Free speech, personal responsibility, respect for others, and general conduct

Originally posted by wet1
Would you use this type of behaviour and words to talk to someone you know on the phone? After all you are not face to face there, either. I dare say things are a little different and that you would act different as opposed to how we see others displaying their actions and reactions here.

It all depends on who you are talking to. There are somepeople you use profanities around and some you don't. Some people you dislike and others you like. It all depends on the person you are talking to and I believe it is the same on here.
Well, maybe I should unedit it again then. It's like talking to a brick wall though.

Unedited reply on the former page, in hopes it will be noticed for what it is...
I think Alf said it best...

"Putting humans in charge of the earth, is the cosmic equivilance of letting Eddie Murphy direct."
*Smiles indulgently*

Banshee, if ever were one in need of such an expression of slave morality, it would be you.

(Edit to note that I do not intend to insult you, Banshee, simply making an observation.

Now what is your problem?)
Banshee, "see what I mean" is hardly a good resolution to the dispute you seem to want to have with me.

Perhaps you could be a little more specific? :)

Given. Yet I do not think that the sky will fall because of a few profanities.
I agree. But I would suggest that there are always more precise alternatives. Searching for precision encourages superior thinking skills. Using profanities, is either laziness, or indicates a limited vocabulary, or a moronic mind. The whole of sciforums will benefit if we control what we say and aim for greater precision and more cooperative debates rather than confrontation.

I work in a technology research and development arena. There are many high-powered egos involved and occasionally very heated discussions occur. Profanities simply are incredibly rare and if anyone resorted to that their credibility would instantly vanish. I have seen it twice in the last 10 years and in one case the culprit issued an immediate widespread apology but everyone remembers the incident, so his credibility is permanently damaged. In the other case the culprit was immediately fired.

The point here is about standards and Dave has set a very simple standard. While profanities might be the current fashion in high schools and colleges in most areas of life it is the exception. All that is being requested here is that sciforums stays with a standard that is above that of the school playground.

However, I agree that the occasional profanity does sometimes emphasize the depth of feeling in certain conditions but repeated usage quickly loses that emphasis and simply becomes offensive and unnecessary. It is simpler to always refrain, and yes that might take a mental effort if you are accustomed to a lower standard of speech.

I'd advise you that condescension is a sure way to lose my respect, which you now possess in abundance.
My apologies if you saw it that way, I was aiming for friendship. I cannot claim superiority over you only greater experience because of our age differences. I might sometimes confuse the two and I must take care with that.


PS. Actually I think you are enjoying this whole thing immensely.:D
Cris: I see your point.

Although I think I've lost a bit of my ability to be vernacular after acceding to a request to stop using profanity.

Most people find it easy to speak in the vernacular, with or without profanity. I tend to use the "ten dollar words" without thinking. Hence I bring my speech down a bit.

BTW, I don't think that "fuck you" is per se offensive. I have a dear friend with whom I used to use the term as a way of warning.

"Sure thing, what position?" was the invariable response.

After a while of doing this, I lost the habit with him. :D
(Edit to note that I do not intend to insult you, Banshee, simply making an observation. Now what is your problem?)

Xev, that I edited my post at first was also because of an observation. As I stated before: It is no use.

Enjoy your show is all I have to say for now. I am not planning on an endless and pointless (in the end) word game with you. I have better things to do with my time than staying on a message board and replying to someone who obviously has to much time on his/her hands and is living most part of the day on that message board.

I have no problem with you living on a message board though. Bye Xev...
This thread is like Xev vs the world. I have sympathy toward Xev probably because sometimes I have tendency to be immature and think like an 18 year old. Wet1 said emotion should not be left uncontrolled. That can be improved with maturity. I seldomly swear because it is pointless (unless I have an urge to insult someone), but I used to when I was a teenager. I also work in a professional environment, therefore it is a habit for me not to swear. I really have no problem with other people do it. For me seeing others acting immaturely and unprofessionally is kinda relaxing. I don't want the message board to emulate real life. Message board should be an unique and totally different experience, otherwise I would just hang out with real people more often. Some people are more interesting over internet under the protection of anonymity, some people are less interesting. I use ignore list for people not worth my time and brain cells. (so far my ignore list is empty)

Xev is doing fine. She will naturally improve her behavior as she gets older. I rather read her stuff than a lot of gibberish from people her age or older. She makes me use my dictionary a lot.
Originally posted by Banshee
Enjoy your show is all I have to say for now. I am not planning on an endless and pointless (in the end) word game with you. I have better things to do with my time than staying on a message board and replying to someone who obviously has to much time on his/her hands and is living most part of the day on that message board.

If you have better things to do then why post this? Is it not just an insult and a waste of time?
Originally posted by Increan
If you have better things to do then why post this? Is it not just an insult and a waste of time?

No, I do not think it is an insult. Nor was it a waiste of time. It was just an observation, as I said before. I did not wish to continue the conversation, because I had something else (better was perhaps the wrong word yes) to do at the moment...
I don't want the message board to emulate real life. Message board should be an unique and totally different experience,

We don't need to behave different from real life to make a forum a unique experience. The fact that there are hundreds of topics at the time and that you can read exactly what other people said and take lots and lots of time to reply, makes it special on it's own.

How people interact, should always be based on the same values. It is the job of education and of own experience to help decide that this should always be done with proper respect.

Contrast experiences like the holocaust can help one in reaching the decision to act with respect.
The follower to the rescue!!

Originally posted by Joeman
This thread is like Xev vs the world.

And you have come to save her, 791 :D (sorry I kicked 790's ass :p) <--- no one will bash me for using vulgar language here right? ;)

I have sympathy toward Xev probably because sometimes I have tendency to be immature and think like an 18 year old.

Well, we probably all do, but could you stand the extreme immaturiy of a 6 year old kid not listening to you? And wanting things only his way? Not settling for any compromises? These type of kids deserve the punishment, and lose lots of respect from all staff members. No no, we don't think of him as an animal, but rather a kid that has problems.

I work with kids all the time, for some time now, so I should know :)

Wet1 said emotion should not be left uncontrolled. That can be improved with maturity. I seldomly swear because it is pointless (unless I have an urge to insult someone), but I used to when I was a teenager.

Yes, swearing is most of the time pointless but not in that one ah*kem "gay" thread...:rolleyes:

For me seeing others acting immaturely and unprofessionally is kinda relaxing. I don't want the message board to emulate real life. Message board should be an unique and totally different experience, otherwise I would just hang out with real people more often. Some people are more interesting over internet under the protection of anonymity, some people are less interesting. I use ignore list for people not worth my time and brain cells. (so far my ignore list is empty)

So be a "fake person" - have a "fake life" on the internet? Lie to yourself? Now now, just be yourself is the perfect advice at this time...:D

Xev is doing fine. She will naturally improve her behavior as she gets older. I rather read her stuff than a lot of gibberish from people her age or older. She makes me use my dictionary a lot.

Gibberish? She posts gibberish sometimes also...sorry 791, but to me it sounds like that little Xev of yours (is she even yours...? :D) is being put on a higher standard, thus on a pedestal...after DO worship her...:D :p

Coming in...on the argument

Originally posted by Congrats
Isn't it ironnic that we have to erupt into a flame war in this thread? Really....

I don't think it is a flame war...why do you think this? Where are the unreasonable insults?

Originally posted by Xev
Awwww, that hurt. :(

I thought words don't hurt? :D

Originally posted by Xev
That is an extremely poor straw man of my argument. I expected better of you.

Wet1 pointed out something, that's all...he wasn't trying to "prove something exists" or anything of that was a very good point also :)

Originally posted by Xev
Why can't some of us tolerate the fact that different people have different modes of expression?

Very good point. We can't just dismiss the killer on the grounds that he's a killer. Was caused him to become that way? How horrible/bad was his childhood?

Don't go using logic to invalidate my claim...trying to make a point like Wet1 here.

My English teacher talked about a man that suffered from his entire body being burned (very painful), while a car hit him and paralized him from the neck down. He suffered brain damage and he gets easily agitated.

And he's a total bitch (vulgar lang for a good purpose here), he would yell at everyone, if someone pissed him off or talked about something he didn't want to hear, he would swear and blow up at them. Even to his family members he would disrespect, if he tries to explain somethings and you don't listen or fail to understand, he'll literally mop the floor with you using extreme profanity and insults.

But what can we say? That is who is he, he suffered way too much to even get on any of his little or big cases. Most of us probably have not suffered as much as he has, psychologically and physically, so we must understand what caused him to be what he is, his behavior. Understanding is the key to everything.

Understand on reasonable terms. Reasonability, if there is a reasonable cause to swear at the appropiate time and place, then it is fine.
I should say at this point, that I have never had objection with the occasional cuss word. (note word occasional) In my communications, it is rare that I use such language and because of that should I use it that would become the equivalent of shouting, or underlining, or in some other way highlighting the message. Somehow I manage to communicate in spite of that, so do others.

I have made no other posts in this thread, since the last post, because the subject had arrived at where I was pointing. It is better at times to appear either magnanimous or appear to concede the point when in actuality the topic has reached a satisfactory result.

In answer to Joeman's view of it appearing that it is the forum against Xev, it had been Xev's idea that it should be ok to use profanities whenever. One which she staunchly defended. At the same time those who had reservations with the same stance had their say. In this subject those that normally would be in line with her did not come to her defense. So, it may well be that it was Xev against the rest. Or perhaps it is that the quorum of members did not agree totally with Xev's position in this one topic.
That's not entirely true... the topic did not interest me all that much initially, and from what i've seen Xev very rarely needs defending.

My experience of moderated boards is that those in charge do whatever the hell they want anyway, so going in to bat for whatever point of view i might have on this topic would be pointless.