Feel lust for woman is sinful ?

Sex drive has nothing to do with lust.

Yes it does. In the mechanistic view of the universe, those creatures who lacked a high sex drive died off, making room for those creatures that were capable of cosntant reproduction. I thought this was simple philosophy here.

The pleasure and lust towards sex is a result of an extremely high sex drive. By that criteria, humans are extremely successful reproduction wise.
Originally posted by and2000x
Yes it does. In the mechanistic view of the universe, those creatures who lacked a high sex drive died off, making room for those creatures that were capable of cosntant reproduction. I thought this was simple philosophy here.

The pleasure and lust towards sex is a result of an extremely high sex drive. By that criteria, humans are extremely successful reproduction wise.
They also very succeful in rape.

You see, the "mechanistic view of the universe" doesn't exactly take morality into account, which is the reason lust can be problematic.
I agree with Roban here. A remember a particular catholic priest who encouraged his church members to go to strip clubs and masturbate. His reasoning was this: "All of these priests are complaining about how porn and sex and all this trash is corrupting our minds and destroying our families... yet the only people that are having problems are the little children who are getting raped by their priests, the same people who are telling us how evil it is! The church better get it's priorities straight. They would rather point their finger at another thing than deal with their own corruption."
They (are) also very succeful in rape.

Of course, that's why I stated that lust is counterproductive to a fluid society if a man doesn't have enough willpower to contain himself. Rapists are idiots and should be killed simply because it shows how incompetant at social conduct they are. Open the gas chambers.
>The pleasure and lust towards sex is a result of an extremely high sex drive. By that criteria, humans are extremely successful reproduction wise.

Erh well...

Humans can get a maximum of 1 baby per year in fertile age in theory. The amount of energy it takes to breed a baby is a lot.

Most people, even in the developement-countries have less than 15 children and now we talk about the whole lifespan.

The baby is completely helpless in several years. The human is not fertile until age of 12 - 15.

Most (other) animals breed 2 - 100 babies each year and the offspring can be fertile in just some month.

Yet we dominate this world completely.

>Open the gas chambers

Yeah yeah kill everyone.. thats a very simple solution to every problem. Why not commit a mass suicide and spare the planet from the worse plaige ever - humans.

As the machines stated in "the matrix". You are a virus.
I guess the question should be:

When does a normal attraction and adoration of an object turns into lust, is it the point when the person gotta have it to survive, because by this standard, the christians are lusting for Jesus.
Originally posted by and2000x
Yes it does. In the mechanistic view of the universe, those creatures who lacked a high sex drive died off, making room for those creatures that were capable of cosntant reproduction. I thought this was simple philosophy here.

The pleasure and lust towards sex is a result of an extremely high sex drive. By that criteria, humans are extremely successful reproduction wise.

You have it backwards, an extremely high sex drive in man is the
result of lust. Man would not survive without the help of his Imagination.

No doubt man can lust after a women sexually however Lust, an
overmastering desire, to have a yearning or desire; to have a
strong or excessive craving for, is a natural instinct that has been
distorted by the Imagination.

Syn. crave, hunger, covet, yearn.

Sexiness, to lust for is in the mind of the beholder.

Man is not a mere animal.
Mere Animals are born completely, fulfilled, developed, absolute in their being, nothing more or nothing less.

Man is born flawed, not completely, fulfilled, developed, not absolute, man is born less than but becomes more than a mere animal.

The Reality of Man's BE-ing is Boundless.

Man is not bound to the Chaos of the material world of Reality, the chaos of cause and effect, the law of the jungle, to kill or be killed, Evolution with its survival of the fittest.

Man as a material, physical, reality, is an incomplete BE-ing.

Man survives not because of his masculinity, sex drive, but because of his femininity.

The only Problem is Masculinity and Femininity are Misnomers.

>Mere Animals are born completely, fulfilled, developed, absolute in their being, nothing more or nothing less.

Do you by this statement mean that animals do not as they live their lifes: grow stronger, learn to know and love individuals, gain experience and learn... ?
Yeah yeah kill everyone.. thats a very simple solution to every problem. Why not commit a mass suicide and spare the planet from the worse plaige ever - humans.

I never said that. I mean kill all idiots, let the strong and ingenius rule. I like the agents from Matrix, because they symbolize power, sophistication and intellect. They don't moralize the problem, they just remove it.

No doubt man can lust after a women sexually however Lust, an
overmastering desire, to have a yearning or desire; to have a
strong or excessive craving for, is a natural instinct that has been
distorted by the Imagination.

So now you admit that lust exists, however you no say that 'imagination' has distorted it. What religion are YOU wayne, because I am at a loss for your anti-naturalist philosophy.

Mere Animals are born completely, fulfilled, developed, absolute in their being, nothing more or nothing less.

No jew bag, they are not. Life is ripe with suffering, absurdity and purposeless cruelty. If animals are so complete, then explain why animals go extinct. I think a good reading of Schopenhauer might fix your brain.

, the christians are lusting for Jesus.

No shit, a religion of homosexual idol worshippers. It is an abomination to all things natural, growing, and beautiful. I will stand here and defend all human minds against this type of garbage. Christians place man above nature, they endorse the wholesale destruction of animalia in the hope that there is another unseen world beyond this one.

I usually use reason over emotion, but Wayne's ravings are beyond nonsense.
>I mean kill all idiots, let the strong and ingenius rule.

Ah.. well well well.. what have we here...

And what makes you think that you would survive that process? Your strong and ingenius intelect?
Because I'm the one who said it. If I don't it would not matter because I'd be dead.
Jenyar and 200x rape has absolutely not one thing to do with lustful sexual desire. Rape is about violence, humiliation and power.
Originally posted by and2000x

So now you admit that lust exists, however you no say that 'imagination' has distorted it.

What religion are YOU wayne, because I am at a loss for your anti-naturalist philosophy.
I usually use reason over emotion, but Wayne's ravings are beyond nonsense.

I never said lust did not exist.
I never said lust was distort by the imagination.
What in the world did I say that makes me an anti-naturalist,
example please.

No wonder my ravings are nonsense to you.

"What religion are YOU wayne"

I am an atheist that believes in God.
Originally posted by wesmorris
hehe, ironic that you would put that right before this:


An ATHEIST is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.

Could I believe that God is not a deity or divine being?

That God is a Word, but not a Name.
Originally posted by wayne_92587
Could I believe that God is not a deity or divine being?

Sure, you can redefine words to make them into things that support whatever type of ridiculous statement that you'd like - but it doesn't serve much purpose besides alienation of the other humans who halfass stick to the vernacular usage of words.

Originally posted by wayne_92587
That God is a Word, but not a Name.

Yes, but it's a word that generally means "deity" or "the abrahamic deity", etc. You're attempting to play a silly game of semantics. Please feel free, but don't be surprised if you're ridiculed. Do you see my point?
Quote: "Sex is not the problem with lust it is the fantasy, the illusion, the lies, the deception, the distorted, perverted, the adulterated Reality of the Imagination that is the sin.
Are you sure that you have control over your own thoughts.
Anxiety as an example is caused by graven images of Reality, Illusion, the thought process, the imagination that the person has no control over."

So Wayne if there is no way to control ones imagination then what is the point of controlling ones sexy lusty thoughts?

You still haven't explained what is the lie, deception, distortion and perversion.

What are the negative potentials of nursing a desire?

How do you sublimate these uncontrollable anxiety-ridden, perverted, distorted lust-filled fantasies? I am assuming you have suffered from lust since you seem convinced it is inherently sinful and prescription for disaster. Those comfortable with their lustful imagination see no reason to 'control' those thoughts.
Originally posted by wayne_92587
You have it backwards, an extremely high sex drive in man is the result of lust.

I'm sorry, but how would you back that up there wayne? I would theorize that "an extremely high sex drive" is generally biochemically based. If you have too much testosterone in combination with whatever else comprises your sex drive, you have a high sex drive. That makes you a lustfull fuckard who can't ever think of anything but sex.
You gotta be joking - thread topic!!! If we were not "meant" to do these things why did your "god" put hormones inside us????