Freelance Jihad: Crusaders and the Soldiers of Allah(swt)

You do more to damage the image of a peaceful Muslim than 1,000 bigoted Christians could ever do. I'm starting to believe the murmurs that say there is no possible way you could actually be a practicing Muslim. You're arguments are ridiculous and un-supportable, and when they are supportable, they're mostly irrelevant.

Freelance Jihad is expressly prohibited in the Koran. You knew that though, didn't you?

Judging from your inability to have a discussion without screaming and yelling, I think you should change your monniker to Kharijite. It would suit you better.
15ofthe19 said:
Freelance Jihad is expressly prohibited in the Koran. You knew that though, didn't you?

Judging from your inability to have a discussion without screaming and yelling, I think you should change your monniker to Kharijite. It would suit you better.

It seems you are another hater in disguise, I am still waiting to hear your response about the points I raised in the early pages of this thread which exposed your lies and hate against Islam !! :rolleyes:

Yours RANTS and GENERAL STATEMENTS are not 'debate' you may think whatever you want about Islam and Muslims, this wont change the FACTS.

Arabic Proverb.
I'm sorry to say it Proud Muslim, but as much as I don't like the massive anti Muslim sentiment on this site, you do nothing to help your cause. You continue to shout and yell at those people who don't need to be shouted and yelled at, but to be engaged in debate. You lack patience, when it would serve you well.

In short, if you were the typical Muslim, I would avoid Islam like the plague.

I only hope you are not.
Siddhartha said:
I'm sorry to say it Proud Muslim, but as much as I don't like the massive anti Muslim sentiment on this site, you do nothing to help your cause. You continue to shout and yell at those people who don't need to be shouted and yelled at, but to be engaged in debate. You lack patience, when it would serve you well.

In short, if you were the typical Muslim, I would avoid Islam like the plague.

I only hope you are not.

Well, since it is the ISLAMOPHOBES who started the HATE and the AGGRESSION, they wont get but that in return.

I am not shouting and yelling, this is very normal behaviour in the hot mediterranean climate...those LOSERS dont even DARE to address my points, they just RANT and post GENERAL STATEMENTS like always when they are defeated in the debate or when they run out of any more lies.

I know how shocking it must been for those haters to see a MUSLIM being able to defeat them in a debate !! it must be so painful and that is why they attack me personally, THEY DONT ATTACK THE MESSAGE BUT THEY ATTACK THE MESSENGER BECAUSE THE MESSAGE DEFEATED THEM.
Now here's a simple observation. That message was again aggressive in response to some advice. There's no need for caps and bold, or differenct colour text, nor to slander those who oppose you. Let your message speak for itself rather than just trying to defeat the other party's message.
Siddhartha said:
Now here's a simple observation. That message was again aggressive in response to some advice. There's no need for caps and bold, or differenct colour text, nor to slander those who oppose you. Let your message speak for itself rather than just trying to defeat the other party's message.

I see here again this western self rightous attitude, why should I write in a way that suit the westerners ???? We in the hot Mediterranean region dont consider my way of speaking as shouting or yelling, it is very normal...I bet you guys will be so shocked when you go to Italy or to Syria and see how people there debate, there is the REAL DEBATE !! :D
Proud_Muslim said:

Alongside Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Dennis Ross, the dynamic trio of Alon Pinkas, Dore Gold, and Ra'naan Ghissin, and their Godfather, Benjmain Netanyahu, stands MEMRI -- the Middle East Media Research Institute -- an outfit that poses as a neutral, non-partisan translation service, but is in fact, as the article by Brian Whitaker below clearly shows, an organization dedicated to showing Arabs in the worst light possible.

The co-founder and president of MEMRI, as the article tells us, is an Israeli colonel named Yigal Carmon, 22 years veteran in the Israeli military intelligence, who served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

As the article also tells us, "the institute also emphasises 'the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel'".

Please make sure that the media is made aware of the fact that MEMRI is a propaganda arm of the Israeli PR machine.

Here is special article from the respected british GUARDIAN about those Israeli LIARS:

Selective Memri

Brian Whitaker investigates whether the 'independent' media institute
that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems
Monday August 12 2002
The Guardian,7792,773258,00.html

ENJOY !! :rolleyes:

Where is your proof ??? I already proved to you that worldnetdaily and their source are both HATE sites, I am still waiting to be shown the ORIGINAL ARTICLE FROM THE EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER ITSELF ????? IT SEEMS NO ONE CAN EVER PRODUCE SUCH ARTICLE !!!

Where is your proof ???? oh I see, worldnetdaily, FOX JEWS, SHITNN, right ?? :D

Bookmark these 2 sites to know who those ISRAELI JEWISH LIARS at memri are:,7792,773258,00.html


1) the fact that an Israeli army guy is responsible for this does not change anything. all the organization does is translate articles.
it doesn't write them, it doesn't make them up, it simply translates them.
it also mentiones the name and date of the newspaper.

the article by Brian Whitaker below clearly shows, an organization dedicated to showing Arabs in the worst light possible.
proud biatch. whatever Brian Whitaker says has no releveance. it is merely an opinion.
now as far as showing arabs in the worst light possible... the arabs do it all by themselves with their wonderful articles
Proud_Muslim said:
You see Medicine Woman, those HATERS cant comprehend fair honest people like you who stand for the truth !!

I have asked her to demonstrate the truthfulness of her statements on several occasions. I am still waiting...
Proud_Muslim said:
Look at your sheer ignorance of History ?? islam is not the loser , we crushed the crusaders, we KICKED them out and we CONTROLED Spain for 800 years.

The Islamic invasion and conquering of Spain and the attempted invasion of France took place long before the Crusades. Just think; in another 744 years the Muslims will have the right to be as angry at the Israelis as the Spanish do to be angry at the Muslims!

Proud_Muslim said:
The Balkan is now Muslim, millions of muslims live now in Hungary, Bulgary and Greece.

we also liberated this wonderful city from its oppressive rulers and made it MUSLIM CITY:


Why are Muslims so proud of their conquests of non-Islamic nations when they spend so much time whining and killing over Israeli "occupation"? This is starting to look like the issue of alleged religious persecution - that Muslims only consider it bad when they are on the receiving end of it.
Last edited:
it's called "the islamist doubletalk"
when they do it it's noble
but when someone else does it it's bad
Acid Cowboy said:
I have asked her to demonstrate the truthfulness of her statements on several occasions. I am still waiting...

MW is very educated woman, perhaps she realized that talking with you ( not your personaly but the hate gang here ) is useless, sometimes I get the same feeling debating all these haters and bigots. :mad:
Acid Cowboy said:
Why are Muslims so proud of their conquests of non-Islamic nations when they spend so much time whining and killing over Israeli "occupation"? This is starting to look like the issue of alleged religious persecution - that Muslims only consider it bad when they are on the receiving end of it.

It is the JEWS who invaded Palestine, not the other way around, get your facts right.

It is the Jewish squatters from Europe who came and invaded Palestine, the Europeans want to get rid of the Jewish problem so they dumb the jews on our land and gave them the terrorist illegal state of Israel.

You seems so ignorant of how this cancerous state came to is some JEWISH SITES about this:


Ever wondered why these JEWS are calling for the removal of the state of Israel ????

Here is some answers:

neturei karta
you'll never get tired of posting the same shit over and over

saying that neturei karta speak for Judaism is like saying PM speaks for Islam
and besides,
gee, since you posted some pics of Jews infront of the white house, that means you and your monkey-ilk are right
that's all the proof that was needed
Proud_Muslim said:
I see here again this western self rightous attitude, why should I write in a way that suit the westerners ???? We in the hot Mediterranean region dont consider my way of speaking as shouting or yelling, it is very normal...I bet you guys will be so shocked when you go to Italy or to Syria and see how people there debate, there is the REAL DEBATE !! :D
It's not being self righteous PM, I'm not exalting myself above you nor am I making you out to be a lesser person. I'm simply saying that if you want people to listen, you have to talk to them in a manner which holds their attention. You may not like that, but unless you talk to a Westerner as a Westerner, you won't make much inroads with them. Just as I would not expect an Arab to listen to me talking about Christianity without talking to them in Arab terms, you should not really expect people to listen unless you talk to them as one of them. I'm trying to think of an Arab proverb that would explain this to you, but I can only seem to bring the Italian one to mind "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Siddhartha said:
It's not being self righteous PM, I'm not exalting myself above you nor am I making you out to be a lesser person. I'm simply saying that if you want people to listen, you have to talk to them in a manner which holds their attention.

Why they dont speak with me in a manner which holds MY attention ???

You may not like that, but unless you talk to a Westerner as a Westerner, you won't make much inroads with them.

And why a 'westerner' wont talk to me as a MUSLIM ?? or is it always 'others' who have to concede to the westerner ?????? :rolleyes:

Just as I would not expect an Arab to listen to me talking about Christianity without talking to them in Arab terms, you should not really expect people to listen unless you talk to them as one of them.

That is not true, the arabs are very curtious people, they will listen to you because they see that as a sign of respect, something the westerners never heard of.

I'm trying to think of an Arab proverb that would explain this to you, but I can only seem to bring the Italian one to mind "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

How about in SCIFORUMS ? when you are in SCIFORUMS do as what.. ?? :D

We in Virtual world my dear friend, we are talking with the screen, we are NOWHERE.
This article really exposes the meaning of a "JIHAD"
The tone in which it is written says it all.

From the Shariah news agency - 2004-02-08

Mujahideen of Ichkeria calling Muslims to boycott


Editors of Kavkaz Center news and information agency received an address from Chechen Mujahideen to the Muslims of Russia, forwarded via e-mail by The Shariah news agency. Kavkaz Center is now publishing the text unabridged and unaltered.


Bismillah Rahman Rahim!

In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful, the Lord of the Worlds!

Address of the Mujahideen of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria to all Muslims of the Russian empire

Dear brothers and sisters!

Bloody and godless Russia has been conducting its anti-Islamic satanic crusade against the Muslims of Chechnya and the entire Caucasus. Filthy horde of the godless and criminals is trying to make Muslims give up the religion of Allah and submit to its satanic laws.

Illegitimately-born ringleader of this gang of marauders and sadists is going to remain in power on the blood of the Muslim women and children and continue the war against the religion of Allah.

Muslims of the Russian empire have a unique chance to deserve the mercy of Allah and become participants in the Great Jihad, which will be rewarded with the eternal Paradise!

Prophet of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us: "Whoever sees evil, let him stop it with his own hand. If ye cannot do it, stop it with your word. And if ye cannot even do that, then condemn it with your heart!"

Our fellow Muslims! We are addressing to you with an appeal: Ckeanse your intentions before Allah and boycott the satanic elections of the Kremlin's gang of the godless and criminals.

Do it in the name of Allah, and perchance Allah will have mercy on you. Remember that the Day of Judgment is inevitable! Think: with whom will you be raising from your graves to give an answer to your Creator – with enemies of the religion of Allah, with filthy criminals and the godless without kin, whose dwelling is in eternal Hell. Or with the Mujahideen, your brothers and sisters, on whom will be the mercy of Allah and his protection on the Day of Judgment!

Participation in the satanic elections of the Kremlin's bastard is complicity in murdering Muslims!

Show the enemies our Muslim solidarity. It will be a serious step on the way of reviving the Islamic Ummah, Justice and Dignity of the Muslims!

We are the united Islamic Nation, where nations and tribes are brothers to one another. And the best of us are those who are the most god-fearing!

Remember the words of our Prophet (peace be upon him): "The ones above you are like what you are!"

Allah Akbar !!! (God is Great!!!)

Mujahideen of Ichkeria,

Shariah news agency

2004-02-08 00:20:33
M*W: Little Wienie, go stick it in your wife, for God's sake. You are trying to stick your little wienie in all the wrong places.
Proud_Muslim said:
It is the JEWS who invaded Palestine, not the other way around, get your facts right.

I made no comment on whom invaded whom with regard to the Israel/Palestine issue. Why are you arguing points I never made?

Proud_Muslim said:
You seems so ignorant of how this cancerous state came to is some JEWISH SITES about this:

I am well aware of Israel's history.

So I ask: Why is the Israeli "occupation" a source of constant complaints, but Muslim conquests of non-Islamic lands a source of pride?