For Christians of sciforums: "Lessons" for Christians...


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Greetings all Christians of sciforums!

I'll be posting in this forum some of my interpretations of the Bible. Most of them came for me by an enlightment from the Holy Spirit. I meditate on the Word and I understand it with my Spirit. :) I'll be giving you an insight for all those who want to listen. ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Greetings all Christians of sciforums!

I'll be posting in this forum some of my interpretations of the Bible. Most of them came for me by an enlightment from the Holy Spirit. I meditate on the Word and I understand it with my Spirit. :) I'll be giving you an insight for all those who want to listen. ;)


:p Thank you so much. You are very kind. :cool: :D
Lesson1: The Lesson of kindness

Thank you so much. You are very kind.

The lesson of kindness... :D

Kindness is one of the principles of the Bible. God, for example, has lots of "lovingkindness".

Proverbs 16:24 :

"24 Kind words are like honey - enjoyable and healthful. "

Proverbs 11:17 :

"17 Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel. "

Proverbs 3:3 :

"3 Never tire of loyalty and kindness. Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within you heart. "

Proverbs 15:4,26 :

"4 Gentle words cause life and health; griping brings discouragement."

"26 Th Lord hates the thoughts of the wicked but delights in kind words."

Good one Markx! ;)
I have my own "proverb" too:

"An unkind Christian is not a true Christian."


Interesting. How do you reconcile with Luke 19:22-27?

For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

Or the smiting of the firstborn in Exodus? Or the advocation of mass murder in Hosea? Or Korah and his family? Or....well, you see my point.

I guess you need to interpretate those things. Those verses are not talking about a physical enemy, but the enemy we have inside us. Our ignorance, our sins and so on. Our bad thoughts and feelings, and actions, etc.

We are our worst enemy. If you don't trust in yourself, if you don't believe on you, who can save you? Anyone! Only you can defeat yourself. I guess this is the "enemy" the Bible sometimes talk about.

Allright, I will concede that 'enemy' could be spiritual....but the firstborn of Egypt were very physical. So were the Midianite virgins in Numbers and the babies in Hosea.

I could go on and on.
Most of them came for me by an enlightment from the Holy Spirit. I meditate on the Word and I understand it with my Spirit. I'll be giving you an insight for all those who want to listen.
Oh hell - another self proclaimed fanatic. You have to be joking right?


Oh hell - another self proclaimed fanatic. You have to be joking right?

A fanatic is never so quiet and racional as I am... ;)

A fanatic usually don't stop shouting: Praise the Lord!...
And is usually even worse than that...


Hello, Truth Seeker, I see you run into another fanatic, but of which side?:)
I am ok! Are you doning any better with your bride to be? I hope so.:)

I would keep the Faith in GOD and His Holy Word always, even if someone of the Faith tells one that he or she is not, but that is not the job of Christians to tear each other down, God for bid, but to raise them up in Faith to the Glory of GOD! To 'editfy' and to strenthen each other in the Faith!:) If that's someone now that is downing you, and says he is of the Faith, he is wrong to do so, but he should help you, lift you up in love, reproof yes, but in love! Keep strong in the Lord in the power of His might! JESUS loves you!

Cris doen't count, he is dead in his trespasses and sins! He need's JESUS! Well....we all do!:)
Sir Loone,

To 'editfy' and to strenthen each other in the Faith!

That's exactly what I want with her... :)

Cris doen't count, he is dead in his trespasses and sins! He need's JESUS! Well....we all do!

Everyone shall see and hear when Love touch their Hearts. :)

Talking about Love, I'll post a "lesson" about It soon...


Talking about Love, I'll post a "lesson" about It soon...
And what qualifies you to be such a teacher?

If you say that God spoke to you but you cannot prove it then that may well qualify you....for entrance to an insane asylum.

So tell me, why should anyone follow your teachings?


And what qualifies you to be such a teacher?

I have Christ's Love for a girl... Not for all human kind, but I finished by finding out that I have Christ's Love for a single girl. This means that the same thing Jesus did for the whole human kind I can do for her.

Besides that I'm full of Love. Some people even say that I'm pure Love. Love is not so common as most of people think. It's inside everyone, but almost anyone manifest it.

If you say that God spoke to you but you cannot prove it then that may well qualify you....for entrance to an insane asylum.
The things I say prove it all...

So tell me, why should anyone follow your teachings?

You don't need to if you want... use common sense to find out if my teachings are worth it, than use them if you think they are...

Sorry If I offend you, but I get the feeling tht love you are reffering to here is smth pervers and unnatural. It is unnatural for human beings to love everything, it weakens a person. I an understand in loving all world i.e. nature, space, universe, but to love all people:confused: . People are very different and a maniac can walk into your house and kill all your family, would you love him still? If you would, then you'd have some serious problems.
Love is natural and beautiful only if tht other side returns some love to you, love without getting a response* is a foolish "idol" worshipness.

*you can love nature for it's beauty and it returns to you possitive emotions, but do serial killers do?


Well... the Bible says to Love your enemies. That's unconditional Love Avatar. You Love your enemy because he has no idea what is he doing. It's not him that really kills: religiously speaking is the Devil. Pscycologically speaking are illusions and disillusions that make a person do that. Everyone has Love in the Heart. Everyone borns with Love. But when someone has a crappy life, unless this person is really strong (for example, me...) his or her Love will be hidden from him or herself by illusions, fear and despair. I had a pretty crappy life but still, I Love with all my Heart. When the True Love is awakened, it lasts forever. That's nothing in this world more powerful then Love.

A true Christian prays for his enemies, because a true Christian truly Love and because he or she knows that it's not their enemies fault, but just an illusion.

You Love your enemy because he has no idea what he is doing .
I really doubt it:bugeye:
It's not him that really kills: religiously speaking is the Devil. .
then why do we don' t sentence the devil to death in courts instead of those innocent wo/men:D
Everyone has Love in the Heart.
and if someone has love for killing:confused: ;) :p
I had a pretty crappy life but still, I Love with all my Heart.
You are alive, are' t you? then it' s not so bad:D but to be serious , if u love your life then it' s not so bad at all
A true Christian prays for his enemies, because a true Christian truly Love and because he or she knows that it's not their enemies fault, but just an illusion.
Nietzsche has said: If you want to revenge to your enemy, convince him he has done something good to you.(~translate frm Latvian)

Cheers and all the best!

...if u love your life then it' s not so bad at all

Who said I love my life? I "almost" hate it. The Love I was talking about is just Love, pure Love.


You appear to have an idealistic concept of what love means. What many of us here are saying is that we don't see that idealism play out in reality. And that isn't anything to do with evil in the world, but more that love is only a minor aspect of reality and real life.

Love is an important emotion, and it needs to be understood from that perspective. If you try to claim it has more power than that then you are deluded.

You talk of pure love, and this is obviously important to you and I assume you understand what you are saying.

So please describe what exactly you mean by PURE LOVE? Let us see if you do indeed understand what you are saying.

You have been throwing the term around here for some time now and insisting that we all do this, but you have yet to describe it.

Now is the time.

Kinky! 'Love' involving 'edification'!

It's not Love involving edification, but Love edifing life!

Osama Bin Ladin. Can you really love him? I would be content to not hate him intensly.

Sure I do. It can be strange even for Chritians (Real Love is really rare...) but it's true. This doesn't means that I agree with him, but means that I have a kind of pity about him. A person that can't see Love is lost in the life... so why should I hate him?


...but more that love is only a minor aspect of reality and real life.

You can be sure It's not minor...
