Fetuses have no rights and hence it is alright to kill them

Because the unborn fetus is the responsibility of the host, the mother, its a part of her body its not separate from her body at that point, not a separate life. Its the mother who confers the right to life. So if someone else causes harm to her fetus then it is murder, as attack on her as well as her child as she would have obviously wanted the baby which was her responsibility and to which she had conferred the right to live. If she doesn't want the fetus and aborts she as host has the right to remove the right to life.
That's right, or rather its the mother that gives the fetus the right. Think of it like this, you mentioned that in your house your children (as long as they are underage) have no right to privacy. You say you are allowed to take their doors off the hinges, search their rooms etc. Well whatever privacy you allow them is something you have given them as you established those under your roof. You say they do not have the right to medical privacy because you pay their bills and make their appointments, even if its their body, right? Well you do this because they are YOUR charge and this is true even if they can walk and talk and express themselves. A fetus is a growth in a woman's body and as long as its in her body its her charge, so just like you give your kids the rights you decide they should have so the mother does with her unborn.
That's right, or rather its the mother that gives the fetus the right. Think of it like this, you mentioned that in your house your children (as long as they are underage) have no right to privacy. You say you are allowed to take their doors off the hinges, search their rooms etc. Well whatever privacy you allow them is something you have given them as you established those under your roof. You say they do not have the right to medical privacy because you pay their bills and make their appointments, even if its their body, right? Well you do this because they are YOUR charge and this is true even if they can walk and talk and express themselves. A fetus is a growth in a woman's body and as long as its in her body its her charge, so just like you give your kids the rights you decide they should have so the mother does with her unborn.

well said Lucy. :bravo:

What if your underage daughter got pregnant? Then who makes the decisions?
SAM said:
Do fetuses have rights? Do we acknowledge that they have rights when we investigate how to prevent them from harm?
Fetuses - even embryos - have some rights. The further along they get, the more rights they acquire. At some point of becoming a human being they acquire the "right of life"- the right not to be killed or allowed to die without their own consent or in their own interest. That point is currently being debated.

Even domesticated food animals have certain rights, which their owners cannot abrogate without legal vulnerability.

We do not require that something have rights before we investigate how to protect it from harm, in general.
So the conclusion is that even if you have rights, its okay to harm/kill you under some circumstances.
What are rights but simple constructs of the human mind?

Rights can be granted or taken away for any reason. The more important matter is whether or not you have the might to enforce "rights".

Anyway, addressing the initial point, fetuses arguably lack the consciousness and self-awarenss of a fully developed human being.
If a pregnant woman decides to drink, smoke and take drugs during early gestation then the fetus has no right to healthy development. The woman and the fetus are one, the fetus has no rights save that which the woman safe guards for it.
Such a woman should be jailed until birth, the child taken from her, and forcibly sterilized once the child is born to prevent her from subjecting any other children to prenatal chemotherapy. Aborting a child is one thing, but intentionally exposing a fetus you intend to bring to term to teratogenic substances is Joseph Mengala territory.
Anyway, addressing the initial point, fetuses arguably lack the consciousness and self-awarenss of a fully developed human being.
So do babies. So do children. In what way is a nine month fetus appreciably different from a newborn? Does a 7 month premie have more rights that an 8 month old fetus?
As I don`t believe that humans have souls I rely on contemporary medical practice. And according to it in Russia a woman may have an abortion until her 12th week of pregnancy due to her will. Such a period was established according to the periods of fetuse development, and especially his central nervous system development. And in my opinion it`s a brain and nervous system that make up a human being and an individuality. So I won`t have this kind of moral problems if became pregnant and don`t wanna have a child.
On the other hand it`s some kind of lack of responsibility... For me it`s ok when a person uses contraceptives properly and becomes pregnant inspite of it and can`t or doesn`t want to have child and makes an abortion. And I hate it when both partners don`t use contraceptives thinking if she gets pregnant she`ll just have an abortion.
What if your underage daughter got pregnant? Then who makes the decisions?

The daughter, absolutely.


Fetuses - even embryos - have some rights. The further along they get, the more rights they acquire. At some point of becoming a human being they acquire the "right of life"- the right not to be killed or allowed to die without their own consent or in their own interest.

Yes but this is probably why women tend to get their abortions very early on, mostly within the firs 3 to 4 months, sometimes even longer. I know in NY there have been women who have had abortions six months along.
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Such a woman should be jailed until birth, the child taken from her, and forcibly sterilized once the child is born to prevent her from subjecting any other children to prenatal chemotherapy. Aborting a child is one thing, but intentionally exposing a fetus you intend to bring to term to teratogenic substances is Joseph Mengala territory.

But they are not. Similarly she can starve herself or do any number of things to her body while pregnant.
For me it`s ok when a person uses contraceptives properly and becomes pregnant inspite of it and can`t or doesn`t want to have child and makes an abortion. And I hate it when both partners don`t use contraceptives thinking if she gets pregnant she`ll just have an abortion.

I could accept that kind of view, accidental pregnancy, rape or incest, or danger to the mothers life

But it seems a steep price for a child to pay