From Captive to Convert to Islam !!

candy said:
Proud Muslim,

Have you ever heard of the Stockholm Snydrome? That could be an explanation of why a captive would convert. There is no validity to claiming a free-will conversion of a former captive.

Candi, stockholm syndrome does not last for years after the ordeal...does it ? :rolleyes:
Acid Cowboy said:

Worldnetdaily !! the famous HATE SITE !!! :D

Anyway, since the article is talking about SUDAN, here is something SWEET for you and for the haters behind worldnetdaily:

The European Sudanese Public Affairs Council :


The Sudanese civil war has generated a vast amount of propaganda and disinformation. The intervention in Sudan by foreign powers, especially the United States, and by civil groups with partisan religious and political motivations, has exacerbated and prolonged a tragic conflict by the deliberate and cynical manufacture of blatantly manufactured distortions, lies and hoaxes

Proud_Muslim said:

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the part of the article - well, pretty much the entire article - that focused on the specific claims/writings of one person (Kola Boof) who had nothing to do with the article I posted.

And what proof do you have of WorldNetDaily being a "hate" site? Or is it "hate" the same way that a law banning all religious symbols is "discriminatory" against Muslims?
Acid Cowboy said:
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the part of the article - well, pretty much the entire article - that focused on the specific claims/writings of one person (Kola Boof) who had nothing to do with the article I posted.

All the LIES you posted from this hate site are coming from the KOLA BOOF lies.

And what proof do you have of WorldNetDaily being a "hate" site? Or is it "hate" the same way that a law banning all religious symbols is "discriminatory" against Muslims?

You dont know that it is a hate site ?? well, here are some examples:


> I read your garbage about WorldNetDaily.
> One thing is certain - Muslims in the FREE country are treated a HELL of
> a lot better than American CHRISTIANS are in Islamic nations. If a
> Christian takes the Gospel of Christ into an Islamic nation, then they
> are summarily persecuted and/or executed.
> America is a nation founded and built upon JUDEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES but
> those values are being influenced and depleted by other pagan and false
> world religions, including YOURS.
> Maybe what bothers you is the fact that in America we have a free press
> and free practice of religion, even though your own awful Koran
> authorizes and even encourages the complete destruction of non-Muslims.
> Don't tell me Islam is a "peace-loving" religion. That is a lie and
> Allah, your God, is none other than that old serpent Satan himself.
> If you don't like it in America, then get out. Please, just leave, or do
> you plan on coming to my house and attempting your own JIHAD? Islam has
> demonstrated to me nothing but hatred and it's fostered right in your
> own "holy book", the hideous Koran.
> Thank you for nothing.
> J. Baker, Phoenix
Proud_Muslim said:
All the LIES you posted from this hate site are coming from the KOLA BOOF lies.

Do you have any proof of that claim?

Maybe it's a big Zionist conspiracy!

Proud_Muslim said:

This is nothing more than a discussion about a disagreement between two columnists.

Proud_Muslim said:

Did you even read this?

The article posted - Radical Islam's Phony Patriotism - was a criticism of certain Muslim leaders, not all Muslims in the world or even in America.

I haven't read the book that was mentioned, so I can't really comment on it. But it's not like it's a big secret that there are passages in the Koran that promote intolerance toward non-Muslims. Similar things can be found in the Bible.

Then there was this:

From the article said:
Regarding's "news" coverage: WorldNetDaily is seen by many people in the Muslim community as being hostile towards Islam and Muslims. While they make token references to "law-abiding" Muslims, their focus is on associating Islam with terrorism by using such terms as "Islamic terrorism" and "radical Islam" and "militant Islam" which are considered bigoted slurs against Islam and Muslims designed to promote the "Islam=Terrorism" and "Muslim=Terrorist" stereotypes.

Why shouldn't Islamic terrorism be referred to as "Islamic terrorism"?

A claim that use of the term "Islamic terrorism" is a "bigoted slur" against Islam and Muslims is a tacit admission that terrorism is an inseparable part of Islam and perpetuates the stereotype these Muslim advocates claim to oppose.

Proud_Muslim said:

And? WorldNetDaily has no control over who reads their web site or writes angry letters to other people or organizations.

Is this the best you can do?
Acid Cowboy said:
Do you have any proof of that claim?

Maybe it's a big Zionist conspiracy!

Since most HATERS and ISLAMOPHOBES quote from this hate site, it is clear the anti muslim agenda of those haters.

This is nothing more than a discussion about a disagreement between two columnists.

Oh I see, nothing about the fact that this hate site has been shamed !! :rolleyes:

I haven't read the book that was mentioned, so I can't really comment on it. But it's not like it's a big secret that there are passages in the Koran that promote intolerance toward non-Muslims. Similar things can be found in the Bible.

What a loads of BS....

Why shouldn't Islamic terrorism be referred to as "Islamic terrorism"?

Because you dont refer to christian terrorism as CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.

A claim that use of the term "Islamic terrorism" is a "bigoted slur" against Islam and Muslims is a tacit admission that terrorism is an inseparable part of Islam and perpetuates the stereotype these Muslim advocates claim to oppose.

You see, you are also a said terrorism is an iseprarable part of Islam.....this is very stupid ignorant islamophobic statement...I dont need to carry on debating you.

You made fool of yourself.
Traumatic stress snydromes do not go away. They are usually undercontroll but lay hidden under the surface and can be retriggered by sudden events. Since the lady has not sought treatment for the trauma of being held hostage it is possible she could still be manifesting Stockholm Snydrome.
Proud Muslim

First of all, it is quite possible that Ridley is a victim of brain washing or Stockholm syndrome. For you to deny this outright reduces your argument to your own biased, myopic opinion - nothing new there.

As well, your articles indicating that Islam is the fasted growing religion are based on immigration numbers. In other words, people are emigrating from Arab state countries in flocks. That does not represent conversions to Islam but rather a movement of people who are not happy where they live and would much rather live in a free country.

Most likely, their children will not follow Islam and will convert to atheism as indicated by Katazia.

This process is not indicative to Islam as a growing religion, but instead is a prelude to it’s downfall.
"with their democracy we will invade them
with islam we will control them"

i suspect that this woman's ordeal has caused her severe mental trauma... sort of what Winston went thru in "1984" when he was captured
You people are as bad as each other. Sitting here day in day out fighting amongst each other and finding reason upon reason to hate each other without realising you're all one and the same. The same people, the same species with the same needs from the same planet. If only a simple message like that would sink in through all this deep rooted hatred.
yes. reduce it to biology.
let's ignore the fanatics that want to destroy the western way of life and have islam rule the world and pretend they don't exist.

"if i close my eyes, i can't see shit. if i can't see shit, then it doesn't exist"
I was talking to both sides of this. You might have missed that. No worries though, but I'd steer clear of sarcasm. When anyone in a debate starts using sarcasm, it's usually to hide a failing in their argument or because they just don't understand the other side's argument at all.
Islam is a dangerous form of superstitious nonsense that seems especially prone to encouraging fanaticism. It is even worse than Christianity in that regard.

With modern knowledge of mental illness, how can any of the religions based on the old testament be taken seriously?

PM get treated with the same respect I reserve for all dogmatic fanatics. The world that he envisions as a paradise, I would view as a form of hell on Earth.

I shudder to think of his idea of proper treatment of gays, atheists, those who like to view pornography etc.

No, I have no respect for those who would willingly usher in a new dark age of savagery and ignorance.
(Q) said:
Proud Muslim

First of all, it is quite possible that Ridley is a victim of brain washing or Stockholm syndrome. For you to deny this outright reduces your argument to your own biased, myopic opinion - nothing new there.

How about this :

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world:

-'' Indeed, Islam is the world's fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

-Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:


-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:

-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:

- Hindus in india are converting to Islam in their masses:

- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:

- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:


- The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:

Islam: The Next American Religion?

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK

A Spanish bridge to Islam:


As well, your articles indicating that Islam is the fasted growing religion are based on immigration numbers. In other words, people are emigrating from Arab state countries in flocks. That does not represent conversions to Islam but rather a movement of people who are not happy where they live and would much rather live in a free country.

That what I hear from people like you who are so annoyed that Islam is spreading so fast...!!!

If people are migrating from the arab world to the west, this means Islam is DECREASING in the arab world, right???? PATHETIC ARGUMENT!! :rolleyes:

The reports coming from WESTERN SOURCES say Islam is winning more hearts in the Middle East:

Sir, you are talking about the same people changing places ( although the migration figures are about few thousands migrate out of 300 million ) while all reports are talking about CONVERSION...I know it shocks you but TRUTH HURTS.

Beside, there are hundred of thousands of Americans and westerners who are living and working in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar...etc how come ??? you said the arab world is not free yet we have thousands of americans living and working there !!!

Most likely, their children will not follow Islam and will convert to atheism as indicated by Katazia.


This process is not indicative to Islam as a growing religion, but instead is a prelude to it’s downfall

That is what HOPELESS Athiests think, who care what you guys wish or think, Islam grew since its first days 1400 years ago and will continue to grow until the day of judgement.
otheadp said:
"with their democracy we will invade them
with islam we will control them"

i suspect that this woman's ordeal has caused her severe mental trauma... sort of what Winston went thru in "1984" when he was captured



INGRID MATTSON: a convert to Islam and now a professor of Islamic studies at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut ...READ HER STORY HERE:

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Katazia said:
People in the USA are moving away from religion 25 times faster than people are moving to Islam, and 18 times faster than people are moving to Christianity.
Wow you've brightened my day :) Theres hope yet!
Proud_Muslim said:
Re: otheadp

Since you are JEW ... (caps by PM)

Statements like this only serve to demonstrate how the followers of Islam are easily perverted into a hateful zenophobic force.

At least Christianity and Judaism have "progressed" to the point where their followers (for the most part) don't take that BuyBull BS to heart. When is Islam going to get past Sharia and join the modern age?

Proud Muslim misleads:

That is what HOPELESS Athiests think, who care what you guys wish or think

Since when did you care what anyone thought?

BTW – many of your links don’t work at all. You probably didn’t even take the time to check them, hence you didn’t read them, so you have no idea what it is you’ve posted.

From some of the links you provided, which by the way, are again not indicative to Islam being the fastest growing religion. Your examples refer to small pockets of people that have converted, but not for the same reasons you are proponent:

The missionaries don't draw attention to it, but the community is tied to the 30-year-old Murabitun international Sufi Islamic movement, whose leader is a controversial Scot named Ian Dallas, now known as Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi.
Dallas, who is in his 60s, has been eviscerated in the Scottish press, which reported that he produced tracts and speeches considered anti-Semitic and pro-Hitler.

Many have embraced the religion for spiritual reasons, while others insist it gives them a way to escape the oppression suffered by the country's indigenous population.

Many of the new converts are young men like Omar Khambule, who was attracted to Islam's belief in one God and saw it as a way out of gangsterism and drugs.

When the 1991 census was taken, about 25 per cent more people said they were Jewish than Muslim. But immigration from predominantly Muslim countries has reversed that dynamic.

So you see, your argument is fallacious and misleading. Please go away.