex marriage instead
of using just marriage. I do not consider it a true marriage but now by law I now have to consider them married.

Also, as wessmoris said, how does one person holding one value harm your own values? Does knowing that homosexuality (or homosexual marriages) exist tempt you to break free of a heterosexual marriage situation? I find that to be very unlikely.
I believe that it will harm children and those who are unwilling to think for themselves. The traditional institution
of marriage has been an institute put forth by God with
the purpose of bearing offspring. Same sex marriage emphasizes
that marriage is just to split property rights. They are also
literally trying to change the meaning of marriage.
From webster

the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family