Freelance Jihad: Crusaders and the Soldiers of Allah(swt)

Proud_Muslim said:
SALAHU DIN never killed innocent civilians, when he liberated Jerusalem, he should have SLAUGHTER all christians inside as they did 88 years before when those BARBARIC CHRISTIANS entered Jerusalem and killed thousands of innocent muslims ! he did not, he set them FREE.
Then why do you insult Saladin by using the term CRUSH.? Saladin is an infidel as per your "CRUSHING" standards :

1. He set free the 'BARBARIC CHRISTIANS' who slaughtered muslims earlier.

2. He was compassionate towards non-muslims ; ordered to search & bring back an abducted child to return to its mother (christian).

3. He sent dry-fruits and goodwishes without hatred when his arch-rival and crusader Richard the LH fell ill

4. He was a true muslim.
everneo said:
Then why do you insult Saladin by using the term CRUSH.? Saladin is an infidel as per your "CRUSHING" standards :

He crushed their armies and DEFEATED them..go read some history.

When it comes to War, we dont tolerate the aggressors, but in Peace no one can match our mercy and compassion.
15ofthe19 said:
The humiliation of Muslim's at the hands of the West is part of the reason for this current wave of violence. It goes back to the defeat at Vienna, and the subsequent defeats. Why is anyone surprised at the rage of Muslim's? Their rage is based in their humiliations in warfare.

What defeat you ignorant nut ???

in 1920s most of the arab and the muslim world was under western colonaization, we also CRUSHED the western invaders and sent them home bleeding....which defeat you are talking about ?????????

In 2000, the GREAT freedom fighters of HIZBOLLAH CRUSHED the zionist jews,defeated them and kicked them out of south lebanon.. :cool:

Defeat !! what defeat ?? :D
The terms CRUSH, CRUSHED reflect your obsene hatred. Instead try to use CRUSHING DEFEAT or DEFEAT.

When it comes to War, we dont tolerate the aggressors, but in Peace no one can match our mercy and compassion.
Generalization. Read History. Ofcourse from authentic & neutral sources.
Why do muslims come to England yet hate the white people and hate England. This was recently advertised from a disused block of flats in London. It was taken over by muslim squatters who have draped a flag down it with anti-English comments.

They hate this country and its native people, yet they still come, now tell me why???

Its not a difficult question to understand, yet no clever little muslim has been able to answer it.
everneo said:
The terms CRUSH, CRUSHED reflect your obsene hatred. Instead try to use CRUSHING DEFEAT or DEFEAT.

Absolutely, we muslims HATE the aggressors, we are proud of this.
PM :

What if an AGGRESSOR happen to be a muslim. Would still HATE.? Then hate yourself and be proud of that.
everneo said:
PM :

What if an AGGRESSOR happen to be a muslim. Would still HATE.? Then hate yourself and be proud of that.

if the aggressor is muslim then we stand AGAINST him and rebel him, this is what our great prophet (pbuh ) taught us.
Proud_Muslim said:
What defeat you ignorant nut ???

Defeat !! what defeat ?? :D

During the seventeenth century, there was a second powerful attempt by the Turks of the advancing Ottoman Empire to take Europe. First, Greece was conquered, then Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria. Part of Romania and most of Hungary followed. By 1683, the Ottoman army had reached the gates of Vienna.

In the battle that followed, it was as if the whole fate of Christian Europe was hanging by a thread. Vienna was saved by a miracle. The city’s 20,000 defenders had to resist a Muslim army of 300,000 men. Once again,Islam was defeated.

Note: Islam defeated at Vienna - blissful poetry.

But a far greater and an ongoing defeat to Islam is the loss of sections of Islamic youth to western ideology, dress, music and food.

Note the famous muslim karaoke singer - Gorrupta Singh. :D
they're just the messenger, not the hater, who is the egyptian
i'm sure you agree with the fatwa though, regardless whether it's real or not
don't you?
Proud_Muslim said:
You are quoting from HATE newspaper ( worldnetdaily ), show me the Egyptian article from the Egyptian newspaper itself, I dont accept GARBAGE from this christian hate worldnetdaily shit.

He asks to be shown. Allow me;

An editorial in the Egyptian government daily Al-Masaa praised suicide/martyrdom operations, and called on Palestinian organizations to not publish the names of the bombers so that their families' houses would not be demolished. The article focuses primarily on female suicide bombers, following the debate in the Arab media over Hamas's dispatching of Reem Al-Riyashi, a mother of two, to carry out the January 14, 2004 bombing in Gaza.

"Even if during [a martyrdom operation] civilians or children are killed – the blame does not fall upon the Palestinians, but on those who forced them to turn to this modus operandi."

A couple of points;
1. This is from a GOVERNMENT Daily - the level of anti-semitism is sickening.
2. Arab governments are well known for their penchant for saying one thing to the West - and quite another to their own people (something to do w/ their lack of legitimacy :D )

Bookmark this site - it shows what Muslims ACTUALLY say to other Muslims;

Barkhorn1x said:


Alongside Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Dennis Ross, the dynamic trio of Alon Pinkas, Dore Gold, and Ra'naan Ghissin, and their Godfather, Benjmain Netanyahu, stands MEMRI -- the Middle East Media Research Institute -- an outfit that poses as a neutral, non-partisan translation service, but is in fact, as the article by Brian Whitaker below clearly shows, an organization dedicated to showing Arabs in the worst light possible.

The co-founder and president of MEMRI, as the article tells us, is an Israeli colonel named Yigal Carmon, 22 years veteran in the Israeli military intelligence, who served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

As the article also tells us, "the institute also emphasises 'the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel'".

Please make sure that the media is made aware of the fact that MEMRI is a propaganda arm of the Israeli PR machine.

Here is special article from the respected british GUARDIAN about those Israeli LIARS:

Selective Memri

Brian Whitaker investigates whether the 'independent' media institute
that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems
Monday August 12 2002
The Guardian,7792,773258,00.html

ENJOY !! :rolleyes:

A couple of points;
1. This is from a GOVERNMENT Daily - the level of anti-semitism is sickening.

Where is your proof ??? I already proved to you that worldnetdaily and their source are both HATE sites, I am still waiting to be shown the ORIGINAL ARTICLE FROM THE EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER ITSELF ????? IT SEEMS NO ONE CAN EVER PRODUCE SUCH ARTICLE !!!

2. Arab governments are well known for their penchant for saying one thing to the West - and quite another to their own people (something to do w/ their lack of legitimacy )

Where is your proof ???? oh I see, worldnetdaily, FOX JEWS, SHITNN, right ?? :D

Bookmark this site - it shows what Muslims ACTUALLY say to other Muslims;

Bookmark these 2 sites to know who those ISRAELI JEWISH LIARS at memri are:,7792,773258,00.html

PM you right I cant find the original newspaper. First I dont speak arabic. Second the newspaper mentioned may not have an online version of their local editions. If the egyptian news paper mentioned comes out and confronts the report then I would take my words back.

PM do you always site "love" newspapers?
Greco said:
PM you right I cant find the original newspaper. First I dont speak arabic. Second the newspaper mentioned may not have an online version of their local editions.

or maybe the article itself DOES NOT exist and those ISRAELI LIARS are making things up as they do all the time !!!

If the egyptian news paper mentioned comes out and confronts the report then I would take my words back.

My friend, we as arabs and muslims are used to such LIES and FABRICATIONS specially from zionist jews and christian missionaries...

maybe the egyptian newspaper dont know that those jewish liars are making up stories against the paper !

PM do you always site "love" newspapers?

well, if you can prove my sources are hate sources, then you may have a point, but please, before you quote, check the source...I cant for example quote from the KKK Christian hate organization site and claim it is fair source !!!
If you're going to continuously defend Islam, at least know a little something of it's history. You call me a nut? Yet you don't even know what happened in Vienna. Grow up man.
15ofthe19 said:
If you're going to continuously defend Islam, at least know a little something of it's history. You call me a nut? Yet you don't even know what happened in Vienna. Grow up man.

You did not even dare to respond to my answers to your ignorant claims in the early pages of this thread, go play somewhere else.