Fetuses have no rights and hence it is alright to kill them

Why do you have a moral right to stay alive, "Collection of Cells Orleander?"

You have a legal right, sure. But why do you have a moral right?
i dont put to much stock into the world being over populated Enmos, there are various ways not to get pregnant take some flippin precutions for christ sake! that way you wont have a problem with to many children,

Well, it doesn't seem to be working, does it ?
And you didn't answer my question ;)
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Perhaps. I may have been changing my post as you both replied.

If so, my apologies Norsefire.
I still don't think it was a good answer.
what if the womans health wasnt at risk? should she be allowed then to have a third trimester abortion, (which by the way, some babies are born early in the third trimester and have lived)

we have allready assertained that babies in the third trimester have rights, so then isnt a third trimester abortion murder?

Who has ascertained this? In NY you can have a third trimester abortion. Third trimester abortions are not that common, most women have an abortion within two to three months.
Some trees damned sure do have rights to live!! And in many, if not all, bigger cities with the trees planted along or in the sidewalk, it's a freakin' crime to kill one of 'em!!

That doesn't mean the trees have rights. That just means the city has laws concerning certain trees.
Thats a lot of careless women. Sometimes I think abortions are too easy.


reason % of abortions,
most important reason % of abortions,
all reasons
rape <0.5 (1)
incest (<0.5)
mother has health problems 4 (12)
possible fetal health problems 3 (13)
unready 25 (32)
is too immature or young to have child 7 (22)
woman's parents want her to have abortion <0.5 (6)
has problems with relationship or wants to avoid single parenthood 8 (48)
husband or partner wants her to have abortion <0.5 (14)
has all the children she wanted or all children are grown 19 (38)
can't afford baby now 23 (73)
--unmarried (42)
--student or planning to study (34)
--can't afford baby and child care (28)
--can't afford basic life needs (23)
--unemployed (22)
--can't leave job to care for baby (21)
--would have to find new place to live (19)
--not enough support from husband/partner (14)
--husband/partner unemployed (12)
--currently on welfare or public assistance (8)
concerned about how having baby would change her life (74)
--would interfere with education plans 4 (38)
--would interfere with career plans (38)
--would interfere with care of children or dependents (32)
doesn't want others to know she had relations or is pregnant <0.5 (25)
other 6
hasn't heard of contraception or the morning after pill? (insert number)

has sex without protection in this day and age (insert number)

prefers the convenience of abortion over the inconvenience of contraception? (insert number)
what if the womans health wasnt at risk?

What of it? I think that your age is not too late to consider abortion in certain cases.

Frankly is none of you business. Its her medical decision which she should make with her doctor and you can piss off.
hasn't heard of contraception or the morning after pill? (insert number)

THanks to religious nuts that information was surpressed for years and it can still be hard to get some places. Its really best to think ahead and have a few moring after pills set up at home for emergencies if it could be an issue.

has sex without protection in this day and age (insert number)

People do. What of it?

prefers the convenience of abortion over the inconvenience of contraception? (insert number)

Sure they do. Are you really that clueless?
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i totally agree with you, i think women see it has a precaution, and use them whenever they want,

I think you are a clueless idiot if you think that is the case.

I think the real answer is just to get you snipped. Then you can't get any one pregnant and they won't have an abortion.

Let's get proactive.
This might not be helpful because it blurs the issue, but I can't help feeling that calling a baby a "Fetus" is very much like the practise of calling people at a wedding party "Human Shields". Apropos numerous instances in Afghanistan.

If someone is in your way and you want to kill him/her, give them a dehumanizing name first.
Sometimes I think abortions are too easy.

It ant jus the mornin after pill that can abort a fertalized egge... regular birf-control pills can also abort a fertalize egge.!!!

Its hyppocritical to want the use of the mornin after pill made illeagal an not the birf-control pill also.!!!
In the thread on vegetarianism, Nasor makes a point:

Does this mean that if fetuses had rights, it would not be alright to kill them?

Do fetuses have rights? Do we acknowledge that they have rights when we investigate how to prevent them from harm?

that's a really good point that Nasor makes.

i have a question...

if a woman is pregnant, and someone say, kicks her in the stomach, or hurls her down a flight of stairs, or does something intentionally to terminate the pregnancy, what are they charged with?

ps...i didn't read this entire thread so i hope this hasn't been brought up already. :eek: