From Captive to Convert to Islam !!

Greco said:
France and Germany turn a blind eye to the imperialism of Islam but France and Germany will pay a dear price for their blindness.
Likewise the same would happen to the United Kingdom if the present government stays much longer. This is about to change, the British are not as stupid as the Muslims think.

France are opening their blind eyes and all of Europe is watching, and realising.

Let’s not turn a blind eye to Islamic imperialism

Exactly, for it will stab you in the back.
Proud Muslim,
I find it very funny that as far as your concerned everyone that disagrees with you [Islam] is a hater, and you counter it by hating them more than they hate you...good plan.

now what was all that about Islam being a religion of tolerance, peace and all the other warm and fuzzy religous rhetotic??? hmmm....

Oh and you can call me a hater....I DO HATE ALL religous FUNDIES equally.
Rambler said:
Proud Muslim,
I find it very funny that as far as your concerned everyone that disagrees with you [Islam] is a hater, and you counter it by hating them more than they hate you...good plan.

This is not true, there are some people here who disagree with Islam but yet they are very respectful, I dont call them become hater when you slander and show disrespect.

now what was all that about Islam being a religion of tolerance, peace and all the other warm and fuzzy religous rhetotic??? hmmm....

Islam is indeed a religion of mercy and tolerance, but we dont tolerate haters....we dont turn the other cheek, we hit back and strongly until aggression ceases.

Oh and you can call me a hater....I DO HATE ALL religous FUNDIES equally

Oh I see, so you call all muslims fundies when they disagree with you, right?
It is like calling you KKK member because you are american !! :rolleyes:
Vienna said:
Can you give some examples of Islamic Mercy and Tolerance?


When the great leader and second Caliph after the prophet death, Omar, entered Jerusalem in the year 634, Islam guaranteed freedom of worship to all christians in the city. In fact, so careful was Umar in setting an example for his people that he not only went to a church to pray, he prayed outside in the courtyard, lest his followers after his death be tempted to convert the church into a mosque.

The Jews of Aleppo ( Aleppo is the city where I came from in Syria, the second largest and the commerical capital of Syria )

''The politics of the region depended on the rulers. With the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of Rome, the Romans placed restrictions on Jews. These were lifted with the Arab conquest in 636 CE, when Islamic caliphates began ruling the region. From the seventh Century until the end of Ottoman rule, the Jewish community was self-governed. Self-government entitled the Jews to freedom of religion, a separate court system ruled by local rabbis to handle internal disputes, and military protection''

Source : Sarina Roffé is a career journalist and the author of Branching Out: The Kassin and Labaton Dynasties . She is a member of the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. of New York, and Brooklyn's Syrian Jewish community.


The tolerance of the Umayyad regime made Muslim Spain a refuge for Jews, and their numbers increased dramatically.
The real Jewish cultural revival began in the tenth century under Abd al-Rachman III (912–961CE), who assumed the title of caliph in 929 CE in Cordoba ( Spain ). At that time Cordoba was a center of both Arab and Jewish culture. This was the time of the political rise of the court physician Hisdai ibn Shaprut.

Source: The Jewish Gates

Colin Thubron, the British author, writes in his book Jerusalem, " In the early centuries, the Muslims were generally tolerant of the Jews and lived with them peacefully while Europe was steeped in persecution.''

Salman ben Yeruham, A Karaite Jewish author, writing about A.D. 950, the Muslims granted the Jews access to Jerusalem and its holy sites. Salman wrote:

"As it is known, Jerusalem remained under the rule of the Rum [the Byzantines] for more than 500 years, during which they [the Jews] were not able to enter Jerusalem. Anyone who was discovered entering was killed. When by the mercy of the God of Israel the Rum departed from us and the kingdom of Ishmael [the Arabs] appeared, the Jews were granted permission to enter and reside there."

During the reign of Saladin this traditional Islamic tolerance continued. Conversely, when the Crusaders entered Jerusalem, they burned the Jews in their synagogue.

From 1099 to 1189, Jews were not allowed to live in the city. But with the Muslim repossession of Jerusalem, Jews were allowed to return. The Spanish poet Yehuda al-Harizi, who was in Jerusalem in 1207, described the significance for the Jews of the recovery of Jerusalem by Saladin:

[ In A.D. 1190] God aroused the spirit of the prince of the Ishmaelites [Saladin], a prudent and courageous man, who came with his entire army, besieged Jerusalem, took it and had it proclaimed throughout the country that he would receive and accept the entire race of Ephraim, wherever they came from. And so we came from all comers of the world to take up residence here. We now live here in the shadow of peace.

Further testament to Saladin's tolerance comes from the eminent German Jewish historian of the Nineteenth Century, Heinrich Graetz. In his Geschichte der Juden [History of the Jews], vol. 11, published in 1853, he states that the Sultan, " opened the whole kingdom to the persecuted Jews, so they came to it, seeking security and finding justice.''

At about the same time that Jews were fleeing from Spain and seeking refuge in Arab lands and elsewhere (15th and 16th Centuries), the Ottoman Empire opened its doors to them and gave them refuge. The prominent Jewish banker Don Joseph Nasi, a refugee from Portugal, was made advisor to Sultan Suleiman who showered the emigre with honors.

There are a number of statements from prominent Jews expressing gratitude to the Ottomans for their generous treatment of fugitive Jews. In his History of the Jews, A. L. Sachar, a former president of Brandeis University, noted:

"Jews had found refuge in the Ottoman dominions for many decades before the expulsion from Spain. During the fifteenth-century persecutions in Germany, thousands had fled eastward and had been well received in the Turkish provinces. Life was secure and the morrow could be greeted without terror.''

Source: Arab American Roman Catholic Community:


Please Note that I always quote NON-MUSLIM sources.
Yes, thats all very nice, but I really meant over the last 50 years. Sorry, I should have made myself much clearer.

So..... Over the last .. say 50 years

Over to you..
Over the last 50 years it turned around and we, Muslims, becomes the victims of persecution and genocide, from the colonial enslavement to the creation of the illegal terrorist state of Israel to the soviet invasion of Afghanistan and later the American invasion of the same country and to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 which resulted in the death of 17,000 innocent Muslims to the latest American invasion on Iraq in 2003 and the death of 15,000 innocent Iraqi Muslims.

Vienna said:
Basically there hasn't been any Islamic Mercy and Tolerance over the last 50 years.

There was so much mercy and tolerance, ask your criminal government what they did in 1956 during the suez crisis, ask the Americans what they did in the 1970s-1980s and finally ask the zionist jews what they did in the past 50 years against Muslims !!


Vienna said:
Then tell us all about Islamic mercy and tolerance over the last 50 years.

One example, we let the Jews to migrate to the illegal terrorist state of Israel despite the fact that Israel is our enemy and the migration of our jews further strengthen this cancerous state.
Proud_Muslim said:
When the great leader and second Caliph after the prophet death, Omar, entered Jerusalem in the year 634, Islam guaranteed freedom of worship to all christians in the city. In fact, so careful was Umar in setting an example for his people that he not only went to a church to pray, he prayed outside in the courtyard, lest his followers after his death be tempted to convert the church into a mosque.
This is quite a famous even in Islamic history. Of course it's the attitude of many military generals. Alexander of Macedonia was famous for his leniency to cities that would capitulate with little or no confrontation. If surrender was unequivocal, Alexander would typically honor local religion and in some cases become part of them (Amon contemporarily and in all probability zol qarnayn historically). Regarding leniency and religious supplication, Julius Caesar acted similarly.

However, I have a question. Do you agree that it was right of Omar to conquer and capture Jerusalem? If so why?
Proud_Muslim said:
One example, we let the Jews to migrate to the illegal terrorist state of Israel despite the fact that Israel is our enemy and the migration of our jews further strengthen this cancerous state.
Of course the Palastininans initially received Europeans with open arms (being led to believe by their colonial-rulers/England that it would only be a few thousand). This was because the Jews could bring European engineering, advance math’s and medicine, etcetera. I often equate the Jews with early century Germans in my mind and that seems to rationalize their pretentious and disgusting behavior. Basically they’re turn of the century German thugs.

I have a question. At the time, the area (now Israel) was conquered and colonized by England. Therefore this was English territory. Correct? Isn’t it then OK for the English to move in and take over? I mean they conquered it and therefore owned it right? So eliminating/surpressing the local religion and supplanting it with a new one is OK ... right?
Michael said:
I have a question. At the time, the area (now Israel) was conquered and colonized by England. Therefore this was English territory. Correct? Isn’t it then OK for the English to move in and take over? I mean they conquered it and therefore owned it right? So eliminating/surpressing the local religion and supplanting it with a new one is OK ... right?

You have a dam good point Michael, yep that sounds splendid.

And the Isrealis would make great neighbours, I could easily live amongst them, they are lovely people.

Can't fault the idea one bit, if are you up for it then I am. Think of all that lovely weather too.

Seriously - you do have a valid point.
Vienna said:
You have a dam good point Michael, yep that sounds splendid.

And the Isrealis would make great neighbours, I could easily live amongst them, they are lovely people.

Can't fault the idea one bit, if are you up for it then I am. Think of all that lovely weather too.

Seriously - you do have a valid point.
Let me just add - when I say "Jews" I should have said "Rulers of Israel" who incidentally happen to be Jewish that were either directly from Germany or Europe (or close to it :) And you know how those Germans can be!
Kidding . . .. . . a little
Michael said:
Let me just add - when I say "Jews" I should have said "Rulers of Israel" who incidentally happen to be Jewish that were either directly from Germany or Europe (or close to it :) And you know how those Germans can be!
Kidding . . .. . . a little
The Jews and Germans are great people, I can get along with either just fine and it would lovely to have them as neighbours in Israel.

You have a great idea here. :)
Michael said:
However, I have a question. Do you agree that it was right of Omar to conquer and capture Jerusalem? If so why?

Yes, Jerusalem has the third holiest site of Islam, Al Aqsa Mosque beside it was under the Roman oppressive control, they were attacking Muslims in North Arabia all the time, so it was right to silence those bugs for ever.
Michael said:
I have a question. At the time, the area (now Israel) was conquered and colonized by England.

Wrong question, you should say, the area ( now PALESTINE ) WAS...

Therefore this was English territory. Correct? Isn’t it then OK for the English to move in and take over? I mean they conquered it and therefore owned it right? So eliminating/surpressing the local religion and supplanting it with a new one is OK ... right?

No it is not right because the people did not want the english there, they revoluted against them and they fought them...beside, the Palestineans did not convert to become angelicans unlike other countries where the indigenous people accepted Islam willingly.

Vienna said:
The Jews and Germans are great people, I can get along with either just fine and it would lovely to have them as neighbours in Israel.

You have a great idea here.

Yes because you are JEW yourself...stop lying one time you are christian and other you are athiest...someone know you told me who you are...

You were exposed you can officially join the other jew here, the moron otheadp...nice gang, eh ?? :D