For Christians of sciforums: "Lessons" for Christians...

"But he will be far far more horrible then Hitler, or anyone else! Beware! The times are fast aproaching!!"

far more horrible than anyone else? that IS pretty horrible.
and of course i will suffer a fate worse than a fate worse than death, right?

"Beware the "second death", all who hate God and His Holy Hand Grenade of love and direction!!"

ps. thank god i lack the understanding of the bible.;) :D

I want loose my time with you anymore...
I have to help those who want help.
If you don't want... it's not my problem...

Truthseeker is a self-proclaimed prophet who is also an adolescent. He believes he has solved all the problems of the world and desperately wants to teach everyone else his ‘truth’.

You can see he hasn’t learnt anything yet from his footnote signature –

The Secret of Happiness and Success is simply to Be, Trust, Accept and Love yourself.
The Truth is simple. Simplicity is the Ultimate Complexity. Love is the Way to Simplicity, therefore Love is the Way to the Truth. If everyone loved themselves and the others we would have peace and happiness in the world. Wisdom is Love, Love is Wisdom...
He isn’t quite so fanatical as Loone, but he isn’t far off.

Note that he isn't seeking truth despite his label, he believes the bible is the truth and the only thing it says is love. That really is his only view so far. Kinda sad.

Take care
Cris: Indeed.

I realized though, what he means by 'arrogance'. I think back to some weird fundie (redundant overmuch?!) I knew once.

All athiests are arrogant 'cause we 'think' we can 'live without God'. :rolleyes:

Truthseeker: I do not need or desire spiritual help. I had hoped that your moniker was correct, but if you do not wish to debate, only to preach, that is your problem.

You believe in God. Bully for you. But, do you really think that He would be upset if you used reason to defend Him? As a creationist, surely you think that God gave man reason to be used?

So why deny his gift? Good luck to you.

ps. thank god i lack the understanding of the bible.

Ah, lucky you. It spoils one's appreciation of 'Justine'. :p
The Greatest Lesson: Love


Lesson2: The True Christian

Christ Disciples

John 13:34-35 :

"34 And so I am giving a new commandament to you now- love each other just as much as I love you.
35 Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

It's Love that make us Christians, not our worship or our praise, when we shout thanksgiving to God and Jesus. The real way to worship our Father is by loving each other. It's Love that makes us Disciples of Christ and Children of God, not our shouts of praise, or or hands up in the air.
... It can even be pretty for God... :p
... But it's not what He wants us mostly to do...

The True Commandament

1 John 2:7-8 :

"7 Dear brothers, I am not writing out a new rule for you to obey, for it is an old one you have allways had, right from the start. You have heard it all before.
8 Yet, it is allways new, and works for you just as it did for Christ; and as we obey this commandament, to love one another, the darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in."

Here is the only commandament that exists: love one another. If you follow Love, if you Love people, how can you steal them? How can you kill? How can you dishonor your father and mother? You can't! Because you Love them! So, my beloved brothers and sisters, Love each other! For it's through Love that comes the salvation. God and Christ, themselves, are Love! It's through Love that you have a life in Christ.

God is Love :

1 John 4:7-8 :

"7 Dear friends, let us practice loving each other, for love comes from God and those who are loving each other, for Love comes from God and those who are loving and kind show that they are children of God, and that they are getting to know Him better.
8 But if a person isn't loving and kind, it shows that he doesn't know God, for God is Love."

Again, God is Love. Loving each other is the way to the Father. The Bible says that Christ is the way to the Father. Christ is Love too...

... This is written everywhere in the Bible!

Love your Brother! :

1 John 3:14-20 :

"14 If we love other Cristians it proves that we have been delivered from hell and given eternal life. But a person who doesn't have Love for others is headed for eternal death.
15 Anyone who hates his Christian brother is really a murderer at heart; and you know that no one wanting to murder has eternal life within.
16 We know what real Love is from Christ's example in dying for us. And so we also ought to lay down our lives for our Christian brothers."

So... forgive your brothers and sisters! Love them if all your Heart. And of course, bring other people to the family, for you Love everyone, unconditionally! :)

Don't just say it; show it!

1 John 3:17-20 :

"17 But if someone who is supposed to be Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him- how can God's Love be within him?
18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.
19 When we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences wil be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.
20 But if we have bad consciences and feel that we have done wrong, the Lord will surely feel it even more, for He knows everything we do."

Philipians 2:1-2 :

"1 Is there any such thing as Christians cheering each other up? Do you love me enough to want to help me? Does it mean anything to you that we are brothers in the Lord, sharing the same Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic at all?
2 Then make me truly happy by loving each other and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, working together with one heart and mind an purpose."

Show your Love. Don't say "I Love my brother" and then don't forgive him... if you really Love him, forgive him! Love each other with all your Hearts, if all your Essence, your Spirit.

Christian Virtue

Philipians 4:8-9 :

"8 Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on thse things.
9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you."

Love your enemies... (if you can call them so...) :

Matthew 5:43-48

"43 'There is a saying, 'Love your friends and hate your enemies.'
44 But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
45 In that way you will be acting as true sons of your Father in heaven. For he gives sunlight to both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust too.
46 If you Love only those who Love you, what good is that? Even scoundrels do that much.
47 If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even the heathen do that.
48 But you are to be prefect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Here we can see even the hardest aspect of the Bible: intepretation vs literacy. In verse 45, the sun has a literal meaning and a metaphorical one! The sun here also means Love. The Love of God shining to evil and good and warming us up.
The rain means also purification through God, through Love.

Love your enemies! If you can Love your "enemies" (if you Love them, they are not your enemies anymore...) you are truly a Child of God! Your Love is perfect, and you have God's Love in your Heart.


Love all with all your Heart, unconditionally! Being them your brothers and sisters or your enemies, Love them! Believe on the Lord, believe in Love!

Christians, don't worry very much about those who didn't say that they accepted Jesus in their Hearts. If they have Love in their Hearts, if they Love unconditionally, they already have Christ in their Hearts! They already accepted Christ in their Hearts for they Love! I was one of those. I'm Christian for ony some months and I know all those things because the Word was in my Heart! The Word IS in my Heart. I've been following the Word for years eventhough I wasn't Christian, because I Love with all my Heart, unconditionally.

I Love you all,
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Lessons from the Adamist perspective

The Book of Adam, 7:62
"You can't learn jack diddly about it from a friggon book. I never did. I didn't know anything about it until it happened to me."

Seems pretty clear to me. It was all just theory to me until it happened.

The Book of Adam, 16:2
Lotsa snogging, lotsa snuggling.

More fun than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.

The Book of Adam, 18:19
If thine eyes are cleansed of sin's correlation to television, book thyself a flight to Hawaii.

I have no friggin idea what this bit means.
Oh! We ought to quote from the 69 Scriptures of Cthulhu!

From the pen of Xev, a result of her study of the Necronomicon and profound bordom at a paper that is not working out:

1: Do well. Live virtuously. Avoid harming others. Do not prevent others from doing what they wish, as long as you are not harmed by it. Except when it comes to finding proper sacrifices for the Old Ones.

5: Everything dies. Get over it.

6: Make the best of life.

8: Life is absurd. It's rather amusing too. Don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh.

9: Neither too much discipline nor too much looseness. Balance.

12: Don't invite boring people to the festivals in Sunken R’lyeh unless you are fully prepared to see them sacrificed to Azathoth.

45: Feed thine enemies to the Great Old Ones.

48: People won't always agree with you. Deal with it.

58: Send Xev a private message containing your credit card and bank account numbers. Do it now. Or see 12 for a possible consequence.

69: Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again.
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Lessions for Christians

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

I want loose my time with you anymore...
I have to help those who want help.
If you don't want... it's not my problem...

That is right! We want to help them, but they turn it down, and JESUS and His Holy Word of Truth is ignored, so they would countinue on in their ignorance of a GREATER KNOWLEDGE then that of men, apart from GOD's wisdom!

I still say, that thay all need to know the Lord of Creation! That He is very real not a 'fantasum' , but a real person, who is Spirit of God, and we all although 'fallen' are made in His immage, to the Glory of GOD! Thay are not accidents of nature, but beings with awsome purpose and meaning in life! Jesus came to Planet Earth and died for such as we, and He is God! He Himself died for them, even when we in no ways deserving of it, He did it! But they reject what they refuse to understand to be truth, and shall suffer eternally if thay do not repent and turn unto JESUS, as Savour and Lord! Beware! But JESUS saves!:)
Grace of GOD!

Originally posted by varkas
"But he will be far far more horrible then Hitler, or anyone else! Beware! The times are fast aproaching!!"

far more horrible than anyone else? that IS pretty horrible.
and of course i will suffer a fate worse than a fate worse than death, right?

"Beware the "second death", all who hate God and His Holy Hand Grenade of love and direction!!"

ps. thank god i lack the understanding of the bible.;) :D

Pitty you, that you lack the understanding, but GOD's Grace is sufficiant for you!! In this life no matter how far you are, or think you are from God and His truths, you can come to know Him! Trust JESUS! Talk to Him in truth, and you can know He is who He said He is, the Son of GOD, who is GOD! Read the Bible anyway! And all of you keep reading the Words of Wisdom and truth, you may find power you never knew before!!:)

Thank you about the comment on the USA flag!! GOD BLESS AMERRICA! & GOD SAVE AMERICA!!:cool:
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Originally posted by Xev
You're invited to Sunken R'lyeh* in exchange for a 10 page paper on the dynamics of cults.....

In fact, anyone is, and there's no need to worry 'bout being sacrificed to the Great Old Ones.

*When the stars are right, of course.

Remember, that fornicators and adulterers, and workers of witchcraft, shall all have their part in the Lake of Fire! The 'Greatest of all black holes'! Great Danger!
Sir Loone,

He is God!

... Jesus is not God...
Christ is within Him, but He himself is not God...
That's a common misunderstanding. Jesus said perfectly that He is not God eventhough God is within Him.


Sir Loone is not invited. At all.

And there is no such thing as witchcraft.

Lovecraft was an athiest and a materialist, and he would spin in his grave if he cared what Sir Loone was saying. Magic, in Lovecraft's stories, is rather like very advanced science.

Much as Clarke said: Any sufficiantly advanced technology would be seen as magic.

Yes Cris, I agree, we should ignore him, but he insulted Lovecraft. Hmph!
God is 'triune being'

Jesus, the Son of God, is the '2cd. person of the God head'. "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the three in one!:)" They are one in the same God. It is hard for many to understand that, but it is very scriptural, and Jesus was with the Father in eternity past before creation! He came to Earth to save mankind, buy His Supreme sacrifice, to die on Calveray. He came as a man, but set aside His glory so that He became as we but without sin, so that He could be obediant unto death, and atone for our sins! And be raised up from the dead, and have captivity captive (takes the power of death and Hell from Satan) so that we could be with Him in Paradise with Him and Father God forever! If He was not God in the flesh, then He could not pay our sin dept! He is more then a good teacher! He is "God with us!" And now He is seated at the 'Right Hand' of God the Father in Heaven, as our GREAT HIGH PREAST, and after He asended into Heaven, He send us a conforter, the Holy Spirit of GOD, the 3thrd. person of the God Head!:)

Jesus, the Son of God is God with us, and our GREAT HIGH PREAST! He is more then a man, but the God that created us all, and all that ever existed was made by Him! Remember, GOD is a 'triune being', and is one GOD in three persons! But for the others that think He is three 'gods', NO, He is one! The Supreme Being! There is no other God! Only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
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God is a 'triune being'

Jesus said to the Jewish preast of His day, that He is Messiah, the Son of God, in their minds that is saying that He is co-equil with GOD, and that made the 'preast' very furrious, at His saying that! That is one , if not the greatest reasons they wanted to put Jesus to death!

He is the Son of God who is GOD, and now is our GREAT HIGH PREAST that has past on unto the Heavens, and now makes intersestions with the Father (God) for our sins! We who are Christians do have access with the Father through JESUS the Son of GOD who is GOD!:) Praise the LORD !!
Now as I understand it, fornication means to shag while you're not married. What's the problem? Human beings have existed for a lot longer than formal marriages have existed. If fornication is bad, then you're saying it's bad that the human race exists, since we all come from fornication in the distant past.

So if fornication is boinking while not married, and adultery is boinking somone not your spouse, while you are married, how can adulterers be fornicators?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Y'know, this sounds like somthing the Scholastics would have argued about....while stoned.

Oh dear! Now I am thinking of Thomas Aquinas munching a twinkie while discussing this with Ockham.
Fornicators & adulterers will be judged

Adam & Xev. The Bible says that it is a 'sin' even to look upon a woman to lust after her, and they that do that have 'sined' already with her in their hearts!

God's laws are not to take the fun out of life, but unto cleanleness and self protection before marridge! GOD's law is for Holy matrimoniy! Lust of the flesh is unto destruction, mind and body, beware!

The soul that sineth shall shourly die! Jesus saves! He's the best doctor in the house!:)
Lust is a good thing. It's only bad when you act on it without invitation (unless of course you're taing care of it by yourself).

Jesus is the best doctor in the house? The sucker made chairs for a living. He couldn't fix a stubbed toe.