
That's a supposition.

Um, because you don't actually know god.

Long after we are all gone things will be so bad that it is impossible for faith or hope to exist on a grand scale, you can test my theory then. I do, I talk to Him whenever I want.
Ok. Do you have faith in God?
What does that have to do with you proving god didn't tell me?
Does god's existence depend on me having faith in him?

Sooner or later you will admit that you don't believe it and most people will accept this admission.
Er, and this has what to do with the question?

How do you know it was God who told you?
Ah, there's the question.
How does Knowledge91 know it was god talking to him?
Maybe I asked for ID...
What does that have to do with you proving god didn't tell me?
Does god's existence depend on me having faith in him?

Er, and this has what to do with the question?

Ah, there's the question.
How does Knowledge91 know it was god talking to him?
Maybe I asked for ID...

No, but communicating with him means you have a great deal of faith. If you are talking to God, and you have no faith he is either damning you, or he is now a proven liar. I asked "the angels" to talk to God one day, and they said o.k. So I asked, and he told. I asked if she was my wife and he said yes over and over. And I bothered him with why this, and why that and he answered, and he stood by saying she is my wife. So if she does not turn out to be my wife then the voice in my head is not omniscent, or is a liar, either way no God of mine.
Er, and this has what to do with the question?
I think it will be accepted as a solid enough proof once you make that admission. I think I have enough intuitive sense of your character to know that you will eventually, when directly questioned, admit that you do not believe you heard from God. Once we have that information, we will have what will be generally accepted as a proof that you did not hear from God. Prior posts - and likely future ones -from an atheist position can be brought to support that what you were doing was not expressing a belief about your own experiences there. These coupled with the admission will be acceptable proof - or really evidence, since this is not math - for most people, yourself included.

And I am correct when I say you do not believe that God told you, am I not?

(note: how I know is not an issue, but I do know)
Knowledge asked God to display his omniscence by asking weather she was going to be my wife, and the aswer was a deminate yes. If she is my wife, then the voice in my head gains instant credibility as omniscent.
I think it will be accepted as a solid enough proof once you make that admission. I think I have enough intuitive sense of your character to know that you will eventually, when directly questioned, admit that you do not believe you heard from God. Once we have that information, we will have what will be generally accepted as a proof that you did not hear from God. Prior posts - and likely future ones -from an atheist position can be brought to support that what you were doing was not expressing a belief about your own experiences there. These coupled with the admission will be acceptable proof - or really evidence, since this is not math - for most people, yourself included.

And I am correct when I say you do not believe that God told you, am I not?

(note: how I know is not an issue, but I do know)

Awww, the class, the style, the accuracy!

You are conflating several definitions of the word that should not be lumped together in an attempt to take the absolutism out of religious faith.

Can you show me these ''conflations''?

Faith is absolute belief in the absence of evidence.
A good definition of faith is: ''Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen''.

Not all faith consists of absolute belief, it depends on the individual.
I'd go as far as to say, we can't choose to have faith, and any attempt to
will be revealed as fake when tested.

That's not at all the same as having faith that the sun will come up tomorrow based on the fact that it always has.

It's precisely the same.
Absolute faith equals having knowledge, or concrete evidence.

No, but communicating with him means you have a great deal of faith.
Um, I haven't made a claim to be communicating with him. Simply that he communicated with me.
Isn't it strange how you expect (require) us to believe that he tells you things but you immediately dismiss a similar claim from me.

I think it will be accepted as a solid enough proof once you make that admission. I think I have enough intuitive sense of your character to know that you will eventually, when directly questioned, admit that you do not believe you heard from God. Once we have that information, we will have what will be generally accepted as a proof that you did not hear from God. Prior posts - and likely future ones -from an atheist position can be brought to support that what you were doing was not expressing a belief about your own experiences there. These coupled with the admission will be acceptable proof - or really evidence, since this is not math - for most people, yourself included.

And I am correct when I say you do not believe that God told you, am I not?

(note: how I know is not an issue, but I do know)
Hmm, so you'll accept me saying "god didn't speak to me" as "proof" that he didn't, but won't, for some reason, accept "god did speak to me" as "proof"?
Do you believe that god spoke to Knowledge91?

Turn that question into a statement, then demonstrate that it must be the case.
Knowledge91 is the one that claims god speaks to him, not me.