Freelance Jihad: Crusaders and the Soldiers of Allah(swt)

Proud_Muslim said:
MW is very educated woman, perhaps she realized that talking with you ( not your personaly but the hate gang here ) is useless, sometimes I get the same feeling debating all these haters and bigots. :mad:

I'd doubt that's the case, since she posts here fairly regularly.

Since converting Christians to her way of thinking is so important to her, I'd think she'd be eager to offer concrete evidence for the amazing and undeniable truthfulness of whatever it is she believes (or thinks Christians should believe).
Acid Cowboy said:
I made no comment on whom invaded whom with regard to the Israel/Palestine issue. Why are you arguing points I never made?

This is what you said:

in another 744 years the Muslims will have the right to be as angry at the Israelis as the Spanish do to be angry at the Muslims!

so you brought the criminal Israelis in the discussion.

So I ask: Why is the Israeli "occupation" a source of constant complaints, but Muslim conquests of non-Islamic lands a source of pride?

Because Muslims did not conquest land, remember, you are trying to apply the logic of the 21th century to the logic of the 7th are not aware of history and what really happened, here is something to start with:

The Myth of the Muslim Conquest of Spain
Acid Cowboy said:
I'd doubt that's the case, since she posts here fairly regularly.

Since converting Christians to her way of thinking is so important to her, I'd think she'd be eager to offer concrete evidence for the amazing and undeniable truthfulness of whatever it is she believes (or thinks Christians should believe).

I believe Medicine Woman to be very intelligent fierce debater, but again, why you guys always personalize the topic ?? address her message instead of speculating about her personally.
Proud_Muslim said:
I believe Medicine Woman to be very intelligent.
You must be the only one that does, but hey, coming from a militant muslim, who gives a frig.
Proud_Muslim said:
Why they dont speak with me in a manner which holds MY attention ???
Because they are not trying to tell you about something, you are trying to tell them something.
Proud_Muslim said:
And why a 'westerner' wont talk to me as a MUSLIM ?? or is it always 'others' who have to concede to the westerner ?????? :rolleyes:
It's not always this way. It is really only because you are the person spreading the word, and they are to listen. For this to happen, you must speak in a way they understand.
Proud_Muslim said:
That is not true, the arabs are very curtious people, they will listen to you because they see that as a sign of respect, something the westerners never heard of.
I can't really comment on this, but I do agree that a lot of the moral substance of Western civilisation has faded in the past 100 years.
Proud_Muslim said:
How about in SCIFORUMS ? when you are in SCIFORUMS do as what.. ?? :D

We in Virtual world my dear friend, we are talking with the screen, we are NOWHERE.
Ah yes, but again I only recommend this course of action for your benefit. Thanks for not taking offence. :)
Acid Cowboy said:
I'd doubt that's the case, since she posts here fairly regularly.

Since converting Christians to her way of thinking is so important to her, I'd think she'd be eager to offer concrete evidence for the amazing and undeniable truthfulness of whatever it is she believes (or thinks Christians should believe).
M*W: I do not aim convert Christians to "my way of thinking." They are not THAT spiritually evolved, they would have to give up their oppressive and cultish beliefs before they could see the "light." I pity them. They have been brainwashed to believe lies.
Proud_Muslim said:
so you brought the criminal Israelis in the discussion.

Explain what it was about my statements you disliked. Your original criticism had nothing to do with my post.

Proud_Muslim said:
Because Muslims did not conquest land, remember, you are trying to apply the logic of the 21th century to the logic of the 7th are not aware of history and what really happened, here is something to start with:

They certainly did conquest land, and by your own admission. You even started a thread about one such conquest in the history section: The History of Muslim Spain
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I do not aim convert Christians to "my way of thinking." They are not THAT spiritually evolved, they would have to give up their oppressive and cultish beliefs before they could see the "light." I pity them. They have been brainwashed to believe lies.

In the Duty to Convert thread you claimed this: "The only important thing is to deconvert Christians through re-education of the truth.

You obviously want their views to more closely resemble yours, even if it is not a mirror image. If you believe their views are lies and yours are true, prove it.
Acid Cowboy said:
In the Duty to Convert thread you claimed this: "The only important thing is to deconvert Christians through re-education of the truth.

You obviously want their views to more closely resemble yours, even if it is not a mirror image. If you believe their views are lies and yours are true, prove it.
M*W: Like I said, Christians would need to be deconverted before attempting to lead them a higher spiritual pathway. I'm not in the business of deconverting Christians, but I am in the business of re-educating them. The truly important thing isn't showing them to a pathway, that will come in time. The important thing is to rescue them from Christianity.
Medicine Woman said:
Like I said, Christians would need to be deconverted before attempting to lead them a higher spiritual pathway.

So tell us what this "higher spiritual pathway" is and prove it's truthfulness and superiority.

Medicine Woman said:
I'm not in the business of deconverting Christians, but I am in the business of re-educating them.

Which contradicts your previous claim of: "I do not aim convert Christians to "my way of thinking.""

Medicine Woman said:
The truly important thing isn't showing them to a pathway, that will come in time. The important thing is to rescue them from Christianity.

The best way to "rescue" them is to prove the truthfulness of your beliefs. Let's hear it.
Acid Cowboy said:
So tell us what this "higher spiritual pathway" is and prove it's truthfulness and superiority.

Which contradicts your previous claim of: "I do not aim convert Christians to "my way of thinking.""

The best way to "rescue" them is to prove the truthfulness of your beliefs. Let's hear it.
M*W: Acid, truth comes from an inner awareness. What is truth for me may not be truth for you. I cannot impose my truth on you. I can tell you about it, but the rest is up to you when the time is right. It's all about the timing and the desire to know the truth.
Proud_Muslim said:
a place of humanistic beauty in Muslim Spain

Muslims, populated Spain for nearly 700 years.

So what do you mean by "Muslim Spain"?

What do you mean by "populated Spain for nearly 700 years?" If muslims had not conquered it.

Are there no muslims living in Spain today???

What do you mean by these 700 years???

Awaiting your reply PM :)
Vienna said:

So what do you mean by "Muslim Spain"?

I mean the time when Spain was controled by Muslims.

What do you mean by "populated Spain for nearly 700 years?" If muslims had not conquered it.

Back in the first one thousand year, people moved freely from one place to another, there was no borders, no passports, no visas required..etc

for example, most of the English are NOT the owners of England, they came from France and Germany, even England patron, saint George is not english.¨

Now, in England, if I am living here, and I got a child, my child will automaticlly become English and so are his childern and so on....Muslims in Spain married the Spanish, got kids and their kids married more Spanish and so on.

Are there no muslims living in Spain today???

There are few thousands living there, they were kicked out in 1492 AD and they lost everything.

What do you mean by these 700 years???

I mean civilization.

Awaiting your reply PM

You will always get replies and respect when you are sincere and respectful.
Proud_Muslim said:
I mean the time when Spain was controled by Muslims.
To control a country it must have been conquered

for example, most of the English are NOT the owners of England, they came from France and Germany, even England patron, saint George is not english.
So, in your opinion - Who owns England?

Now, in England, if I am living here, and I got a child, my child will automaticlly become English and so are his childern and so on....Muslims in Spain married the Spanish, got kids and their kids married more Spanish and so on.
Islam is not a nationality - so that comparison is poor.

The kids will be English by birth - but their ethnicity remains. They will not be Anglo-Saxon-Viking white ethnic English. English ethinicity took over 1000 years to produce.

I mean civilization.
So you saying that Spain is not civilised without Islam, why ?
Vienna said:
To control a country it must have been conquered

Not necessarily, at that time, there was no countries as we know now, the Roman empire controled vast land without conquring most of the land.

So, in your opinion - Who owns England?

The Welsh.

Islam is not a nationality - so that comparison is poor.

True, but I was talking about how Spain came to become Muslim.

The kids will be English by birth - but their ethnicity remains. They will not be Anglo-Saxon-Viking white ethnic English. English ethinicity took over 1000 years to produce.

You see, we are here mixing nationality and race...some people say there is no such thing as English, I say there is and they should be recognized as the scottish and the welsh.

So you saying that Spain is not civilised without Islam, why ?

Yes, I am saying exactly that, before Islam came to SPAIN, Spain and with it Europe was living in the dark ages:

In his book, "The Day The Universe Changed," the historian James Burke describes how the typical European townspeople lived:

Way back during the eighth century, Europe was still knee-deep in the Medieval period. That's not the only thing they were knee-deep in. In his book, "The Day The Universe Changed," the historian James Burke describes how the typical European townspeople lived:

"The inhabitants threw all their refuse into the drains in the center of the narrow streets. The stench must have been overwhelming, though it appears to have gone virtually unnoticed. Mixed with excrement and urine would be the soiled reeds and straw used to cover the dirt floors. (p. 32)

Have a look at this Amazing site, it is by non muslim western historians:


Alhambra Palace, shining example of Muslim genuinity and excellence, Alhambra is the most visited monument in Spain and the second most visited monument in Europe
Proud_Muslim said:
Not necessarily, at that time, there was no countries as we know now, the Roman empire controled vast land without conquring most of the land.
You require history lessons.

The Welsh.
Ancient Brits overuled by the Angles and forced to live in what is now known as Wales.

Tell me - where are those ancient Brits now - are they still in Wales - I doubt it.... LOL!

You see, we are here mixing nationality and race...some people say there is no such thing as English, I say there is and they should be recognized as the scottish and the welsh.
You know nothing about the history of England - There is no legal nationality as ENGLISH. Confirmed and endorsed by the British government and the Immigration Office.

You have a lot to learn about the land in which you live.

If ISLAM was responsible (as you say) for making Spain a civilised country - how come the Middle East is so UNCIVILISED today.

You are hard work PM - I'm beginning to believe that you are genuinely thick.
Vienna said:
You must be the only one that does, but hey, coming from a militant muslim, who gives a frig.

when a christian defends his beliefs, is he also tagged militant christian?