Friends getting religious

All of a sudden, a lot of my friends are getting really religious. We are all connected on Facebook and I see a lot of them talking about going to church activities, praying, and all that stuff. It just amazes me that all of a sudden a lot of them are getting so religious. One of them told me that I had better be getting with God because I am not getting any younger. What does age have to do with believing or not believing? They think because half of their lives is over with that they need to start believing now?

Dump em
No I mean we. I haven't met a Christian yet who knows whats going to happen either

I have met many. That you haven't does not change the argument although it probably has less meaning for you.

Basically we come down to suffering existing in heaven and suffering existing in hell. Can you explain to me what value there is in that? If I were to accept this, can you kindly provide me a reason to want to worship your god? If I am going to suffer either way, what possible difference does it make?
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa

I am compelled to be useful because people have problems I can help with. If people didn't have those problems, I'd be fine with not being useful. ”

no you won''re basing your "no i won't" on the current state of people actually HAVING have no idea how it would be if no body had no WTH would life be for anyways?
no problem of hunger, no problem of knowledge, no problem of money, no problem of sickness? you have any idea of what you and Q are talking about?

Absurd arrogant assinine assumptions.
You are a fool if you think you know me better than I do.
I have no idea how it would be yet you do?
You're fine with people being sick, uneducated, hungry & poor?
The purpose of life is to have problems?

look, if people didn't have can't be fine with not being useful because the term "usuful" doesn't exist because it is associated with "problem"...

Is this your idea of a joke?
I have met many. That you haven't does not change the argument although it probably has less meaning for you.

Basically we come down to suffering existing in heaven and suffering existing in hell. Can you explain to me what value there is in that? If I were to accept this, can you kindly provide me a reason to want to worship your god? If I am going to suffer either way, what possible difference does it make?

I would hope you would use your own intellect rather than look to other people for answers. But that is sadly a diminishing virtue these days. Everyone wants to be spoon fed and handed their beliefs on a platter.
Unfortunately the rather worthless attempt at insult didn't actually answer the questions.

Can you please kindly answer them? Many thanks.
I already answered the questions. You can approach any faith as you wish, I have, for instance, heard Francis Collins speak about his. The choice ultimately is whether you will focus on what others think or what you think about God, death, heaven and hell. Its not a new topic. There is tons of literature on the subject.
I already answered the questions.

Can you kindly show me where you answered my questions? If it helps, I asked them on #242 and your latest response on #244 didn't address, let alone answer, any of them - it just kinda accused me of not having a brain. So where exactly did you answer them? Please highlight where you answered them or answer them now. Many thanks.

You can approach any faith as you wish, I have, for instance, heard Francis Collins speak about his

I don't remember saying you couldn't approach anything in any manner you want nor do I remember speaking about F. Collins. If we suffer in heaven and suffer in hell, what difference could it possibly make if we worship this god or not?

The choice ultimately is whether you will focus on what others think or what you think about God, death, heaven and hell.

And I am asking, if you're paying attention, what difference such choice would make if you suffer in both locations. If you suffer in heaven and suffer in hell, of what value is the choice?

Kindly pay attention to what I am asking you and try to answer it whenever you get a spare moment. Many thanks.
If we suffer in heaven and suffer in hell, what difference could it possibly make if we worship this god or not?.

Obviously, you're the spoonfeeding type. Here goes:

Why do you think you will suffer in heaven and hell?
Hi Sam,
Did you not see my posts, or are you just ignoring me?
(I know, I know... it's a busy thread, and I'm being needy :))
I'm a loving father. If I can do something to alleviate pain, I will.
If my child burns their finger, is it not logical to apply cold water to alleviate their pain? Should I leave them in pain because pain is a necessary part of living?

If my child developed cancer, do you think that I should not do what I can to have it cured? Because pain is a necessary part of living?

But if you could choose [say a treatment] whereby your son will not suffer due to pain, would you do it?

You'd never need to apply cold water, your son would never suffer any pain, not even if his hand was burned.
Obviously, you're the spoonfeeding type. Here goes:

Why do you think you will suffer in heaven and hell?

But if you could choose [say a treatment] whereby your son will not suffer due to pain, would you do it?

You'd never need to apply cold water, your son would never suffer any pain, not even if his hand was burned.

Obviously, you're the obfuscating type.
But if you could choose [say a treatment] whereby your son will not suffer due to pain, would you do it?

You'd never need to apply cold water, your son would never suffer any pain, not even if his hand was burned.

No, and I neither would I expect a benvolent omnipotent entity to do so.

But I will do what I can to:
- Heal burns
- Cure cancer

Because that's the logical, benevolent thing to do. Don't you agree?
No, and I neither would I expect a benvolent omnipotent entity to do so.

But I will do what I can to:
- Heal burns
- Cure cancer

Because that's the logical, benevolent thing to do. Don't you agree?
Only if you think it is necessary to prolong individual mortality.

But objectively speaking, its rather irrelevant to the ecosystem. In fact, the logical course of action is to decimate populations that endanger the fragile balance of nature.
We really are just monkey's throughing shit at each other...
All of this religious crap, makes me wish I was never born....
A machine that has perfectly predictable motion, made from understood parts, has 'freee will' you think?

Tsk, tsk, no shifting the ground. Perfectly predictable would perclude free will. Your understanding or not understanding of parts is irrelevant.

you fail to see the point of the analogy, or the ramafications of your thinking.

Or your analogy is weak and fails to actually make its point.
Why do you think you will suffer in heaven and hell?

On post #234 in direct response to my assumption that there wouldn't be suffering in heaven, you stated that "We don't know anything about that", which gave rise to me looking at the alternative.

There either will be pain and suffering in heaven or there wont be. I have now questioned a position where there is but still have not received an answer concerning the issue from you. Kindly try again.

I personally find little choice but to contend that there will be serious suffering in heaven, (the reason for this can be found on, however that isn't the reason it was questioned here. It was questioned here because of your earlier statements.

Obviously, you're the spoonfeeding type.

Kindly refrain from doing this, it does not aid discussion in any way whatsoever.
On post #234 in direct response to my assumption that there wouldn't be suffering in heaven, you stated that "We don't know anything about that", which gave rise to me looking at the alternative. .

How is a position of suffering in heaven an alternative to a complete lack of knowledge about what happens? My own position is that we know nothing. If you think you will suffer or not suffer, perhaps you can tell me why you think that. Its your claim, after all.I fail to comprehend why I should explain your position.