Feel lust for woman is sinful ?

Originally posted by Lucysnow
Quote: "Sex is not the problem with lust it is the fantasy, the illusion, the lies, the deception, the distorted, perverted, the adulterated Reality of the Imagination that is the sin.

Are you sure that you have control over your own thoughts.
Anxiety as an example is caused by graven images of Reality, Illusion, the thought process, the imagination that the person has no control over."

So Wayne if there is no way to control ones imagination then what is the point of controlling ones sexy lusty thoughts?

I did not say that we have no control over our imagination.

I said anxiety is an example of someone that has lost control of his or her Imagination.

We may or may not have control over the imagination.

Compulsive behavior, many times a person acts without thought in one particular situation because they have preconditioned themselves to act.

You still haven't explained what is the lie, deception, distortion and perversion.

What are the negative potentials of nursing a desire?

There is nothing negative about an individual nursing a desire
as long as the person remains in control and the desire does not end up nursing the individual.
How do you sublimate these uncontrollable anxiety-ridden, perverted, distorted lust-filled fantasies? I am assuming you have suffered from lust since you seem convinced it is inherently sinful and prescription for disaster.
Of course I have experienced lust, been Tempted by the Evil of my own my Imagination.

I do believe that it possible to be caught up in our imaginings causing our World of Reality to become a World of Illusion.

It is not difficult to turn inward to escape Reality.

The Imagination is both Good and Evil.

Another names for the Imagination is Pandora's Box and the Tree of Knowledge.
Those comfortable with their lustful imagination see no reason to 'control' those thoughts.
of course they don't.

How do you sublimate these uncontrollable anxiety-ridden, perverted, distorted lust-filled fantasies?

I simply say to myself, to my imagination, get thee behind me tempt not thy lord thy God.

I just Stop, end the thought.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Sure, you can redefine words to make them into things that support whatever type of ridiculous statement that you'd like - but it doesn't serve much purpose besides alienation of the other humans who halfass stick to the vernacular usage of words.

Yes, but it's a word that generally means "deity" or "the abrahamic deity", etc. You're attempting to play a silly game of semantics. Please feel free, but don't be surprised if you're ridiculed. Do you see my point?

I am not redefining words.

I am not the one that is playing silly games with semantics.

Religion has a problem with semantics, God is No Name.

Those that Babel-on about a named God speaks of a Graven Image of Reality.

God has no Name, God is Nameless, God is not a Name.

God if defined to be a person, place or thing is a False God, a Graven Image.

A deity, a divine character or nature, a Supreme be-ing that exists as a Reality does not mean that by definition this deity is a material, Physical Reality.

I an atheist relative to a named God.
I am not an atheist relative to the Reality of First Cause.
I am not an atheist relative to a nameless God.
I am an atheist relative to a Graven Image, a False God.

Anyone that speaks in the Name of God is a False Prophet.

That is the problem with semantics it is just so much Babel.

The Reality of First Cause can not be spoken of as though it existed as a material reality, to speak of is to Name, to define, to limit.

The Deity, God, the divine, the Spiritual, the Nameless Reality that Moses spoke to is not the Graven Image that is worshiped today by the World Religions.

Supreme BE-ing is not a material Reality, it is the divine nature of the Reality of First Cause.

Semantics is important in understanding the Reality of God.
Wayne I think you approach the body and the mind as an enemy, whereas I believe It should be embraced and integrated. To sublimate a thought is to channel it through a more useful medium of expression. Dante became obsessed with Beatrice and wrote the Divine Comedy (all that for a woman he met three times). Instead you write "I simply say to myself, to my imagination, get thee behind me tempt not thy lord thy God. I just Stop, end the thought." Can you not see how schizoid and neurotic an approach that is?

You treat these thoughts as if they are not a part of you and did not belong to you alone. You must not trust yourself very much.
Wayne, at the risk of an athiest misquoting the book you apparently hold so dear; did not your god create ALL life and matter? Therefore, and as he is also allegedly so omnipotent, he created man and woman to be attracted to each other. And, as a direct consequence, procreate accordingly. Now, in order to procreate there must be initial contact and attraction. This is done by the means of (hope this is right) pheromones, which chemically interact to form "attraction". Therefore, as this is a god made bodily function, what can possibly be the matter? In all people, these chemicals abound in different amounts - thereby increasing or decreasing sexuality. Some have such a high count that it can kick them off into becoming rapists etc. But to say that the enjoyment of looking at a woman is sinful (or vice versa), is bigotted and "human"...........
Rape has absolutely nothing to do with ones sexual drive. Rapists do not rape because they are filled with lust and high levels of testosterone.

MYTHS -- This section is excerpted from Rape in America, by Rob Hall .

"Sexual assault has nothing to do with sex.
Rape is a form of sexual assault and is an act of aggression. It is a crime of violence that uses sexuality as a weapon against the will of the victim. Sexual assault is a sexual act done to the victim. Rape is a sexual behavior done primarily to satisfy nonsexual desires.

*Myth* The rapist is most frequently a "sex starved" pervert.

The majority of convicted rapists did not rape out of sexual frustration, but for the emotional gratification they received from the act of sexual violence.

* Myth* A rapist is a man who cannot control his sexual desires.

Rape is most often a premeditated crime. It is an act of aggression and sexual violence, not an expression of sexual desire."
Ahh Red Devil this is all boring...what do you say we go hang out in Porn star for California governor in Free thoughts?:D
Originally posted by Saint
This is what Jesus told me in bible, you're adulterer if you have lust in mind when seeing a woman.

Sheep are acceptable, though, right?

Originally posted by Greco
Sex is dirty only if it's done right.

Unless you do it in a bath-tub filled with soapy water.
Lucy: if its with you, anytime babe!!

Jenyar and 200x rape has absolutely not one thing to do with lustful sexual desire. Rape is about violence, humiliation and power.

If I sounded like I equated rape with sex drive I mis-worded myself. I have always agreed with the notion of rape=power over another, however scientists are recently arguing that the psychology of rape may have evolved within the human species as a method to force reproduction in unwilling populations. They did so by observing several cases of chimps raping other chimps (in which a fight to the death may occur afterwards.)

Any comments on the origin of rape?
and2000x, Lucysnow:
I believe the results were summarized in a book called "The Natural History of Rape".

If I sounded like I equated rape with sex drive I mis-worded myself. I have always agreed with the notion of rape=power over another, however scientists are recently arguing that the psychology of rape may have evolved within the human species as a method to force reproduction in unwilling populations.

This does avoid the issue of the interaction between libido itself and power. It may be a non-issue: as and2000x points out, the psychology of rape could have evolved as a means of forcing reproduction upon the unwilling. This does not invalidate the idea that the psychology of rape is strongly based upon the excersize of control over another.
This does not invalidate the idea that the psychology of rape is strongly based upon the excersize of control over another.

True, for power is usually the only motive for rape in modern times. When the Russians overtook Berlin at the closing of WWII, they raped nearly 2 million* women (and men and boys), including their own Russian women who were freed from the death camps. There was no purpose behind this but to humiliate and degrade, with no physical attraction necessarily involved. So there is no doubt it is a method to attain power over another, especially in prision, where men rape other men for the purpose of terrorizing them and affirming power.

That does sound like an interesting book (imagine the expression on someone's face is they saw me reading that :eek: )

I ponder if Rape is a subliminally triggered by reproductive urges or if it is only a method of torture. Does the book talk about this?

* My figures may be wrong, it could have been 200,000 or 12 million, I don't recall.
True, for power is usually the only motive for rape in modern times.

Or in any other time. Were the Sabine women a myth?
Of course explaining rape in terms of uncontrolled lust is simplistic. But to delve into the psychology of rape would expose psychological linkage of sex, power and death. It is much more comforting, and much less subversive, to blame overactive libido.

When the Russians overtook Berlin at the closing of WWII, they raped nearly 2 million* women (and men and boys), including their own Russian women who were freed from the death camps. There was no purpose behind this but to humiliate and degrade, with no physical attraction necessarily involved.

As to the statistics, I suspect it's an unknown. It's not something the Allies would have been thrilled about publicizing, yes?

I ponder if Rape is a subliminally triggered by reproductive urges or if it is only a method of torture. Does the book talk about this?

It's been quite some time since I read it, but I do not think so.
Quote from Red Army article: "He appears to echo the American feminist Marilyn French's notorious claim that "in their relations with women, all men are rapists, and that's all they are".

It is statements like above that keep me from calling myself a feminist. Everyone is potentially anything under the right stresses, but to claim men are rapists and that's all they are is absurd.

Well come on Okinrus, you have yet to link lust with power. Give us your pearls...or turds.
Originally posted by and2000x
When the Russians overtook Berlin at the closing of WWII, they raped nearly 2 million* women (and men and boys), including their own Russian women who were freed from the death camps.
Those russian soldiers were mainly simple peasants and they were not that pervert to do such crimes of that scale. your reference might not be a right one.
dont underestimate the power the war has on the human mind. Simple peasants has always done horrible things in wartimes. Just look at what happened in jugoslavia
You're an idiot who knows nothing about WW2. The 'Rape of Berlin' is well documented.
Everneo: you apparently know very little about the Soviet advance into Berlin. One of my little hobbies on my domain is WW2 research. Plus I have served 17 years in the British Army, many of these in Germany, albeit not Berlin.

What the Russian soldiers did to the women folk (of all ages) in Berlin was sheer brutal wanton savagery. It was revenge on a massive scale and their leaders condoned it all. Women were killing themselves, if still alive at all, after what had been done to them. We are not talking about individual acts here but MASS rape of individuals who were left shredded on the rubble only to find another soldier following on behind and taking his own "revenge" on individuals. Many women fought like tigers only to be pinned down by soldiers whilst others exaxted their brutality and they were not gentle and they did not confine their activities to what is the normal if you see what I mean.

Many women chocked to death, others bled to death. Do I need to make it any more bloodily graphic????