Feel lust for woman is sinful ?

For those who "accept it" I suggest lashing ones penis with catoninetails, banging it between doors or sticking needles in the tiny pee hole. That will teach it!

They might get off on that.

If you read the title of this thread using a meditaranean accent its sounds so funny.

This whole thread is fucking hilarious.
To Wayne 98527:

I don't quite understand your reasoning. Why does lust or desire have to be compulsive? How does 'thinking' sexually about a woman become an act of sin?

You wrote:
Fantasy, Illusion, Lies, Delusion, guile, duplicity, does not dominate my Reality.

There is a difference between entertaining an erotic thought and lying, living in delusion, guile and duplicity.

You wrote: What is the one common factor of serial killers?
Whatever the cause, at an early age they have turned inward to the Reality of Illusion, Fantasy, the Imagination.

So do most writers, actors and film makers.

Imagination can be very healthy, it is the seed of creativity and innovation...and exquisite erotic literature too.

The old religion described in Ugarit was the one the jews so hard tried to repress, all described quite thorughly in OT.

The old religion celebrated fertility and happieness. There are descriptions of priests and other people in lustfull sexorgies with a lot of wine and partying (talk about popular events hehe)

When the boring and evil priests of the jawhe-cult tried to repress this religion (probably to gain policital power over the region) they had to do the opposite to this religion. Instead of many gods, they merged them all in into one single god (but failed a bit) AND they had to call sex, wine and women sinful.
Lust is a natural process and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I don't beleive in any god, but I think the Judeo-Christians have a good idea. Animal lust removes idealism, it puts people back on animal level. I've seen enough sex-crazed stoners to realize the idiocy of this primitivism.
Well maybe the OT should pass on some help to the NT and remind priests not to lust after little boys in their sanctified state of celibacy.

Quote: "I think the Judeo-Christians have a good idea. Animal lust removes idealism, it puts people back on animal level."

Idealism: Behaviour or thought based on a conception of things as one thinks they Should be.

Ideal: Existing as an idea or model.
2.Thought of as perfect.
3. Existing only in the mind; Imaginary!
Originally posted by and2000x
Lust is a natural process and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I don't beleive in any god, but I think the Judeo-Christians have a good idea. Animal lust removes idealism, it puts people back on animal level.
You can not give your own definition to a word and make any sense even to yourself, that is called being irrational.

I've seen enough sex-crazed stoners to realize the idiocy of this primitivism.


Lust is not natural, animals do not lust, only man is lustful


1. intense sexual desire or appetite.
2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite;
3. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually
followed by for.

To lust for, sex is not lust. Take notice of overmastering desire
which means compulsive desire, lust meaning a sexual appetite that is out of Control.

" I've seen enough sex-crazed stoners to realize the idiocy of this primitivism. [/B][/QUOTE]

Again, animals do not lust.

Anyone that listens to a Space Cadet is as spacey as they are.
>Lust is not natural, animals do not lust, only man is lustful

HAHA! I take it you have not worked with say.. horses or dogs. :)
Yeah really, what the hell do you mean they don't lust? I think it depends on the animal. Most marine life, as well as reptiles do not lust (that they show) However, mammals are extremely lustful (due to the evolution of their sex drive). Dogs, Lions, Chimps (Chimps are extremely horny!) are all lustful creatures! Haven't you ever had a dog try to hump your leg?
Idealism: Behaviour or thought based on a conception of things as one thinks they Should be.

I'm using it in a general sense, as in sacrificing distraction for a higher goal, such as building a cool building, or making a work of art, or crafting an ideal society.
Originally posted by and2000x
Yeah really, what the hell do you mean they don't lust? I think it depends on the animal. Most marine life, as well as reptiles do not lust (that they show) However, mammals are extremely lustful (due to the evolution of their sex drive). Dogs, Lions, Chimps (Chimps are extremely horny!) are all lustful creatures! Haven't you ever had a dog try to hump your leg?

Sorry but lust by nature is not animalistic, sex is not lust.
Sexual animals are not lustful.

Sex drive has nothing to do with lust.

The lust For Sex is a temporal problem not a physical problem.
Horny is not lustful, if it is natural to the beast.

Lust, unnatural Horniness created by the imagination, a lust for.

The bible also says if you sin with a part of your body to remove it , for it is far worse to lose your soul, than to lose your body, So youd better go get a labotomy mr :mad:

then again.. I suppose that means a good deal of us would have to lose something else a little more personal :eek:
on a more serious note, to has sex with someone without marriage is a sin, which i suppose would be considered a form of lust, But then again if you had sex with every lady you lusted over or for there would probably be a string of fatherless children throughout the world, which is why we marry people i would say
This is what Jesus told me in bible, you're adulterer if you have lust in mind when seeing a woman.

Do you accept it?
No do I fuck. :D

I would say lust is something that should be kept private, or minimal at least (it is a social taboo for a good reason). Basically people shouldn't send out the message that lust is okay, especially when the reasons why it isn't okay, are known. Sending out this message will only encourage others into a 'sinful' way of living.
Jesus is speaking to married Pharisees otherwise he would have said fornication. If the inner desire of the heart is to seek pleasure than Jesus cannot be there. The problem that the Pharisees got into was that they did not let the Law enter their hearts but obeyed it externally while disobeying it internally. However for an unmarried man/woman to be attracted to each other is not lust . The problem is that men can become addicted to pornography, sex, etc. and in this way, the addiction can be more deadly than adultry.
Do you people, especially deep religious people think we are so different from animals? So we have so many properties that cant be applied on "animals".

Things Ive heard:
Animals don't have a soul
Animals can't feel pain
Animals can't think in logical chains
Animals can't use tools
Animals can't feel lust
Animals can't long for a friend

Why? Because we can't apply human feelings to an animal they say. I say this is complete bullshit!

I have worked as a pro trainer with horses for several years. I have long experience from both cats, dogs, sheaps...

I have ALSO quite long experience from group-logic in human behaivor, pedagogics for human AND animals, psycology behind animals etc..

I say: We are not that special. Im sorry you all who believe God created us so special and to use and abuse nature.
You go Robban! I know we are more animal than we would like to admit. It is an arrogance on our part to believe we are above and apart from our animal nature.

To all those out there who are worried about mans addiction to porn, sex, lust whatever:

Exactly where is this problem manifest and towards whom? I personally worry more about all those boring puritanical sorts who spend time suppressing any manifestation of lustful desire and then professing that as a reason to marry. *Shudders* Scary!
Sex is not the problem with lust it is the fantasy, the illusion,
the lies, the deception, the distorted, perverted, the adulterated Reality of the Imagination that is the sin.

Are you sure that you have control over your own thoughts.

Anxiety as an example is caused by graven images of Reality, Illusion, the thought process, the imagination that the person has no control over.
whoa! hold!

Maybe I am slow or stupid but I still can't find the problem related to sex in either form if its fysical, illution, fantasy or whatever.

Sexrelated problems is usually other problems. Lets say rape, aids, kiddieporn, trafficing etc... cant blame this on sex.

There can be a problem tho when you try to repress the sexual needs in a person. When a man forces himself to live in celebacy i think sertain psykological effects can occur on some individuals.
Hatred to women, the need to repress women..