From Captive to Convert to Islam !!

Barkhorn1x said:
At least Christianity and Judaism have "progressed" to the point where their followers (for the most part) don't take that BuyBull BS to heart. When is Islam going to get past Sharia and join the modern age?

When you get circumcized.... :D
The other thread was closed so I'll post me response here.

Proud Muslim the hypocrite:

This is good start my dear MUSLIM friend:

Thanks for the link, it confirms exactly what Siddharta is referring, YOU are not a Muslim according to that link:

A Muslim educated in the fine moral teaching of the Qur'an, approaches everyone with the love that Islam expects. He shows respect for every idea and he values art and aesthetics. He is conciliatory in the face of every event, diminishing tension and restoring amity. In societies composed of individuals such as this, there will be a higher civilization, a higher social morality, more joy, happiness, justice, security, abundance and blessings than in the most modern nations of the world today.

So, stop bullshitting everyone here that you are the ‘Shield of Muslim.’ You are far from being a Muslim. You are a little more than a terrorist. Please go away.
(Q) said:
Since when did you care what anyone thought?

Or shall we put it this why: since when did you care what muslims think ?

BTW – many of your links don’t work at all. You probably didn’t even take the time to check them, hence you didn’t read them, so you have no idea what it is you’ve posted.

Well, I checked all of them, but some of them are more than 6 month old, they dont stay on the server, but some are indeed working like these ones:

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world:

-'' Indeed, Islam is the world's fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:


In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:

-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:


The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:

Islam: The Next American Religion?

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK

A Spanish bridge to Islam:

Low caste Hindus 'prefer Islam':

I checked them AGAIN and they are ALL working, check them again please.

So you see, your argument is fallacious and misleading. Please go away.


(Q) said:
So, stop bullshitting everyone here that you are the ‘Shield of Muslim.’ You are far from being a Muslim. You are a little more than a terrorist. Please go away.

Terrorist !!! :D that was very kind of you...thanks.

it only shows your SICK mentality, when someone dont agree with you, he becomes terrorist, right ????

It's Allahu Akhbar ;) However, Proud Muslim as I have tried to explain in PMs, you surely must see why people are drawn to the conclusions they are about you and by inference, about Islam?

As (Q) said, this is not you:
A Muslim educated in the fine moral teaching of the Qur'an, approaches everyone with the love that Islam expects. He shows respect for every idea and he values art and aesthetics. He is conciliatory in the face of every event, diminishing tension and restoring amity. In societies composed of individuals such as this, there will be a higher civilization, a higher social morality, more joy, happiness, justice, security, abundance and blessings than in the most modern nations of the world today.
Proud Muslim,

I couldn’t find any reliable and competent sources of statistics in any of your references.

For example just based on two of your quoted references -

….it is now estimated there are 1,000 Aboriginal Muslims in Australia, including new recruits and descendants of mixed marriages…..

Mexico has around 39,000 Muslims or about 0.03% of the Mexico population. (Source

These are hardly worrying.

You need to show population growth as well as growth in Islam and compare those numbers with growth and decline in other religions to form any type of meaningful conclusion. Journalistic opinions, such as most of your references, and taken out of a wider context make for good headlines but frequently distort the truth.

For example - The world's current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.3%, representing a doubling time of 54 years. We can expect the world's population of 6 billion to become 12 billion by 2054 if current growth continues. That is about 83 million new people every year.

From a number of websites I found growth rates for non-religious ranging from 1.5% to 2.8% and Islam ranging from 1.1% to 2.3%. I don’t really trust any of these values. However, if the lower value for Islam is true then that represents an actual decline in percentage of world population which is increasing at 1.3%. Most other religions do in fact seem to be in actual decline. One site showed the exact opposite.

Conclusion – I don’t think there are any adequate reliable statistics or methods to collect such statistics for us to reach a meaningful conclusion about anything concerning religious or non-religious growth rates. I’ve seen at least two Christian websites that claim that Christianity is outpacing everyone.

As a friendly recommendation I would suggest that you take greater care when making claims about growth rates of Islam since I don’t see how you can support such claims.

You have to acknowledge, PMS starts the most popular threads!

He claims to want to fight fear and hatred of Islam, but rejects any promotion of secularism. He even claims that secular governments aim to get rid of religion altogether! Theocracy is inherently unfair, even muslims in Iran are rebelling against it.
Born after the victory of the Islamic Republic, their protest proved the non-viability, in the long run, of the Islamicization of politics and the society in the age of global communications. The student protest announced to the world the failure of building an "Islamic utopia" in a relatively modernized society like Iran.
spidergoat said:
You have to acknowledge, PMS starts the most popular threads!


He claims to want to fight fear and hatred of Islam, but rejects any promotion of secularism. He even claims that secular governments aim to get rid of religion altogether!

As I explained before, Seculrism is WESTERN INVENTION, it came as a result of centuries of church control and oppression, these developments did not take place in the Muslim is like recommending SHARIA upon EUROPE !! will you guys accept it ??????? :rolleyes:

Theocracy is inherently unfair, even muslims in Iran are rebelling against it.

The article headline reads: The Children of Iran Protest for Rights !!

You guys claim that Iran is very oppressive, isnt great that students were allowed to protest for their rights ????? isnt that exactly what happen in the west ????
Siddhartha said:
It's Allahu Akhbar ;) However, Proud Muslim as I have tried to explain in PMs, you surely must see why people are drawn to the conclusions they are about you and by inference, about Islam?

You guys have this SICKNING SELF-RIGHTOUS WESTERN ATTITUDE, everything which is good for you must be good for everyone, once someone start exposing your fallacies and your fake intellectual levels, you start the same normal BS all over again: you are hateful, terrorist, extremist..blah blah...etc.

You wont find in me PUPPET MUSLIM who will agree with your self-rightous nonesense and views about the world.

To sum up, the western world values freedom, young muslims who have contact with the west through media and internet value freedom, and both are in fear of the totalitarian rule of clergy. So were the founders of the U.S, who wisely separated church and state.
spidergoat said:
To sum up, the western world values freedom, young muslims who have contact with the west through media and internet value freedom, and both are in fear of the totalitarian rule of clergy. So were the founders of the U.S, who wisely separated church and state.

What freedom my friend ?? I live in the west myself, what freedom ??

you guys hang burglar alarms in your homes, you lock yourself from inside, you dont dare to venture out after darkness, you cant go to certain places in your cities ( the ghettos ) and you call that FREEDOM ??????? :rolleyes:

Do you dare to question the holocaust for example under the banner of FREEDOM OF SPEECH ???

Your societies are NOT free, they are imprisoned with materialism and consumerism, you work all your life just to pay your mortgage or you will end up in the street and you call that FREEDOM ??

You see, again, this western self-rightous attitude in which everything good for you must be good for everyone...

Beside, why I should take your western defention of freedom as a standard ?????? :bugeye:

Your culture is not free, your culture is THE CULTURE OF DEATH AS THE HOLY FATHER, THE POPE, RIGHTLY DESCRIBED IT:,12272,761999,00.html
Siddhartha said:
It's Allahu Akhbar ;) However, Proud Muslim as I have tried to explain in PMs, you surely must see why people are drawn to the conclusions they are about you and by inference, about Islam?

As (Q) said, this is not you:

are you going to explain to an idiot that he is an idiot?
to argue with him will surely make you one.
you have to learn to recognize a lost cause when you see one.

shukran ua salamat :D
Proud_Muslim said:
What freedom my friend ?? I live in the west myself, what freedom ??

you guys hang burglar alarms in your homes, you lock yourself from inside, you dont dare to venture out after darkness, you cant go to certain places in your cities ( the ghettos ) and you call that FREEDOM ??????? :rolleyes:

don't like it, don't come

Do you dare to question the holocaust for example under the banner of FREEDOM OF SPEECH ???
i suppose you have all the freedom of speech you want back home?

Your societies are NOT free, they are imprisoned with materialism and consumerism, you work all your life just to pay your mortgage or you will end up in the street and you call that FREEDOM ??
don't like it, don't come

You see, again, this western self-rightous attitude in which everything good for you must be good for everyone...

Beside, why I should take your western defention of freedom as a standard ?????? :bugeye:

don't like it, don't come,12272,761999,00.html

i suppose you see yourself as a rhiteous activist then, eh?
you come to this horrible society (the West), suffer all this oppression and horrible realities, and you're campaigning against it... trying to "liberate" us westerners from this secular oppression... to help us with the love and peace which is Islam... right?

no thanks.

get the f* out of here. go back to Islam-land and live in your own version of "freedom".
you can have all the burqas you want over there.
otheadp said:
no thanks.

get the f* out of here. go back to Islam-land and live in your own version of "freedom".
you can have all the burqas you want over there.

Here is something for you since you are JEW:



Proud_Muslim said:
Since most HATERS and ISLAMOPHOBES quote from this hate site, it is clear the anti muslim agenda of those haters.

That's quite the logical fallacy. Being pro-Israel - which WorldNetDaily clearly is - doesn't mean you hate Muslims.

If most anti-semites liked to drink a certain brand of soda, does that mean that the soda is a hate-drink?

Since Islamic terrorists read the Koran and worship Allah, does this mean Islam is a terrorist religion?

Proud_Muslim said:
Oh I see, nothing about the fact that this hate site has been shamed !! :rolleyes:

The debating tactics of the author in question are irrelevant to whether or not WorldNetDaily is a hate-site. At least you quit with that Kola Boof nonsense.

Proud_Muslim said:

We know there are lots of Muslims who denounce terrorism. But that doesn't change the fact that there are intolerant and less-than-peaceful passages in the Koran.

Proud_Muslim said:
Because you dont refer to christian terrorism as CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.

Sure I do. Most of the people who murder abortion doctors and vandalize or destroy abortion clinics in America would probably qualify as Christian terrorists.

Proud_Muslim said:
You see, you are also a said terrorism is an iseprarable part of Islam.....this is very stupid ignorant islamophobic statement...I dont need to carry on debating you.

I didn't say that terrorism is an inseparable part of Islam. I said that those who equate criticism of Islamic terrorism to a general hatred of all Muslims are basically saying that terrorism and Islam are inseparable, which validates the stereotypes these people claim to oppose.

Proud_Muslim said:
You made fool of yourself.

No, I didn't. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk this off as a misunderstanding rather than a deliberate misrepresentation of my post to justify weaseling out of a debate you are clearly losing.