Future Major Science Breakthrough- Levitation using anti-gravity matter.

Many years ago, my friend designed and built a working model of a submarine using lorentz forces for his engineering class project. Right after, he learned that the US Navy was building a 50 feet submarine (No propellers) using that magnetic force where the sea water closed the current circuit. I think the same can be done for flying machines using lasers as the current path. But since the air does not have the bouyancy like water, you need a lot of power for lift more than the propulsion. I will not be surprised that US Airforce is not doing similar research in to it. The fact that the Propellerless Submarine for spying purposes is a secret - the same can be for the air force too....and we might be seeing that UFO....

I dont think tha's right. The submarines could maybe use the seawater, but only because saltwater can conduct electricity, but air will not as easily.
Wireless Electricity Becomes a Reality

Q Imagine a world where all your portable devices can be charged and powered simply by placing them on a desktop. Chip manufacturer MobileWise has gone well beyond imagining such a world and this week unveiled "a conductive solution" that it believes can make it all possible.

During a mid-day press conference in chilly New York City, MobileWise showed off a handful of functioning prototype powerbases and retrofitted mobile devices that all use the company's new MobileWise chipset and enable "Wire-Free" electric power. One chip, the tiny Adapter Controller, goes inside the mobile device and the other, the Contact Controller, gets built into the power base station. These power bases, which were shown in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, are each covered in an array of gold-plated contacts. The retrofitted mobile devices also have a pair of contracts. With properly configured handheld devices, the bases can, according to company CEO Andy Goren, change any flat surface into a charging/power station.

The patent-pending technology behind the MobileWise is, on the surface, quite simple. The adapter chip inside the handheld device will, when placed on a base station, receive a very small electrical signal and message from the base controller chip that will power up the adapter chip. The base controller chip will sense for polarity. If there is none (say you place your hand on the base) then it does nothing. If it does find polarity and then a signal from the adapter chip, it will then read information about the voltage level necessary to run the mobile device and begin charging and powering it. Because of the array of contacts—from dozens to hundreds, depending on base size—there's no need to place the device in a special spot or position on the base. In fact, during the demonstration we saw the bases accept multiple devices, charging and powering them all at once./Q


This unit here uses solar power from lazers.

Q Researchers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., and Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., and the University of Alabama in Huntsville have flight-demonstrated a small-scale aircraft that flies solely by means of propulsive power from an invisible, ground-based infrared laser./Q


Don't forget Tesla was going to supply us with wireless electricity, they then took all his funding and work away because they could not put a meter on it, it was the government that took his work away, the same people that put limits on us such as the false law of thermodynamics, the same people that set up peer review panels that determine what gets out to the public, and the very seem people that put the limits on us in text books.

Here is some more information on things that have beed deliberatly kept from us.


Harold Aspden, "Vacuum Spin as a New Energy Source."


"Vacuum spin" consists of cylindrical or spherical pockets of aether spinning inside coextensive matter, and developing powerful electric fields. While these fields are canceled by unseen ionization or polarization in matter, the spin does develop kinetic energies from an electrical coupling with outer space by the phase-lock of a quantum synchronization with the surrounding aether. The kinetic energy obtained with low electrical input power amounts to more than a billion joules per cubic meter -- thus providing an over-unity prospect. By regenerating the spin condition cyclically, one can access aether energy at a power rate determined by the pulse frequency and the physical volume of the 'vacuum spin' form. Independent experiments, and relationship to the so-called N-machine will be discussed.


In this paper Aspden gives us further insight into the "Aspden Effect" in which a type of rotational inertia is demonstrated.


T.E. Bearden, "Regauging and Multivalued Potentials: Permissible Over-Unity Performance and Specific Engine Examples."


Scalar Multivalued Potentials (MVPs) are naturally occurring, nonconservative fields, which can be utilized to accomplish potential energy regauging of an engine. Excess electromagnetic energy is furnished directly from the vacuum during regauging, and thus exhibits a coefficient of performance greater than 1.0. While this violates the familiar classical electromagnetism of conservative fields, it does not violate known electromagnetics nonconservative fields, thermodynamics or conversation of energy laws. Examples include: Johnson's patented non linear all-permanent-magnet motor, and the Takahashi and Kawai engines -- all of which demonstrate permissible over-unity coefficients, such that these prototypes are now ready for full development and ultimate introduction into world markets.


Bearden's discussion is always interesting. This latest addition to Bearden's analytical discussions of creating new energy devices, uses the following concept. One of the topics in discussing Maxwell's equation has to do with the definition of potential. Normally, the rate of change of potential with distance is treated. The rate of change of potential with time is usually treated as unimportant and that portion of a solution to the Maxwell's equation is arbitrarily set to zero (or to a constant). For some historical reason this has been dubbed as "gauging". Regauging involves changing the value of this "rate of change of potential with respect to time". Bearden argues that there may be some method by which the value of this term can be changed (regauged) and thus, without violating the Maxwell's equation, provide a method to obtain energy.


Alexandra and Paulo Correa, "Excess Energy Conversion System Utilizing Pulsed Glow Discharge Reactor."


Vacuum arc discharges (VADs) have been shown to deploy anomalous cathode reaction forces. By driving the cold-cathode vacuum tube into sustainable cyclical oscillations, spontaneous auto-electronic erosion occurs which appear to conform to Aspden's Law of Electrodynamics. Utilizing the anomalous cathode reaction, electrical energy can be extracted from the plasma reactor through a capture and rectifying circuit, by virtue of a pulsatory interaction with the polarized zero-point energy field. Direct utilization is then possible with A.C. motors and transformers.


Alexandra Correa presented a variety of video pictures of glow discharges (vacuum arc discharges). Correa was highly complimentary of Aspden's work that led him to this VAD work and his development of means by which excess energy can be obtained. His work certainly should be treated by the scientific community as another avenue by which we can extend our understanding of the energetic aether. Whether this work will lead to practical commercialization is not readily apparent. See page 13 for further information on this technology.


Alastair Couper, "Thoughts upon Reading Marco Rodin's Aerodynamics."


Rodin has conceived of a toroidal form upon which a coil of very specific geometry is wound. The details of the flow of energy are dependent upon an elaborate numerological scheme rendered on the surface of the toroidal form, and result in a strong gravitational effect in the case of a properly executed and powered winding. Included in the designs are ancient geometries, as well as fractals, holograms, monopoles, phased arrays, synchronized electricity, and other modern scientific concepts. This paper is intended to link Rodin's aerodynamics with established theories and concepts, and includes a fascinating link between numerological sequences such as the Fibonacci Series and the potential for electromagnetic systems tapping into vacuum or zero point energies.


Paul Cox, "The Unification of Electromagnetism and Gravitation using an Interconnected Universe Model -- 'Soul Psychophysics'."


A model of an interconnected energy universe is developed which unifies the concepts of electro- magnetism and gravitation, as well as connecting human beings to an interconnected evolving universe. This model allows for multiple energy dimensions (i.e. Souls) in a dynamic free energy system in which energy can change form, increase or diminish, and be created or destroyed.


Cox is an interesting person who has been lead to the development of this theory. In scanning his document, I found no relationship by which his theory could be tied to any of the vast area of scientific evidence with which I am familiar. I suggested that he talk with Brian O'Leary who is far better versed in psychophysics than I am.


Dennis Cravens, Keynote: "The Patterson Power Cell."


The Patterson Fuel Cell is a light-water, lithium electrolyte, nickel/palladium catalyst, which provides for a new type of water hydrolysis. The patented system has been demonstrated at prior conferences, was the main subject of a report on ABC's Nightline, and is considered by many experts as the leading contender for commercialization of New Energy devices.


In addition to his excellent discussion of the Patterson Power CellTM, Dennis Cravens held a workshop in which he demonstrated a working power cell. This cold fusion device (but not so-called by Clean Energy Technologies) is doing an excellent job of raising corporate, utility company, and academic interest in cold fusion devices. We commend this group on their excellent work in advancing the technology of new- energy systems.


Larry Deavenport, "Towards Flight Without Stress or Strain... or Weight."


In 1923 Professor Paul Alfred Biefield, a physicist at the California Institute for Advanced Studies, discovered that a heavily charged condenser moved toward its positive pole when suspended in a gravita- tional field. He assigned T. Townsend Brown to study the effect as a research project. The discovery was later called the Biefield-Brown Effect. The question today is the credibility of T.T. Brown and his system of propulsion called electro-gravitics.


John Earle, "Windmill Home Comes of Age,"


A motivational approach for widespread wind power generation is presented by combining modern wind power generation with a structure resembling an Old World (Dutch) windmill. In contrast to the skeletal windmill of the windmill farm, an attractive type of structure is described with the dual purpose of generating power and providing a uniquely attractive home.


Robert Emmerich, "On Energy Measurement."


Definitions and measurements of basic mechanical, thermal, and electric energies was discussed, along with examples of measurement pitfalls, difficulties, and errors. Measurement of electrical energy - from dc to gigahertz - was described in detail, as was absorptive and transmissive energy measuring wattmeters.


Hal Fox, "Three Types of New Energy Technologies Being Commercialized."


A summary of progress made in the development of three new energy technologies: cold nuclear fusion, high-density charge clusters, and super-magnets/ super-motors -- providing thermal, electric, and mechanical energy. These three technologies are expected to form the basis for energy-producing systems of the 21st century, and all three are expected to be commercialized during 1996 and 1997.


Fox announced the successful invention, patent application, and early positive results of a new fiber power cell. This invention has the following inventors: Bruce Everingham, Avard Fairbanks, Hal Fox, Peter GlŸck, and Shan Jin. Fox announced that specially plated nickel-fiber cathodes were the key that provides for ten to twenty times as much thermal output as compared with electrical input.


Robert K. Golka, "Laboratory-Produced Ball Lightning."


Discovering ball lightning was more of a high current phenomenon than a high voltage one, the author contends that cavity-formed plasmoids can be made by putting a 2-inch burning candle in a home kitchen microwave oven. The plasmodes float around for as long as the microwave energy is present. Although anticipating some types of ball lightning to emerge as strictly electrostatic- electromagnetic manifestations, laboratory provable evidence has not been found.


James L. Griggs, Keynote: "The Hydrosonic Pump."


The Hydrosonic Pump is a novel device for heating liquids by the use of shock waves, cavitation, or the implosion of bubbles within the liquid. The efficiency of the device has been shown to be significantly greater than 100%, and may be connected with the phenomenon of sonoluminescence, and the develop- ment of the Keeley motor by John Keeley in the late 1800s. The presentation included discussion on advantages, uses, and energy balances of the Hydrosonic pump, including the latest research findings.


James Griggs and his company are marketing the only commercial application of a new-energy device in the United States. At each conference that we listen to James, he shows us that he is improving his device. NASA and at least one university are testing the Hydrosonic PumpTM. James found that you do not sell a device by telling people that it is over-unity -- they won't believe you. Griggs marketing ploy is just to provide a comparative list of costs of producing hot water or steam with his device and typical "fired-up" devices.


Josef Gruber, Ph.D. "Economic Effects of Space Energy Technologies (SET) on Individuals and Society."


Space Energy devices include the Patterson Fuel Cell, Takahashi's supermagnet-supermotor (utilizing super-strong permanent magnets), the Swiss M-L-Converter, Stanley Meyer's water-fueled engine, Grigg's Hydrosonic Pump, and other inventions. Several scenarios were presented which incorporate these developed devices in the mainstream society in the areas of transportation, electricity and heat production, and the unprecedented economic, fiscal, social, political and environmental effects which are expected. Of particular importance is the potential for sustainable development, and the need for important required actions and goals.


Richard Hull, and Charles Yost, "Tesla Coils, Electrostatics and Electric Propulsion."


A discussion of the latest results of experiments on the character of dynamic electrostatic fields (dynamic E-fields), including a test of Nicola Tesla's assertion that much of the electrical phenomena produced by his coils were electrostatic in nature and not electromagnetic. Details of new electrostatic experiments were presented along with what appears to be promising paths in which electrostatics, magnetics and dynamic E-fields might be combined for aerospace flight.


John Hutchison, "Electromagnetic Space Charge Technology."


Discussion on the Hutchison Effects (including a video presentation), zero point energy, methods to tap into the zero point energy, and a demonstration of a no-moving-parts, Casimer Effect unit showing energy activated in a special space charge system. The latter unit, which fits in a briefcase or even a pocket, was displayed, tested and measured.

[Hutchison was unable, at the last minute, to make the conference. We look forward to more information from John at a later conference. Ed.]


Moray B. King, "The Super Tube."


Combining the results of four areas of plasma research yields the principles for developing the "Super Tube," a plasma tube which optimally coheres the zero point energy. Such a tube could become the foundation for re-inventing the 50 KW radiant energy machine of T. Henry Moray. The four areas of plasma research include: Abnormal Glow Discharge (e.g. Correa), Hollow Cathode Discharge, Radioactive Cold Cathode, and Noble Gas Mixture (e.g. Papp). A free running, two-stage device similar to T.H. Moray's first radiant energy invention can be constructed with two super tubes operating in the abnormal glow discharge regime, and the output rectified onto capacitors which gradually charge to become the mutual input current source for the tubes.


Moray presented an excellent review of research leading up to the possible development of the "super tube." It should be mentioned that Ken Shoulders' work with high-density charge clusters can be considered as a special form of plasma.


Ronald J. Kovac, "Plasma Shaping, New Mass and Energy Source."


Mass spectroscopy analysis has revealed that the contents in a tube after plasma shaping (electro- magnetics) included substantial amounts of helium-4 and lithium-5. Lithium-5 is considered the "missing link" element in that mass spectrometer literature indicates that there is no element with an atomic weight of five. The existence of this element is theoretically predicted, and has been created by using a vacuum tube with only nitrogen-14 exposed to electromagnetic force fields and high voltage.

[Kovac showed videos and a platform demonstration of special plasmas having various geometries. In addition, he showed photos taken by the Hubble telescope where this same type of geometry is found in astronomical structures as large as galaxies. Ed.]


Eugene F. Mallove, "Cold Fusion: Vanguard of the New Energy Age." [This was the banquet presentation.]


It is difficult to imagine a more profound reversal of scientific fortunes than what has been emerging in the cold fusion field. One of the most reviled, disputed anomalies in the history of scienCE is painfully, but inexorably heading toward acceptance by the scientific community. Not only that, but because cold fusion is rapidly entering the mainstream of media and industrial attention, it will have the collateral effect of focusing attention on other perhaps related anomalous excess energy machines -- New Energy devices that rely or vortex-cavitation principles and ones that are entirely electromagnetic, e.g. permanent magnet motors of unusual design that are claimed to be over-unity.


It is now clearly evident that the advent of cold fusion has paved the way for the more ready acceptance of other anomalous alternative energy devices. Several utilities and corporations are testing and verifying the excess thermal power results that are advertised for the Patterson Power CellTM. Several university professors are making serious studies (sometimes funded by corporations). Without any government secrecy act to curtail such activity, and with funding being provided, it is not difficult to obtain some academic acceptance of the experimental facts that nuclear reaction byproducts are being found in cold fusion devices. This activity has engendered the humorous observation at the conference that scientists will believe what they are paid to believe. In a serious vein, the activities of the CETI organization are laying the groundwork for the acceptance of other new energy devices. We wish to express our great thanks to James Reding, president of CETI, and to Dr. Dennis Cravens for his demonstrations of the Patterson Power CellTM.


Jeane Manning, "New Energy: One Woman's Odyssey."


A journalistic view to new energy research, including details of individuals working in the field. Emphasis is placed on the creative energies of implosion- based technologies (vice [sic] the destructive tendencies of explosion-based burning of fuels and smashing of atoms). A clean-energy basis for national economies is discussed.


Jean Manning is a noted writer with a new book to be released by a major publisher this coming year. She turned part of her time over to members of the audience and invited them to share their view of what the soon-to-be New Energy future would be like. One comment related Ken Shoulders observation that the major problem in the future would not be a scarcity of energy but the need for new technology to get rid of thermal pollution.


A. Michrowski & J. Van Rhee, "Brown's Gas in Autonomous Energy Homes." [A. Michrowski was the presenter.]


There is a demand for the design and realization of healthy, autonomous energy homes. The proposed modality for the safe supply of energy uses a solar energy system generating DC power for a stoichiometric 2:1 proportion hydrogen/oxygen gas (Brown's Gas) generating electrolytic cells. This gas generates and stores electrical power, feeds heating and cooling systems and provides clean water. This combination involves a relatively mature and safe technology and is available at present.


One error in calculation of energy required to electrolyze water and the energy available from the electrolyzed Brown's Gas lead to an over-estimation of energy available from the use of Brown's Gas. In an earlier discussion with Yul Brown, I was surprised that a relatively low-temperature flame (of the stoichiometric ratio of hydrogen and oxygen from water) could cut some metals better than an oxy- acetylene torch. My explanation was derived from cold fusion experiments in which protons appear to enter nuclei and cause exothermic nuclear reactions. Supplied by the flame from Brown's Gas, the hydrogen ions (protons) would similarly combine with some metal nuclei producing the observed high temperatures by nuclear reactions. These proton-capture nuclear reactions do not, in general, produce damaging nuclear byproducts.


Brian O'Leary, "The Relationship Between Free Energy, The Zero-Point Field and Consciousness."


An exploration of the hypothesis that anomalous, quantifiable results from zero point energy devices and human produced psychokinetic events (consciousness) may involve the same basic physics in which charges dynamically interact with a zero point field. This suggests an equivalence analogous to Einstein's energy-mass equivalence, and may be expressed in terms of a complexified charge in which the imaginary component manifests as consciousness. Questions and suggested hybrid experiments were discussed which address the requirements to initiate significant flows of energy from the void, such that over-unity energy and mind-over-matter events can occur.


Gerald J. Orlowski, "Disclosure to Construct a 50 HP Free Energy Unit."


A disclosure of how to construct a 50 HP free energy unit is freely offered. The Ro-Mag magnet motor/generator is a magnetic device incorporating the use of permanent magnets turning in a rotor in order to generate a magnetic/electro energy that is then circuited to other mechanisms to do useful work. The unit does not require an input of electricity, but rather a build-up of magnetic energy to cause an energy thrust. The Ro-Mag unit utilizes a principle of attract-attract and attract-release, instead of mainstream attract-repel principles.


Orlowski gave a interesting account of his quest to replicate the work of Rory Johnson. In this work magnetism is treated as an energy source that can be directed and controlled. We expect to hear more about Orlowski's work in the near future. The Ro-mag motor was previously used to operate an automobile for several years. The paper gives a most interesting account of the problems that were faced by early developers of new-energy technologies. We believe that this type of conference and this (and other) newsletters and publications are paving the way toward a new-energy future with less obstruction.


Edwin L. Pangman, "Time and Magnetic Fields, A Lay Perspective."


Omnidirectional (isotropic) flow of magnetic fields may constitute the flow of time, in effect, dynamic movement of canceled magnetic fields becoming artificial time fluxes. This suggests the possibility of created time generators, which in turn create a state where material objects may be governed by hyper laws of physics that don't apply to matter in the space normal time. In this realm, thought and motion may become one.


Dale Pond, "The Keely Musical Dynasphere."


Development of a "scalar" developer (phase-conjugate polarizer) and differentiator (refractive modulator), modeled after Keely's original Musical Dynasphere. One of the basic working principles is the development of a Neutral Center (so-called zero point energy zone) and the differentiating of that state into motive force. The process is a vibrational one, and recognizes the necessity for universal harmonies in design and operation of energy devices.


Donald Reed, "The Beltrami Vector Field - The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of the Vacuum Energy?"


An exploration of the Beltram vortex topology derived from the annals of hydrodynamics and electrodynamics of the 19th century - as a possible archetype for the primordial electromagnetic vacuum fields of space. The significance of this topology is under-scored in the contra-rotating non-linear vortex filaments discovered in plasma focus research. It is argued that chiral Beltram morphology may be universal in microscopic quantum phenomena as well as macroscopic plasma levels. A new classical model for the self-action of the electromagnetic field, devoid of standard divergences attendant with QED analysis is surveyed, incorporating the Beltram vortex morphology.


Glen Rein, and William Tiller, "Some Evidence for Anomalous Information Storage in Water: A Possible Manifestation of ZPE."


Water exposed to electromagnetic fields, and measured by a variety of optical and electrical methods, shows altered physical properties. Compared results of the effects of a self-canceling coil on water using UV spectroscopy were presented - a first demonstration of a macroscopically measurable event caused by information which is non-electromagnetic and non-quantum. It is speculated that the coil geometries may warp local space/time, allowing an influx of ZPE, with the energy/information acting in a manner unlike quantum and EM fields.


Ruggero Maria Santilli, "Hardronic Energy, a New, Clean, Subnuclear Source."


Outline of the new, subnuclear, clean Hadronic energy, and indications these new forms of energy generally contain the principles for recycling nuclear waste. The basis of the relativistic hadronic mechanics (RHM) is a quantitative representation of interactions due to mutual wave overlappings, which are nonlinear (in the wavefunction), nonlocal and nonpotential. They are therefore outside the domain of relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Importantly, nonlinear, nonlocal and nonpotential interactions can produce attraction among particles, i.e. nuclei or atoms of the same charge - a fact already established in the proton-proton bonding in the nuclear structure, superconductivity, and chemical bonding. RHM is expected to provide quantitative treatments of cold fusion and other new energy technologies, including RHM providing a rigorous explanation of how cold fusion processes can be initiated even against repulsive Coulomb barriers.


Pierre Sinclair, "Gravitational Magnetic Drive (Anti-Gravity)."


A presentation on Gravity Magnetic Devices, with a description of the hardware and theory behind the invention. Also included was a comparison with other researchers with similar theories and technologies, and a brief summary of the tremendous possibilities and potentials of the technology.


Robert Taylor & Ed Everett, "Measurement Verification of MRA."


One (1) MRA S/N 95-3 was setup for demonstration and measurement verification on 25 September 1995. The demonstration and measurements were performed at the Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (TRA) Engineering Environmental Laboratory located in San Diego, California. The demonstration was conducted by Robert Taylor and the measurement verification was performed by Ed Everett of Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical. The MRA demonstration and measurement verification was conducted according to customer direction. No written plan/guideline was provided. A chronological record of the event was maintained and is identified as TR 3715. The test log was used as the basis of this report and a copy of this log is presented as Attachment A. A copy of the equipment list is also included as Attachment B. A short discussion of the measurements made is provided [in the paper].


A special arrangement was made for an independent test of the MRA to be made just prior to the conference. As reported to me by Dr. Robert Bass who witnessed the tests, the equipment used was not sensitive enough to measure the input power to the MRA. Output power was measured. However, no signed official value could be given to the overall power gain of the device due to the lack of input power measurements. Therefore, the test did not result in a signed certification! This failure to get certified test results was very frustrating, not only to Robert Taylor but also to the rest of us at the conference.


Tom Valone, Keynote: "Free Energy and Propulsion."


A presentation on non-conventional energy and propulsion inventions which have been reviewed, tested and replicated to establish proof-of principle, but which defy conventional analysis. Highlights include developments of the homopolar generator (N-Machine), recently declassified information about T.T. Brown's electrogravitic propulsion system, a synopsis of the Patterson Power Cell, and information on (Yull) Brown's Gas.


Tom Valone is one of the pioneers in the search for alternative energy systems. He has published several books and is widely recognized for his work. His presentation was an excellent review of the history of this many-year quest for better ways of producing clean energy.


George Wisemann, "Solid State Energy Accumulators."


A discussion of several types of Free Energy Receivers, all of which use some sort of antenna and are grounded to earth. A detailed description will be included of an Energy Accumulator, which was based upon the research of Nicola Tesla and T. Henry Moray. The Energy Accumulator is a passive device, using NO input power to operate. The unit, instead, readily absorbs various types of ambient energies and stores the energy in capacitors or batteries for later use - thus qualifying it as an "Over-unity" invention. The ambient energies absorbed by the Energy Accumulator consist of several categories, including but not limited to, electromagnetic waves and ionized particles.


Al Zielinski, "A New Theory that Unifies the Forces of Nature."


Presentation on the behavior of the aether, providing a new concept of the essence of aether, and explaining the failure of the Michelson-Morley aether experiment. A theory is proposed which explains and unifies the forces of nature, explains quantum theory and the cosmogony of the universe, and provides insight into new sources of energy for the future.


This paper is highly recommended. The theory of the aether is only briefly summarized and should be carefully read. According to the author, he has more to tell, provided that the information is protected by signed non-disclosure agreements. Zielinski has patents pending on his work and is visiting the U.S. to determine the advisability of applying for patents on his work in the U.S. In a personal discussion, he told about being in a concentration camp for Germans during World War II with his family. From age 5 to 11 he lived under spartan conditions. His father, an engineer who had been employed by an American oil company before the incarceration, asked for a physics book to be sent to him. It was this physics book, received in a concentration camp, that launched Zielinski on his trek to become a scientist. I am sure that we will hear more about Zielinski's work in the future./Q

If something is hot enough to ionise then it's not cold enough to be a superconductor. There's no known room (or above) temperature superconductor and to ionise air you need it to be thousands of degrees.
Also, correct me if im wrong, but isnt it that magnetic super conducters need to be cooled in liquid nitrogen before it hits superconductivity? Or does it only apply to that physics law where a superconducter can be put on a magnetic track and always remain the same distance from the track no matter what angle you turn it.
As far as they know at this time the liquid nitrogen needs to be added, but they have also discovered that super compressing hydrogen-silicon will create a room temperature superconductor as well, also I think I read some time ago that they use a strong magnetic force to aid in superconductivity, but it still needed to be super cooled.

What they will learn soon is this hydrogen-silicon method just excites the atoms and ejects electrons eliminating the traffic jam affect, aiding in superconductivity.

Non science is well aware that monatomic gold ions are a room temperature superconductor as well with no external force or freezing, science should discover this soon, also the monatomic hydrogen ions I have worked on have these superconducting properties as well at room temperature with no external source or freezing needed.

Really all that happens in the freezing of a superconductor is the slowing down of the internal working disturbing the communication between the electrons and the nuclease giving us the flux trapping affect, and stopping electrons from revolving so fast and interfering with the added current, again the traffic jam affect is hindered.

Science says that there is cooper pairing taken place (two electrons traveling together). that may be the case as the wave function of the nucleus is changed when the electrons are ejected or slowed down, or disrupted with an electrical current, i sincerely doubt that cooper pairing is even necessary, and what field that would make the to like charges that are supposed to repel each other hang together all of a sudden is beyond me, i doubt that there is such thing, or if it is happening it has nothing to do with creating the superconductivity.

But really all you have to do is look at what makes insulators work to figure out how to create less resistance and superconductors.

Insulators have tight valence electrons, this gives it the traffic jam affect that I spoke of, remove the electrons or mess with the flow threw strong magnetic fields and open a clear path for current to move threw and you will have superconductivity.

The strong magnetic field just forces the electron to one side opening the other side for current to run freely threw.

Well the removal of electrons just eliminates any traffic jam affect, and the electrical current flows with zero resistance, the flux trapping is just a byproduct of this because of the relationship between magnetism and gravity and electrons and the nucleus.

And because you are eliminating the electrons does not mean you don't have a current, or are unable to add a current, hooking a circuit up to it is still going to add the current, it will just flow threw that part with zero resistance.

Some people don't understand this because they don't understand that our current theory of electrical systems is wrong or at least incomplete, generating systems are continually feed systems not closed circuit systems, i was happy to find this the other night as it seem Tesla agreed with my hypothesis about this.

What is happening is the air is swirling around inside the generators and exciting the air molecules and ejecting electrons and adding them to the copper in the generating system, it's like static electricity.

This is why the Seral affect is in fact an over unity energy machine, no one could have predicted at that time that the ionisation would make the object levitate, of course they failed to realize they where just stealing the electrons from the surrounding air, they called it zero point energy, but hey no one is perfect.


Richard Hull, and Charles Yost, "Tesla Coils, Electrostatics and Electric Propulsion."


A discussion of the latest results of experiments on the character of dynamic electrostatic fields (dynamic E-fields), including a test of Nicola Tesla's assertion that much of the electrical phenomena produced by his coils were electrostatic in nature and not electromagnetic. Details of new electrostatic experiments were presented along with what appears to be promising paths in which electrostatics, magnetics and dynamic E-fields might be combined for aerospace flight./Q


Albert, I hope you get a chance to try out my solid state electrical generating capacitor one day, I know it will supply free electricity, and the amount of ions will determine the voltage.

I know for a fact this will work, because this is how thunder and lighting works, and this is how batteries work, well batters have the electrons already added, but enough ions will steal electrons right from the earth just like ions in the air due to get lightning.

this is what these ions look like on my cell, the solid state ions/plasma because they are actual in a gaseous state as well as this solid, are the fine white powder on my cells from negatively charging it.these are the tubes i did my weight loss tests with, you get a bunch of solid sate ions like this and put then in the center of the capacitor with a lead to the ground and it will generate electricity.

I feel my health coming back now as I am losing some weight so I may get back into playing around one day soon I hope.

Also Albert, I have some information for you I thought of tonight, I assume you are doing some of this work or plan on it in the future.

Extreme ionisation such as I am talking about can be very dangerous, it may steal electrons right from your body, be careful and use good shielding, test you shielding regularly to be sure it is not getting ionized on you from your experiment stealing electrons from the insulators, if this is occurring it will actually be able to conduct electricity at one point and therefore possibly become a non insulator, I have seen this with some supposidly rubber insulator in vehicles from these negatively charged cells, you can put a spark plug to one of your water hoses and it will then conduct a spark right threw it to the ionised water.

I say this for a very good reason, some of the German people working on these very same experiments died.

If any one gets sick or anything like that I would suggest running a 12volt 2 amp DC current threw them, this may help if for some reason there is problems God forbid, no guarantees but it wont hurt to try if there is some kind of accident as DC current will not hurt any one.

Good luck with your experiments bud, remember safety first, and don't forget to try my solid state ion electrical generating capacitor if you ever start to make some of these ions, i think you will be pleased.

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If any one gets sick or anything like that I would suggest running a 12volt 2 amp DC current threw them, this may help if for some reason there is problems God forbid, no guarantees but it wont hurt to try if there is some kind of accident as DC current will not hurt any one.


I would recommend you not bother with this.
I would recommend you not bother with this.

Beyond my hypothesis electrolysis of to the body has been known to cure aids, herpes, cancer, and cure snake bites, and many other illnesses.

No offence but i really wish people would stop assuming and start thinking for themselves, if you fail to understand how this can cure people of these illnesses I will be happy to explain to you how it really works.

And if you have done any research on the drug companies you would see they are some of the same people that sell illegal drugs, don't you find it strange most medical companies focus on treating the problem now instead of curring the problem? it's all about money.


If your body suddenly became ionised due to a super strong ionisation process that will steal electrons from the air surrounding it, such as the Searl affect does, then what is it the body would be missing to correct the problem?

And I am not saying the electrons will go back in this case, but it's certainly the only method I could think of that would be worth a try.

If you look up the bell experiments that where done in Germany during the war, you will see that a few scientist died well working on this super ionisation process, and I bet dollars to donuts it was because they where drained of the body's natural electrical current.
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Umm...scientists are still trying to understand the mechanics of anti-matter. They have a working spaceship that can only be entered by robots since the interior is highly radioactive, or something like that. Here it is nearly 50 years later and we still don't understand how to make it work.

The reversal of magnetism is a pretty good theory on how these disc type ships fly as they would have a dual interior buffering against itself. This would create an energy force of its own that would levitate a craft off of the earth. But as far as a guidance system for something like this...well...this is still a mystery.

If one were able to control the strength and direction of the magnetism, this would be what you might call anti-matter propulsion. It would need to not have any affect against what it pushed against in order to "leave" undetected, which is what UFOs have been known to do.

I will be honest and say that I did not take the time to read what all was posted under this topic, but was interested in what you had to say.
Umm...scientists are still trying to understand the mechanics of anti-matter. They have a working spaceship that can only be entered by robots since the interior is highly radioactive, or something like that. Here it is nearly 50 years later and we still don't understand how to make it work.

The reversal of magnetism is a pretty good theory on how these disc type ships fly as they would have a dual interior buffering against itself. This would create an energy force of its own that would levitate a craft off of the earth. But as far as a guidance system for something like this...well...this is still a mystery.

If one were able to control the strength and direction of the magnetism, this would be what you might call anti-matter propulsion. It would need to not have any affect against what it pushed against in order to "leave" undetected, which is what UFOs have been known to do.

I will be honest and say that I did not take the time to read what all was posted under this topic, but was interested in what you had to say.

Oh, really??? And just where is this "spaceship" that they have been "working on for 50 years????" Links to evidence, please - just bare statements are worth nothing.

And incidentally, we most certainly CAN control the strength of a magnetic field - quite easily, in fact. And anti-matter is also well understood, thank you very little.
Also Scott, your batteries would not have gained voltage that is just silly, and if they did, it had nothing to do with what you think happened. Maybe they did change because of your experiment, but your hypothesis for why is incorrect. Those batteries would have gained more electrical charge, and last longer. Voltage is basically the amount of electricity leaving the battery, ie, a small water pipe versus a large water pipe.

-Voltage is the potential and when referring to water system it is the difference between the altitudes of the main source (water tank) and the outlet, and the amount of the water in the tank, IOW the pressure.

-What you are describing with water pipes is the flow, the current, Amps, and the resistance, Ohms. Larger the pipe, less resistance and more current, and vice versa, the potential doesnt change when changing the size of the pipe.


Just my two pennies in this interesting thread :cool:
Beyond my hypothesis electrolysis of to the body has been known to cure aids, herpes, cancer, and cure snake bites, and many other illnesses.
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I hereby award this thread the prestigious Ophiolite Mass Nutter Assemblage trophy for having more kooks than the average scientology meeting.
Oh but it did gain in voltage because electrons (covalent bonds) leave via the negative wire left on after positive is disconnected, the electrons and there negative charge are attracted to the positive ions in thew batter. More volts (more electrons). I have charged a battery with one wire to the earth in this manner, it can only be free electrons charging the battery, nothing more. I have also charged a battery with just a negative from my cell ONE WIRE. Take a rechargeable battery, drain it, hook one wire to the negative, a 6 to 8" non magnetic spike in the ground and let sit for a few days. It will charge, it did not continue to charge though, i believe the ions (what drives electrons) gained electrons back and became neutral. I might try the same experiment to the positive one day.

These test show electrons are being drained into battery's causing them to gain in voltage, in turn converting the water in my cell into not only HHO but ions/plasma and even ORMES with anti gravity properties.
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I hereby award this thread the prestigious Ophiolite Mass Nutter Assemblage trophy for having more kooks than the average scientology meeting.

You clearly need to look up blood electrolysis by Dr Bob Beck pal. The only nut cases around her are the ones that refuse to move ahead and continue to believe the old guard that is just protecting the old guard.
You clearly need to look up blood electrolysis by Dr Bob Beck pal. The only nut cases around her are the ones that refuse to move ahead and continue to believe the old guard that is just protecting the old guard.
Scott, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but here are the reasons I do not take anything you post seriously. (I mean if you posted that the Earth was round I would begin to have my doubts.)

1. You educational level is poor.
2. You are gullible.
3. You cannot apply logic.
4. You misinterpret data.
5. You have fixations.
6. You are emotionally unstable.

And, as they say, these are your good points.