Freelance Jihad: Crusaders and the Soldiers of Allah(swt)

Proud Muslim,

I hope history will repeat itself, because we muslims need another SALAHU DIN ( SALADIN ) to CRUSH the new crusaders.
But you do have another SALADIN – his name this time is Osama bin Laden.

He is on record stating that he is avenging the slaughter and massacre of the many thousands of Muslims killed in the crusades.

He is also of course the world’s number 1 criminal.

Ok, read this Pope's <a href="">speech</a>. It seems to me that we had rationale for the crusades, than president Bush did for striking Iraq, not that's saying much, though. But the accounts given show that Muslim rulers with great brutality overtook a great part of the byzantine empire. The extent of the religious arguments seem to be that Christians have a divine obligation from God to defend themselves.
Siddhartha said:
If there wre Muslims in your town or village and they lived peacefully without imposing themselves on you any more than the average white British Christian did, would you be happy?
No, because it is impossible for muslims to do this. They are the most predujiced people on this planet.
Siddhartha said:
Fair enough, if you won't answer the question. Your silence speaks volumes though.
What is wrong with you, I have answered all your questions.

Let me ask you a question, lets see if you know the answer to this.

Why do muslims come to England yet hate the white people and hate England. This was recently advertised from a disused block of flats in London. It was taken over by muslim squatters who have draped a flag down it with anti-English comments.

They hate this country and its native people, yet they still come, now tell me why???
I can't see what this thread has to do with religion. It's more about politics.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Christianity is the most bloodthirsty religion this world has ever known.

Highly debatable.

Medicine Woman said:
It's writers created their own myth of a demi-god savior who would HAVE TO DIE a bloody death so people wouldn't need to take control or responsibility for their own lives.

Every religion is based on somebody's idea of a god or gods and, frequently, some sort of prophet or messiah.

Medicine Woman said:
WeeWienie, you are so typically Christian. It's people like YOU who make ISLAM THE GREAT RELIGION IT IS!

This isn't the first time I have asked you this and it probably won't be the first time you've refused to address this important question: Can you prove that the spiritual aspects Islam and Allah are any more true than those of Christianity and its God?
Katazia said:
He is on record stating that he is avenging the slaughter and massacre of the many thousands of Muslims killed in the crusades.

This is a "get over it" moment if I ever saw one. I can just imagine the screams of protest we'd hear from the Islamic community if some group of people who at some point had been wronged by Muslims started seeking revenge for some centuries old grudge.
Ok hang on while I compose myself from this fit of laughter. Oh my..

Vienna, your responses in this thread have had me in stitches. Honestly.

Muslims are a political and religious group of people who impose themselves and their violence upon this world.

The rest of us who are actually interested in living in a peaceful world are getting more than a little tired of Islamic violence.
LMFAO! Hang on... must wipe tears of laughter from eyes...

Err Vienna, dear dear Vienna, have you not been watching the news these past couple of years? Is your country not at war with an Islamic country? Is you country not involved in trying to impose themselves and their violence upon the people of Iraq? Didn't your country impose their violence and beliefs upon the people of India, Australia, Canada, etc, in the same way that they're imposing it on the Iraqi people today? The list is long and frankly I can't be stuffed writing that much.

And if you were soooo interested in living in a peaceful world, you would not be supporting a political party which is so god damn divisive as to refusing membership to anyone who is NOT white. And frankly at the moment, the world is more tired of the Western violence. The Islamic violence is usually in reply to the violence imposed on them by the West.

Why do muslims come to England yet hate the white people and hate England. This was recently advertised from a disused block of flats in London. It was taken over by muslim squatters who have draped a flag down it with anti-English comments.

They hate this country and its native people, yet they still come, now tell me why???
They probably came to your country loving it but when they saw the hate in the eyes of some of the native people, they mirrored that hate.
Vienna said:
Christianity is my preference in Abrahamic faiths, but secularism is the way forward to world peace.

And if you think you are winding me up - think again - you haven't the education or talent.

In your dreams lady.
M*W: WeeWienie, you are not promoting world peace. I don't have the ambition to "wind you up." You are the ignorant one. I hope that your sitting on the fence, you will get a picket up your ass. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I know what education I have, and I know my talents. You're just a little wienie whose trying to convinence sciforums that you're a man. No such luck, wee wienie.
Vienna said:
Christianity is my preference in Abrahamic faiths, but secularism is the way forward to world peace.

And if you think you are winding me up - think again - you haven't the education or talent.

In your dreams lady.
M*W: WeeWienie, you are not a xian. You are an ignorant idiot.

I don't care to take the time to "wind you up." You are a lost cause. You are so stupid, it makes me laugh. You are so stupid, it's down right funny. There is no such thing as a christian. Youo are so naive. I cannot be;oave you would believe such idiocy.
Medicine Woman is on crack :D

i used to have a supervisor - a woman - who, long before we met, was in a nun-school or whatever...
a convent...
she was studying to become a nun
one night she heard moaning out of the nun dormatory. she came out and saw the Father coming out of there

that crushed her Christian spirit and she left the convent.

you remind me of that woman

except she GOT OVER IT
and you never did
it's time to drop your anti "x"tian crusade (you really do look ridiculous when you write "xtian")
come on, it's over

and if you like Islam so much, just convert, you ass kisser
spidergoat said:
The crusades were wrong, a horrible tragedy fueled by RELIGION. Islam and Christianity are both branches on the tree of Judaism, they are largely the SAME THING, and fight wars with each other over trivial differences. Islam happens to be the sore loser, their pride is still hurt from the crusades, GET OVER IT.

Look at your sheer ignorance of History ?? islam is not the loser , we crushed the crusaders, we KICKED them out and we CONTROLED Spain for 800 years.

The Balkan is now Muslim, millions of muslims live now in Hungary, Bulgary and Greece.

we also liberated this wonderful city from its oppressive rulers and made it MUSLIM CITY:


Who is really the loser MR.LOSER ?????? :D
Katazia said:
Proud Muslim,

But you do have another SALADIN – his name this time is Osama bin Laden.

This is what haters and ISLAMOPHOBES like you say, Bin laden for us is just muderer and WESTERN-MADE killer...he is in no way a match for the great mercy SALAHU DIN showed the barbaric christians when they invaded the muslim world.

He is on record stating that he is avenging the slaughter and massacre of the many thousands of Muslims killed in the crusades.

You see, your hate for islam is blinding you for any reason, bin laden said: HE IS AVENGING by killing innocent Americans.

SALAHU DIN never killed innocent civilians, when he liberated Jerusalem, he should have SLAUGHTER all christians inside as they did 88 years before when those BARBARIC CHRISTIANS entered Jerusalem and killed thousands of innocent muslims ! he did not, he set them FREE.

He is also of course the world’s number 1 criminal.


You got it wrong here, George W Bush is the world's number 1 criminal, he killed far more innocent people than Bin laden.
otheadp said:
Medicine Woman is on crack :D
and if you like Islam so much, just convert, you ass kisser

You see Medicine Woman, those HATERS cant comprehend fair honest people like you who stand for the truth !!
The humiliation of Muslim's at the hands of the West is part of the reason for this current wave of violence. It goes back to the defeat at Vienna, and the subsequent defeats. Why is anyone surprised at the rage of Muslim's? Their rage is based in their humiliations in warfare.