Finally a honest guy on death row

I don't really understand the death penalty. If they're going to have that kind of punishment, they should just shoot the convict dead in the court, innstead of wasting 20 years of food and water and schooling on someone who they know will be put to death anyway. You can't pretend that it's any less barbaric to kill someone by lethal injection than it is to shoot them. At least when you shoot someone you can recover the bullets afterward. I think a better pusnshment for the offenders who usually get the death penalty would be to have them work in chain gangs on farms or in mines. Or anywhere.
Oniw, I support the dp, but agree. There's no reason to hold them long unless they do an appeal of innocence or something. Otherwise, we should just execute them shortly after their trial.

Also the dp isn't barbaric anyway, so you're right, it's no less barbaric with lethal injection.
because evil and good a religious terms.

Secula ethisists use moral and imoral by which they mean it either helps in social cohesion or it oposes social cohesion

Lawyers use legal or illegal.
Norse, I don't think you even know what you actually believe in. You need to get out of your shell and live a bit for a while.
because evil and good a religious terms.

Secula ethisists use moral and imoral by which they mean it either helps in social cohesion or it oposes social cohesion

Lawyers use legal or illegal.
Good and evil and moral and immoral are the same thing.

Norse, I don't think you even know what you actually believe in. You need to get out of your shell and live a bit for a while.

I know exactly what I believe in, with me being me.
no norse they arnt, they are VERY different

You call homosexuality evil because "god says so" but for it to be imoral you would have to refer back to the principles of autonomy, non-malficence, beneficence and justice and try to make an argument based on EVIDENCE that homosexuality causes more DIRECT harm than percicuting it does.

The same rules aplie for incecest and pediophilia. In the case of incest the harm is to future offspring to justify it, in the case of pediophila its easy, the psycological harm is well documented, hence why its illegal